ID |
Date |
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Subject |
Thu Jun 6 19:51:11 2024 |
Carsten | Accelerator | ESR crew left after persisting problems with ESR magnets | No beam today.--. |
Fri Jun 7 09:15:31 2024 |
Carsten | DAQ | Updated Channel List | |
Sat Jun 8 12:02:20 2024 |
Carsten | Detectors | Test Particle Detectors - Det South not working | With the test beam from ESR I started to have a look at the PartDets.:
North outside: Works properly with a voltage of 1450 V
South outside (behind cooler) : no signal.
Later (when Danyal is here) we will check detectors cables etc., and if required put the north detector to position south and mount the untested (newly made, but with "old" material and PMT) spare detecotr to poistion north. |
Sat Jun 8 12:45:05 2024 |
Carsten | DAQ | Temporary change of RF signal | The setting was 1.540974 MHz and division factor 68 (for a 200 MeV/u) beam, and the signal was taken from a signal generator.
I now switch to the "real" RF signal from the accelerator (~400MeV/u), that is 1.9693 MHz and the factor is set to 88.
This should be set back for laser tests or adjusted when we have the real decellerated beam. |
Sat Jun 8 13:11:52 2024 |
Carsten | General | Put the go4login in atplaser .bashrc | Put the go4login in atplaser .bashrc in order to avoid that one always has to go to the go4 directory to set the environment variable.
go4login64 is now executed automaticlally and the environments are now set every time you open a (bash) shell.
A fixed version 6.3 is used. The login file might be changed back after the beamtime. |
Mon Jun 10 09:17:38 2024 |
Carsten | DAQ | Updated Channel List | |
Tue Jun 11 22:59:06 2024 |
Carsten | Accelerator | Identification / NTCAP started | ESR is set-up in most parts.We are trying to identify our 229Th89+. It is more cumbersome then exspected because of the thick target an d the according energy loss, the pattern has changed compared to the last beamtime.
Just started the NTCAP with center frequency 246,5 MHz, 10 MSamples/s and -25db.
Center frequency will later be changed back to about 244,5 Mhz.
Directory 06-11-22_55_15 (correct time stamp). |
Wed Jun 12 09:17:43 2024 |
Carsten | | Tests of background with ionization pumps on (from monday) | On monday the ionization pumps were switch on to test the background, and if it is possible to run with the pumps switched on.
Results and comments, see below:
Later some data were recorded with DAQ1 to allow for a more thorough analysis - beam is 238U38+ at 401 MeV/u - file 0013
Please note the data of this file was recorded after the figures below were taken.
In short, we have switched off the the ionization pumps because the conclusion is somehow ambiguous. Background rates from real photons are considerably low at ~5Hz and 10Hz for the small-band PMTs (see figure), Yet, PMT south goes up to 350 Hz and sees a lot of photons from the plasma discharge. The few Hz of the small-band detector would be suppressed by the length of the ion bunch / full lenght of the ring. But what is not known is how much it would actually influence the local vacuum of the ring.
Semjon Strohmenger also checked that the valve to the turbos in front and behind the gas-jet is open (--yes). They are running the whole beam time.
I exchanged the prepump at a pocket located between gas-jet and VUV detection set-up. Here after baking a leak was found, and the pocket was pumped with an "old" prepump.
Vacumm in the pocket was ~1mBar. Installed a more powerful Edwards XDS i10. When we left ESR the pressure in the pocket was already at low 10^-2 mbar and still decreasing.
May be this helps to improve local pressure. |
Wed Jun 12 09:43:57 2024 |
Carsten | Accelerator | Stopped NTCAP at 9:43 | Setup at ESR is carried on - stopped the long-time NTCAP run from overnight, |
Wed Jun 12 22:48:55 2024 |
Carsten | | Beam Halo | The seamingly short live time reported in entry 53 is due to a halo from a different isotope (?). It can be scraped away from the outside. The 229Th89+ primary beam can be scaped away from the inside and the halo stays. There is some spacial headroom between the two components.
Scraping from the outside using GE02DS3HG @+6mm starts to scrape the halo in the south arc. Please note that the +6mm means that you move past central orbit (scraper starts from -130mm).
Using this scraper allows for using the particle detector behind the e-cooler (GE02DD2_G). Position PD south in event mode is -30mm (has to be verified with higher ion beam intensity and electron current for larger recombination rate=.
The primary 229Th89+ is touched from the inside with GE01DB2IG @+14mm (north arc).
Position of GE02DS3HG in event mode is +8mm.
Electron current in SC8 is increased from 100mA to 200mA for faster cooling at low energy in order to condition after deceleration and before scraping.
positions particle detectors and scrapers
NA position -30 activated
NI +28
SA -28
DS3HG +10 |
Thu Jun 13 02:05:04 2024 |
Carsten | Accelerator | Short Lifetime at 100 mA | Lifetime still is short |
Wed Jun 12 18:48:43 2024 |
Afternoon shift | Runs | First laser scans |
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
19:15 | 38257 | xx e x | 104416 | 10 | 21-23 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 2s | 8 | 40 SIS injections. Very short lifetime, further investigation is needed. preset_2024-06-12_19-08-23.mps
20:22 | 53056 | xx e x | 104416 | 11 | 24-25 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 40 SIS injections. Only PDetector behing cooler, retracted by 8 mm. Still short lifetime.
20:58 | 40500 | xx e x | 104416 | 12 | 26-26 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 2 | 40 SIS injections.
Thu Jun 13 18:03:36 2024 |
Afternoon shift | Runs | Continuation: First scans |
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
00:01 | | 3e5 | 104438 | 13 | 27-29 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 2s | 4 | 40 injections, there is still a fast decaying component, may be due to the higher electron current of 200 mA.
Going back to 100 mA in next run and also put a "loose" scraper on the inside.
ntcap 2024-06-12_21-47-54
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
00:50 | ? | 3e5 | 104438 | 14 | 28- | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 6 | 30 injections, e-cooler current at 100mA, scraper GE01GD2ID (north arc, inner scraper) now at position +30mm, medusa crashed when started, laser position was lost and retrieved by resetting the beam position stabilization
01:43 | 25700 | 3e5 | 104438 | 15 | 31-32 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 6 | e-cooler current 100mA, NA position -30 activated, NI +28, SA -28, DS3HG +10
02:32 | 21750 | 4e5 | 104417 | 16 | 33 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | reduced iterations due to short life time
02:54 | 29200 | 4e5 | 104417 | 17 | 34 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
03:16 | (?) | 4e5 | 104417 | 18 | 35 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
03:40 | 33700 | 5e5 | 104417 | 19 | 36 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:03 | 31600 | 5e5 | 104417 | 20 | 37 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:25 | 29200 | 4e5 | 104417 | 21 | 38 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:46 | 27500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 22 | 39 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:08 | 30400 | 4e5 | 104417 | 23 | 40 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:31 | 31300 | 4e5 | 104417 | 24 | 41 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:56 | 30000 | 3e5 | 104417 | 25 | 42 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
06:18 | 24500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 26 | 43 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Morning shift took over: Constantine, Peter, Lukas, Jonas, Dounia
06:43 | | | | 27 | 44 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed when starting the laser scan
06:57 | | 4e5 | 104417 | 28 | 45-46 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | DAQ1 started a bit later since we needed to restart and connect the file server again; after starting laser scan we noticed that the beam is gone on glass disk, reason was likely user error as medusa was set to send the laser to 500.9nm instead of 550.9nm
07:27 | 11800 | 4e5 | 104417 | 29 | 47 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
07:51 | 23500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 30 | 48 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:14 | 15000 | 5e5 | 104417 | 31 | 49 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:37 | 35300 | 5e5 | 104417 | 32 | 50 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:58 | 32800 | 5e5 | 104417 | 33 | 51 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 17:32 | 23 500 | 5e5 | 104412 | 35 | 52 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | First scan of afternoon shift. 30 Injections. Electron current was set to 30 mA. (Note added 2024.06.14 17:55 - Carsten: To what I remember electron current is 80mA) Dye was changed before this scan. Wavemeter overexposed on the second scan for 2-3 steps, not sure if during the stepping or actual measurement. In the middle of the third scan, medusa crashed.
13.06.2024 | xx | 5e5 | 104417 | 36 | 53 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 25 Injections 75Hz particle detector south, medusa crashed immediately, laser controller was locked up. Restarting the laser controller solved the issue.
13.06.2024 18:30 | 28 200 | 5e5 | 104412 | 37 | 54 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 25 Injections , DAQ1 no data collected (no start acquisition pressed)
13.06.2024 18:50 | 26 000 | 5e5 | 104412 | 38 | 55 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 23 of 25 Injections, two were empty injections from SIS
13.06.2024 19:13 | 31 600 | 5e5 | 104412 | 39 | 56 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 29 of 30 Injections, one was empty injections from SIS
13.06.2024 19:45 | 34 700 | 5e5 | 104411 | 40 | 57 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections
13.06.2024 20:07 | 33 300 | 6e5 | 104411 | 41 | 58 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections. Note: before and after run, the laser was exactly in the middle of the screen, but went to its proper position (slightly left of the middle) during the scan.
13.06.2024 20:36 | 29 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 42 | 59 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections. Note: Before the run ad during the first scan, the laser was above the middle. In the third scan, it was back in its proper position.
13.06.2024 20:57 | 28 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 43 | 60 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 21:18 | 26 000 | 7e5 | 104411 | 44 | 61 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 27 of 30 Injections
13.06.2024 21:40 | 18 000 | 6e5 | 104411 | 45 | 62 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | out of the first injections 4 were with low energy and 4 did not arrive at all, for the rest, pretty much every second injection is missing. Checking with HKR.
13.06.2024 22:02 | 24 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 46 | 63 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Same thing with injection.
13.06.2024 22:23 | 31 700 | 7e5 | 104411 | 47 | 64 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 22:46 | 30 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 48 | 65 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 23:09 | 33 100 | 7e5 | 104411 | 49 | 66 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Laser shifted to the left
13.06.2024 23:33 | 25 200 | 7e5 | 104411 | 50 | 67 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 23:55 | 28 600 | 7e5 | 104411 | 51 | 68 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | We moved the laser back to the original position using the MRC
14.06.2024 00:52 | 33 100 | 8e5 | 104410 | 52 | 69 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Widen scan range to account for the difference between wavelength vac. vs. wavelength air; Laser shifted to the left
14.06.2024 01:20 | 29 800 | 8e5 | 104410 | 53 | 70 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 01:44 | -- | 7e5 | 104410 | 54 | 71 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted; measurement interrupted; connection of MBS to Labview server crashed and MBS and go4 were restarted (DAQ1)
14.06.2024 02:03 | 34 700 | 8e5 | 104410 | 55 | 72 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 02:26 | 31 400 | 7e5 | 104411 | 56 | 73 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 02:49 | -- | 7e5 | 104411 | 57 | 74 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted; measurement interrupted
14.06.2024 02:51 | -- | 7e5 | 104411 | 58 | 75 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted;
The Medusa crash also crashed the Cobra Laser. We tried to restart it but afterwards the power of the Laser was more than one order of magnitude lower than before. It is not clear what caused the problem, Rodolfo is on his way to GSI now to fix the issue. |
Fri Jun 14 14:44:51 2024 |
Afternoon shift | Runs | Afternoon shift | Pizza shift
the scan direction is from higher wavelength to lower wavelength, even though it is noted otherwise here in the software.
From hardware side, the laser can only scan in one direction: long wave length to short wave length, independent of what is written in the tables.
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
14.06.2024 12:45 | 38900 | 2e5 | 104411 | 72 | 89 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | starting with 50 accumulation
14.06.2024 13:13 | 41400 | 2e5 | 104411 | 73 | 90 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | there was a :10 crash during the injection, laser scan started normally.
14.06.2024 13:41 | 39500 | 2e5 | 104411 | 74 | 91 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 14:38 | 67750 | 2e5 | 104412 | 75 | 92 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | afternoon shift takes over. After short break from hkr to optimize beam, proceeding with 30 injections, particle number detector might not have been reset, check next run
14.06.2024 15:02 | 34500 | 2e5 | 104412 | 76 | 93 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 15:38 | 27500 | 1e5 | 104412 | 77 | 94 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 16:01 | 25300 | 1e5 | 104412 | 78 | 95 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 16:23 | 28700 | 1e5 | 104412 | 79 | 96 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | At around 550.2 nm the wavemeter is overexposed
14.06.2024 16:48 | xxx | xx | xx | 80 | 97 | xx | xx | xx | xx | empty file , no laser scan, work on laser, while trying to adjust the wavemeter, we tried to move the laser using medusa, at some point, this caused the cobra to go into error mode again, onlz a restart could solve it. As a consequence, we still do not know if the wavemeter coupling is optimal
14.06.2024 17:17 | 30000 | 1e5 | 104412 | 81 | 98 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
wavemeter coupling looks good now
14.06.2024 17:41 | 56900 | 1e5 | 104412 | 82 | 99 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | ratemeter was probably not reset
14.06.2024 18:04 | 8100 | 1e5 | 104412 | 83 | 100 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | really bad injection (looked fine (?)), low ion count from SIS, they exchanged a cathode @UNILAC
14.06.2024 18:42 | 3200 | 3e4 | 104412 | 84 | 101&102(automatically opened new file without command after 1GB?) | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | problems with accelerator: after deacceleration the beam is gone. Scraper position has moved(?). The cooling water from GSI is too warm, so we had to shut down the laser. NTCAP restarted. And NTCAP restarted again @20:39 for test data for Shahan.