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  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 2 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Category Subject Text Attachments
  14   Thu May 6 17:48:48 2021 W. Korten, HelmutGeneralESR setting for 72Ge ions with primary beam Setting the 78Kr (after the target) to the
Brho of the 72Ge beam at 368.4 MeV/u (gamma=1.3955),
i.e. 6.79575 Tm, which leads to an energy
  11   Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021 W. KortenGeneralTarget thicknessThickness of the Carbon target in the TE line
has been measured by centering the primary
78Kr beam in the ESR:
  201   Fri Jul 2 06:52:11 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-6:00 (410 MHz)Same as before but for 0-6h, 25ms time slices
starting at 1.04s.
  202   Fri Jul 2 07:31:44 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy)Analysis00h to 05h Summed SpectraUsing the scripts I posted previously, I summed
5.5 hours of data from midnight to 5:30 July
2nd CEST. 
  224   Sat Jul 3 01:28:08 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy and Iris)AnalysisSummed spectra 410 MHz from 21:00-23:59 (70Se)Here's a picture with all injections with
an ion in the spectrum (empty ones were removed-
list below). The time slices are 0-0.5-1-1.5-2s,
  Draft   Sat Jul 3 06:49:55 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy &Iris)AnalysisList of possible spectra with isomer decayAttached is an example for the possible isomer
(on the left) next to the 70Se (right). 
  226   Sat Jul 3 03:07:43 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSome single spectra (410 MHz) from 21-24hAttached are some single spectra with a rough
attempt to group them according to the different
ions that appear.
  227   Sat Jul 3 03:41:48 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSummed Spectra SummaryTo summarise the method of bulk summing the
spectra, I've created frequency vs time spectra
by using the e143_analyser.py script to stack
  228   Sat Jul 3 04:33:50 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisSlight shift in 70Se frequencyLooks like the beam is slightly drifting...the
70Se peak frequency is slightly shifted to
the left, by ~0.5 kHz compared to earlier
  230   Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021 The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris)AnalysisCloser potential isomer tracksAfter looking through >800 shots from Jul
2nd 21h to Jul 3rd 05h, we couldn't find
a single example of a "smoking gun" isomer
  233   Sat Jul 3 07:35:31 2021 The remote Canadian eager beaver (Iris)AnalysisCloser potential isomer tracksHere's a list of the spectra to look at for
the potential isomer, taken btw 21:00 on
July 2nd and 6:30 on July 3rd. Two examples
  189   Fri Jul 2 01:31:35 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisFirst spectra after bottle changeThe first good spectra after the gas bottle
change is from 23:38:25 (on the 410 MHz Analyzer)
  190   Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 22:00-23:00The last hour before the gas bottle change
is summarized here. 
The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken
  193   Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-1:00Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd

  196   Fri Jul 2 04:27:38 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 0:00-4:00 (410 MHz)Same as before for 0-4h on July 2nd.

> Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd
  199   Fri Jul 2 06:33:48 2021 The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy)AnalysisSummary of spectra 4:00-6:00 (410 MHz)Same as before for 4-5h and 5-6h.
No isomer, I think :-( (Sorry, Wolfram!)
  218   Fri Jul 2 19:57:12 2021 Shahab, Yuri, Wolfram, LilianaRunsstop DAQ At 19:56 the DAQ is stopped. 
The plan is to go back to the setting for
  180   Thu Jul 1 20:48:58 2021 Shahab Andrew NicDAQAcquisition started15dB amplifier on 410MHz    
  29   Fri May 7 03:51:56 2021 ShahabAnalysispeak frequenciesa reference schematic of the peaks on 410
MHz (211th harmonic) and 245 MHz (126th harmonic)
  30   Fri May 7 04:01:51 2021 ShahabRunsPicture after scrapingthis picture is after scraping by helmut,
showing the 410 MHz detector, that is we
would expect an isomer where the marker M1
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