E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 8 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat May 8 15:18:23 2021, Michael, Wolfram, Yuri, General, Beam Settings changing 
Beam settings are being changed back to 78Kr beam at 467 Mev/u. 
Entry  Sat May 8 11:42:21 2021, Yuri, Accelerator, KPs 
EO1KP03 was on = -44.9 A
E01KP05 was off, now is on = 3.67 A
The beam is on the right frequency, but the width is still very broad.
Entry  Sat May 8 10:51:41 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Calibration, ESR settings seem different Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_10.50.23.png
Settings don't look the same...so we are not yet writing files unless sure.
Entry  Sat May 8 08:44:32 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Accelerator, No Beam! 
08.43am: Beam stopped. HKR looking into it. Reason: they mentioned they don't know yet!

10.10am: SIS resumed operations. However, there are some issues with magnet power supplies for ESR and hence we still don't have beam. HKR member went to look for power supply expert.

10.15am: There were some random triggers coming from ESR, which resulted in files being written. To avoid this, the scope trig (both scopes) were taken out. As soon as the beam comes in 'properly', I will reconnect the trig in to the scopes (-akash).

10.40am: They sent something to ESR but it does not make sense...so HKR has called an ESR expert (Sergey).

11.30am: Yuri is here and trying to sort out the issue- no data being written yet.
Entry  Sat May 8 08:16:08 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, Analysis, Night shift analysis 16x
(Jelena has analysed these data files)

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.00* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.01* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.02* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.03* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.04* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.  

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.05* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.06* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_245MHz_2021.05.08.07* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.


E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.00* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.01* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.02* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.03* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.04* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.05* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.06* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.

E143_410MHz_2021.05.08.07* (-s 5.0 -t 0.5)  (2021.
Entry  Sat May 8 08:12:02 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, SIS, ESR time structure changes Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_08.08.14.png
The structure of SIS extraction seems to have changed a little...also for ESR injection.

In the span of a few minutes both the structures changed again...to look more like in the previous shifts, with lesser or no negative component.
Entry  Sat May 8 07:34:08 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, Zoom has its own mind 
Zoom kicked us all out... we managed to get back in...screen sharing is back on.
Entry  Sat May 8 07:14:00 2021, Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt, General, Morning shift entry 
Things look ok. No settings have been changed...

Analysis attempts are going on...
Entry  Sat May 8 03:08:57 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -50dBm 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Sat May 8 03:05:42 2021, Rui-Jiu Chen, DAQ, Change reference level to -60dBm 
Start a new run. The data of new run is in :
Entry  Sat May 8 01:43:23 2021, Helmut Weick, Accelerator, 70Se setting 
If gamma_t = 1.3955 Tm stays, we will need Brho = 6.21902 Tm for 70Se.
The corresponding ESR Brho setting will be a bit shifted.
It then requires E-SIS = 446.55 MeV/u to get 70Se to this Brho and gamma_t.

For pre-drilling with 78Kr beam at same Brho use 416.70 MeV/u.
But we could also make a quick try without tuning before, just change all energies.
Entry  Sat May 8 01:33:25 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, frequency list for 70Se setting freq-lines-70Se.JPGfrag-freq-list.xlsx
EXCEL table with all possible fragments injected into ESR.
The path length in ESR, gamma_t and harmonic are adjusted to the 72Ge data. 
Some lifetimes are limited but all intense lines are >30s in lab system.
There are two versions (for cooled beam with fixed v or uncooled (isochronous) 
with fixed average Brho, take the second (grey) column.
For larger frequency shifts harmonics will overlap.
You can add more isomers.
Entry  Sat May 8 01:06:19 2021, Philipp, Marta, General, Screenshot Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_00.58.16.png
The signal of the transformer on the lower right panel is not really beam related. It is mostly noise. Changes are not so expected with this low beam intensity
Entry  Sat May 8 00:38:55 2021, Philipp, Marta, General, Screenshot Screenshot_2021-05-08_at_00.32.16.png
Entry  Fri May 7 23:08:44 2021, Michael, Kanika, Accelerator, Beam issues for short duration 
The beam was lost for a few minutes from 23:01 to 23:06. It is back now.
Entry  Fri May 7 22:48:33 2021, Chris, General, still running... E143-245MHz-2021.
In anticipation of the imminent shift change, a snapshot of how things look.
Entry  Fri May 7 22:00:36 2021, Chris, Accelerator, brief beam loss 
Brief interruption in beam, ~21:42-21:51.
Entry  Fri May 7 20:34:27 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, back to 15 sec recording 
now we are going back to 15 sec operation. Cave M (bio) operation is over
Entry  Fri May 7 20:28:32 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Analysis, Some pictures from the 410 detector 9x
some pics.
Entry  Fri May 7 19:56:10 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, ZOOM session restart 
restart zoom session
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b