Sat Apr 9 19:50:40 2022, Carsten, , New thresholds for ADC of DAQ2 (starting with file0117)
unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
{0x0100 , 0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0004 , 0x0005 , 0x0004 , 0x0006 , 0x0005 ,
0x0006 , 0x0005 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
Sun Apr 10 15:08:42 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Backup of Data from 1rst Scanrange to extrenal RAID1 HDDs
I just performed a backup of all data (+log-Files) that were collected until now to the two RAID HDDs.
For DAQ1: /media/sdc2 - last file 229Thor7889.lmd. Please note, that the naming sceme on DAQ1 is inconsistent - please look for the filenumnbering
Mon Apr 11 22:33:16 2022, Carsten, General, Backup of data to the external RAID disks
Thu Apr 14 08:41:42 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Low intensity at the experiment after series of failures during the night
After the recovery from the failures during the night, we see much lower intensity at the experiment (measured with the particle detector count rate).
Instead of 8000-10000 cts we see only 3000-4000cts at comparable SIS intensities.
Also ESR cooler seems to be slightly unstable (wiggling lines) during injection. However, it is visually evident from the Schottky that the injected intensity |
Thu Apr 14 10:57:11 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Maintanence UNILAC / Op training
We had no beam since about 1000. Also, we are still trying to find out why we have such a low intensity in the expereimnt.
Presently, there is a planned maintenance in the UNILAC, beam is expected back in 25-30 mins.
The profile grid TE3 in the transfer beamline in front of the target will be used to check if the extracted SIS beam has changed compared to before the |
Wed Apr 6 16:01:07 2022, BL, Accelerator, ESR settings before adjusting laser: 2022-04-06_14-37-30_ESR_EXP22_02_238U92_Brandau_30March22.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2
# Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-06T14:37:35.957978+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
# Context: ESR_EXP22_02_238U92_Brandau_30March22.C1
Tue Apr 12 12:41:20 2022, Alexandre, Sebastian, Accelerator, no beam in SIS18
Tue Apr 12 13:24:40 2022, Alexandre, Sebastian, Detectors, Sideband in Schottky
Sometimes we see a broad sideband at lesser schottky frequencies to the high intensity thorium beam.
Pic 1 shows the relative broad sideband on the left.
Tue Apr 12 04:43:29 2022, Alexandre, Kristian, Sebastian, Runs, 322.01 - 321.60 nm
We scan the wavelength scan range is 322.01 - 321.60 nm
before the first scan of the new wavelength range we changed the high voltage divider ratio in Labview from 248514 to 248517, which is the correct value |
Mon Mar 21 16:33:23 2022, , DAQ, Changing code of go4
We agreed to indicate changes in the go4 analysis code according to the
following scheme
Mon Mar 21 17:03:47 2022, , DAQ, Changing code of go4
Correction: Comments in C/C++ start with // , i.e. forward slash
[B]//--2022-mm-dd HH:MM comment on the respective change[/B].
Thu Apr 7 04:48:58 2022, , , ToDo's for 07.04.
Some ToDo's for the next shift:
- Work on Laser stabilisation 2nd stage in the ESR
- Mesytec power supply of the xuv-detector crashed and needs to be restarted in the ESR. Simply turning it the crate off and on again)!!
Thu Apr 7 16:45:10 2022, , Detectors, Detector distances
Relativ distances of the detector |