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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, Page 5 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Mar 30 08:56:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 09:26:37 2020, Tino, Runs, Stopped Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 09:34:02 2020, Tino, Runs, Restart of second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:01:31 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:32:01 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 10:57:43 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:12:25 2020, ruijiu, General, Instruction of NTCAP for shift person Instruction_of_NTCAP_for_shift_person.png
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:16:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 12:33:04 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:02:49 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:31:58 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:40:57 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, HV of Inner detector IMG_20200330_133909.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 13:41:20 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, HV of Inner detector IMG_20200330_133909.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:02:41 2020, Tino, Runs, Second measurement with 206Pb81+ beam at I_cooler = 10 mA  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:24:46 2020, ruijiu, DAQ, stop taking data. 
Entry  Mon Mar 30 14:48:02 2020, ruijiu and Tino, Detectors, The leakcurrent of SiPad is over the setting limit. Screenshot_20200330-145551.jpgScreenshot_20200330-145544.jpgIMG_20200330_144915.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 15:03:58 2020, ruijiu Tino, Yuri, Lasoro, Nik and Uli, Detectors, the gas bottle is empty. IMG_20200330_152735_mh1585575780057.jpg
Entry  Mon Mar 30 16:25:05 2020, ruijiu, Detectors, turn down the HV 
Entry  Mon Mar 30 16:37:53 2020, ruijiu, Analysis,  
Entry  Mon Mar 30 20:51:06 2020, Ragan, Detectors, Bias Voltage for Si-pads Si_pad_bias-voltage.ods
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