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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Mon May 10 00:51:38 2021, Kanika, Alex, RuiJiu, General, No beam in SIS 
The beam was lost in SIS about 5 mins ago due to the failure of HF cavities. Operators are trying to solve the problem.
Entry  Mon May 10 00:41:20 2021, Chris C, Accelerator, no beam 
Beam gone ~0:34.
Working on getting it back.
Back in business ~0:57.
Entry  Mon May 10 00:08:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm  
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Mon May 10 00:00:49 2021, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Change reference level to -70dBm 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Sun May 9 23:59:26 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Start a new run. 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
reference level = -50dBm.
Entry  Sun May 9 23:32:24 2021, Helmut, Accelerator, parammodi saves 8x
Here are parammodi saves for TE-line and ESR for all four fragment settings:
For the first run of 72Ge (7.May) I do not have files.

2021-05-09_11-22-51_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 52Mn
2021-05-09_11-23-12_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 52Mn
2021-05-09_15-46-52_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 52Mn-2
2021-05-09_15-47-16_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 52Mn-2
2021-05-09_19-43-28_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 70Se
2021-05-09_19-43-45_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 70Se
2021-05-09_22-23-23_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt:# Context: ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1 E143 72Ge
2021-05-09_22-23-37_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt:# Context: SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1 E143 72Ge
Entry  Sun May 9 23:28:25 2021, Kanika, Alex, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Runs, return with the Ge setting of the last night 
starting filenames:


Entry  Sun May 9 23:24:49 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, scraper optmisation for 72Ge 
We tried the scrapers a bit, because right of peak some background appeared.

The GE01DS_HI shows a strange effect,
normal -65mm gives good resolution, -30mm kills the beam, but even more in at -15 there is beam again.
We suppose the scraper is not massive but has an empty space behind it.
GE01DS_HA has no effect even at +0V.
Therefore, put I to -100mm and also use GE01DS3HG (from outside),set to -55mm.
Then also the straight section EEXDS2HA from + 8mm to +10mm (a bit more closed).
Entry  Sun May 9 22:31:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, change to 72Ge 
we change back to 72Ge
just change SIS-energy       E = 441.0 MeV/u
beamline energy after target E = 392.9 MeV/u
set ESR to A=72, Z=32 (72Ge)
--> good injection and resolution in ESR, at old frequencies
Entry  Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, target TE3UF shift 
We see a very strong line at the left end of spectrum, stronger than all other lines.
When we shift the target TE3UF_H from -35mm to -37mm it gete weaker, but -37mm is the end of drive.
In the other direction it becomes worse. At -25mm completely new peaks.
Also scan in Y direction TE3UF_V +25mm and +40mm give other fragments even very intense, while the old lines vanish.
So production happens in target frame. 
Use -37mm, +37mm as best target position.

We run with TCap only for some time hoping there is somewhere a peak of 70Se
running from about 9:15 to about 22:00
We set scrapers in the previous optimum position
Entry  Sun May 9 20:39:17 2021, Shahab, Runs, Subtracting the background spectrum_subtraction.png
still in the search of 70-Se
Entry  Sun May 9 20:34:47 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Comparison of frequency spectrum between 72Ge and other isotope 6x
This some preliminary analysis results by using  NTCAP data.   The IQ rate of NTCAP is 20 MSamples/seconds. I analyzed data files recorded from May 7 
17:39 to May 8 2:20.  The frequency of 72Ge is bended by 4kHz at the beginning of some injections.  In order to check whether this frequency bending is 
due to isomer or unstable magnetic field. I compare the 72Ge with other isotopes. The similar bending was observed for other isotope in each 
corresponding injections. It seems that bend is due to unstable magnetic field.  
Entry  Sun May 9 19:03:02 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, quadrupoles were down, fixed. 
Entry  Sun May 9 18:50:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, changed to 70Se 
18:45  changed SIS, ESR setting for 70Se without predrilling blind change.
E-SIS =  446.55 MeV/u, is centerd as before on TE3UF target grid.
set beamline after taret as 78Kr 36+ E = 337.375 MeV/u
set ESR to A = 70, Z=34 at isochronous E/m + 0.8 MeV/u = 369.2 MeV/u
kicker delay unchanged

4 quadrupoles failed during the change, skip cycle and reset, they work again, (GE01QS0D, GE01QS1F, GE01QS2F, GE01QS4F)

Now many lines in Schottky.

also 2 corrector coils were off, on again, now good resolution.
Entry  Sun May 9 18:41:33 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Helmut, Yuri, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking for energy change 
last recorded filename:


410 was not recording data in this period.
Entry  Sun May 9 16:19:06 2021, Rodostina, Oliver, Wolfram, Shahab, Runs, Setting to 52Mn ???? 
first filename in this recording:

Entry  Sun May 9 14:19:44 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, Spectrum 
We accept larger m/q values than we like to. m/q(low) cut ~ 2.08. Decrease ESR energy from 369.2 -> 368.4 MeV/u
frequencies shifted by -37.5 kHz (at 60 MHz)
Entry  Sun May 9 13:53:07 2021, Yuri, Wolfram, Andrew, Liliana, Calibration, Change of energy: Back as before Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-59-36.png
After looking at the spectrum it was concluded that the same isotopes, and no more, could be identified. 
Now we change the energy back to 441.7 MeV/u and will open the scrappers to see if Mn comes in. 

The picture shows the effect of going back to the previous energy and then the effect of opening the scrappers
Entry  Sun May 9 13:15:38 2021, Liliana Andrew, Runs, Stopped data taking during modifications for the beam energy Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-25-26.png
Beam energy to be increase to move Mn into the ring. 
First step we set the energy to 445 MeV. 
The effect of the change can be seen on the plot: Right is how it was before and left after the change. 
Entry  Sun May 9 12:53:01 2021, Desislava Kalaydjieva, Taka Yamaguchi, Analysis, Analysis, Morning shift, 9 May 9x
For the whole morning shift there were no significant changes in the spectra.

Some of the obtained histograms are attached below. 
The python code was used and the histogram was plotted in ROOT with log y scale. 
The time, the used code options and the data type are marked in the filenames or in the description below. 

Attachment 1-4: 245MHz, options used " -s 5.1 -t 0.5 ", time marked in the filename (time as in the title of the files on the server (-1h of the real time)).

Attachment 5: 410MHz, with the same options for the python code, real time names. It is different from 245MHz histogram.
Attachment 6: Comparison between 245MHz histogram and 410MHz histogram for real time 10:00 - 11:00.
Note: This difference is observed in the histograms from the early morning hours too (checked up to 4 o'clock).

Attachment 7: 245MHz data, with options "-s 5.0 (Red) / -s 5.05 (Green) / -5.1 (Blue) -t 0.5" (real time 08:00 - 09:00)
Attachment 8: 245MHz data, with options "-s 5.0 (Red) / -s 5.05 (Green) / -5.1 (Blue) -t 0.1" (real time 08:00 - 09:00)
Attachment 9: 410MHz data, with options "-s 5.0 (Red) / -s 5.05 (Green) / -5.1 (Blue) -t 0.5" (real time 08:00 - 09:00)
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