Fri Apr 1 00:27:27 2022, Carsten, , Settings Particle Detectors /Tests with primary beam
All the beam settings will be given in a separate post.
We have 238U92+ centered in the ring with typically a few times 10⁷ ions.
Fri Apr 1 02:29:40 2022, Carsten, , ESR Cooler crashed
ESR cooler crashed. We could not restart the cooler. Since we had several other problems, we stop now. |
Fri Apr 1 16:46:33 2022, Carsten, Detectors, All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly
All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly |
Fri Apr 1 18:30:38 2022, Carsten, Detectors, Positions / Voltages threshlds for particle detectors
[B]DC beam 238U92+ (205kV, e-beam)[/B]
We used the detector NA_SZ to determine the central primary-beam (238U92+) position by observing the Schottky-signal while moving the detector inside.
Fri Apr 1 23:47:45 2022, Carsten, Detectors, PMT thresholds / PMT north does not allow voltage abow ~ -1kV
Checked thresholds of PMT with beam and without beam.
The [B]PMT "south"[/B] which is now at the gas-jet target has burst-like pulses with a train of many short pulses of duration of about 1us. The signals |
Sat Apr 2 01:02:39 2022, Carsten, , Test measurements with two DAQs
We do two measurements:
One measurement using the |
Sat Apr 2 15:54:32 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, ESR setup with primary beam and 1cm Be plate + Schottky data on NTCAP
MArkus and Bernd have setup the ESR with the thick stripper foil and put the ion beam (238U92+) on the central orbit.
SIS Energy is 536 MeV/u
Sat Apr 2 22:43:36 2022, Carsten, , Ring set-up for 229/89+, scraped and bunched, Iel=500mA at injection and 100mA during measurment
The ring SIS/ESR were set up for 229/89+. Pölease note that this not only 1e- Th but ponteially also the isobars of Ac (0e-1)/Pa(2e-, strongest) and U(3e-).
SIS eenrgy plus 3.5 MeV/u w.r.t. to the 238U92+ settings. We nearly don't see any of the primary beam in the ring
Cooling energy is 208998 KeV (read from the ESR multimeter).
Sat Apr 2 23:16:55 2022, Carsten, , Cu mirror and CsI moved in and out of the ring
Ken tested the Cu-mirror and CsI disk Detector. They move without a problem and don't scrape the ion beam. |
Sun Apr 3 13:05:08 2022, Carsten, Laser, Distance of Partilce detecotrs wr.t. to electron cooler
As of Yuris post in the elog the positions (Info from H. Weick):
The postion of the particle counter behind the cooler is 21.6 m behind the middle of the cooler.
Mon Apr 4 16:26:04 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Backup Harddisk /External Disk
Since we cannot write on lustre, as a temproal solution two RAID 1 (mirror) USB hard disks with cpacity 6 TB each are installed.
The disk on the lxg1297 the disk can be accessd at /meida/sdd2
an on the lxg0155 at /media/sdc2
Mon Apr 4 19:05:57 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Cooler Frequency Signals Ion current not connected until now
Up to now the signals for
Ion Current
Cooler elctron current
Tue Apr 5 23:07:34 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, 229Th89+ identification after re-tuning of the ESR
The ESR was retuned this aftenoon since the it was unclear if we still sit the 229Th89+ line.
This lead to new ring settings (data with all the settings will be put in tomorrow).
Tue Apr 5 23:55:11 2022, Carsten, Runs, Long time measurment with NTCAP
Center: 2242.5MHz
RefLevel: -25dB
Thu Apr 7 03:09:36 2022, Carsten, DAQ, NTCAP running since 02:40
Sat Apr 9 02:55:38 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Kühlerausfall und Gründe dazu
Wir hatten heute Abend eine Kühlerausfall, der uns mehrere Stunden beschäftigt hat, weil gem. Anzeige in Device Control kein Netzteil mit „rot“ angezeigt/ausgefallen
war (siehe unten).
Nach Rufbereitschaft Serge, dann Regina sowie Controls konnte zunächst gefunden werden, dass das Netzteil einer Clearingelektrode (GECEKD2D) keinen korrekten |
Sat Apr 9 03:46:31 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Slits in TE line
Changed GTEDSAH Rechts to 10mm |
Sat Apr 9 03:57:10 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, New Cooler voltage after the crash of the cooler
After the restart of the cooler the Ohmlabs divider showed a voltage 16V lower than before. This could also be seen as a slight shift in the Schottky lines
w.r.t to the bunching frequency and the marker. Corrected
the voltages at injection to DeltaU +3963V and in Sc 5/7 to + 3943V. Now perfect match with the old Schottky frequency.
Sat Apr 9 04:01:35 2022, Carsten, , 2nd DAQ
Switched the CAEN TDC back on and changed the threshoolds for the ADC to:
unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
Sat Apr 9 05:00:11 2022, Carsten, General, Draft Docs and cheat sheet
Please check the attached files,
and correct or enhance them.