E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 11 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wed Jun 30 12:35:53 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, Analysis, Change reference level to -20dBm. Turn of amplifier. 
Reference level=-20dBm
Entry  Sat May 8 18:35:25 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -10dBm 
The beam in ESR is 78Kr36+@476 MeV/u.
Start a new run:
Entry  Fri Jul 2 14:18:04 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Runs, Change of the measurment to 72Br 
Both resonators will now be retuned to look for the isomeric state in 72Br.

Last files for 70Se are:
Entry  Fri Jul 2 13:37:00 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, DAQ, Change of the measurement time from 10s to 20s 
Last files with the measurement time of 10s for the two resonators are:

Entry  Thu Jul 1 23:38:55 2021, IK, KK, Runs, Change of gas bottle 
The gas bottle has been changed and the beam is back.
Entry  Sun May 9 13:53:07 2021, Yuri, Wolfram, Andrew, Liliana, Calibration, Change of energy: Back as before Screenshot_2021-05-09_13-59-36.png
After looking at the spectrum it was concluded that the same isotopes, and no more, could be identified. 
Now we change the energy back to 441.7 MeV/u and will open the scrappers to see if Mn comes in. 
Entry  Thu May 6 22:05:30 2021, Helmut, Accelerator, Beamline and ESR data sets for 72Ge setting 2021-05-06_22-07-09_SIS18_FAST_20210506_ESR_78KR32.C1.txt2021-05-06_22-07-52_ESR_EXP21_06_ISO_78Kr_05May21.C1.txt
parammodi exports, E-SIS = 441.0 MeV/u with Be-1840 mg/cm² target in, isoc. ESR, at least we see fragments
Entry  Fri May 7 09:36:32 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, General, Beam stop at 0928, adjust scope 
It was requested from the SIS to stop the beam at 09:28 
Yuri is adjusting the scope in order to avoid UFO (unidentified frequency object)
Entry  Sat Jul 3 08:12:22 2021, Dima, Yuri, General, Beam stop 
We stopped the beam at 08:10

The latest recorded tdms files:
Entry  Fri May 7 02:01:08 2021, Liliana, Akash, Wolfram, Helmut, Shahab, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
RFQ fall-out (HKR working on it...)

Beam stop time: 01.58am
Entry  Fri May 7 23:08:44 2021, Michael, Kanika, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
The beam was lost for a few minutes from 23:01 to 23:06. It is back now.
Entry  Sun May 9 04:15:50 2021, Michele, Jacobus, Shahab, Runs, Beam issues for short duration 

ESR warning (colour red in the panel)
Entry  Fri May 7 14:33:23 2021, Andrew Ragan Yuri , General, Beam is back 
Entry  Mon May 10 01:01:59 2021, Kanika, Alex, RuiJiu, General, Beam is back 
The issue has been resolved and the beam is back since 00:56.
Entry  Thu Jul 1 04:15:54 2021, David, Liliana, General, Beam intensity 
From 4:05 to 4:15 beam intensity was 1/2 as before. 
Entry  Thu Jul 1 07:28:55 2021, Jan, Akash, Accelerator, Beam intensity 
Intensity went up from 5e8 to 1e9 extracted particles from SIS.
Entry  Sat May 8 15:18:23 2021, Michael, Wolfram, Yuri, General, Beam Settings changing 
Beam settings are being changed back to 78Kr beam at 467 Mev/u. 
Entry  Thu May 6 14:28:32 2021, Helmut Weick, Calibration, Be target thickness calibration -> 1839 mg/cm^2 
Injection was optimized before with Cu-40 mg/cm^2 stripper.
This reduces energy of 78Kr from 370 MeV/u -> 386.52 MeV/u.
To keep the same ESR injetion the SIS energy was raised with Be 10mm tatget.
Entry  Fri May 7 12:37:35 2021, Ragan, Andrew, Yuri, Alex, General, Back with beam  
We are back with the beam in the ESR since 12:30
E02DS3HG = - 35 mm
Entry  Sun May 9 12:53:01 2021, Desislava Kalaydjieva, Taka Yamaguchi, Analysis, Analysis, Morning shift, 9 May 9x
For the whole morning shift there were no significant changes in the spectra.

Some of the obtained histograms are attached below. 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b