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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, Page 4 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun Mar 29 23:48:12 2020, Jan, Analysis, run0251: E_spectra for CsISiPhos  14x
This is a collection of energy spectra of the CsISiPhos detectors from run0251 with primary beam.

There is no good spectra for n-side of Si-pad 1!
Entry  Mon Mar 30 00:32:32 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:01:53 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:07:29 2020, Ragan, General, Problem with SIS runstop: 0256 
There is problem with SIS
Run stop: 0257.lmd (at1:06)
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:25:57 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 
01:17 Problem with SIS is solved
01:19 run start 0258.lmd
Entry  Mon Mar 30 01:43:58 2020, Ragan, General, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam pattern details 90FC7D41-6C97-4760-B5A3-3CF60643A405.jpegBF20DBD8-1672-4817-8412-13B29CBF2E0A.jpeg
The following shows the pattern for first measurement in ESR (gas jet is on for = 60*5 secs = 300 secs as it can be seen on step SC7 in pattern).
One injection cycle runs for ~ 6 mins.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:00:46 2020, Ragan, Runs, First measurement with 206Pb81+ beam 

beam: 206Pb81+
energy: 400 MeV/u
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:27:44 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 02:58:51 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 03:30:03 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:00:19 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:15:29 2020, Ragan, General, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA 1A7AE154-6A88-4AED-BA5D-748025FCD226.jpeg
In the picture below, a very nice storage of 206Pb81+ at 200 mA electron cooler current for no gas jet target can be seen in ESR. The measurement started
at 02:24 and we will now finish it in 5-10 mins. We will now do two more measurements for I_cooler = 10 mA ans 20 mA.
Entry  Mon Mar 30 04:30:17 2020, Sergiy, Dima, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 200 mA  
I_cooler = 200 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:15:13 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:30:52 2020, Ragan, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 06:34:47 2020, Ragan, General, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  C7A2736D-9C0A-4531-A768-85A55943EB5A.jpeg
In the ESR picture below, the decay of beam is very fast initially for few minutes and then the decay is constant. But why does it decay for first few minutes
Entry  Mon Mar 30 07:02:15 2020, tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 07:34:06 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:00:40 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:32:05 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 20 mA  
I_cooler = 20 mA

beam: 206Pb81+
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