Fri Apr 1 00:27:27 2022, Carsten, , Settings Particle Detectors /Tests with primary beam
All the beam settings will be given in a separate post.
We have 238U92+ centered in the ring with typically a few times 10⁷ ions.
SA_SZ (GE02DD2_G): Voltage 1200 V, Recomnied peak was scraped at about -50 mm, set the detector position to -25 mm
We see very clean signals with amplitude 1,5V (Foto will follow). Threshhold: CFD "25" arb. units. count rate 8kHz - 10 kHz
Rise time 6ns (with all the cables).
NA_SZ (GE01DD2AG): No signals - cables in the ESR need to be checked
NI_SZ (GE01DD2IG): Can not be positioned, error from Control system: "Auftr. Stattus position set value out of range", Drive can however be positioned to the "Endlage innen" and "Endlage außen".
The Test above were with a DC beam. With a bunched beam we more rapidly loose the ions with the particle detector. |
Fri Apr 1 02:29:40 2022, Carsten, , ESR Cooler crashed
ESR cooler crashed. We could not restart the cooler. Since we had several other problems, we stop now. |
Fri Apr 1 16:46:33 2022, Carsten, Detectors, All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly
All pressuzied air drives are tested now and are working properly |
Fri Apr 1 18:30:38 2022, Carsten, Detectors, Positions / Voltages threshlds for particle detectors
DC beam 238U92+ (205kV, e-beam)
We used the detector NA_SZ to determine the central primary-beam (238U92+) position by observing the Schottky-signal while moving the detector inside.
The beam position is 43 mm (wehre the beam is almost gone").
In the pocket of the NA_SZ we mounted the thick "old pilot U" scintilator since the original one foreseen is defect, see other post.
CFD Model CAEN N853
800V position 20mm pulse height 1V
750V position 10mm pulse height 0.82V, CFD, Ch7, 247, (247mV according to manual)
Check positions and voltages of the detector behind the cooler
Yesterday the setting of the scope was x10, so the values written in that post were wrong.
At present we position -20, 1400V, pulseheight 1C, CFD, Ch6, 250 (250mV according to manual)
Scraping from the inside with NI_SZ touches the primary ion beam at 28 and destroys the beam at 27 mm. Thus, the beam presently is on a very inner orbit. |
Fri Apr 1 23:47:45 2022, Carsten, Detectors, PMT thresholds / PMT north does not allow voltage abow ~ -1kV
Checked thresholds of PMT with beam and without beam.
The PMT "south" which is now at the gas-jet target has burst-like pulses with a train of many short pulses of duration of about 1us. The signals are taken out of the ADC of the 2nd DAQ (but are still in the VUPROM TDC).
The PMT "middle" (broad-band VUV) has a quite high count rate of about 4-kHz at a few 10e7;; ions in the ring. The rate is very low without ions in the ring but it does not fully scale to low intensities.
At low intensities of a few 10e5;; we still have more than 100 Hz.
For a PMT voltage of -1800V a threshold of 20mV was set which is ok an d we leave it
Note: We see a noise beat of 6ns and 55ns with amplitude of about 15mV to 20mV. The high frequency disappears if we use a battery scope.
PMT "north" small-band VUV
We tried to put the voltage to the wanted level of -2500V. It was not possible to set a voltage higher than about -1000V. WIth this voltage the PMT draw a current of about 200uA and at a voltage above this value it dropped to zero and switched off.
We need to have a closer look at the PMT in the ESR tomorrow with some specialist knowledge. |
Sat Apr 2 01:02:39 2022, Carsten, , Test measurements with two DAQs
We do two measurements:
One measurement using the |
Sat Apr 2 15:54:32 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, ESR setup with primary beam and 1cm Be plate + Schottky data on NTCAP
MArkus and Bernd have setup the ESR with the thick stripper foil and put the ion beam (238U92+) on the central orbit.
SIS Energy is 536 MeV/u
ESR cooler is 207.1keV (according to the multimeter in the HKR)
Bunching frequency is 3.89329 MHz
Scrapers in event mode are working.
We are now taking a Schotty spectrum with the NTCAP DAQ
(IQ_2022-04-02-15-52-58 )-The lines are not yet positioned on the Schottky resonance.
center 243.4MHz, 10MIQs, -25dBm |
Sat Apr 2 22:43:36 2022, Carsten, , Ring set-up for 229/89+, scraped and bunched, Iel=500mA at injection and 100mA during measurment
The ring SIS/ESR were set up for 229/89+. Pölease note that this not only 1e- Th but ponteially also the isobars of Ac (0e-1)/Pa(2e-, strongest) and U(3e-).
SIS eenrgy plus 3.5 MeV/u w.r.t. to the 238U92+ settings. We nearly don't see any of the primary beam in the ring
Cooling energy is 208998 KeV (read from the ESR multimeter).
The positioning of the scrapers is automatized but needs to be checked again tomorrow.
In order to allow for a longer measurment time, the electron curent is 500mA only during injection but is decreased to 100mA during measurement (=> longer beam lifetime).
Sat Apr 2 23:16:55 2022, Carsten, , Cu mirror and CsI moved in and out of the ring
Ken tested the Cu-mirror and CsI disk Detector. They move without a problem and don't scrape the ion beam. |
Sun Apr 3 13:05:08 2022, Carsten, Laser, Distance of Partilce detecotrs wr.t. to electron cooler
As of Yuris post in the elog the positions (Info from H. Weick):
The postion of the particle counter behind the cooler is 21.6 m behind the middle of the cooler.
This correspond to 21.6m /108,4m = 1 / 5.02 of a full revolution (please check the present revolution frequency, i.e. for 2MHz, i.e. 500ns we have the signal approx 100ns after the ion is in the middle of the cooler).
If the detecot Nord would be used for bunch timing (only planned if detctor south is defect) the distance is half a ring + 21.4m, beind the center of the cooler, i.e. (54.2m+21.6m)/108.4m ~ 0.7 |
Mon Apr 4 16:26:04 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Backup Harddisk /External Disk
Since we cannot write on lustre, as a temproal solution two RAID 1 (mirror) USB hard disks with cpacity 6 TB each are installed.
The disk on the lxg1297 the disk can be accessd at /meida/sdd2
an on the lxg0155 at /media/sdc2
Regular backups should be written to these disks but NOT during data taking.
If we run out of local disk space /data.localx on the machines they could also be used as target for mbs.
Pleae check regularly if there is enough spance on the local disks. |
Mon Apr 4 19:05:57 2022, Carsten, DAQ, Cooler Frequency Signals Ion current not connected until now
Up to now the signals for
Ion Current
Cooler elctron current
Cooler voltage (frequency)
were not connected to the DAQs et al.
Cables in the "rded corner", i.e. where their original soruce is were not connected !!! |
Tue Apr 5 23:07:34 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, 229Th89+ identification after re-tuning of the ESR
The ESR was retuned this aftenoon since the it was unclear if we still sit the 229Th89+ line.
This lead to new ring settings (data with all the settings will be put in tomorrow).
Thhe ESR had to leave at around 1900 so we did not find the time for finetuning and adjustments of the bunching.
Yet, we performed the particle identification with:
- (1) Energy of the SIS in the maximum of 238U92+ (534MeV/u) but ring settings Brho etc. and Cooler voltage already for 229Th89+ (+1937 kV compared to optimal settings for 238U92+) (Ucool according to "green" voltage measurement in Messhütte)
- (2) Energy of SIS +3.5 MeV/u (maximiun of 229/89+ production), ESR with identical settings as for te ID run.
In setting (1) the priary beam is still in the ring aceptance and can be used as a unique identifier, but it is cooled very slowly.
In the measurement we typicall have 500mA at injection (fast cooling) and 100 mA for the measurement (lon glifetime of beam), but for the particle ID we also used 500MA in order toaccelerate cooling.
The ion beam slowlly grows as the ions are cooled in and gets the strongest line but also fades out much faster than the other peakks during a much higher recombination (=capture of cooler electron) than the 229Th89+. (Empty K-shell comared to 1e- in K-shell => factor of 2 recombination in cooler).
Frequencies (stopped in machine 5):
242.047 MHz (238U92+, @ 500mA) in machine #5
242.277 MHz (229/89+, @ 500mA) in machine #5
minus 4.65kHz for 100mA ecurrent
Voltage settings for cooler:
Sc3 (500mA, 209794V)
SC5,7 (100mA, 209750.06V) |
Tue Apr 5 23:55:11 2022, Carsten, Runs, Long time measurment with NTCAP
Center: 2242.5MHz
RefLevel: -25dB
Rate 15 MIQs
File Numbers: 2022_04_05 23-46-22
Please note that the file started one minute earlier had wrong settings.
File contains also injection, paused in machine #5: ramped to central orbit / not yet bunched.
The measurement does not represent the later settings since here hte 229Th89+ is still on a too inner orbit (cf. previous post).
The beam settings can also be found in the previous post. |
Thu Apr 7 03:09:36 2022, Carsten, DAQ, NTCAP running since 02:40
Sat Apr 9 02:55:38 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Kühlerausfall und Gründe dazu
Wir hatten heute Abend eine Kühlerausfall, der uns mehrere Stunden beschäftigt hat, weil gem. Anzeige in Device Control kein Netzteil mit „rot“ angezeigt/ausgefallen war (siehe unten).
Nach Rufbereitschaft Serge, dann Regina sowie Controls konnte zunächst gefunden werden, dass das Netzteil einer Clearingelektrode (GECEKD2D) keinen korrekten Wert hat. Problem mittels Operateur (Christoph ?) und Rufbereitschaft Contrls gelöst.
Kühler ist trotzdem jedes Mal ausgefallen, wenn man versucht hat, auch nur den geringsten Strom zu ziehen (mit Hilfe Telefonunterstüzung Regina).
Rufbereitschaft Jon.
Mit ihm haben wir dann herausgefunden, dass im Device-Control, bei Auswahl „Kühler“ UND wenn das Fenster nicht vollständig maximiert ist, die letzten drei Netzteile (ECEBG8T, ECEBG3D, ECEBG4D) nicht angezeigt werden und man auch den Scrollbalken nicht dorthin bewegen kann (ergo: nicht vorhanden sind…). Ist das Fenster von DC maximiert, tauche die Geräte wieder auf und ACH WUNDER ECEBG8T (Kollektor) ist rot, lässt sich einfach wieder zuschalten und auch der Rest wieder anschalten. Ein Fehler, den ich leicht hätte selber beheben können, wenn er denn nur angezeigt worden wäre.
Soll heißen: Man weiß zwar, das irgendwo ein Fehler ist, kriegt aber in diesem Modus das Gerät gar nicht angezeigt… |
Sat Apr 9 03:46:31 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, Slits in TE line
Changed GTEDSAH Rechts to 10mm |
Sat Apr 9 03:57:10 2022, Carsten, Accelerator, New Cooler voltage after the crash of the cooler
After the restart of the cooler the Ohmlabs divider showed a voltage 16V lower than before. This could also be seen as a slight shift in the Schottky lines w.r.t to the bunching frequency and the marker. Corrected
the voltages at injection to DeltaU +3963V and in Sc 5/7 to + 3943V. Now perfect match with the old Schottky frequency.
Note: During the crash we found out that the device GECEKD2D did not show proper values. GECEKD2D is responsible for clearing the cooler of slow trapped ions ("clearing electrode").
Hence, the 16V may be due to partial filling of the space charge potential of te elctron beam. |
Sat Apr 9 04:01:35 2022, Carsten, , 2nd DAQ
Switched the CAEN TDC back on and changed the threshoolds for the ADC to:
unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
{0x0100 , 0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0002 , 0x0003 , 0x0002 , 0x0004 , 0x0002 ,
0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 }; |
Sat Apr 9 05:00:11 2022, Carsten, General, Draft Docs and cheat sheet
Please check the attached files,
and correct or enhance them.
Print out a copy |