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  nuclear two-photon decay 2024, Page 1 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun May 19 11:02:49 2024, Xu Zhou, Yuhu Zhang, Kanika, Accelerator, the beam is paused 
The beam is paused and HHT team needs to enter the ring.
Entry  Fri May 17 23:14:51 2024, Yoshi, Ohnishi, General, shift started 2024-05-17_23-15-51-921_tcl1064.png2024-05-17_23-18-18-714.png
Just test
Entry  Sat May 18 16:45:15 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, setting for 96Sr (98Y) TEline-ESR-100Mo_98Y.lpp2024-05-18_17-03-55_ESR_ISO_13May24_98Y.C1.txt2024-05-18_17-05-31_SIS18_FAST_ESR_100Mo_13May24_98Y.C1.txt
To have a few more lines the setting actually is not on 96Sr directly, but on 98Y39+.
98Y is also the one set to be isochronous. 
But in addition the SIS-energy is shifted by -0.9 MeV/u to get at least better transmission for 96Sr.
Entry  Wed May 15 19:20:32 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, scraper setting IMG_20240515_193017_HDR.jpgIMG_20240515_192644.jpgIMG_20240515_182802.jpg
After the orbit correction on the target straight section the scrapers work better.
One pair of scrapers works best:
GEEXDS2HA (outside straight section =  low Brho side) = -4.0 mm
GE02DS3HG (outside arc              = high Brho side) = -71.4 mm
All other scrapers are open (finished playing with scrapers ~18:20)
When one side is opened more one can cut more on the other.
We can attack the beam from both sides.
With scrapers good resolution, David already posts lifetimes of the isomer.
Details in paper log book.
Entry  Sat May 18 02:22:30 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, paper log book pages 17.05.2024 IMG_20240518_021647.jpgIMG_20240518_021654.jpgIMG_20240518_032227.jpg
until we lost the beam in the night.
Entry  Tue May 14 23:40:03 2024, Helmut, Sergey, Yury, Accelerator, paper log book IMG_20240514_233830.jpgIMG_20240514_233820.jpg
two pages of log book on paper for teh first setup,
injection into ESR and tuning primary beam 100Mo and fragment 98Mo.
Entry  Wed May 15 12:58:12 2024, Beatriz, Min, Shahab, Runs, optimizing the mass resolution 
Yuri and Sergey still optimizing the mass resolution.

From 13:10 to ~ 13:35 SIS energy was increased to 457.4 (~3 MeV/u) to test whether this moves the best isochronicity to 98Mo (we were off before), -> Brho(98Mo)=7.12736 Tm

From ~13:35 back to setting up with the primary beam at 441.95 MeV (with target, same Brho as the 98Mo fragments). It will be attempted to measure the orbit of the beam
Entry  Mon May 6 12:16:09 2024, Ruijiu Chen, DAQ, ntcap scaler ScalerSignalMap20240515.pdf
Entry  Fri May 17 17:50:49 2024, Jelena B, Zsolt P., Shahab, DAQ, new trigger events new_style_trigger.png
From 17:49 we have super short trigger. - see attached setting! 
Entry  Thu May 16 18:55:38 2024, Ide, Hubbard, General, new timing cycle 
new timing cycle of 6.7s
Entry  Thu May 16 15:24:30 2024, Ide, Hubbard, Accelerator, new Plunger setting 
plunger motors were set

to +/-390 mm for 245 MHz resonator
and +/-55 mm for 410 MHz resonator
Entry  Tue May 14 23:22:55 2024, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, isochronicity curves isoc_curves_14052024.PNGisoc_curves_14052024.xlsx
Sergey started with a setting with quadrupoles already changed like in 2021.
Ths was used for the first isochronicity curves.
It also gave soem, however, not good peak shapes with scrapers closed.
But after a failure only a new setting of quads could revover the peaks.

Then more cooler curves were measured and found to have quite a slope.
Changing ESR energy does not change the curves much, but changing the quads does.
With the stronger variation of quads (+1.65% on two quadrupole families) the curve tilts to opposite side.

All curves in EXCEL.
Cooler voltage converted to Brho with gamma ~ 1.4 and curves in relative frequency spread shifted on top of each other.
In new injections the quads are set new, which causes a frequency jump. Pasted parts of curves to remove jump.
Entry  Tue May 14 22:13:38 2024, David, Ruijiu, David, Asahi, DAQ, doing some test runs without accelerator trigger 
empty shots for test.
Entry  Sun May 19 14:17:57 2024, Shahab, Kanika,hongfu li,xing xu, DAQ, center frequency change for 96Sr 
aiming for 96-Sr:

410 MHz:

The plunger position for 410 is 45, which should correspond to the 408.998 MHz which is expected position for 96Sr. The first file is at 14:38.

245 MHz:

The center frequency is changed to 244.235723 MHz for 96Sr, the new plunger position is 300.The first file is at 14:5
Entry  Fri May 17 17:09:26 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting (98Zr39+) TEline-ESR-100Mo_98Mo39.lpp
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from time to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo,
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).

The 98Zr was also entered as a 98Mo40+-
Entry  Fri May 17 17:03:39 2024, Helmut, Yury, Accelerator, approx. 96Sr setting 
Only 96Sr would yield very few line with only ions from tiem to time.
So we went a bit lower in Brho 7.69 Tm -> 7.65 Tm.
The setting is calculated as a 98Mo39+.
E-SIS = 455.3 MeV/ for 100Mo.
after target 98Mo now with 39+ gives 7.6500 Tm.
In ESR also 39+.
In LISE we get the same average gamma as before for 98Zr (gamma = 1.40082).
Entry  Thu May 16 14:52:45 2024, Shahab, DAQ, Zr recording 
Recording Zr starting from 14:45 again back to short cycle.
Entry  Wed May 15 16:55:10 2024, Jeroen, Johan, General, Tuning ESR scraper. Isomer resolved. 
4:50 Scraper tuned to produce Gaussian beam profile for 98Mo. Isomer now clearly resolved.

Plan to take data for 98Mo fragment for 12 hours. Measurements from 4:59 are now aligned so that the Molybdenum fragment is centered in the RSA acquisition.
Entry  Thu May 16 12:48:58 2024, Sergey, Accelerator, Tune to 98Zr 
- stop longer measurements
- change quadrupole and sextupole magnets
- rescale SIS-TE-ESR
Entry  Sat May 18 00:37:21 2024, Helmut, Wolfram, Shahab, David, Xinliang, Runs, Trying to get back to Zr setting 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b