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  dN=0 experiment, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Mar 23 08:39:11 2021, Martino Trassinelli, , Target triggers  triggers_gas-jet.jpegtarget_inhibit.jpeg
Settings for the event triggers (on left - machine 6 event 32 / off right - machine 7 event 32) (first picture)

Unplug the black no 1 to twitch of target, but remaining the cycle and triggering of the camera (second picture).
Entry  Tue Mar 23 08:42:11 2021, Martino Trassinelli, Runs, Beam nominal set-up 
- 238U89+ at the energy of 30.16 MeV/u for the Li-like from excitation --> 1-3 days of beam time
- 238U91+ at the energy of 41.035 MeV/u for the He-like from capture --> 10 or more days of beam time
Entry  Wed Mar 24 22:45:37 2021, Martino Trassinelli, General, Accelerator cycle acc_cycle.jpeg
Cycle at present
Entry  Wed Mar 24 22:48:09 2021, Martino Trassinelli, , Typical cycle typical_cycle.jpeg
Typical cycle at present
Entry  Thu Mar 25 01:37:04 2021, Martino Trassinelli, Runs, Change in the gas-jet density DSC_3187.JPG
We reduced the pressure of the gas-jet target at 0:45AM. Now it is about 7E11 (indicated as 7x10E11 in the webpage of the control).
Beam cycle: ~45 s
Target on: 2x5  = 10 s

For the cameras: 
Integration time: 10 s
waiting time: 30 s
Entry  Thu Mar 25 08:59:50 2021, Martino Trassinelli, Runs, Summary of the last evening night 
Starting from about 23:40 we have a complete set-up with Ge detector and particle detector. Gas jet density about 1.1e12.

Between 23:40a and 00:10 the waiting time of the CCDs was too short --> additional noise in the CCDs.
Then failure of the GE camera too in data07 files.

Starting from 00:45, 
- new gas jet pressure of 7E11 a/cm2
- injection with 1E7 ions
- cycle time: 46 seconds
- measurement time: 10 secons 
- CCD waiting time: 30 seconds

No problem until 5:04 --> failure in the UNILAC

6:30 Zn calibration (01, 20 minutes) but with the ESR cycle still active!! 
6:50 backround calibration (background1)

7:15 Ge detector filling

7:25 Restart new measurement data05

8:45: Closing data05 opening data06

8:50: injection failure in ESR for files n=3-4

8:52 beam is back

(then we try to write here more regularly.....)
Entry  Thu Mar 25 11:42:14 2021, Martino Trassinelli, DAQ, TDC recalibration 
Check of the TDC spectrum:it is strange. Uwe and Jan recheck all the chain. Still strange behavior.  
Meanwhile CCD acquisition continued with the folder data07
Entry  Thu Mar 25 13:29:22 2021, Martino Trassinelli, DAQ, mbs acquisition restarted 
TDC changed and acquisition restarted.
We have now a 2D histogram time vs energy. We should have some clues to solve the mystery.
Entry  Thu Mar 25 19:20:24 2021, Martino Trassinelli, General, Switch to Be-like line 
Tuning the beam for the Be-like U from capture in Li-like U. 
Energy setting up to 39.293 MeV/u.
Entry  Thu Mar 25 23:59:46 2021, Robert, Runs, Data run for Be-like 
We started a run with cooler energy set to 21715 V, corresponding to 21515 V with space charge correction for Be-like from capture.
The acquisition started at the lmd file n. 1100.
Entry  Fri Mar 26 07:26:48 2021, Robert, Runs, typical cycle for the be-like measurement  20210326_071721.jpg20210325_235453.jpg
Entry  Fri Mar 26 08:35:25 2021, Martino Trassinelli, Runs, End of the Be-like beam 
Problems from the high frequency in unilac. We stoped the acquisition at 6:50 corresponding to the lmd file n. 1184.
Once the beam back in the SIS, we have a bad injection in the ESR and nobody to adjust it. Because of the plan to go to new settings in the ESR, We stop this beam period and we warm the target to be ready for the week end.
Entry  Fri Mar 26 09:10:02 2021, Martino Trassinelli, Analysis, Low energy Li-like beam TDC vs ADC from Ge detector time_vs_energy_Li-like_beam_30MeV.png
Arrival time vs energy of the Xray from the Ge detector during the beam with Li-like U at 39 MeV/u. Prompt data are visible, due to the capture.
Excitation photons are on the right part only (early arrival time). On the left, due the feature of the multi trigger and the high count rate in the particle detector, the data from capture and excitation are together.
From this figure we concluded that probably the excitation was much less effective than the capture, which was confirmed by last  night data.
Entry  Fri Mar 26 20:42:31 2021, Robert, Analysis, image of the photons from the be-run Be-like_run_210325.jpg
around 16 photons in the right energy range after ~5 h of integration.
Entry  Tue Mar 30 11:03:17 2021, Robert, Runs, data run for Li like 
We startet run on Tuesday 2 am with ~4E7 decellerated ions. 
We get a count rate of ~40 cts per hour in the line.
Target density: ~1.5E12 part/cm2
Entry  Tue Mar 30 11:24:51 2021, Martino, Runs, Typical good cycles for He-like beam WhatsApp_Image_2021-03-30_at_11.16.25_(1).jpegWhatsApp_Image_2021-03-30_at_11.16.25.jpeg
Entry  Thu Apr 1 21:24:14 2021, Martino, Runs, H-like ion beam started for He-like DSC_3217.JPGDSC_3218.JPG
Starting the acquisition for the He-like U with a H-like U beam at 41.035 MEV/u
Gas jet detector: 2.38E12 part/cm2
Decelerated ions: 4.5E7 ions
Particle: about 1 MHz, saturated
Entry  Sat Apr 3 12:01:01 2021, Robert, Analysis, Line energies for Germanium detector Energies_for_Ge_detector.pdf
Entry  Sat Apr 3 12:03:57 2021, Pierre-Michel, Analysis, X-ray spectrum E_Cal_35deg_H-like_beam_41MeV.png
Live X-ray spectrum from U91+ at 41 MeV/u, accumulated within 35.6 h according to Go4.
Entry  Sun Apr 4 15:26:57 2021, Robert, Runs, stability of ion beam current during He-like run ioncurrentHe-like-run.png
graph starts covers the whole he-like run from Thursday evening to monday afternoon
Entry  Mon Apr 5 16:07:36 2021, Robert, Runs, He-like run 
run started thursday 21/04/01 20:00,
ended monday 21/04/05 15:20, 
time span of 91.5 h,
we collected 4870 images with a esr cycle of ~62s, 
thats ~84 h of accumulation,
20 s gas jet on time, so we integrated 27,1 h of gas jet on

particle density was 2.25*10^12 particles /cm² at the beginning and increased continuously to 3.1*10^12 particles/cm²

ion beam intensity was between 4-5*10^7 stored, cooled particles per injection
Entry  Tue Apr 6 14:27:59 2021, Martino, Runs, electron cooler voltages 
Parameter 	U90+ @ 30.160 MeV/u 	U91+ @ 41.035 MeV/u     U89+ @ 39.293 MeV/u 	
gamme 	        1.0324 	                1.04407                 1.0422 
Ue 	        16556 V 	        22520 V                 21564 V
delta U 	105 V 	                105 V                   105 V
USC (model) 	45 V 	                39 V                    40 V
Ie 	        100 mA 	                100 mA 	                100 mA
HV-Supply BG1E 	16706 V 	        22664 V                 21709 V
HV-divider 	16599 V 	        22553 V                 21598 V 

All data from the voltage divider will be collected and stored.
To be done: evaluation of the uncertainties, offset and linearity.
Entry  Tue Apr 6 14:47:26 2021, Robert, Analysis, stability of the spectrometers during He and Be run stability.jpg
the large spike in the outer spectrometer is attributed to an open door of experimentierhalle, which we closed at ~17:00 at 21/04/05.
It might be necessary to exclude some of the data between 210405 17:00 and 22:00 since we had a shift of one pixel between these two calibrations
Entry  Tue Apr 6 14:59:19 2021, Robert, Runs, second Be-like run 
run started 210405 17:50
run ended 210407 11:30
no of files: 1452
ion beam intensity: ~3-4*10^7 decellerated, stored ions in the beginning, only ~2*10^7 after the big break
Entry  Wed Apr 7 11:51:54 2021, Robert, Runs, stability of ion beam current during Be-like run ioncurrent_Be_run.png
Entry  Wed Apr 7 11:52:52 2021, Robert, Analysis, spectrum He-like He-like.jpg
Entry  Wed Apr 7 11:53:33 2021, Robert, Analysis, spectrum Li-like Li-like.jpg
Entry  Wed Apr 7 11:59:01 2021, Robert, Analysis, spectrum Be-like Be-like.jpg
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