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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 2 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Category Subject
  14   Thu May 6 17:48:48 2021 W. Korten, HelmutGeneralESR setting for 72Ge ions with primary beam
Setting the 78Kr (after the target) to the Brho of the 72Ge beam at 368.4 MeV/u (gamma=1.3955), i.e. 6.79575 Tm, which leads to an energy of 392.93 (of 78Kr). 
With the 10mm Be target the beam energy should then be 467.8 MeV/u .
Yes, with my slightly different target thickenss 467.5 MeV/u (Helmut).

For 72Ge at this Brho after the target it then needs 440.95 MeV/u.
LISE in proj. fragmentation option Morissey for projectile energy loss and ATIMA 1.4 with Be 1839 mg/cm^2).
  11   Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021 W. KortenGeneralTarget thickness
Thickness of the Carbon target in the TE line has been measured by centering the primary 78Kr beam in the ESR:
Beam energy 370 MeV/u, with thin stripper, ESR energy 368.65 MeV
Adjust beam with "thick" target to keep ESR energy at 368.65 MeV/u -> Beam energy 445 MeV/u
Energy loss 75+1.35=76.35 MeV
Target thickness : 9.97 mm
  201   Fri Jul 2 06:52:11 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-6:00 (410 MHz)
Same as before but for 0-6h, 25ms time slices starting at 1.04s.

> Same as before for 4-5h and 5-6h.
> No isomer, I think :-( (Sorry, Wolfram!)
> > Same as before for 0-4h on July 2nd.
> > 
> > > Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
> > > > The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
> > > > The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.
> > > > 
> > > > python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*
> > > > 
> > > > The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.
> > > > 
> > > > I don't think we see anything...
  202   Fri Jul 2 07:31:44 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy)Analysis00h to 05h Summed Spectra
Using the scripts I posted previously, I summed 5.5 hours of data from midnight to 5:30 July 2nd CEST. 
I used 10ms time steps for better time resolution, but that did leave questionable frequency resolution. If anyone would like to see higher resolved frequency plots for the 
full 5 hours, let me know.
I've attached the spectra from 0s to 4s  for the 410MHz and 0s to 2s for the 245MHz, including zooming in on the injection timing. 

Given that we are summing 5 hours of data so the background is very smooth, I can only conclude that either the isomer doesn't exit, we cannot resolve it, or we are 
producing incredibly low amounts such that the search needs to be needle in a haystack. 
  224   Sat Jul 3 01:28:08 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy and Iris)AnalysisSummed spectra 410 MHz from 21:00-23:59 (70Se)
Here's a picture with all injections with an ion in the spectrum (empty ones were removed- list below). The time slices are 0-0.5-1-1.5-2s, then in 0.2s steps up to 3s. Not really anything to see :-(  The previous shift was right, looking at single spectra might be more useful. I'll group the pictures and upload some "interesting" ones.

Here is the list of spectra btw 21-23:59 which we have removed since they were empty or had just an ion on the far left side:

410MHz-2021.	one line far left
410MHz-2021.	possible weak at beginning, up to 2.5s, tbd
410MHz-2021.	possible weak at beginning, up to 2.5s, tbd
410MHz-2021.	weak on left?
410MHz-2021.	possible weak at beginning, up to 2.5s, tbd
410MHz-2021.	possible weak at beginning, up to 2.5s, tbd
410MHz-2021.	only peak on left
410MHz-2021.	maybe something on the left
410MHz-2021.	only peak on left
410MHz-2021.	possible line at beginning
410MHz-2021.	possible line at beginning
410MHz-2021.	weak line at beginning
410MHz-2021.	weak line on the left
  Draft   Sat Jul 3 06:49:55 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy &Iris)AnalysisList of possible spectra with isomer decay
Attached is an example for the possible isomer (on the left) next to the 70Se (right). 

Here's the list with the files to look at, btw 21:00-6:30. Further analysis needs to be done offline. The slight frequency shift overnight made it a bit harder to see, unfortunately.

Name	Comment
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	appears at ~3.5s
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	triplet
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
  226   Sat Jul 3 03:07:43 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSome single spectra (410 MHz) from 21-24h
Attached are some single spectra with a rough attempt to group them according to the different ions that appear.
  227   Sat Jul 3 03:41:48 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSummed Spectra Summary
To summarise the method of bulk summing the spectra, I've created frequency vs time spectra by using the e143_analyser.py script to stack a series of -s slices. I applied it to some of last runs data with 72Ge, to the 72Br data, last night's less-scraped 70Se, and tonight's more-scraped 70Se, respectively.

A few comments: the 72Ge isomer trail is obvious, but I would never have found it in this total sum if I didn't know where to look. I had to turn up the contrast a lot before it was visible. The 72Br isomer is less obvious than in the single particle tracks, but it too is obvious. You can see that the peak is wider to left at the injection, and 
then narrows out as the isomer decays. This is what we would see if the two peak weren't well resolved.
With that in mind, the 70Se data is challenging. We've established the broad peak is not the isomer as it is not present in the 245MHz detector., and the many single lines seen in the well-scraped data correspond in frequency exactly to this broad band. The 70Se peak doesn't get broader at the base at injection like 72Br, and there isn't any 
line visible in the sum in between. I was nervous that the contrast might be the problem like with 72Ge, but I turned up the contrast on the less-scraped data, but no signal emerged.

So I conclude that if the 70Se isomer is to be found, it needs to be done on a shot-by-shot basis with comparison to the sum to see if it matches the intruder broad peak.
  228   Sat Jul 3 04:33:50 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSlight shift in 70Se frequency
Looks like the beam is slightly drifting...the 70Se peak frequency is slightly shifted to the left, by ~0.5 kHz compared to earlier spectra. Might be a problem with the analyzer (?) or the storage ring energy (slightly lower?)... nothing drastical but to be observed.
  230   Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisCloser potential isomer tracks
After looking through >800 shots from Jul 2nd 21h to Jul 3rd 05h, we couldn't find a single example of a "smoking gun" isomer decay. I.e. I'm talking about the examples Liliana posted earlier. We did find many examples (roughly 10%) where the ion track spontaneously 
disappeared, but this shouldn't be the isomer as there was no frequency shift.

We did, as Iris mentioned, observe some line "in-between" the broad peak unique to the 410MHz, and listed them here (https://triumfoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dillmann_triumf_ca/EdKsMfSC3AlHopA36PdLBlsBE2MCSY0hh5qIsuau5HFBmg?rtime=Z2os4J492Ug).
I then proceeded to sum these files to see if they lined up. The result it attached, with the previous total sum from 21-00h Jul 2nd at the bottom for comparison. It seems the 70Se line has shifted, this is observed in the other shots too. However, despite the low 
statistics, these other shots don't line up with the broad peak identified before, although they don't line up well with each other individually either.
In either case, we think these files might be worth offline analysis as they're the only possible hint of the 70Se isomer so far.
  233   Sat Jul 3 07:35:31 2021 The remote Canadian eager beaver (Iris)AnalysisCloser potential isomer tracks
Here's a list of the spectra to look at for the potential isomer, taken btw 21:00 on July 2nd and 6:30 on July 3rd. Two examples attached.

Name	Comment
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	appears at ~3.5s
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	triplet
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left
410MHz-2021.	slightly different freq
410MHz-2021.	a bit more shifted to the left


> After looking through >800 shots from Jul 2nd 21h to Jul 3rd 05h, we couldn't find a single example of a "smoking gun" isomer decay. I.e. I'm talking about the examples Liliana posted earlier. We did find many examples (roughly 10%) where the ion track spontaneously 
> disappeared, but this shouldn't be the isomer as there was no frequency shift.
> We did, as Iris mentioned, observe some line "in-between" the broad peak unique to the 410MHz, and listed them here (https://triumfoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dillmann_triumf_ca/EdKsMfSC3AlHopA36PdLBlsBE2MCSY0hh5qIsuau5HFBmg?rtime=Z2os4J492Ug).
> I then proceeded to sum these files to see if they lined up. The result it attached, with the previous total sum from 21-00h Jul 2nd at the bottom for comparison. It seems the 70Se line has shifted, this is observed in the other shots too. However, despite the low 
> statistics, these other shots don't line up with the broad peak identified before, although they don't line up well with each other individually either.
> In either case, we think these files might be worth offline analysis as they're the only possible hint of the 70Se isomer so far.
  189   Fri Jul 2 01:31:35 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisFirst spectra after bottle change
The first good spectra after the gas bottle change is from 23:38:25 (on the 410 MHz Analyzer) 
  190   Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 22:00-23:00
The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.

python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*

The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.

I don't think we see anything...
  193   Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-1:00
Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd

> The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
> The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
> The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.
> python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*
> The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.
> I don't think we see anything...
  196   Fri Jul 2 04:27:38 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-4:00 (410 MHz)
Same as before for 0-4h on July 2nd.

> Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd
> > The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
> > The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
> > The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.
> > 
> > python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*
> > 
> > The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.
> > 
> > I don't think we see anything...
  199   Fri Jul 2 06:33:48 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 4:00-6:00 (410 MHz)
Same as before for 4-5h and 5-6h.
No isomer, I think :-( (Sorry, Wolfram!)

> Same as before for 0-4h on July 2nd.
> > Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd
> > 
> > 
> > > The last hour before the gas bottle change is summarized here. 
> > > The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken from 22-23h on the 410 MHz analyzer, in time slices of 0.1 sec from 0s-2s.
> > > The second pic shows the spectra in 20ms slices from 1s-1.16s.
> > > 
> > > python3 e143_analyzer.py -s 1.0 -t 0.02 /home/dillmann/.../sparc-daq-02.gsi.de/E143-410MHz/410MHz-2021.07.01.22*
> > > 
> > > The third spectra was taken in May, for comparison.
> > > 
> > > I don't think we see anything...
  218   Fri Jul 2 19:57:12 2021 Shahab, Yuri, Wolfram, LilianaRunsstop DAQ
At 19:56 the DAQ is stopped. 
The plan is to go back to the setting for Se. 
Last files for the Br setting:
- 410MHz-2021.
  180   Thu Jul 1 20:48:58 2021 Shahab Andrew NicDAQAcquisition started
15dB amplifier on 410MHz 
  29   Fri May 7 03:51:56 2021 ShahabAnalysispeak frequencies
a reference schematic of the peaks on 410 MHz (211th harmonic) and 245 MHz (126th harmonic)
  30   Fri May 7 04:01:51 2021 ShahabRunsPicture after scraping
this picture is after scraping by helmut, showing the 410 MHz detector, that is we would expect an isomer where the marker M1 is, i.e. at 2.2kHz on the left side, which we unfortunately don’t see (yet).
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