Wed Mar 23 11:20:55 2022, Simon, Detectors, PMT operating voltages
During the testing of the PMTs the following operating voltages were applied:
PMT Cu: -1300V
Sun Apr 3 11:40:48 2022, Shahab, Yuri, Detectors, 245 MHz Resonator tuned to new frequency
resonance frequency changed from 243.2 MHz to 244.692 MHz by reducing the value of both of the plungers from 395 to 325. Now after movement, the peak is
on the resonance. |
Thu Mar 31 20:07:47 2022, Shahab, DAQ, Schottky Display in AP Messhütte (or anywhere else)
[B]UPDATE: 16.05.2022[/B]
[I]Please use ATPPC029 instead of ATPPC019 for the 245 MHz Schottky
Thu Apr 7 14:01:22 2022, Sebastian, Max, Detectors, Mesytec reset
The Mesytec crate was turned off and on again.
It is again possible to communicate with the XUV detector via python to apply voltage and current. |
Thu Apr 14 12:27:18 2022, Sebastian, Max, Detectors, Connection to XUV / Cu reestablished!
The connection to the XUV and Cu were lost during the nightshift.
The XUV detector was in the park position,
Tue Apr 5 11:14:52 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, PMT over wavelength histogram v2
Today we finalized the PMT over wavelength histogram in:
Tue Apr 5 15:25:47 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-Michel, DAQ, Go4 Conditions for "TDC_stacked_Sig/Ref" histogram
First version of TDC_stacked histograms implemented.
Under folder "Conditions" you can now integrate over user defined Limits (Xmin and Xmax). |
Mon Apr 11 11:05:35 2022, Sebastian, Kristian, Laser, Check laser power
we checked the UV laser power at 10:15 am. It was only 8.5 - 9 mJ. Pumping power was 460 mJ, which is the maximum output of the current system. We should
change the flashlamps soon |
Mon Apr 4 15:27:31 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, PMT over wavelength histogram
Kristian and I tried to create a "PMT over wavelength" histogram under step2Anl/LabView.
Unfortunately, the code ist still in progress and does not work yet.
Thu Apr 7 09:23:18 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ1 & DAQ2 - 1kHz and delayed cs removed
Questionable 1kHz and delayed common stop signals has been removed.
These two cablings were for some previous tests. |
Fri Apr 8 08:17:52 2022, Sebastian, Laser, Laser Ext Trig is working
We (Max, Kristian, Danyal, me) fixed the "external trigger" problem.
1.) The delay between lamp sync and Q-switch trigger was too long. The delay must be 200µs (3rd picture)!
Fri Apr 8 08:40:06 2022, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ improvement
Concerning ID 146 a new histogram for accumulating data (no cleaning histograms) can be found under
Step2_Anl/TDC/TDC***_accumulated_*** |
Thu Apr 14 12:38:38 2022, Sebastian, Detectors, XUV / Cu checkups
Check regularly if the connection to the XUV and Cu detectors are still active and the detectors move in (after injection) and out (after killing the ion
Thu Apr 14 19:46:46 2022, Sarper & Konstantin & Rodolfo, Laser, Laser power
We checked the laser power before starting the new scan range.
- Seed energy before Cobra @ 532 nm: 513 mJ (before 499 mJ).
Sun Apr 3 12:31:10 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, Yuri, Carsten, Ragan, Runs, Measurement of beam with different circles 6x
Parameters of NTCAP:
1. IQ rate 20 MSamples/s
Sat Apr 2 10:22:21 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, Ragan, General, Beam is in the ESR
Primary beam is in the ESR now. Markus and the team are tuning the ESR. |
Fri Apr 1 11:00:41 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Start NTCAP
Start taking data with NTCAP.
Carrier Frequency: 245MHz
IQ rate:5 MSamples/s
Fri Apr 1 11:19:57 2022, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, S.M.A.R.T check on NTCAP
S.M.A.R.T. check has been done on NTCAP on March 28th. All 12 hard disk drivers are normal. |
Mon Apr 11 18:46:31 2022, Rodolfo, Sarper and Konstantin, Laser, Alignment-check
We cross-checked the laser-ion alignment. The horizontal position was optimized. However,
since the laser beam is much larger than the ion beam, this was not an issue for measurements, which
have been performed during the last shifts.
Wed Apr 13 15:41:29 2022, Rodolfo & Sarper, Laser, Laser status
We have checked the power of the laser and optimized it "a bit".
- Seed energy for the Cobra @ 532 nm: 508 mJ (before 496 mJ)*