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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 19 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Mon Mar 23 00:13:25 2020, Laszlo, General, SIS and ESR beam currents,  2020-03-23_00-09-48-737.png2020-03-23_00-21-43-581.png
Entry  Sun Mar 22 23:59:12 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run091,  
Taking data again with primary beam.

open file : run090
Entry  Sun Mar 22 23:19:23 2020, Michael, General, ESR Vacuum readings,  ESR_Vakuum2020-03-22-2318.PNG
Entry  Sun Mar 22 22:46:56 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Yuri, Runs, run entry - run090,  
Taking data again with primary beam.

open file : run090
Entry  Sun Mar 22 22:06:21 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Yuri, Runs, run entry - run089 - stopped,  
closed file again.

Yuri is still tuning, but we are collecting data. Beam is in. Detectors are out.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 22:00:49 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Yuri, Runs, run entry - run089 - switched to Primary beam,  
Yuri is still tuning, but we are collecting data. Beam is in. Detectors are out.

open file : run089
Entry  Sun Mar 22 19:49:12 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Yuri, , Yuri is still tuning FRS,  
We filled the Xray detectors.
Yuri is sill tuning FRS for primary beam.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 19:15:03 2020, Laszlo, , Si moved out of the ring, high voltage is switched off,  
Entry  Sun Mar 22 18:41:50 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run088,  
Closed file run088 at 17:55. No beam in ESR.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 18:35:43 2020, Laszlo, , target dropped aagain,  target_density_after_118Te_afternoon_runs.png
there was a drop again from 8.6e13 to 7e13 in the target density
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:49:28 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run088,  Trafo_run88.png
The beam is still unchanged. We just start a run to collect all remaining data.
Data is probably scratch, expect changing conditions at the machines during the run.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:47:27 2020, Laszlo, , Si, Xrays target density spectra during 118Te afternoon measurement,  End_of_118Te_runs.pngtarget_density_during_118Te_afternoon_runs.png
We got 30 counts out of this afternoon 118Te run on our Si TargetON histo.
That 1 count at bin (6,10) I dont understand.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:45:07 2020, Laszlo, General, switching to primary beam,  
We have finished the measurement with the fragments.

Now Yury will setup up a primary beam through the FRS, but without target in FRS.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:35:39 2020, Michael, Runs, run entry - run087. ,  
Closing file at 17:39, stopping data taking. Yuri will switch to primary beam through FRS without target.

Also a minor observation is, that at the end of the target on phase, the X-ray count rate is going up very high. (Data acquisition was in Jet Off mode)
Entry  Sun Mar 22 17:09:49 2020, Michael, Runs, run entry - run087,  
open file : run087

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 16:39:37 2020, Michael, Runs, run entry - run087,  
Four shots at the end of 086/beginning of 87 were empty, no SIS kicker. Beam operators fixed it quickly.

open file : run087
Entry  Sun Mar 22 16:10:12 2020, Michael, Runs, run entry - run086,  
open file : run086

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 15:39:29 2020, Michael, Runs, run entry - run086,  
open file : run086

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 15:14:01 2020, Michael, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run085, gas jet is back in business!,  2020-03-22_15-29-05-937.png
open file : run085

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 14:58:59 2020, Laszlo, General, dropping density of Gasjet,  ga_jet_drop.png
after like 20min run, the density of the gasjet already dropped from 10^14 to 8.7*10^13. Now it seems to remain in that value

Below in arbitrary units one can see the trend of the gas jet density starting from 10^14 to 8.7*10^13
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b