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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 20 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Sun Mar 22 14:40:14 2020, Esther, Michael, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run085, gas jet is back in business!,  
open file : run085

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 14:23:50 2020, Esther, Ragan, Michael, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run084, Uli working with gas jet target,  
Uli is still working with gas jet target. 
open file : run084
Entry  Sun Mar 22 13:33:19 2020, Laszlo, General, 2nd storage of MCP data,  
I made a backup for the MCP data on my own GSI laptop. Looking for better solution...
the original "fresh" files stored at litv-exp@lxg1299:/data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo/
Entry  Sun Mar 22 13:22:44 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run083, Uli working with gas jet target,  
Uli is still working with gas jet target. 
open file : run083
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:53:43 2020, Laszlo, General, quick summary for the 118Te overnight measurement,  118Te_after13h_measurement.png118Te_Xray_Espectra.png
Quoting Yury:
"The count rate is very low. We estimate that we store about 10^4 118Te particles at 10 AMeV. This is a very low number.
On Saturday we re-implemented the recoil setup (MCP from Pierre-Michelle) from the previous experiment and could verify the overlap between the stored
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:50:00 2020, Shahab, Runs, Life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of 118-Te-52+,  target_off.jpgtarget_on.jpg
The life time of 10 MeV/u Tail of cycle 118-Te-52+ was analyzed using Schottky peak intensity. Schottky signal was taken from the parallel plate Schottky
monitor at  using the:
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:26:15 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run082, Uli working with gas jet target,  
Uli is still working with gas jet target however the vacuum problem with the SIS is resolved now. 
open file : run082
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:01:44 2020, Esther, Ragan, General, Vacuum problem with SIS,  
There is some problem with the vacuum in SIS and thus data recording is stopped.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 11:37:37 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run081, Uli working with gas jet target,  
Uli is here to work with the gas jet target.

open file : run081
Entry  Sun Mar 22 11:28:02 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run080,  
open file : run080

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 10:53:36 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run080,  
open file : run080

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 10:28:27 2020, Esther, Ragan, General, run entry - run079,  
The problem at UNILAC seems to have solved itself. Intensity is returning to normal.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 10:22:27 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run079,  
open file : run079

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 10:05:37 2020, Esther, Ragan, General, run entry - run079,  
The intensity of beam from SIS is less due to some issues with UNILAc.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 09:52:09 2020, Esther, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run079,  
open file : run079

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 09:21:55 2020, Esther, Runs, run entry - run078,  
open file : run078

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 08:52:45 2020, Esther, Runs, run entry - run078,  
open file : run078

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 08:22:57 2020, Esther, Runs, run entry - run077,  
open file : run077

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 07:53:30 2020, Dima, Esther, Runs, run entry - run077,  
open file : run077

beam: 118Te52+
Entry  Sun Mar 22 07:23:44 2020, Dima, Esther, Runs, run entry - run076,  
open file : run076

beam: 118Te52+
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