E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ę128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 3 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Jul 26 17:15:47 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Quanta Ray - Water leak QRAY_AnschlussGeplatzt.jpg
On Thursday afternoon (22.07.2021) a water connector has broken and water has been spilled in the laser head. 
Entry  Mon Jul 26 17:58:52 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Water Filters QRAY_DeionizingFilter.jpg
The water filters (deioninzing and particle) have been replaced.
Entry  Wed Jul 28 13:31:22 2021, Rodolfo, General, Air filters Flowbox_Filters.png
Filters (Hepa-) inside the flow boxes have been replaced.
Entry  Mon Aug 2 10:54:44 2021, Rodolfo, Laser, Quanta Ray - Water leak in the power supply QRAY_WaterPump.jpg
After fixing the broken water connector in the laser head a new water leak appeared in the Quanta-Ray power supply.

We found the leak in the water pump flow line (arrow up). We took the water connectors appart, rebuilt the teflon seeling and put the water connectors back again.

Laser is back in operation.
Entry  Fri Aug 6 10:23:00 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, atplaser on r4l-41 
The user atplaser is now existing on the R4L-XY nodes for the ESR group.

R4 = RIO4 Computer
L = Linux
XY = node number.

The laser experiments are using the node XY = 41, which is located in the ESR Messhütte. From a Linux terminal one can access this node by using

$ ssh atplaser@r4l-41
Entry  Fri Aug 6 10:40:54 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, mbs in atplaser 
The "MBS program" (data acquisition) is now located within atplaser@r4l-41, in the folder "th21":

R4L-41 atplaser > pwd

R4L-41 atplaser > ls -l
total 412
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 3326 Jul 21 13:42 #Makefile#
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 18675 Jul 19 10:43 #f_user.c.lc21wlv#
-rwxr--r-- 1 atplaser esr 3324 Jul 21 13:17 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 2803 Jul 13 10:59 Makefile.lynx
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 3324 Jul 13 10:59 Makefile.test
drwxr-xr-x 2 atplaser esr 4096 Jul 13 10:59 dump
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 8032 Aug 2 13:06 f_user.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 18673 Jul 14 10:39 f_user.c.lc21wlv
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 6368 Jul 21 11:01 f_user.c.lynx
-rwxr--r-- 1 atplaser esr 18843 Jul 23 11:09 f_user_wlvc.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 49 Jul 13 10:59 filenum.set
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 8181 Jul 13 10:59 include
-rwxr-xr-x 1 atplaser esr 162908 Aug 2 13:07 m_read_meb
-rw-rw-rw- 1 atplaser esr 81056 Aug 5 19:07 mbslog.l
drwxr-xr-x 2 atplaser esr 4096 Jul 13 10:59 scom
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 13154 Jul 13 10:59 setup.usf
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 94 Jul 13 10:59 shutdown.scom
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 320 Jul 13 10:59 st.scom
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 290 Jul 22 15:23 startup.scom
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 525 Jul 13 10:59 startup.scom.lynx
drwxr-xr-x 2 atplaser esr 4096 Jul 13 10:59 suha
-rw-r--r-- 1 atplaser esr 18999 Jul 13 10:59 vuprom_tdc_v5.h

Note: This MBS-Version was used previously by Sebastian in "laser cooling 21".
Entry  Wed Sep 8 21:44:55 2021, Rodolfo, General, Preparation 
Laser und Laserlabor
***FarbstofflaserElektronik wurde erneut.
Entry  Thu Oct 14 10:21:46 2021, Rodolfo, Detectors, Dismounting Cu-Mirror AusbauCuSpiegel_2021.jpg
We have dismounted the parabolic Cu-Mirror at ESR on 13.10.2021 
Entry  Fri Nov 5 17:23:23 2021, Rodolfo, DAQ, Dye trigger out  Cobra_ScanSettings_05-11-2021.PNG
The dye laser offers different scan settings (see pages 65 - 67 of the user manual). We are using the following setting, see attached screenshot, to produce the status "laser busy" for the DAQ.

This Output Trigger CH1 is then strobed coincidence with the 1 MHz clock.
Entry  Fri Nov 19 15:50:44 2021, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Laser windows at E-Cooler side ESR_Laserfenster_NO_Nov2021.jpgESR_Laserfenster_SO_Nov2021.jpg
New laser viewports have been installed at the E-Cooler side of the ESR.

Entry  Thu Mar 3 13:50:45 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Dye cell cracket Cobra_Farbstoffzelle_08-02-2022.jpg
The "20 mm" dye cell used for the Oscillator and Pramplifier got damage. I supposed it was produced by the pump beam hitting on a very "old" dye solution (DCM / Ethanol, concentration 0,3 g/l). The solution in the dye reservoir was more 12 months old.
Entry  Thu Mar 3 17:21:26 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, MgF2 Windows ESR_Schaufenster_Spiegelkammer_10-02-2022.jpg
New reentrance viewports made of MgF2 have been installed at the ESR "Optical Detection Region". In the middle the old window (also MgF2) was kept into place.
Entry  Thu Mar 3 17:34:42 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Pump Laser  QRAY_Simmern.jpg
We have issues with our Pump Laser (Spectra Physics - Quanta Ray Pro). After the service made on mid Dezember (2021) the laser does not get started. After contacting the service many times, the technicians think it can be an issue with the flashlamps.

- Flashlamps installed technician on 15.12.2021: FAILED.
- Flashlamps installed by Rodolfo on 21.01.2022: FAILED.
- Flashlamps installed by Rodolfo on 08.02.2022: WORK, however

the power is dropping extremelly fast. The measured power on 08.02.2022 was 21.6 W. On 01.03.2022 we measured 17,8 W (for 2.7 Millon shots). The flashlamps should stand 30 Millon shots without losing too much power.
Entry  Thu Mar 3 21:39:21 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Dye solution, DCM in Ethanol and DMSO FarbstoffVorrat_Thorium.jpg
I have prepared a new dye solution of DCM in Ethanol and DMSO (1:1). The concentration of the "oscillator + preamplifier" is 0,3 g/l. The concentration of the "main amplifier" is 0,0375 g/l or "1/8" the concentration of the "oscillator".

Using 500 mJ pump energy (@ 532 nm) I get 120 mJ ouf of the dye laser (@ 640 nm). After the Frequency Conversion Unit I get 32 mJ (@ 320 nm).

Because the Biochemielabor will be not accessible during the first days of the Thorium beamtime, I have prepared enough reservoir for 7 days (assuming the laser system will run 24/7).
Entry  Thu Mar 17 17:37:49 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, High voltage dividers for E-Cooler PTB_Spannungsteiler_Mar2022.jpg
Two dividers, from PTB-Braunschweig, have been deliver today. We will use them to monitor the electron-cooler voltage in situ.

- PT120 (up to -120 kV) with scaling factor: 12003.341, and
- PT200.1 (up to -200 kV) with a scaling factor: 19859,033.

Tomorrow (Friday 18.3.) we will install them in the Faraday cage at ESR.

PT120 will be use for the "Channeling experiment" (E137 Bräuning-Demian) and the PT200.1 for the "Thorium experiment" (E142 Brandau).
Entry  Fri Mar 18 09:18:38 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Vacuum leak, ODR MgF2-Window_VACSeal.jpg
After the beaking out process we got a vacuum leak in one of the MgF2 windows (Referenz: PMT South) of the optical detection region (ODR) Stand 17.03.2022. In order to avoid breaking the vacuum again and a second beaking out process we had to spread vacuum seal on the window.

The window shows now no leaks, Stand 18.03.2022. We are allowed to install a detector on this viewport, as soon as the detector does not have contact with the window (we got the consent of our vacuum expert). Bild: K. König.
Entry  Fri Mar 18 16:58:26 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Pressure at North-East Arc  Druck_E01LF02_18-03-2022.jpgDruck_E01LF02_07-02-2022.jpg
The pressure at the north-east arc of ESR, where the laser window is located, looks suspicious. The sensor E01LF02 shows a value of 7.26E-8 mbar. For comparison I have also upload a photo taken on 07.02.2022 where the pressure was 4.62E-10. We have contacted the vacuum expert and asked for his opinion. Waiting for the reply ...

Bilder: R. Sánchez
    Reply  Mon Mar 21 09:18:28 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Pressure at North-East Arc  
Our vacuum expert has reply. The "IZ Pump" in this region was off.

The pressure at the north-east arc of ESR, where the laser window is located, looks suspicious. The sensor E01LF02 shows a value of 7.26E-8 mbar. For comparison I have also upload a photo taken on 07.02.2022 where the pressure was 4.62E-10. We have contacted the vacuum expert and asked for his opinion. Waiting for the reply ...

Bilder: R. Sánchez
Entry  Mon Mar 21 10:46:18 2022, Rodolfo, DAQ, TDC & Scaler description channels Screenshot_TLdaInputDescription_21-03-2022.JPG
For the First Vuprom we have the following channel configuration (Stand:21.03.2021).

Please note 1.
- CH 0 to CH 15 are the TDC channels
- CH 16 to CH 31 are the SCALER channels

Please note 2.
This is still under construction
Entry  Thu Mar 24 13:27:47 2022, Rodolfo, DAQ, Disk space - LXG1297 DiskSpace_lxg1297.JPG
In our Linux computer (LXG1297: Laser spectroscopy) we have a Drive with 1.8 TB total disk space. 300 GB are at the moment in use, but I can clean this.

This computer is located in the "Atomphysik Messhütte".
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b