E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 6 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:18:35 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Accelerator, e-cooling 
Sergey Litvinov will now try to setup the e-cooler to cool the beam in the ESR. 
The data taking has been stopped (except the NTCAP).
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:59:21 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 25,0TByte
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:37:00 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, Change of the measurement time from 10s to 20s 
Last files with the measurement time of 10s for the two resonators are:

Entry  Fri Jul 2 14:18:04 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Runs, Change of the measurment to 72Br 
Both resonators will now be retuned to look for the isomeric state in 72Br.

Last files for 70Se are:
Entry  Fri Jul 2 15:03:37 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, NTCAP status 
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 24,5TByte
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:48:54 2021, Oliver, General, Data taking - and not... 
We just started data taking. But a few minutes later the main experiment needed to do some adjustements to the beam. This interrupts us for a couple of minutes...
Entry  Wed Jun 30 14:52:28 2021, Oliver, General, Re-Started data taking... 
Main user is finished. We started data taking again...
Entry  Thu Jul 1 19:24:59 2021, Nic Andrew Shahab, Runs, Start of data taking again 
410 MHz resolution and power optimised

Last files before the restart were
Entry  Sun May 9 04:15:50 2021, Michele, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, Beam issues for short duration 
ESR warning (colour red in the panel)

Operator intervention required. 

Runs affected by this issue: 

-from E143-245MHz-2021. (03:50) 
-to E143-245MHz-2021. (03:54) .  

Entry  Sat May 8 15:18:23 2021, Michael, Wolfram, Yuri, General, Beam Settings changing 
Beam settings are being changed back to 78Kr beam at 467 Mev/u. 
Entry  Sat May 8 21:10:24 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, started data taking with high resolution E143-245MHz-2021.
after optimizing the scrapers we have reached the highest possible resolution in the isochronous mode.

starting data taking with this new settings.

last files before this settings were:

245: 2021.
410: 2021.
Entry  Sat May 8 22:06:36 2021, Michael, Ruijiu, Helmut, Yuri, Wolfram, Sergey, Shahab, Runs, stopped data taking with the high resolution 
last file names with this setting:

245: 2021.
410: 2021.
Entry  Fri May 7 23:08:44 2021, Michael, Kanika, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
The beam was lost for a few minutes from 23:01 to 23:06. It is back now.
Entry  Sun May 9 08:00:03 2021, Liliana, Andrew, General, Status  Screenshot_2021-05-09_08-01-17.png
So far, we keep the setting as it is and wait for experts to come in. 
Few spills are missing from time to time. One of the peaks stays usually in the spectrum when this happens. 
Analysis of the last hours is being performed by the remote shift, in case it is useful. Some plots in telegram. 
Entry  Fri May 7 02:01:08 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
RFQ fall-out (HKR working on it...)

Beam stop time: 01.58am

Beam resumption: 02.02am
Entry  Fri May 7 03:33:11 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, General, status 
At the moment we see a second peak to the left of each intense line. 
The distance between the main peak and the shadow is roughly the same for each peak.
This hints to a sharp fall in the isochronicity curve.
Helmut now tries to remove these shadows by using different scrappers. 
Entry  Fri May 7 03:46:58 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, General, Scraper settings IMG_20210507_034213_resized_20210507_034848181.jpg
Scraper settings have been played around with to try and remove satellite lines...

Helmut has now set scraper id GE01DS_H at -45mm (in position)

Image of injection structure attached... 72Ge is the isotope in focus on the RSA
Entry  Fri May 7 04:39:00 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Runs, Data taking starts 
File start being recorded at 4:38 am 
Sync with the server is working. 

Be aware that the timestamp of the files is 1h behind with respect to real time
Entry  Sun May 9 13:15:38 2021, Liliana Andrew, Runs, Stopped data taking during modifications for the beam energy Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-25-26.png
Beam energy to be increase to move Mn into the ring. 
First step we set the energy to 445 MeV. 
The effect of the change can be seen on the plot: Right is how it was before and left after the change. 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 17:27:56 2021, Liliana, DAQ, NTCAP status 
The latest recorded tdms files:
2. The rest space on the drive "p:\" : 23,8TByte
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