Fri May 14 10:28:49 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0042 - Xray145 calib 241Am_hi d=305mm, 2021
Efficiency calibration in the lab
This is now GEM1800 @ 145deg distance
But still operated as Xray1 in DAQ
Threshold slightly increased
Detector: GEM1800 - 145 deg
Source: 241Am_hi
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 10:27:58 - 14.05.2021
Stop time: 11:14:03 - 14.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0042.lmd
avrg. rate: 200Hz
dead-time: 1.5%
Blocking gate 2.5 us in vulom.
Threshold < 10keV
The scale serial communication is off. |
Fri May 14 11:17:48 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0043 - Xray145 calib 210Pb d=305mm, 2021
Efficiency calibration in the lab
This is now GEM1800 @ 145deg distance
But still operated as Xray1 in DAQ
Threshold slightly increased
Detector: GEM1800 - 145 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 11:17:23 - 14.05.2021
Stop time: 13:47:42 - 14.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0043.lmd
avrg. rate: 40Hz
dead-time: 0%
Blocking gate 2.5 us in vulom.
Threshold < 10keV
The scale serial communication is off. |
Fri May 14 13:58:52 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0044 - Xray145 calib 210Pb d=305mm, 2021
Efficiency calibration in the lab
This is now GEM1800 @ 145deg distance
But still operated as Xray1 in DAQ
90deg TFA diff set from 50 to 200.
Also threshold is slightly increased.
Detector: GEM1800 - 145 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 13:58:33 - 14.05.2021
Stop time: 16:46:00 - 14.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0044.lmd
avrg. rate: 40Hz
dead-time: 0%
Blocking gate 2.5 us in vulom.
Threshold < 10keV
The scale serial communication is off. |
Sat May 15 20:21:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0045 - Si pulser run, 2021
Detector: DSSD
Source: CAEN Detector Emulator
Start time: 20:24:14 - 15.05.2021
Stop time: 21:01:34 - 15.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0045.lmd
avrg. rate: 1000Hz
dead-time: 7.5%
Si bias test cycle:
0V > 50V/200uA > 100V/280uA > 150V/370uA > 120V/320uA > 90V/260uA > 60V/210uA > 30V/160uA > 0V
This cycle is run twice i the first 15 minutes and shall be used for calibration of the scaler channels.
Also ESR trafo is running with beam. |
Sun May 16 11:25:25 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0046 - Xray E-calib 241Am all dets, 2021
Detectors: Xray1 (GEM1800), Xray2 (GLP), Xray3 (GEM3000)
Sources: different Am241 at each detector
Start time: 11:25:04 - 16.05.2021
Stop time: 11:29:45 - 16.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0046.lmd
avrg. rate: 6000Hz
dead-time: 30% |
Sun May 16 11:54:12 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, Xray performance in lab, 2021
These are the current Xray detector performances in the lab using data from run0046
det | DAQ ch | threshold | resolution @ 60keV
GEM1800 | xray1 | 5keV | 495eV
GLP2000 | xray2 | 5keV | 430eV
GEM3000 | xray3 | 7keV | 525eV
Tue May 18 01:03:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0048 - calib all Xray det., 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 01:20:23 - 18.05.2021
Stop time: 11:05:30 - 18.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0048.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time: 3% |
Tue May 18 01:21:27 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0047 - crap, 2021
Tue May 18 11:22:57 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0049 - calib all Xray det., 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detector: all
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 11:22:36 - 18.05.2021
Stop time: 13:36:55 - 18.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0049.lmd
avrg. rate: 400Hz
dead-time: 3% |
Thu May 20 15:15:54 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0050, 2021
crap |
Thu May 20 17:31:28 2021, Beatriz, Laszlo, Calibration, run0051, 2021
crap |
Wed May 26 07:08:07 2021, Laszlo, Calibration, quick and dirty calibration coefficients for the Si channels, 2021
The coefficients are produced only quick and dirty, S_x=1 was fixed to 1.
E = E_x = E_y = S_x*A_x = S_y*A_y
from 1-16: Si X channel
from 17-32: Si Y channel
S_param[32]=0.995247; |
Sun May 30 10:24:20 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0212 - X-calib. 90-pb 145-am, 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detectors: 90 + 145
Source @ 90deg: 210Pb
Source @ 145deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 10:24:55 - 30.05.2021
Stop time: 11:19:29 - 30.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0212.lmd
avrg. rate: 250Hz
dead-time: 2% |
Sun May 30 11:32:06 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0213 - X-calib. 90-am 145-pb 35-ba, 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detectors: 90 + 145 + 35
Source @ 90deg: 241Am_hi
Source @ 145deg: 210Pb
Source @ 35deg: 133Ba_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 11:31:47 - 30.05.2021
Stop time: 13:10:14 - 30.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0213.lmd
avrg. rate: 700Hz
dead-time: 6% |
Sun May 30 13:23:26 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0214 - X-calib. 90-ba 145-ba 35-am, 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detectors: 90 + 145 + 35
Source @ 90deg: 133Ba_lo
Source @ 145deg: 133Ba_hi
Source @ 35deg: 241Am_hi
Distance: each
Start time: 13:22:38 - 30.05.2021
Stop time: 14:28:09 - 30.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0214.lmd
avrg. rate: 1150Hz
dead-time: 8% |
Sun May 30 14:38:09 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0216 - X-calib. 90-ba 35-pb, 2021
Efficiency calibration in ESR after experiment
GEM1800 @ 90deg (xray1)
GEM3000 @ 35deg (xray2)
GLP2000 @ 145deg (xray3)
Detectors: 90 + 35
Source @ 90deg: 133Ba_lo
Source @ 35deg: 210Pb
Distance: each
Start time: 14:46:46 - 30.05.2021
Stop time: 20:11:08 - 30.05.2021
file name: e127b_run0216.lmd
avrg. rate: 330Hz
dead-time: 3% |
Sun May 30 14:48:09 2021, Jan, Sophia, Calibration, run0215 - crap, 2021
Mon May 31 14:38:33 2021, Sophia, Calibration, Runlist for X-ray detector calibrations after the experiment, 2021
The by Jacobus Swartz created table in entry 335 extended by the calibration after the experiment. |
Wed Jun 23 12:29:35 2021, Jan, Sophia, Calibration, Efficiency of the x-ray Detectors , 2021  
For the x-ray detectors, efficiencies have been measured, before and after the experiment was performed.
The preliminary results of the determined efficiencies can be seen in the attached plots |
Thu Jul 8 13:39:34 2021, Jan, Calibration, Electron cooler parameters, 2021
Below are the results from the e-cooler voltage offset measurments done by Regina Hess et al. using the voltage divider (VD).
--7 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 4008.3 V
Measured at VD: 3913 V
Offset: -95.3 V
--6 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 3460.5 V
Measured at VD: 3364 V
Offset: -96.5 V
Below are the cooler parameters from ParaModi for our production runs.
--7 MeV/u--
UE: 3842.7V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 4008.7V
BG1E dU: 120V
--6 MeV/u--
UE: 3290.833V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 3460.4809V
BG1E dU: 120V
--energy calculation--
as described here
-- uncertainty --
for E108b we agreed on 10%
maybe further discussion is needed |