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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021, Page 1 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Category Subject
  85   Tue May 31 07:29:11 2022 KenDetectorsXUV-Detektor
Rate was very low: ~ 100Hz
Adjusted Walk level and Threshold, new rate: 5kHz
Additionally, parameters of the detector were varied for optimization but were returned to default afterwards.
  84   Mon May 17 21:43:56 2021 DanyalGeneralThe test beamtime was a success.
Dear all,

The test beamtime is now over. 
We had 6 days of Li-like carbon in the ESR (122 MeV/u). 
Effectively, we could measure almost 5 days continuously.  

There were only a few interruptions, one of which was a longer power failure. 
The vacuum in the ESR was not optimal, which strongly reduced the lifetime of the stored ion beam (~30 s) 
and the electron cooler showed weird instabilities, which need to be clarified still. 

Still, we were able to cover all aspects of the program. 
Essentially everything we tried worked. 

Therefore, I conclude that it was a great success. 

Many thanks to all who have contributed to it! 
Special thanks to Sebastian and Benedikt - who worked really hard during the last months - for prepapring the laser system and the data acquisition system. 
Also special thanks to Volker and Ken for preparing the XUV detector system. 

We will start sorting/ordering & filtering the data soon and will invite for a meeting where we present the raw data so that we can discuss it. 
Then we will also discuss the next big step: data analysis. 
Of course it is our next objective (with high priority) to publish the analyzed data in foreseeable time. 

I hope to see you soon. 
Until then, take care and stay healthy,

  83   Mon May 17 08:05:42 2021 TeamGeneralEnd of beamtime
~ 8 a.m.
  82   Sun May 16 22:11:49 2021 TeamGeneralLaser Polarisation values
maximal transmission of PBSC (257/514 pbsc was used in combination with xlp12 detector and visual on a screen):

L/4 @ 276° & L/2 @ 348°                -->   p-polarized light

L/4 gleich auf 276° & L/2 auf ~19°     -->   s-polarized light
current position 22:15 p.m.

now we have some fun ! :D
  81   Sun May 16 21:23:02 2021 TeamGeneralESR OPEN -> preparation for Polarisation Tests
  80   Sun May 16 11:29:22 2021 BenediktGeneralAutomated laser scans working
The automated laser scans are working now.
We can now scan with the following functions: triangle, sawtooth, cosinus/sinus, arctan, min (linear scan, than stands still)

We are now testing these scan functions with coasting beams; ecooler 10 mA.
  79   Sun May 16 07:18:56 2021 Night Shift Sebastian/Max/NoahGeneralPreparation for automated laser scans
We shut the laser system down to prepare automated laser scans
  78   Sun May 16 07:03:07 2021 TeamGeneralLaser cooling with 166ps
We saw some indications of laser cooling @ 166ps pulse length
  77   Sun May 16 06:13:46 2021 TeamGeneralSwitch to 166ps
  76   Sun May 16 05:24:00 2021 TeamGeneralLaser cooling with 285ps
we also see laser cooling with 285ps pulse length
  75   Sun May 16 05:09:27 2021 TeamGeneralSwitch to 285ps
pulse length -> 285ps

minimum 62mW inside ESR (depending on laser wavelength)
  74   Sun May 16 05:09:04 2021 TeamGeneralLaser cooling with 482ps
we see laser cooling with 482ps pulse length
  73   Sun May 16 02:28:21 2021 TeamGeneral#Beam ON!
Laser specs:
pulse length -> 482ps

~75mW UV Power inside ESR (depending on laser wavelength)
  72   Sun May 16 02:22:19 2021 SebastianGeneral"Der Laser ist ok"
  Draft   Sun May 16 02:20:58 2021 SebastianGeneral"Der Laser ist (wieder) ok"
  70   Sun May 16 02:18:53 2021 SebastianGeneralUV Drop
1:25 a.m. huge drop in UV laser power
-> small crystal bump with both y screws of bbo oven
  69   Sat May 15 12:11:54 2021 BenediktGeneralLaser-bunch-timing
Optimizing the laser bunch timing.
h = 7 (9.0389145 MHz)
Reprate is already set to same frequency.

Results: For h=7:
4 ns delay results in a maximum fluorescence rate in the XUV detector
25 ns delay shows the highest intensity in the Schottky spectrum while the laser operates at 1028.940 nm.
  68   Sat May 15 11:26:44 2021 BenediktGeneralTEM parameters
We changed the horizontal position of the laser beam a bit, so that we maximized the fluorescence signal on the XUV detector (coasting beam, scanning laser (0.03 Hz)).

Old parameters: OffsetM Ax 0.00; Bx 0.00; Ay -0.08; By -0.40
New parameters: OffsetM Ax 0.00; Bx 0.35; Ay -0.08; By -0.40
  67   Sat May 15 11:06:31 2021 BenediktGeneralNew Zoom link for the moment

Meeting ID: 494 840 0422
Passcode:  215586
  66   Sat May 15 09:57:24 2021 DayshiftRunsCurrently on schedule
Enhance fluorescence rate and perform 
laser bunch timing 

Right now: Performing several detector tests with scanning laser (triangle) between 1028.930 and 1028.950 nm. Eccoler current @ 10 mA
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