E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 27 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Datedown Author Category Subject Year
  52   Sun Mar 15 18:09:19 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun039 - Xray90 calib Ba133 
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 18:10:02 15.03.2020
Stop time:  18:47:36 15.03.2020

file name: run039_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 150Hz
dead-time:  2%
  51   Sun Mar 15 17:50:42 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun038 - Xray90 calib Ba133, high rate 
Detector: 90
Source: Ba133 - high rate
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:53:38 15.03.2020
Stop time: 18:05:41 15.03.2020

file name: run038_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 2.6kHz
dead-time:  26%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Attachment 1: run038_133Ba_high_145.png
  50   Sun Mar 15 17:33:17 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun037 - Xray90 calib Am241 
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 17:40:00 15.03.2020
Stop time:  17:49:57 15.03.2020

file name: run037_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 620Hz
dead-time:  7%


update at 05.05.2020: the cables were probably twisted between the 90 and the 145 angle detectors.
Attachment 1: run037_241Am_145.png
  49   Sun Mar 15 17:14:08 2020 LaszloCalibrationrun036 - Xray90 calib Am241, distance 200! 
Detector: 90
Source: Am241 
Distance: 200mm
Start time: 17:15:12 15.03.2020
Stop time:  17:32:17 15.03.2020

file name: run036_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 450Hz
dead-time:  5%
  48   Sun Mar 15 17:13:21 2020 Laszlo, JanCalibrationthe x-ray gate issue 
We found a strange behaviour of our ADC gates for the x-ray detectors.
The setting as shown in the foto below corresponds to a delay of 5 us and a gate length of 15 us.
This is the only setting that produces nice spectra, even though the signals and gate are not aligned.
The setting is extremely sensitive to the delay 4 us still works but 3 or 7 us give already reduced energy values and beyond these values the spectra disapears.

For now it was decided to operate with this not-understood settings because the result is pretty good...
However, further investigation to understand whats happening would be desirable.

Additional note:
This effect appeared after using the new ortec SpecAmps. Before this we used old Tennelec Amps which delivered horrible resolution, but the gates and signals could be matched as expected at this time.
Attachment 1: IMG_20200315_172129.jpg
  47   Sun Mar 15 17:12:40 2020 Laszlo, JanDetectorsnew Ortec spec amps  
We are now using new SpecAmps for the x-ray detectors from ORTEC, they deliver much improved resolution but have other strange effects as discribed in the next entry.
  46   Sun Mar 15 15:08:44 2020 JanCalibrationrun035 - Xray145 calib B133 high rate 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 145
Source: B133 high rate
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 15:10:15 15.03.2020
Stop time:  15:31:16 15.03.2020

file name: run035_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 1kHz
dead-time:  12%
  45   Sun Mar 15 14:41:34 2020 JanCalibrationrun034 - Xray145 calib B133 high rate -SOURCE MOVED! 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

The source moved during the calibration, measurement stopped at half time.

Detector: 145
Source: B133 high rate
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 14:54:47 15.03.2020
Stop time:  15:06:53 15.03.2020

file name: run034_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 1kHz
dead-time:  11%
  44   Sun Mar 15 13:52:05 2020 JanCalibrationrun033 - Xray145 calib Am241 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 145
Source: Am-241
Distance: 305mm
Start time: 14:15;56 15.03.2020
Stop time:  14:40:21 15.03.2020

file name: run033_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 300Hz
dead-time:  4%
  43   Sun Mar 15 13:40:11 2020 JanCalibrationrun032 - Xray90 calib Ba133 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Ba-133 weak source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:39:30 15.03.2020
Stop time: 13:50:55 15.03.2020

file name: run032_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 150Hz
dead-time:  1.5%
  42   Sun Mar 15 13:08:38 2020 JanCalibrationrun031 - Xray90 calib Ba133 hi-rate 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Ba-133 strong source
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:28:42 15.03.2020
Stop time:13:38:16 15.03.2020

file name: run031_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 2.7kHz
dead-time:  25%
  41   Sun Mar 15 09:42:40 2020 JanCalibrationrun030 - Xray90 calib Am241 
measurement with old tennelec specAmps, do not use for efficiency!

Detector: 90
Source: Am-241
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:06:55 15.03.2020
Stop time:  13:24:57 15.03.2020

file name: run030_xxxx.lmd
avrg. rate: 650Hz
dead-time:  7%
  40   Wed Mar 11 14:33:44 2020 LaszloGeneralbeam time manual 
Here you can find the digital version of the E127 beam time manual.
Attachment 1: E127_experimental_manual.pdf
E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf E127_experimental_manual.pdf
Attachment 2: manual.odt
  39   Wed Mar 11 09:08:21 2020 JanDAQDAQ & controls - OVERVIEW 
For all DAQ & slow control buissines the user
is used with the password ViValasVegas1964

Here is a list of computers and devices we use for the current DAQ:
  • r4l-58 - VME cpu (RIO)
    our DAQ runs on this computer
    access from lxg1275 via ssh litv-exp@r4l-58
    the current DAQ directory is /esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58
    from lxg-machines the DAQ dir can also be accessed via the mount point at /lynx/Lynx/esr/usr/litv-exp/2020_e127/r4l-58

  • lxg1275 - main DAQ handler
    used for communication with the DAQ and primary data writing/streaming
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1275
    primary data folder: /data.local3/e127/lmd/
    local backup folder: /data.local2/e127/lmd_backup/

  • lxg1299 - online monitoring
    used for the R3Broot online monitor server
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@lxg1299
    online data: /data.local3/e127/online/

  • atpnu004 - slow control
    used for remote access to SpecAmps (MesyTec Shapers), Si-HV (caen) and picoscopes
    access from any lxg via E127_nuc or ssh litv-exp@atpnuc004
    screen sessions: mesy_ioc (shapers), caen_ioc (Si HV)
    access screens by screen -x mesy_ioc or screen -x caen_ioc (exit with [Ctrl-a d])
    access vnc session for picoscopes on any lxg: E127_vnc or vncviewer atpnuc004:1

  • apraspi001 - slow control 2
    used for remote access to the BaF HV crate
    access from any lxg via ssh litv-exp@apraspi001
    local access to HV control by telnet: telnet 1527

  • lxg0188 - 1st backup node
    used for direct backup of the written data (invoked automatically by stopping a run)
    backup dir: /data.local2/E127_lmd/

  • kronos.hpc.gsi.de - 2nd backup node
    used for secondary backup of lmd-data on lxg0188 (chronjob every 4 hours)
    backup dir: /lustre/ap/litv-exp/2020-03-17_E127_jglorius

List of commands and aliases

  • E127_daq or /data.local1/e127/scripts/E127_start_gui.sh
    this is the GUI to control the DAQ
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user
    only one instance of this GUI can run at the same time!

  • E127_unpack or /u/litv-exp/unpacker/unpackexps/e127/e127
    this is the unpacker for the current DAQ
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user
    to unpack lmd-files to root-file: E127_unpack infile01.lmd infile02.lmd --ntuple=RAW,outfile.root

  • E127_epics or epicsfind; medm -x /u/litv-exp/e127/medm/e127.adl
    this is the GUI for slow control of Si HV and amplifiers (MesyTec Shapers)
    available on any lxg with litv-exp user

  • E127_rates or /u/litv-exp/e127/UDP/build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_4.9.2_debug/udp_reader --trig --rate
    this is the UDP reader for detector and trigger rates
    available on lxg1275 only with litv-exp user

  38   Tue Mar 10 09:41:26 2020 JanDetectorsx-ray background from BaF 
The BaF2 detectors planned to be installed at the target induce an additional background in the x-ray detectors sitting below inside the target chamber. 
We made test measurements with an x-ray detector for estimating the background in the region of interest for our K-REC measurements (35 to 50 keV).

For the interval [35-50 keV]:
Normal background level: 0.065 (s*keV)^-1
BaF2 in 5cm distance:    0.078 (s*keV)^-1
This is an increase by about 22%

Assuming an increase by 100% induced by 6 BaF2 in the vincinity of the Ge-detectors this seems acceptable.

However additional BaF-induced peaks are also visible at ~30 keV and ~60 keV. While these are not in the region of interest for the K-REC, we need to be aware of them!

spectra are available on the Frankfurt exp-astro Server at /home/glorius/e127/
  37   Tue Mar 10 08:52:34 2020 JanDetectorsDSSSD positioning 
To find a good Si position, we need to follow a procedure similar to this:

1. Si in max-in position
2. find distance of beam by scraping with detector from inside 
--> zero position
3. from this zero, we need to set a distance of about 1.5 cm to the inside (as shown in the sketch below)

It is likely that this position is not compatible with the complete ESR cycle (e.g. we scrape beam with det. during deceleration).
The solution is to move the beam closer to the detector after deceleration. There are two feasible methods to do this:

A. make a local bump in the dipole
--> check new zero and det. position again, as sketched above
--> in 2016 this method didn't allow to go close enough to the detector, eventually we used:

B. global orbit change (by magnet ramp) + target bump (to keep overlap)
--> this takes a bit more time to set up and also the cycle will be longer at low energies (critical due to life-time)
--> method A is preferred, but might not be strong enough

This needs to be checked and repeated for each new beam setting.
Attachment 1: optimum_detector_position_2.jpg
  36   Fri Feb 21 11:29:59 2020 JanDetectorsdet. distances at target chamber 
This is the lookup table for the distance of each x-ray detector to the target.
See attched foto for explanation.

Detector A (dA) [mm] B (dB) [mm] C (dC) [mm] calculate result [mm]
35° 136.0 (1.0) 20.0 (0.2) 450.0 (0.5) C + B - A 334.0 (?)
90° 76.0 (0.5) 20.0 (0.2) 447.0/2 = 223.5 (1.0) C + B - A 167.5 (?)
145° 165.0 (1.0) 20.0 (0.2) 450.0 (0.5) C + B - A 305.0 (?)

Errors are estimated after measurement, final errorbars have to be double checked!
Attachment 1: Photonen_Kammer.png
  35   Fri Feb 21 11:29:02 2020 LaszloGeneralShift plan 
  34   Fri Feb 21 09:39:40 2020 LaszloDAQcable documentation 
Attachment 1: cable_documentation_e127.pdf
Attachment 2: cable_documentation_e127.ods
  33   Mon Feb 17 08:14:44 2020 JanSimulations118Te K-REC X-ray energies 
X-ray energies of K-REC for 118Te according to

parameters 35 deg 90 deg 145 deg
8 MeV/u 47.29 keV 42.25 keV 38.17 keV
5 MeV/u 44.51 keV 40.74 keV 37.57 keV

Full results are attached
Attachment 1: Photonen_Kammer.png
Attachment 2: x-ray_calculator.txt
8 MeV/U - 90 deg

******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  90.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  8.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  4.38864217
 V (A.U.).......................:=  17.8451164
 BETA...........................:=  0.130222112
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00858828
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  0.991491303
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  0.983055003

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.117769298
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.114827573
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  28.6913397
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  33.8248391
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  5.13349949
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  4.35130054
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  42.2454911
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  13.5541514
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  8.42065194
 8 MeV/U - 35 deg
 ******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  35.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  8.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  4.38864217
 V (A.U.).......................:=  17.8451164
 BETA...........................:=  0.130222112
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00858828
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  1.10987917
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  1.23183176

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.117769298
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.114827573
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  32.1171956
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  37.8636547
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  5.74645901
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  4.87086251
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  47.2897647
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  15.1725691
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  9.42611007
 8 MeV/U - 145 deg
 ******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  145.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  8.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  4.38864217
 V (A.U.).......................:=  17.8451164
 BETA...........................:=  0.130222112
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00858828
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  0.895920831
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  0.802674136

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.117769298
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.114827573
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  25.9257634
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  30.5644416
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  4.63867824
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  3.93187594
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  38.1734216
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  12.2476582
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  7.60898
 5 MeV/U - 90 deg
 ******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  90.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  5.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  2.74290135
 V (A.U.).......................:=  14.1416452
 BETA...........................:=  0.103196576
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00536768
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  0.994666113
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  0.989360677

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.0739593675
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.0717672332
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  28.7832109
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  33.9331482
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  5.14993724
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  2.72827103
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  40.7438009
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  11.96059
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  6.81065272
 5 MeV/U - 35 deg
 ******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  35.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  5.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  2.74290135
 V (A.U.).......................:=  14.1416452
 BETA...........................:=  0.103196576
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00536768
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  1.08650883
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  1.18050143

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.0739593675
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.0717672332
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  31.440915
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  37.0663729
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  5.62545782
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  2.98018653
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  44.5058887
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  13.0649737
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  7.43951584
5 MeV/U - 145 deg

******************* KINEMATICS ******              *****************

 ZPROJ..........................:=  52.
 THETA..........................:=  145.
 EKIN(MeV/U)....................:=  5.
 KINETIC ELECTRON ENERGY (keV)..:=  2.74290135
 V (A.U.).......................:=  14.1416452
 BETA...........................:=  0.103196576
 GAMMA..........................:=  1.00536768
 DOPPLER SHIFT..................:=  0.917136431
 SOLID ANGLE TR LAB/CM..........:=  0.841139233

 ******************* ENERGIES IN KEV ******         ************

 ETA...(v/Zp)^2.................:=  0.0739593675
 ETA..(ENERGY)..................:=  0.0717672332
 EK(BIND).......................:=  38.2193878
 EL(BIND).......................:=  9.28182715
 EM(BIND).......................:=  4.10427342
 K-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  26.5396911
 K-BETA  (LAB.).................:=  31.2882142
 L-ALPHA (LAB.).................:=  4.74852314
 KINETIC ELEC. ENERGY (LAB.)....:=  2.51561476
 E K-REC (LAB)..................:=  37.5680076
 E L-REC (LAB)..................:=  11.0283166
 E M-REC (LAB)..................:=  6.27979344
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b