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  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021, Page 2 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat May 15 09:22:41 2021, Sebastian , Accelerator, Ekühler  IMG-20210515-WA0000.jpgB5FE1031-7FFD-44D3-92B0-75E0784718D9.jpeg
Settings für Ekühler an und aus in SC4 und 
Entry  Tue May 11 16:07:59 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ Manual DAQ_Manual.pdf
Attached you'll find a short manual for operating the whole DAQ system
Entry  Wed May 12 08:32:04 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, fluorescence & energetic overlap Screenshot_(154).png
During the night shift we saw several rises of the fluorescence (see another entry) and also energetic overlap in coasting beam modus.
Here the laser wavelength was stabilized @ 1028,967nm and electron cooler was switched off because of some fluctuations which we saw in the schottky.
Left part of the schottky picture shows the c3+ beam, the right part is the o4+ contamination.
Entry  Wed May 12 08:41:36 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, Laser stability 
During night shift the laser was very stable! Only minor fluctuations occured in the UV
Entry  Wed May 12 08:42:49 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, Laser scans / coastig beam / no ecooler Screenshot_(156).png
Attached you'll see a first laser scan of ~100GHz in the UV.
Entry  Wed May 12 09:04:48 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, Keysight AUtoCal IMG_20210510_143940_resized_20210512_090353546.jpg
Entry  Wed May 12 09:09:15 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, Fluorescence 1029967nm.png
fluorescence with detector in parking position
fixed laser wavelength
electron cooling ON, 
Entry  Wed May 12 19:48:24 2021, Sebastian, General, DSG821 Network IMG_20210512_195329_resized_20210512_075346417.jpg
To implement the bunch Signal Generator (DSG821 inside ESR) you have to:

1. unplug the Ethernet cable
Entry  Wed May 12 22:48:25 2021, Sebastian, General, DSG Control SCPI Commands 
Open Ultra Sigma
Press LAN
Press Search, after a while the whole rigol devices are shown. Press ok
Entry  Wed May 12 22:57:41 2021, Sebastian, General, Laser Reprate 
laser reprate is seven times the revoolution frequency: 9.038283 MHz
pulse length: 735ps
Entry  Thu May 13 01:13:06 2021, Sebastian, General, Bunching frequencies 
relating to Danyals ID 25 post are the current bunching frequencies:

h=2      -->     2,5823668 MHz
Entry  Thu May 13 01:21:30 2021, Sebastian, General, Current schedule ... so far 
1.) check h=2,4,6,7,8,10 .... bunching frequencies with different amplitudes (signalgenerator), Ecooler ON, Laser OFF --> record schottky and "normal" DAQ

2.) Ecooler ON, Bunching ON, Laser ON (wavelength fixed and/or scanned)
Entry  Thu May 13 01:55:15 2021, Sebastian, General, ESR amplifier reset / laser check IMG_20210513_014345_resized_20210513_015540959.jpgIMG_20210513_014353_resized_20210513_015541291.jpg
we had to go into the ESR because the amplifiers hooked up. both amplifiers were resetted!

we also checked why we didnt see the laser at the exit window.
Entry  Thu May 13 02:42:58 2021, Sebastian, General, Lasershutter ESR Entrance?! IMG_20210513_020027_resized_20210513_024049198.jpg
attached should be the name of the entrance laser shutter. just in case somebody will close it ;)
Entry  Thu May 13 02:45:29 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, ESR pressure 8x
Entry  Fri May 14 01:28:04 2021, Sebastian, General, "new" laser wavelength 
Minor changes in electron cooler voltage (~+13V, now 66903V measured by DMM) leads to that we had to shift the laser wavelength to:

Entry  Fri May 14 08:55:53 2021, Sebastian, General, ToDO 14.5 ...so far 
1.) ion lasser overlap and scraper test

2.) change bunching frequency to middle of ecooled coasting beam
Entry  Fri May 14 09:00:55 2021, Sebastian, General, UNILAC Problems 
~30 min downtime

Entry  Fri May 14 21:43:40 2021, Sebastian, General, "problems accelerator" 
There are cooling problems of some accelerator devices
short break, hopefully :)
Laser is switched of for some rest
Entry  Sat May 15 09:23:52 2021, Sebastian, Accelerator, Ekühler 
Tab "Kühler Elektronenstrahl"
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