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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 27 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subjectdown Year
  208   Sun Mar 22 23:19:23 2020 MichaelGeneralESR Vacuum readings 
  569   Mon May 31 10:08:42 2021 Jan, SophiaRunsE127b runsheet2021
  249   Mon Mar 23 14:12:54 2020 RaganRunsE127 experiment stops 
close file : run104 (14:12:44)
E127 experiment finishes on a successful note )) Congratulations to the entire team !!
  282   Tue May 19 16:48:15 2020 LaszloGeneralE127 beamtime overview 
Here is a representation how was the time management during E127. The time, what we could spend with measuring the 118Te(pg), was ~20% comparing to the given 6days.
  29   Fri Nov 15 10:46:12 2019 LaszloDetectorsDetector movement from HKR 
To move the detector remotely from the HKR:
-go to a desktop of a HKR computer
-right click: "App Launcher PRO"
(-you have to give some password at this point?)
-within the program go to "Development->ProHelper"
-write the name of our slow control unit in the field Nomen: "GE01DD4AS"
-There are 4rows, the middle two called: "Read props", "Write props"

-In "Read props" open "rposiabss" -> if you hit here the refresh button it will show only the SET position
-In "Read props" open "rposiabsi" -> if you hit here the refresh button it will show the REAL-TIME position of the detector

-In "Write props" open "wposiabss" -> here you can set the absolute position of our detector (one click is already enough to execute the command).
 most OUT of the ring  position: -10613 [0.1mm] in absolute
 most IN into the ring  position: -7 [0.1mm] in absolute
 The value can have as big step size as we want contrary to relative movement, when you are limited to something like 20cm.

To close the program just simply hit the "x" buttons.
  106   Sat Mar 21 06:02:22 2020 Tino, OliverGeneralDetector filling 
Run stopped for detector fillings
  478   Wed May 26 20:34:50 2021 Ragan, ThanassisDetectorsDetector filling2021
Jan is filling the detector after run0137.
  37   Tue Mar 10 08:52:34 2020 JanDetectorsDSSSD positioning 
To find a good Si position, we need to follow a procedure similar to this:

1. Si in max-in position
2. find distance of beam by scraping with detector from inside 
--> zero position
3. from this zero, we need to set a distance of about 1.5 cm to the inside (as shown in the sketch below)

It is likely that this position is not compatible with the complete ESR cycle (e.g. we scrape beam with det. during deceleration).
The solution is to move the beam closer to the detector after deceleration. There are two feasible methods to do this:

A. make a local bump in the dipole
--> check new zero and det. position again, as sketched above
--> in 2016 this method didn't allow to go close enough to the detector, eventually we used:

B. global orbit change (by magnet ramp) + target bump (to keep overlap)
--> this takes a bit more time to set up and also the cycle will be longer at low energies (critical due to life-time)
--> method A is preferred, but might not be strong enough

This needs to be checked and repeated for each new beam setting.
  387   Sat May 22 16:28:10 2021 LaszloGeneralDSSSD movement2021
The DSSSD is moved back to its measurement position(-25mm).
  283   Fri Jun 5 14:06:15 2020 LaszloDetectorsDSSSD and SCRAPER position estimate for Xe and Te experiments2020
We don't know the exact absolute positions of the detector (+scraper) and the beam. However, what we have to know is only these two relative positions respect to each other. To get this distance I use two methods:
1, combining the infos from the set position during the beamtime + the measured pg peak position on the detector. The pg peak position is defined only by the eye (because of the low number of counts in every case, it doesnt make much sense to make fits). Since we rely on the detector resolution, we would be never more accurate than ~ +/-1.5mm anyhow. The active area of the detector is 49.5x49.5mm2 with a 45° tilt in y.
2, MOCADI simulation of the beam and the pg peak. This is used only as a crosscheck.
3, The scraper had a small angle in y direction causing ~0.5cm shift to the upper direction. the length of the scraping edge is 7cm

-124Xe with scraper measurement:
  • measurement
    d1 = moved back from beam = 15 +/-.5 mm
    d2 = DSSSD frame width = 8.85 mm
    d3 = pg center on DSSSD = 7-7.5 bin = 21.7-23.2 mm = avg = 22.5 mm

    --> pg from beam in x = -46.4mm +/- 1.5mm
    --> pg on DSSSD from center ~ -3.28mm +/- 1.5mm

  • simulation
    x = -46.5 mm
    y = 0 mm

  • detector active area position
    x = (-73.35mm) - (-23.85mm)
    y = (-14.2195mm) - 23.5125mm

  • SCRAPING: x=-35mm +/-0.5mm away from beam
    y=(-20mm) - (40mm)

  • measurement
    d1 = moved back from beam = 16 +/-.5 mm
    d2 = DSSSD frame width = 8.85 mm
    d3 = pg center on DSSSD = 7.5 bin = 23.2 mm

    --> pg from beam in x = -48.05mm +/- 1.5mm
    --> pg on DSSSD from center ~ -3.28mm +/- 1.5mm

  • simulation
    x = -48 mm
    y = 0 mm

  • detector active area position
    x = (-74.35mm) - (-24.85mm)
    y = (-14.2195mm) - 23.5125mm

    x=-35mm +/-0.5mm away from beam
    y=(-20mm) - (40mm)

notes during beam-time:
  28   Wed Nov 6 14:13:53 2019 Jan, LaszloDetectorsDSSSD - 1st movement - realignment 
We moved the new detector installation for the first time slowly into the dipole chamber.
The alignement seems to be pefect, no distortion or vertical movement of the detector-arm was observed from the window flange.

The vacuum on the detector side went up from 2e-10 mbar to about 5e-9 mbar.
On the ring side it was 3e-11 mbar befor and 1e-10 mbar after movement.

The extreme positions possible (Endlage) are:

max out: -10613 
max in: -7

These are the absolute positions in units of 0.1 mm

It has to be noted that after bakeout a realignment of the detector was needed in order to have it centered in vertical dimension. However, this realignment has been only slight turns of the base flange alignment screws. In detail, the two inner "Sechskantschrauben" below the bellow have been loosed slightly, while the outer two have been tightend. Additionally, the small "Madenschraube" on the outside has been loosend by 1/4 turn.
In result the detector could be raised in vertical position by about ~5mm (jugded by eye).

The effect of small turning on the screws is extreme on the detector position! Be careful when re-adjusting.
  287   Tue Feb 2 13:59:00 2021 JanDetectorsDSSD installation and alignment2021
The DSSD has been exchanged and aligned in 
November 2020. After bakeout at 140°C 
(externally, 120°C at internal temp. Sensor) 
for more than a week, the vacuum in the setup 
is roughly 4.5e-10 mbar.

After the bakeout the detector had to be 
realigned, it was lower by 1-2 mm. Using the 
line laser the realignment was done by 
touching only the screws on the far part of 
the base of the flange. These screws have been 
thightend by about a 1/4 turn after releasing 
the headless positioning screw accordingly.
  286   Tue Nov 24 15:35:49 2020 JanCalibrationDSSD X/Y channel mapping2021
During the detector test test measurements with alpha source the allocation of the 16 X- and 16 Y-channels has been checked.

For the following final allocation, it is always assumed that the (horizontal) y-strips are placed to face the beam directly, while the (vertical) x-strips are on the backside.

Now, all cables from the preamp to the ADC/TDCs are either labeled BLACK (= X-strips, pos. signals) or labeled RED (= Y-strips, neg. signals). These red or black connections should be kept consistently in order to ensure a well known orientation of the DSSD during the experiment. The test run Si2_run006.lmd was taken with this final assignment and serves as reference.

BLACK LABEL > X1 to X16 > pos. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 0-15 > 50 Ohm resistor at preamps HV-input
RED LABEL > Y1 to Y16 > neg. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 16-31 > neg. bias voltage at preamps HV-input

Additionally, the RED label indicates the section on the preamp to which negative bias voltage should be applied.
  386   Sat May 22 14:53:34 2021 Beatriz et al.GeneralDSSD Movement2021
DSSSD moved to the most in position in order to try to scrape the beam with the scraper.
  12   Fri Jun 7 15:57:41 2019 JanDAQDAQ with & without MDPP-16 
The DAQ located in 

currently includes the readout of
Caen 775 TDC
Caen 830 Scaler

is without the MDPP-16:
Caen 775 TDC
Caen 830 Scaler
  26   Wed Oct 23 15:35:29 2019 JanDAQDAQ with & without MDPP-16 
the DAQ located in

currently includes
2x Caen V775 TDC
2x Caen V830 Scaler

> The DAQ located in 
> ../esrdaq_2018/r4l-58/ 
> currently includes the readout of
> Caen 775 TDC
> Caen 830 Scaler
> MDPP-16
> ../esrdaq_2018/r4l-58_rewind/
> is without the MDPP-16:
> Caen 775 TDC
> Caen 830 Scaler
  71   Fri Mar 20 04:29:45 2020 JanDAQDAQ settings for the first night 
  39   Wed Mar 11 09:08:21 2020 JanDAQDAQ & controls - OVERVIEW 
For all DAQ & slow control buissines the user
is used with the password ViValasVegas1964

Here is a list of computers and devices we use for the current DAQ:
  • r4l-58 - VME cpu (RIO)
    our DAQ runs on this computer
    access from lxg1275 via ssh litv-exp@r4l-58
    the current DAQ directory is /esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58
    from lxg-machines the DAQ dir can also be accessed via the mount point at /lynx/Lynx/esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58

  • lxg1275 - main DAQ handler
    used for communication with the DAQ and primary data writing/streaming
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1275
    primary data folder: /data.local3/e127/lmd/
    local backup folder: /data.local2/e127/lmd_backup/

  • lxg1299 - online monitoring
    used for the R3Broot online monitor server
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1299
    online data: /data.local3/e127/online/

  • atpnu004 - slow control
    used for remote access to SpecAmps (MesyTec Shapers), Si-HV (caen) and picoscopes
    access from any lxg via E127_nuc or ssh litv-exp@atpnuc004
    screen sessions: mesy_ioc (shapers), caen_ioc (Si HV)
    access screens by screen -x mesy_ioc or screen -x caen_ioc (exit with [Ctrl-a d])
    access vnc session for picoscopes on any lxg: E127_vnc or vncviewer atpnuc004:1

  • apraspi001 - slow control 2
    used for remote access to the BaF HV crate
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@apraspi001
    local access to HV control by telnet: telnet 1527

  • lxg0188 - 1st backup node
    used for direct backup of the written data (invoked automatically by stopping a run)
    backup dir: /data.local2/E127_lmd/

  • kronos.hpc.gsi.de - 2nd backup node
    used for secondary backup of lmd-data on lxg0188 (chronjob every 4 hours)
    backup dir: /lustre/ap/litv-exp/2020-03-17_E127_jglorius

List of commands and aliases

  • E127_daq or /data.local1/e127/scripts/E127_start_gui.sh
    this is the GUI to control the DAQ
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user
    only one instance of this GUI can run at the same time!

  • E127_unpack or /u/litv-exp/unpacker/unpackexps/e127/e127
    this is the unpacker for the current DAQ
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user
    to unpack lmd-files to root-file: E127_unpack infile01.lmd infile02.lmd --ntuple=RAW,outfile.root

  • E127_epics or epicsfind; medm -x /u/litv-exp/e127/medm/e127.adl
    this is the GUI for slow control of Si HV and amplifiers (MesyTec Shapers)
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user

  • E127_rates or /u/litv-exp/e127/UDP/build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_4.9.2_debug/udp_reader --trig --rate
    this is the UDP reader for detector and trigger rates
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user

  273   Wed Apr 8 20:06:10 2020 LaszloCalibrationCounts in the K-REC peaks 
3 datasets were investigated:
-124Xe with Scraper (2. Xray calibration parameters needed)
-124Xe without Scraper (2. Xray calibration parameters needed)
-118Te with Scraper (1. Xray calibration parameters needed)

I looked all the 35°, 90° and 145° detector spectra:
-For both Xe measurements all 3 detector signal can be evaluated
-For Te beam one can see only in the 145° detector spectra the Kalpha and K-REC peaks (with high uncertainty). For the 35° probably the detector was simply not sensitive enough for such low beam intensities. For the 90° case, I am much surprised, the peaks supposed to be there the most prominent of all. In the spectra, I maybe can recognize a peak at ~27,8keV, but this is even in best case only the Kalpha peak. At the range of the expected K-REC (~40keV), there is a bit of increase in the background overlying the peak. This background increase is also in the background spectra. Also probably this twisted cables issue between 90° and 145° didn't help much. I think anyhow, that maybe this must have some noise related origin. I can remember that the cables (despite all of our and Uwe's tries) were not well grounded, the noise level was kind of floating.

In general, I would also remark that we can see some peaks >60keV in the background, but these luckily don't disturb us.

To evaluate the Xray spectra I used the following algorithm:
1, for each type of beams I used the list of event numbers in the next entry (to exclude "bad" events)
To get the Kalpha and K-REC and other peaks I used the condition trigger==1 (jet ON)
To get the background spectra, I used trigger==2 (Jet OFF). The background spectra is only used to see that there is no underlying peak structure below K-REC. To subtract count, the background histo was NOT in use.
2, While using a well-suiting number of bins, I plot the JetON and JetOFF histos.
By eye I choose the range of the K-REC peak and the range for the background fit on the JetON histo. Ofc range_bckgnd > range_peak.
Simultaneously, I check on the JetOFF histo that both, in the fit-range and in the peak-range, there should not be any peak structure visible.
3, For the fit-range in JetON histo, excluding the peak-range, I fit a linear function, m*x+b. For each bin in the fit-range I subtract m*bin_center+b value from the bin content. After the subtraction I check if I got spectra looking like a single peak sitting on a zero
4, To get the K-REC counts, I sum together all the bin values for each bin of the subtracted histo within the peak-range. For the error calculation, I use Gaussian error prop. The uncertainty of the JetON histo counts = sqrt(counts). Also for the subtraction I make the
error like delta(m*bin_center+b)= sqrt(m*bin_center+b) instead using the uncertainty of the fit parameters. This second one wont make much sense, since the slope of the linear fit is usually close to 0 --> the errors grow unrealistically big.

Based on the algorithm above I got the following counts:
-124Xe with Scraper:
35°: 174 +/- 15
90°: 21299 +/- 150
145°: 2104 +/- 52

-124Xe without Scraper:
35°: 65 +/- 9
90°: 7792 +/- 91
145°: 728 +/- 31

-118Te_part1 with Scraper:
35°: -
90°: 427 +/- 40
145°: -

-118Te_part2 with Scraper:
35°: -
90°: 741 +/- 48
145°: -

-124Xe_lowRate with Scraper:
35°: -
90°: 2121 +/- 52
145°: -
  475   Wed May 26 19:08:17 2021 Ragan, ThanassisGeneralCooler down2021
We stopped data taking as the electron cooler is down.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b