E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+ 2024, Page 1 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Category Subject
  54   Wed Jun 12 21:21:15 2024 YuriDetectorsNTCap started
Fcenter - 244.6 MHz
BW - 10 MHz
  67   Thu Jun 13 14:56:09 2024 Stefan SchippersAcceleratorEstimated beam lifetime: About 150 s
Estimate of storage lifetime using my code 'hydrocal':

 ion mass in u ...................................: 229
 ion nuclear charge ..............................: 90
 ion charge state ................................: 89
 beam energy in MeV ..............................: 45501.1
 beam energy in MeV/u ............................: 198.695
 beam beta .......................................: 0.566309
 beam rigidity in T m.............................: 5.4944
 ring circumference in m .........................: 108.36
 ring acceptance in mrad .........................: 2
 ring temperature in °C ..........................: 25
 ring vacuum pressure in mbar ....................: 3e-11
 residual gas density in m^-3 ....................: 7.28767e+11
 residual gas composition 
  Z   %
  1  93.43
  6   2.23
  7   0.75
  8   3.29
 18    0.3
 cooler length in m ..............................: 2.5
 electron current in A ...........................: 0.2
 magnetic expansion factor .......................: 1
 electron-beam diameter in mm ....................: 50.8
 electron density in cm^-3 .......................: 3.62844e+06
 cooler cathode temperature in meV ...............: 110
 cooling energy in eV ............................: 109000
 space_charge (0th iteration) in eV ..............: 44.3477
 space_charge (1st iteration) in eV ..............: 44.341
 transverse temperature in meV ...................: 110
 longitudinal temperature in meV .................: 0.2
 RR nmin .........................................: 1
 RR lmin .........................................: 0
 RR nele [no. electrons in subshell (nmin,lmin)] .: 1
 RR nmax .........................................: 128
 RR enhancement factor ...........................: 2.5
 RR alpha in cm^3 s^-1 ...........................: 8.04602e-08

 beam lifetime due to multiple scattering in s ...: 1.86e+06
 beam lifetime due to single scattering in s .....: 7.51886e+07
 beam lifetime due to charge capture in s ........: 3.5516e+06
 beam lifetime due to stripping in s .............: 1e+99
 beam lifetime due to recombination in cooler in s: 148.466
 beam lifetime with electron cooling in s ........: 148.46
 beam lifetime without electron cooling in s .....: 1.20121e+06

 detector count rates for 1E6 stored ions and a residual gas pressure of 3e-11 mbar: 

       recombination detector from ecool (Hz) ....: 4575.41
     recombination detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 0.0545666
    total rate on recombination detector (Hz) ....: 4575.46

        ionization detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 1.93798e-94
  6   Wed May 29 10:54:21 2024 Shahab, JanGeneralGas Target Events with new timing system
Using the new timing system, it is possible to grab any events as pulses, but also as long inter event gates under GENESYS. Many instances of GENESYS can be running on ACO computers, so that there is no conflict, if an instance is running in main control room or another in ESR-Messhütte.

GENESYS Settings:

Inter-Event for 162 up and 163 down, signaling the gas target cycle. The signal can either be:

  • Controlled automatically by the control system (sub chain patterns)
  • Set to manual operation during setup or experiment.

"activating" the condition in GENESYS by clicking on the small "A" button in the condition. (B) us achieved by "deactivating" the condition in GENESYS, by clicking again on the "A", it turns into a "-". After this, it is possible to manually set the level "hi" or "low" on the left box. As a result a orange bar goes up and down as an indicator. Any time you can switch to automatic change by pressing on "-" again.

Using this new timing system, the old hardware in the main control room is not needed anymore.

Additional Information:

In the old experiments, we used the new control system events but still using the old hardware in the main control room. Please see:

Attachment 1: 2024-05-29_11-07-40-259.png
Attachment 2: IMG_0465.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_0466.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_0467.JPG
  32   Fri Jun 7 17:10:45 2024 SebastianGeneralXUV LED
Maximum XUV LED Voltage: 6.5V
  79   Wed Jun 26 11:59:12 2024 Ruijiu, Shahab, CarstenAnalysisPrepare plots for Thomas's presentation
(env_OnlineDataAnalysisSystem) litv-exp@lxbk0497:/lustre/astrum/experiment_data/2024-05_E018/OnlineDataAnalysisSystem/data/iq/IQ_2024-06-
The root file is at:
(env_OnlineDataAnalysisSystem) litv-exp@lxbk0497:/lustre/astrum/experiment_data/2024-05_E018/OnlineDataAnalysisSystem/data/iq/IQ_2024-06-
12_21-47-54$ root filtered_spectrum_670_750.root

The figure below shows the interface of the program "combine_injection". You can combine any tdms file with this program. To run this 
program, you need to log in to the server /luster/astrum/, and activate the conda environment. Then type the command "combine_injection" at 
the terminal. You will see the interface. 
Attachment 1: 22.png
Attachment 2: 57.png
Attachment 3: 09.png
Attachment 4: 202406271116.png
Attachment 5: 202406271117.png
Attachment 6: 202406271144.png
  71   Thu Jun 13 18:48:26 2024 Ruijiu Chen, David, Shahab, YuriAnalysisThe ion identification of 229Th is correct.
Harmonic: 124.0 , Bp: 7.796046 [Tm]
ion            fre[Hz]                       yield [pps]    
237U+92        243732740.7822311819          8.6164e+03     
237Np+92       243732858.1891748905          1.9672e+02     

224Ac+87       243759120.6575988531          1.7025e+03     

229Pa+89       243784072.1343108118          2.5529e+03     
229Th+89       243784111.0000000000          3.3883e+03   
234Pa+91       243807737.9699291289          2.4721e+03     
234Np+91       243807852.4158236086          1.7745e+01     

The strongest line is 229Th+89/229Pa+89. The yield and frequency of 229Pa+89 and 229Th+89 are very close to each other.  We needed to 
install Al target to suppress Pa as much as possible. Al gives a better ratio of h-like to he-like than Be. Two peaks at left 
side are 237U+92/237Np+92 and 224Ac+87. One peak at right side is 

Note added 2024-06-14 (Carsten): a) We will not produce Np, this is an artifact of Lise, b) relative intensities are for injection only. Line intensities for  237U/224Ac/234Pa are substantially lower after cooling/HF/deceleration.
Attachment 1: simulation_result.out
Harmonic: 124.0 , Bp: 7.796046 [Tm]
ion            fre[Hz]                       yield [pps]    
3H+1           236739234.1845399737          3.3521e-01     
6He+2          236844374.7550895512          5.1636e-03     
9Li+3          236852536.8677273989          9.1883e-06     
20N+7          239215126.5487980545          4.3650e-09     
17C+6          239587297.2520169616          3.6622e-07     
14B+5          240096832.3972796500          1.4759e-05     
25F+9          240509845.1141892374          6.4240e-09     
11Be+4         240887268.6146701872          1.4495e-03     
22O+8          240953625.1095090210          2.4566e-07     
33Mg+12        240966381.3811237514          2.4432e-09     
41P+15         241244369.7810892165          1.0319e-10     
30Na+11        241321993.7563934028          3.6800e-09     
19N+7          241503148.7250321209          9.7362e-06     
38Si+14        241546934.2199214697          2.2748e-09     
46Cl+17        241689386.8928403258          1.1322e-10     
27Ne+10        241757161.1141942143          1.5857e-07     
35Al+13        241891923.8298654556          3.4970e-08     
43S+16         241981165.0901188850          1.9969e-09     
51K+19         242040738.4474041462          1.2662e-10     
8Li+3          242180427.8724269271          3.2420e-02     
16C+6          242260721.4293792844          2.9574e-04     
24F+9          242285392.1761929393          4.7919e-06     
32Mg+12        242300892.3069452941          6.4686e-07     
40P+15         242308980.1611424983          2.5420e-08     
56Sc+21        242320462.7124174237          1.4022e-10     
48Ar+18        242320925.5581148863          1.4996e-09     
61V+23         242552772.6055052876          1.6696e-10     
53Ca+20        242590062.3739082813          1.5243e-09     
45Cl+17        242630124.0583854616          2.2083e-08     
37Si+14        242686662.8789107203          3.5125e-07     
148Ce+56       242700086.6674215794          1.0489e-10     
169Dy+64       242728964.7348760366          1.0953e-10     
66Mn+25        242749219.1717073917          2.1875e-10     
161Eu+61       242751817.1704952717          1.9892e-10     
153Pr+58       242775130.0168511868          1.4024e-10     
153Nd+58       242776839.6156299114          4.0708e-10     
29Na+11        242777828.3656246662          2.2357e-06     
174Er+66       242795388.5850578845          5.0052e-10     
145La+55       242804580.7326534688          2.0488e-10     
58Ti+22        242805991.1565190256          1.6166e-09     
166Gd+63       242819641.8790954053          1.5560e-10     
166Tb+63       242820587.7454676926          1.5896e-09     
137I+52        242834859.5116859972          1.2937e-10     
137Xe+52       242836850.6467877030          2.3357e-10     
158Pm+60       242846994.4393470287          4.6027e-10     
158Sm+60       242848757.2515070140          1.7777e-09     
179Tm+68       242856281.4668971002          2.0199e-10     
179Yb+68       242857487.0999119282          1.9778e-09     
129Sn+49       242869106.9383201897          1.6149e-10     
150Ce+57       242877526.9750987887          3.0941e-10     
150Pr+57       242878574.2190735042          8.5674e-10     
50K+19         242881267.9630251229          1.7048e-08     
171Dy+65       242884109.0011730492          9.5361e-10     
171Ho+65       242885307.9238979518          5.9039e-09     
121Ag+46       242903949.6987555027          2.0608e-10     
142Cs+54       242911428.2660098076          4.7428e-10     
142Ba+54       242913758.0388126373          1.0058e-09     
163Eu+62       242914202.9019284546          1.6859e-09     
184Lu+70       242914793.8323417306          6.6746e-10     
163Gd+62       242915542.9905546010          7.4407e-09     
184Hf+70       242916078.1719816327          7.9555e-09     
71Co+27        242917224.1877118647          3.1695e-10     
176Er+67       242944977.3492197394          3.2580e-09     
113Ru+43       242945104.9202967286          1.8581e-10     
21O+8          242945629.6710462570          1.0920e-04     
176Tm+67       242945690.8080452979          1.2060e-08     
155Nd+59       242947109.3220317066          1.1302e-09     
155Pm+59       242948470.2137633860          3.8665e-09     
134Te+51       242951445.1461780965          5.7236e-10     
134I+51        242951961.4727439880          8.2196e-10     
189Ta+72       242970354.1063882411          2.2008e-09     
189W+72        242971283.5561006367          3.6607e-08     
168Gd+64       242975624.6064093113          2.5167e-10     
168Tb+64       242976874.1204694211          5.9430e-09     
168Dy+64       242978430.1918044686          3.0383e-08     
147Ba+56       242981171.2961690426          1.3746e-10     
42S+16         242981675.0845742822          2.1207e-07     
147La+56       242983139.4655990303          1.8061e-09     
147Ce+56       242984779.1033096910          4.4415e-09     
126Cd+48       242988517.5227495730          1.1991e-10     
63Cr+24        242988587.2181120217          1.9954e-09     
126In+48       242990503.5858523548          6.7730e-10     
105Nb+40       242992681.6019555032          1.6014e-10     
84Ge+32        242993868.6771449149          1.2406e-10     
181Tm+69       243000368.1603236198          1.3586e-10     
181Yb+69       243001781.2573932707          5.2114e-09     
181Lu+69       243002714.7969553173          4.9734e-08     
160Pm+61       243010204.3254972100          2.3012e-10     
160Sm+61       243012272.1621484458          4.2591e-09     
160Eu+61       243013198.3526674211          1.6541e-08     
139I+53        243022398.6216613948          2.1331e-10     
194Re+74       243022828.0685567260          7.3504e-09     
139Xe+53       243024721.6011727154          1.9549e-09     
139Cs+53       243026362.7129201591          3.3447e-09     
118Rh+45       243031647.9029059708          1.8945e-10     
173Dy+66       243034374.5284726024          7.5576e-10     
118Pd+45       243035643.6765873730          7.3028e-10     
173Ho+66       243035840.5392166376          2.0660e-08     
173Er+66       243036968.8837668300          5.0798e-08     
241Np+92       243039140.2727018297          7.8175e-07     
97Rb+37        243043604.8474437892          1.3150e-10     
97Sr+37        243048257.7599840760          1.7326e-10     
152Ce+58       243048755.5392489433          4.7196e-10     
152Pr+58       243050174.5915051997          6.7541e-09     
152Nd+58       243052069.6885078847          1.9777e-08     
186Lu+71       243054112.2299034297          3.0346e-10     
186Hf+71       243055596.0678409636          1.5685e-08     
186Ta+71       243056137.0923174024          2.0350e-07     
186W+71        243057078.1763303876          2.1056e-09     
76Cu+29        243061461.8898899555          4.6356e-10     
233Np+89       243067244.8762803674          4.8887e-08     
76Zn+29        243068137.0429650545          1.4640e-10     
131Sn+50       243068772.9606932104          3.4699e-10     
131Sb+50       243070394.4669954181          2.1857e-09     
165Eu+63       243071263.1704557836          7.2803e-10     
199Os+76       243072008.7563476264          3.1257e-10     
165Gd+63       243072848.1020166874          1.5160e-08     
199Ir+76       243072953.1379089952          2.9303e-08     
165Tb+63       243073963.5271470845          6.6122e-08     
199Au+76       243074028.2922728956          1.5979e-08     
55Sc+21        243082661.6410450637          1.4395e-08     
110Mo+42       243083793.8087811470          2.3473e-10     
110Tc+42       243086445.3769399524          5.7224e-10     
178Er+68       243089901.8548782766          8.2367e-10     
178Tm+68       243090916.0825456977          2.8137e-08     
144Cs+55       243090954.0916134715          7.0639e-10     
178Yb+68       243092296.9229128957          2.1012e-07     
144Ba+55       243093604.1845065057          7.1458e-09     
144La+55       243094573.2986260951          1.4370e-08     
191Ta+73       243105219.8369525671          8.5274e-10     
191W+73        243106325.1724522412          5.3129e-08     
191Re+73       243107084.2535902858          9.1592e-07     
191Os+73       243107565.2981355488          8.7924e-09     
89Se+34        243109487.1050160825          2.3865e-10     
157Nd+60       243111491.4319375157          1.6251e-09     
157Pm+60       243113156.0187418461          2.5941e-08     
89Br+34        243114157.5230933130          1.8782e-10     
157Sm+60       243114416.1803400517          8.2687e-08     
123Ag+47       243115072.2826485634          5.2967e-10     
123Cd+47       243117933.3542207479          2.3112e-09     
204Pt+78       243119632.6302239895          1.0635e-09     
34Al+13        243119813.7234644592          4.1112e-06     
204Tl+78       243121143.0887673497          1.5677e-07     
170Tb+65       243128076.9721112847          2.2000e-09     
170Dy+65       243129930.3860887289          5.2015e-08     
170Ho+65       243130608.8005686104          2.6013e-07     
230U+88        243137483.7251423895          1.7674e-05     
136Te+52       243140275.9263301790          9.9511e-10     
183Yb+70       243141821.4108578265          2.2151e-09     
136I+52        243141968.3637501597          7.0005e-09     
102Y+39        243142641.7052201629          2.9074e-10     
183Lu+70       243142987.2022154927          9.0105e-08     
183Hf+70       243143873.2768798172          8.7590e-07     
136Xe+52       243144241.0174844861          9.6777e-09     
68Fe+26        243144706.2075745463          2.2899e-09     
102Zr+39       243147208.9270441234          4.7084e-10     
196Re+75       243153519.5059974194          2.8605e-09     
196Os+75       243154883.5919870436          2.1263e-07     
196Ir+75       243155164.1921364069          2.9602e-08     
149La+57       243155342.2667757571          2.2884e-09     
196Pt+75       243155897.8030815125          1.5364e-07     
149Ce+57       243157287.0284814537          2.5653e-08     
149Pr+57       243158608.7838155329          5.8910e-08     
209Hg+80       243163516.6601961851          1.4236e-09     
209Pb+80       243165475.3744490445          3.3530e-07     
115Ru+44       243169327.9500617981          6.9510e-10     
162Sm+62       243170281.8327231705          5.1966e-09     
162Eu+62       243171491.5169911087          8.8532e-08     
115Rh+44       243172490.8758578897          1.9920e-09     
162Gd+62       243173036.3587067723          3.1718e-07     
235Np+90       243176013.2287833691          2.4582e-08     
175Ho+67       243181653.9431729317          6.4264e-09     
175Er+67       243183032.7354028523          1.7978e-07     
175Tm+67       243183980.2653574646          1.0415e-06     
81Ga+31        243187106.9500866532          6.8737e-10     
188Hf+72       243191114.8739262223          9.4849e-09     
128In+49       243191665.1957344413          1.4385e-09     
188Ta+72       243191861.0691795945          3.2367e-07     
81Ge+31        243191887.4254158139          3.0617e-10     
188W+72        243193005.9650466740          3.6101e-06     
188Re+72       243193091.1811351180          1.4409e-07     
128Sn+49       243194872.5794429183          7.0187e-09     
201Ir+77       243199673.7945408821          2.1602e-08     
201Pt+77       243200555.9267365038          3.6348e-09     
201Au+77       243201163.4284275770          2.6592e-07     
201Hg+77       243201446.1068870127          1.3016e-06     
141Xe+54       243205409.8924460113          2.9136e-09     
214Po+82       243206311.2806228697          6.5858e-06     
141Cs+54       243207407.5593231618          2.2778e-08     
47Ar+18        243207961.2713322341          1.5679e-07     
141Ba+54       243209081.5726887882          3.6787e-08     
240Np+92       243212502.5249534249          1.2747e-03     
94Kr+36        243212975.9867741168          5.3350e-10     
154Pr+59       243215564.9857281744          7.3163e-09     
94Rb+36        243216406.7782510817          5.3982e-10     
154Nd+59       243217812.4732374549          9.1347e-08     
154Pm+59       243218603.1069869697          2.2980e-07     
167Gd+64       243225000.2256566286          1.5026e-08     
167Tb+64       243226376.8223887086          2.8975e-07     
167Dy+64       243227466.0156011879          1.1781e-06     
180Tm+69       243231698.9186193049          1.8465e-08     
107Nb+41       243231973.4405785203          7.5223e-10     
180Yb+69       243233335.2894475758          6.3239e-07     
180Lu+69       243233834.7958942950          4.6773e-06     
107Mo+41       243235657.0704382360          1.4768e-09     
193W+74        243237635.1402376592          3.0412e-08     
193Re+74       243238584.0733231306          1.2192e-06     
193Os+74       243239330.7381950319          1.3797e-06     
193Ir+74       243239596.9040361047          8.6006e-07     
206Au+79       243242813.9680462182          1.5193e-07     
206Hg+79       243244292.1140135229          1.4382e-07     
206Tl+79       243244592.7519558668          8.3149e-06     
206Pb+79       243244926.9468550086          4.7721e-07     
232Np+89       243246180.1575780511          1.2842e-02     
232U+89        243246704.3756984472          1.7836e-04     
60V+23         243246898.6467458308          1.3417e-08     
120Pd+46       243248391.5103339851          1.7577e-09     
120Ag+46       243250395.5565699637          5.8890e-09     
133Sb+51       243262287.9839305580          3.8910e-09     
133Te+51       243263642.5373053551          2.1212e-08     
133I+51        243264631.3929048777          2.2971e-08     
146Ba+56       243266774.9934813678          8.7148e-09     
146La+56       243268114.8212891221          7.7968e-08     
146Ce+56       243270080.6697828472          1.4249e-07     
159Pm+61       243272133.8908516169          2.1954e-08     
159Sm+61       243273729.7614244521          2.9716e-07     
159Eu+61       243274817.0782181919          8.5160e-07     
172Dy+66       243276554.0576321185          4.3091e-08     
172Ho+66       243277531.7618721426          9.4998e-07     
73Ni+28        243277602.5638011396          2.7170e-09     
172Er+66       243278840.1261009574          5.1012e-06     
185Lu+71       243279145.6305840313          4.7235e-08     
185Hf+71       243280209.6217234135          2.0522e-06     
185Ta+71       243280965.1018372774          1.8073e-05     
185W+71        243281447.1597020328          7.5458e-07     
198Os+76       243282167.5944406390          1.2727e-07     
198Ir+76       243282658.2044186294          9.0488e-06     
198Au+76       243283547.9809188843          5.7023e-06     
198Pt+76       243283618.0104085207          6.4311e-06     
211Pb+81       243284252.9645713568          1.1889e-06     
211Bi+81       243284559.5542095602          1.0139e-04     
211Po+81       243284683.4454932809          1.2398e-05     
86As+33        243294771.5678842068          1.1510e-09     
86Se+33        243300752.7835020125          6.9967e-10     
13B+5          243304134.9372714758          3.9465e-03     
99Sr+38        243305038.3099929392          1.1711e-09     
99Y+38         243308698.5626951754          1.4883e-09     
112Tc+43       243312591.1944453120          1.9881e-09     
112Ru+43       243316720.4826173782          4.5989e-09     
229U+88        243318416.5015839934          7.2069e-01     
229Pa+88       243318667.9445530474          8.5367e-03     
125Cd+48       243320472.4950474799          4.3442e-09     
216At+83       243321833.9369718432          1.9189e-05     
216Po+83       243321912.5510864854          1.8413e-05     
216Rn+83       243322249.4125059843          1.7419e-05     
125In+48       243322996.2460359633          1.7382e-08     
190Ta+73       243323750.8861013353          1.4705e-07     
138I+53        243323816.1223402321          1.0110e-08     
151Ce+58       243323816.3553389907          2.5304e-08     
203Pt+78       243324087.3332317173          8.8598e-07     
164Eu+63       243324563.8218993545          6.1087e-08     
177Er+68       243324601.3014600575          1.2524e-07     
203Au+78       243324900.0521528125          3.6273e-06     
190W+73        243325088.5085936785          6.1534e-06     
203Hg+78       243325383.2430893779          5.8503e-05     
190Re+73       243325388.8402643502          6.0737e-06     
151Pr+58       243325464.2661645412          2.5140e-07     
203Tl+78       243325493.7967169285          5.6443e-05     
177Tm+68       243325799.2557794154          3.1684e-06     
190Os+73       243326122.6537603736          3.9355e-06     
164Gd+63       243326329.0648137331          9.3397e-07     
138Xe+53       243326403.0307048261          6.2713e-08     
177Yb+68       243326672.5785371065          1.8909e-05     
151Nd+58       243326703.0117485523          5.2705e-07     
164Tb+63       243326996.5282938182          2.9271e-06     
138Cs+53       243327353.7154377103          7.8886e-08     
234Np+90       243353055.0978257656          7.2033e-01     
234U+90        243353395.0953724384          3.4254e-06     
221Fr+85       243357976.1854344308          2.0099e-04     
221Ra+85       243358042.3963541090          9.3896e-06     
26Ne+10        243359903.5274351835          4.5702e-05     
208Hg+80       243363450.6475588679          5.9586e-06     
208Tl+80       243364212.3081583381          3.2346e-05     
208Bi+80       243364686.1031156480          8.4954e-05     
208Pb+80       243365297.9502157271          7.6584e-04     
195Re+75       243366450.9658074379          5.6606e-07     
195Os+75       243367367.1480577588          3.1033e-05     
195Ir+75       243367880.6423891783          3.2712e-05     
195Pt+75       243368134.1565913260          2.0190e-05     
182Yb+70       243370133.0077454746          3.7136e-07     
182Lu+70       243370848.1722925603          1.0565e-05     
182Hf+70       243371908.0677230358          6.8860e-05     
169Tb+65       243373916.9655392468          1.6570e-07     
39P+15         243375271.7958737016          2.0823e-06     
169Dy+65       243375274.9937425554          2.8331e-06     
169Ho+65       243376130.1619105041          1.1696e-05     
156Nd+60       243377800.2442072928          7.1288e-08     
... 2076 more lines ...
Attachment 2: Lifetime_of_beam7.pdf
Lifetime_of_beam7.pdf Lifetime_of_beam7.pdf Lifetime_of_beam7.pdf
  62   Thu Jun 13 12:37:14 2024 Ruijiu Chen, DavidAnalysisLifetime of beam in center of mass is 193 s.
Attachment 1: Lifetime_of_beam.pdf
  63   Thu Jun 13 13:29:47 2024 Ruijiu Chen, DavidAnalysisLifetime of beam during June 12 22:00- June 13 0:00
Attachment 1: Lifetime_of_beam2.pdf
Lifetime_of_beam2.pdf Lifetime_of_beam2.pdf
  64   Thu Jun 13 14:20:36 2024 Ruijiu Chen, DavidAnalysisLifetime of beam during June 13 4:30:7:00
Attachment 1: Lifetime_of_beam3.pdf
  65   Thu Jun 13 14:35:27 2024 Ruijiu Chen, DavidAnalysisLifetime of beam during June 13 7:00~9:00
Attachment 1: Lifetime_of_beam4.pdf
Lifetime_of_beam4.pdf Lifetime_of_beam4.pdf
  66   Thu Jun 13 14:41:22 2024 Ruijiu Chen, DavidAnalysisLifetime of beam during June 13 9:00~11:00
Attachment 1: Lifetime_of_beam5.pdf
  7   Fri May 31 15:53:06 2024 Ruijiu ChenDAQrun NTCAP system
NTCAP is working again. 
Connect the RF cable and the scaler cables to NTCAP system.
The map of signal is recorded in following link. 
Test it with IQ rate of 10 MSamples/s.
  40   Mon Jun 10 11:59:12 2024 Ruijiu ChenAnalysisThe ion identification of spectrum recorded on 2022
The simulated frequency is given in simulation_result.out. The yield is calculated by LISE file. The LISE file is attached here also.
Attachment 1: simulation_result.out
Harmonic: 125.0 , Bp: 7.598584 [Tm]
ion            fre[Hz]                       yield [pps]    
3H+1           236170494.9068601429          3.7554e-01     
6He+2          236280023.6364285052          1.1998e-03     
9Li+3          236288526.4039438963          2.9376e-05     
12Be+4         236324992.9694004357          2.2764e-07     
20N+7          238749721.4013304412          2.6723e-08     
14B+5          239668226.2271307409          2.6686e-06     
28Ne+10        239732346.9869978726          3.3921e-10     
25F+9          240098476.4905849397          1.6517e-08     
11Be+4         240491652.1819554865          3.4416e-04     
22O+8          240560778.1391413510          3.6423e-07     
33Mg+12        240574066.8079842925          4.3273e-10     
30Na+11        240944521.0624978244          6.5871e-09     
19N+7          241133236.7358699739          9.7162e-06     
38Si+14        241178849.6672406495          2.6475e-10     
27Ne+10        241397850.6154991388          1.6014e-07     
35Al+13        241538237.8034656942          3.4191e-09     
43S+16         241631203.6472836137          2.4763e-10     
8Li+3          241838782.8841317296          1.7843e-02     
16C+6          241922427.5822682381          4.5982e-05     
24F+9          241948127.9902256429          4.3992e-06     
32Mg+12        241964275.0362286866          7.4320e-08     
40P+15         241972700.4460445344          2.9839e-09     
56Sc+21        241984662.2344081700          2.2047e-10     
48Ar+18        241985144.3974872231          1.4951e-10     
61V+23         242226667.8400756717          2.4891e-10     
45Cl+17        242307247.6421439648          1.8109e-09     
37Si+14        242366146.1734250784          3.5611e-08     
66Mn+25        242431313.3228965700          2.7818e-10     
29Na+11        242461116.5534416735          1.3474e-06     
145La+55       242488985.4603564143          1.8226e-10     
58Ti+22        242490454.7498356402          1.6403e-09     
137I+52        242520527.9580143690          1.0662e-10     
137Xe+52       242522602.1953611076          3.3093e-10     
158Sm+60       242535005.7355127633          1.2842e-10     
129Sb+49       242557682.2953648865          3.2539e-10     
150Ce+57       242564976.1956174374          1.0888e-10     
150Pr+57       242566067.1474878490          6.3168e-10     
50K+19         242568873.3178487122          1.2390e-09     
121Ag+46       242592501.7011261582          1.9460e-10     
142Cs+54       242600292.3947287798          3.2229e-10     
142Ba+54       242602719.4031988680          1.1865e-09     
163Gd+62       242604578.8518933356          4.2621e-10     
71Co+27        242606330.2156896591          3.0918e-10     
113Ru+43       242635374.5817559063          1.7933e-10     
21O+8          242635921.2335634232          6.1057e-05     
155Nd+59       242637462.6394336522          2.7909e-10     
155Pm+59       242638880.3295001388          1.9371e-09     
134Te+51       242641979.4240383208          2.8492e-10     
134I+51        242642517.3000695109          1.1405e-09     
168Tb+64       242668469.7049431801          1.3162e-10     
168Dy+64       242670090.7206515372          1.2210e-09     
42S+16         242673471.0426414311          3.3088e-08     
147La+56       242674996.5412420928          9.5762e-10     
147Ce+56       242676704.6110619903          4.1197e-09     
63Cr+24        242680671.6617843807          1.5161e-09     
126In+48       242682668.0112704337          5.4069e-10     
105Nb+40       242684936.9293057323          1.4492e-10     
126Sn+48       242685721.0218968391          9.2795e-10     
160Sm+61       242705345.1233857870          7.8426e-10     
160Eu+61       242706309.9694994688          6.3038e-09     
139Xe+53       242718314.1536377668          8.2859e-10     
139Cs+53       242720023.7590149939          4.0367e-09     
118Rh+45       242725529.5323016644          1.0350e-10     
118Pd+45       242729692.0740557611          5.9216e-10     
173Ho+66       242729897.1529665291          1.8719e-10     
173Er+66       242731072.5902354121          3.6853e-10     
173Tm+66       242731776.4479603767          3.0838e-10     
97Sr+37        242742832.6202967763          1.5519e-10     
152Ce+58       242743351.1749346256          1.2139e-10     
152Pr+58       242744829.4529200494          2.7626e-09     
152Nd+58       242746803.6439105570          1.3830e-08     
76Cu+29        242756587.8392962813          3.2015e-10     
76Zn+29        242763541.5873325765          1.7135e-10     
131Sn+50       242764204.0457966030          1.5414e-10     
131Sb+50       242765893.2274734676          1.4856e-09     
131Te+50       242767053.6367914677          2.9591e-09     
165Gd+63       242768449.2676899135          2.2326e-09     
165Tb+63       242769611.2463326454          1.8317e-08     
55Sc+21        242778672.3857187629          7.5820e-10     
110Mo+42       242779851.8057384491          1.1106e-10     
110Tc+42       242782614.0400528014          4.3601e-10     
144Cs+55       242787310.9309636354          1.4659e-10     
178Yb+68       242788709.8068255782          5.7015e-10     
178Lu+68       242788885.0176258683          1.2378e-10     
144Ba+55       242790071.6284403503          2.2581e-09     
144La+55       242791081.1896189153          1.3752e-08     
89Se+34        242806617.4403581917          1.5336e-10     
157Nd+60       242808705.4200999439          2.7064e-10     
157Pm+60       242810439.4802917242          7.2089e-09     
89Br+34        242811482.7835447192          1.9810e-10     
157Sm+60       242811752.2361402512          4.5203e-08     
123Ag+47       242812435.7216106355          2.4124e-10     
123Cd+47       242815416.2031970024          1.6226e-09     
34Al+13        242817375.0517490804          6.1398e-07     
170Tb+65       242825983.1762975752          1.6410e-10     
170Dy+65       242827913.9445752800          5.8800e-09     
170Ho+65       242828620.6734403670          3.1834e-09     
136Te+52       242838691.2674813867          3.5688e-10     
136I+52        242840454.3406653404          3.9996e-09     
102Y+39        242841155.7847928703          1.5487e-10     
183Hf+70       242842438.7574697733          9.2079e-10     
136Xe+52       242842821.8461388946          9.9301e-09     
183Ta+70       242842952.2145871818          3.8532e-10     
68Fe+26        242843306.4514563978          1.5399e-09     
102Zr+39       242845913.6247153580          4.0638e-10     
149La+57       242854386.4184551537          3.3446e-10     
149Ce+57       242856412.3469604552          6.5434e-09     
149Pr+57       242857789.2672280669          2.6650e-08     
115Ru+44       242868955.8098371923          3.0969e-10     
162Sm+62       242869949.5038557053          6.7631e-10     
162Eu+62       242871209.6756462157          2.0568e-08     
115Rh+44       242872250.7438703179          1.4776e-09     
162Gd+62       242872818.9930544794          6.7670e-08     
175Ho+67       242881796.2420231104          3.3617e-10     
175Er+67       242883232.5796851218          1.8929e-08     
175Tm+67       242884219.6558595300          7.5018e-09     
175Yb+67       242884855.4412036836          2.7946e-09     
81Ga+31        242887476.8362643719          3.7520e-10     
128In+49       242892225.3253800273          5.3946e-10     
81Ge+31        242892456.8300650418          2.7967e-10     
188Re+72       242893710.8258723617          1.0214e-09     
128Sn+49       242895566.5728260279          4.2946e-09     
128Sb+49       242896037.8229285181          7.0253e-09     
141Xe+54       242906543.6723439693          8.2450e-10     
141Cs+54       242908624.7140770555          1.1219e-08     
47Ar+18        242909201.5358746350          2.1304e-08     
141Ba+54       242910368.5942582190          3.2534e-08     
94Kr+36        242914425.5460604727          2.7475e-10     
154Pr+59       242917122.5997744501          7.6996e-10     
94Rb+36        242917999.5254474878          4.5878e-10     
154Nd+59       242919463.8886824846          1.8688e-08     
154Pm+59       242920287.5204136372          8.7773e-08     
167Gd+64       242926951.6299683452          1.5473e-09     
167Tb+64       242928385.6805009246          3.4379e-08     
167Dy+64       242929520.3324073553          1.5074e-08     
180Tm+69       242933929.9003556669          5.9660e-10     
107Nb+41       242934215.8797951341          3.4746e-10     
180Yb+69       242935634.5669462085          2.2898e-09     
180Lu+69       242936154.9208517671          1.7350e-08     
180Hf+69       242936957.6631197333          7.7628e-09     
107Mo+41       242938053.2500569224          1.1295e-09     
232Np+89       242949015.5299792886          1.6821e-05     
60V+23         242949764.0060941279          1.0090e-08     
120Pd+46       242951319.1760096848          7.9199e-10     
120Ag+46       242953406.8633513451          4.4817e-09     
133Sb+51       242965795.6344363689          1.2139e-09     
133Te+51       242967206.7216075361          1.1389e-08     
133I+51        242968236.8481987715          2.2564e-08     
146Ba+56       242970469.9143370092          1.9546e-09     
146La+56       242971865.6613531709          3.1056e-08     
146Ce+56       242973913.5567271411          1.0507e-07     
159Pm+61       242976052.4712679982          1.8521e-09     
159Sm+61       242977714.9472797215          5.2128e-08     
159Eu+61       242978847.6444529891          2.7972e-07     
172Dy+66       242980657.1186407208          1.9861e-09     
172Ho+66       242981675.6284580529          8.7473e-08     
73Ni+28        242981749.3853845596          1.7317e-09     
172Er+66       242983038.5987277031          4.8973e-08     
172Tm+66       242983281.0292961299          2.2845e-08     
185Lu+71       242983356.8537812531          1.1895e-09     
185Hf+71       242984465.2517779469          4.4415e-09     
185Ta+71       242985252.2626972497          5.8142e-08     
185W+71        242985754.4397848248          3.7047e-08     
73Cu+28        242987398.7074736059          6.6669e-10     
86As+33        242999634.9570087492          5.7121e-10     
86Se+33        243005865.8053336740          5.7716e-10     
13B+5          243009389.1170642078          9.0586e-04     
99Sr+38        243010330.1930541098          4.6818e-10     
99Y+38         243014143.2104866803          1.0139e-09     
112Tc+43       243018198.3055659831          9.1903e-10     
112Ru+43       243022499.9341870248          3.6752e-09     
229U+88        243024266.7383974791          2.7337e-03     
125Cd+48       243026408.5410420597          1.7349e-09     
125In+48       243029037.6235938370          1.1594e-08     
190Ta+73       243029823.7594043016          1.0347e-10     
138I+53        243029891.7183504105          2.7865e-09     
151Ce+58       243029891.9610736072          4.6378e-09     
164Eu+63       243030670.6239848435          4.5938e-09     
177Er+68       243030709.6677968502          4.2022e-09     
125Sn+48       243031080.4046761096          1.5703e-08     
190W+73        243031217.2090637684          7.8823e-09     
190Re+73       243031530.0754118264          8.9370e-08     
151Pr+58       243031608.6492961049          8.5448e-08     
177Tm+68       243031957.6200762689          1.1438e-08     
190Os+73       243032294.5154328346          1.2356e-07     
164Gd+63       243032509.5412817895          1.3063e-07     
138Xe+53       243032586.5942218304          3.0970e-08     
177Yb+68       243032867.3919336498          1.4450e-07     
151Nd+58       243032899.0953091085          3.2739e-07     
164Tb+63       243033204.8620949090          1.8424e-08     
177Lu+68       243033235.4459269345          8.2864e-08     
138Cs+53       243033576.9568427503          7.3884e-08     
234Np+90       243060351.0151002109          1.5931e-06     
26Ne+10        243067485.2715602517          2.2932e-05     
195Re+75       243074305.9745780826          1.3032e-10     
195Os+75       243075260.3947167993          1.6672e-08     
195Ir+75       243075795.3203070462          2.4989e-07     
195Pt+75       243076059.4152072668          4.3954e-07     
182Yb+70       243078141.6906444728          8.4930e-09     
182Lu+70       243078886.7033818364          2.8714e-08     
182Hf+70       243079990.8347306848          4.1105e-07     
182Ta+70       243080090.1023589671          2.7510e-07     
169Tb+65       243082083.5761385858          1.0176e-08     
39P+15         243083494.9518286586          2.8617e-07     
169Dy+65       243083498.2831641436          3.4561e-07     
169Ho+65       243084389.1427297294          7.2645e-08     
156Nd+60       243086128.9277744889          1.1024e-08     
156Pm+60       243087317.6698113382          2.3114e-07     
156Sm+60       243088871.7025344670          1.0018e-06     
143Cs+55       243090180.0385751128          6.4646e-09     
143Ba+55       243092217.7579111755          8.4550e-08     
143La+55       243093600.0348339379          2.3334e-07     
117Rh+45       243095546.9544636011          2.3649e-09     
130Sn+50       243096813.1027181447          3.8677e-09     
65Mn+25        243097492.0797340274          9.6183e-09     
104Zr+40       243097546.5828061104          1.0100e-09     
130Sb+50       243097589.7923253477          3.0049e-08     
117Pd+45       243098533.0446843505          1.1318e-08     
52Ca+20        243098826.1775813401          1.2185e-08     
91Br+35        243099387.0155653954          9.5476e-10     
130Te+50       243099404.3629230857          4.8030e-08     
104Nb+40       243100265.6575246155          2.6761e-09     
226Pa+87       243101048.9943967164          2.2875e-04     
78Zn+30        243102423.1623869538          1.8692e-09     
91Kr+35        243104411.1458382905          1.2614e-09     
78Ga+30        243106119.4014060199          1.0388e-09     
200Ir+77       243116285.0615619421          1.4354e-10     
200Pt+77       243117464.9093321264          1.1577e-08     
200Au+77       243117631.0497231781          7.4029e-07     
187Hf+72       243122458.1819290817          1.0439e-09     
187Ta+72       243123437.0063900054          7.0090e-08     
187W+72        243124197.2569205165          1.0986e-06     
187Re+72       243124524.2124314010          5.7350e-07     
174Ho+67       243129932.8857084513          1.9226e-08     
174Er+67       243131562.4848806560          2.7467e-08     
174Tm+67       243132086.3889359832          2.3020e-07     
174Yb+67       243132906.8028655350          1.4442e-07     
231Np+89       243135648.1888356507          7.6342e-02     
231U+89        243136007.8480548859          6.7263e-04     
161Sm+62       243138017.6461801529          2.7117e-08     
161Eu+62       243139500.4936536551          6.0720e-07     
161Gd+62       243140580.6622642875          9.4577e-08     
148La+57       243146030.4602153301          1.5002e-08     
148Ce+57       243148443.4903708100          2.2652e-07     
148Pr+57       243149123.3173131347          7.1662e-07     
205Au+79       243156361.6199799478          1.1792e-10     
205Hg+79       243157217.0191552639          2.8745e-08     
135Te+52       243158656.8604429960          8.6951e-09     
135I+52        243160738.4091563821          7.9206e-08     
135Xe+52       243161651.2927708328          1.5333e-07     
192W+74        243164984.9298426211          2.1169e-09     
192Re+74       243165474.9651027024          1.6841e-07     
122Ag+47       243165771.4394443035          5.3799e-09     
192Ir+74       243166275.6270002723          1.9916e-06     
192Os+74       243166524.7561721206          1.5617e-06     
122Cd+47       243169380.8084846437          2.8719e-08     
179Tm+69       243175173.5681082308          3.8655e-08     
109Mo+42       243175499.6054186821          2.2858e-09     
179Yb+69       243176411.1277719140          7.5313e-08     
179Lu+69       243177050.8435961008          1.1098e-06     
179Hf+69       243177415.3302386701          7.8746e-07     
109Tc+42       243178738.5049486458          7.3447e-09     
223Th+86       243179921.3105351925          2.1507e-03     
166Gd+64       243187004.7926521897          7.3692e-08     
96Rb+37        243187441.6105757952          1.7151e-09     
166Tb+64       243187974.5470990539          1.6432e-06     
166Dy+64       243189317.0338579714          4.0573e-07     
96Sr+37        243193011.4263028204          2.8864e-09     
153Pr+59       243199248.4643839598          3.4586e-08     
241Np+93       243200421.4794172049          1.3940e-04     
153Nd+59       243200999.0434359908          5.9814e-07     
153Pm+59       243202012.9177437723          2.0839e-06     
197Os+76       243205001.5299716592          2.0462e-09     
197Ir+76       243205764.3140561283          2.1062e-07     
83Ge+32        243205853.1564773917          2.6192e-09     
197Pt+76       243206286.8453349471          4.9554e-06     
197Au+76       243206458.2044734955          5.1880e-08     
83As+32        243210694.1410125196          1.9682e-09     
228U+88        243213071.7726494670          2.6773e+00     
228Pa+88       243213127.9386376441          2.1971e-03     
140Xe+54       243215148.3644217849          1.9674e-08     
140Cs+54       243216498.7468394041          2.1346e-07     
184Lu+71       243217456.2905703187          7.9385e-08     
140Ba+54       243218560.0460139215          4.8504e-07     
184Hf+71       243218775.1987689137          2.0232e-07     
184Ta+71       243219127.3774661422          3.7992e-06     
184W+71        243219848.2783367336          1.9267e-06     
70Co+27        243221803.1556882560          9.7287e-09     
127In+49       243231557.7170051038          1.0976e-08     
171Dy+66       243232467.2457379997          1.6115e-07     
171Ho+66       243233697.0895587802          1.1292e-07     
127Sn+49       243233961.2142690122          6.9127e-08     
171Er+66       243234574.9366721213          1.4383e-06     
171Tm+66       243234979.5711694062          7.8823e-07     
127Sb+49       243235144.5203642845          8.7952e-08     
202Pt+78       243243456.9126457870          1.0600e-08     
202Au+78       243243853.4610585272          1.2449e-06     
... 2880 more lines ...
Attachment 2: E142_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp
Version 17.5.18

{============================= Main Part ======================================}
                    File = E:/work/experiment/ESR/2022_E142_229Th/E143_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp
                    Date = 08-06-2024
                    Time = 23:26:50
           Configuration = GSI/FRS-TA-ESR_2014.lcn
             Optionsfile = GSI_FRS_2021.lopt
                   Title = GSI FRS TA-ESR (2014)
          BlockStructure = DSDSMDASDDD
          NumberOfBlocks = 11

                   A,Z,Q = 238U 92+                              ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                  Energy = 453.9                MeV/u            
               Intensity = 1e+9                 pps              ; enA,pna,pps,kW
            RF frequency = 20                   MHz              
            Bunch length = 1                    ns               
         Settings on A,Z = 229Th                                 ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam

                      BX = 0.472                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the horisontal beam extent (x)
                      BT = 1.59                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the horisontal beam divergence(x')
                      BY = 0.245                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the vertical beam extent (y)
                      BF = 2.04                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the vertical beam divergence (y')
                      BL = 0                    (+/-)mm          
                      BD = 0.03                 (+/-)%           ; one-half of the momentum spread (dp/p)
                  ShiftX = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleX = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  ShiftY = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleY = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
            Scheme Angle = 0                    degrees          
                  ShapeX = 1
                  ShapeT = 1
                  ShapeY = 1
                  ShapeF = 1
                  ShapeL = 1
                  ShapeD = 1
               OptBeam_X = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_T = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_Y = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_F = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_L = 0                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_D = 1.5                  (+/-)%           

               NP simple = 64                                    ; Number of points in distribution
        NP charge states = 16                                    ; Number of points in distribution
                NP wedge = 128                                   ; Number of points in distribution
           Charge states = Yes                                   ; No  & Yes
           CutEdgeEffect = 1                                     ; 1-Yes. Default, 0-no - for extended configurations
       Prim.beam scatter = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
              Delta peak = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
             BrhoMeanMax = 1                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean
            BrhoMeMaLeRi = 3                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean, 2-Left, 3-Right /for fission/
              CentralCut = 1                                     ; 0-no, 1-moderate, 2-strong

         Target contents = 0,4,1,9.012                           ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
        Target thickness = 1,1850,1.85,0,0,0                     ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Target fusion compound = 0
   Targ use for Q-states = 1
           Target Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 
       Degrader contents = 0,6,1,12.011                          ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
      Degrader thickness = 0,0,2.26,0,0,0                        ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Degra use for Q-states = 1
         Degrader Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 

                Reaction = 0                                     ; 0 - fragm, 1 - fusion-resid, 2 - fusion-fission
               CalcOther = 1                                     ; calculate other reactions
           V calculation = 5                                     ; 0 - constant, 1 - Borrel, 2 - Rami, 3-convolution, 4-two body reaction
             V_opt/Vbeam = 1                                     ; default 1
         Velocity_exceed = 1                                     ; 0 - without, 1-with - two-body recations velocity corrections
Binding Energy for Vf/Vp = 8                    MeV              ; Binding energy for Borrel's expression
    Shift for Vf/Vp calc = 0     
        Prefragment_Rami = 1
                  Sigma0 = 90                   MeV/c            ; default 90
                  SigmaD = 0                    MeV/c            ; default 200
                  SigmaM = 87                   MeV/c            ; default 87
               Asymmetry = 0                    %                ; default 0
          Method v-sigma = 0                                     ; 0 - Goldhaber, 1-Morrissey,2-Friedman,3-Convolution
               G_Surface = 0.95                 MeV/fm^2         
 Symmetry around half_Ab = 1
 Pfaff pickup correction = 0
     ChargeExchangePfaff = 0                                     ; 1 - exclude, 0-forget
            Sigma corr 0 = 0                                     ; Coulomb energy
            Sigma corr 1 = 0                                     ; Projectile mass
           Friedman mode = 2                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface
         Prefragment_Fri = 1
        Coulomb_Friedman = 1
                  K_Morr = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default; D.Morrissey coef.
               K_MorHalf = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default at Afrag=Aproj/2; D.Morrissey coef.
                 AA_fast = 0
             AA_Modefast = 3
               MethodApf = 2                                     ; Prefragment search method: 0-N/Z direction, 1 -  W*EPAX, 2 -  W*CSgeom,
           ExcitationApf = 1                                     ; Excitation energy for APF search: 0 - dSurface, 1 - dA*Ex
            BarrierShape = 1                                     ; 0-classical, 1-quantum mech.
                 H_omega = 3                    MeV              ; default 3
           Probabilty_CN = 1                                     ; 0/1 use Prbabilty for CN formation
            UseVanishing = 1
              VanishMode = 0                                     ; 0-Sierk, 1-Cohen
           NuclPotential = 1                                     ; 0-Bass, 1-WS
                   WS_V0 = 105                  MeV              
                   WS_R0 = 1.12                 fm               
                    WS_a = 0.75                 fm               
          FusDiffuseness = 1    
              Width Coef = 1                                     ; default 1; for Leon's charge state distribution
          gZt Correction = 1                                     ; default 1;      Leon's C.S.D.
           PowerCoefLeon = 0.477                                 ; default 0.477; Leon's C.S.D.
           Cross section = File                                  ; Fit  & File
           Charge method = 3                                     ; charge calculations method  0-5
      EPAX Cross Section = 4                                     ; cross section calculations method 0-4
        SR Cross Section = 1                                     ; EPAX for SR  0-2
             Energy Loss = 4                                     ; energy loss calculation method 0-3
     Anglular straggling = 1
        AngStragInOptics = 0                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
         StragglingCoef1 = 0.217
         StragglingCoef2 = 1.12 
       Energy straggling = 1                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
       EnergyStragMethod = 1                                     ; 0-integrate, 1-table
        EnergyStragShape = 0                                     ; 0-Gauss, 1-Landau-Vavilov
          EquilThickness = 1                                     ; 0-Charge, 1-Global
              MassMethod = 0                                     ; 0-DB+calcul, 1 + just calcul
            MassDataBase = 0                                     ; 0-A&W, 1-User ME
            Mass formula = 2                                     ; 0-LDM, 1-Myerer, 2: 1+corrections
          MassExcessFile = AME2016.lme
      UseChargeForEnergy = 2                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes, 2-Auto
         EnergyValueAuto = 30                                    ; default value 30 MeV/u
         EquilibriumMode = 0                                     ; 0-Equil, 1-NonEquil
               UB_Global = 70                                    ; default 70 MeV/u
             MinZ_Global = 29                                    ; default Z>=29
        ChargeStateOptim = 1                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes
         ZmQ_AfterReactn = 0                                     ; default 0 (full stripped)
             EPAX_p_Norm = 1
               EPAX_p_Un = 1.65
              EPAX_p_Up0 = 1.788
              EPAX_p_Up1 = 0.004721
              EPAX_p_Up2 = -1.303e-5
                EPAX_p_H = 1

         FisAngDistShape = 0                                     ; 0-isotropic; 1-anisotropic
     FisMomCutForAngDist = 2                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use just MatrixKinematics; 2-use for all; (default 2)
      OddEvenCorrections = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
 PostScissionEvaporation = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
   DeexcitFunctionPoints = 0                                     ; 0- average deexcitation energy;  1- 3 points; 2 - manually
           FisEXmanually = 20                                    ; Excitation energy manually
           FisCSmanually = 1000                                  ; Cross section manually
            FisTXEmethod = 0                                     ; 0-from Edissipated, 1 from Q-value
                   Fis_f = 0.0035                                ; default 0.0045
              FisEXsigma = 5.5                  MeV              ; default 5.5
            FisCS_Global = 1e-12
               FisCS_TKE = 1e-8
                FisBeta1 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of light fragment
                FisBeta2 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of heavy fragment
                FisTKE_d = 2                    fm               ; d-param in Wilkins formula
              FisBetaFit = 1                                     ; 0-manual, 1-fit
                      N0 = 83                                    ; default 82
                     dU0 = -2.65                                 ; default -2.5
                      C0 = 0.7                                   ; default 1.4
                   cpol0 = 0.65                                  ; default 0.65
                  width0 = 0.63                                  ; default 0.63
                      N1 = 90                                    ; default 90
                     dU1 = -3.8                                  ; default -5.5
                      C1 = 0.15                                  ; default 0.16
                   cpol1 = 0.55                                  ; default 0.55
                  width1 = 0.97                                  ; default 0.97

                 FragInd = 1e-3
               FragTotal = 1e-5
                 BeamInd = 1e-12
               BeamTotal = 1e-15

        Convolution mode = 1                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-E* per Abraded nucleon
                 Sigma_0 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_1 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_2 = 160     
              CoefConv_0 = 3.344 
              CoefConv_1 = 3     
              CoefConv_2 = 1     
             ShiftConv_0 = 0.1581
             ShiftConv_1 = 0.1487
             ShiftConv_2 = -1     

          NP evaporation = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
               NPevapFis = 8                                     ; Number of points in distribution
              EvapMethod = 2
        StateDensityMode = 2                                     ; 0, 1+pairing, 2+shell
      EvapUnstableNuclei = 1                                     ; 0 - only stable,1 +unstable
              Tunnelling = 1
          AvoidUnboundCS = 1
       ProtectedChannels = 1
           R_Evaporation = 5.7                  fm               ; correction for the effective Coulomb barrier
         Mode_Apf_manual = 0                                     ; 1-manual, 0-auto
             Energy_in_T = 2                                     ; default 2
     EvaporationVelocity = 0                                     ; 0 - quality, 1 -fast
        DeltaOddEvenEvap = 12    
     DeltaOddEvenFission = 14    
   BreakupTemperature250 = 4.7   
   BreakupTemperature150 = 5.9   
   BreakupTemperature050 = 8     
      BreakupDiffuseness = 0.05  
      DissipationKramers = 0
 DissipationStepFunction = 1
         DissipationBeta = 1                                     ; default 2.0
                 mode_1n = 1
                 mode_2n = 0
                 mode_1p = 1
                 mode_2p = 0
                  mode_a = 1
                  mode_d = 0
                  mode_t = 0
                mode_3he = 0
                mode_fis = 1
             mode_brk_up = 1
              mode_gamma = 0

    FissionBarrierFactor = 1    
      FissionBarrierMode = 1                                     ; #0-4
      OddEvenCorrections = 1
        ShellCorrections = 1
             FB_InOutMax = 2                                     ; #0-2 - in/out/max
             ModeForUser = 1                                     ; #0-2
           NdeltaOddEven = 2.5  
           ZdeltaOddEven = 9    

           AbrasionModel = 0                                     ; 0-Geometrical, 1-Exponential
       GeomAA_Correction = 1                                     ; 0 - don't use,1 - use -default
          Thermalization = 0
          ThermaTimeCoef = 3e+0                                  ; 2.1e-22 MeV *s/e(t)
            AbraExpSlope = 0.363 
                Friction = 0                                     ; 0 - off,1 - on
          Ev_A_SigmaCoef = 9.6  
         G_FrictionCoef1 = 6.5  
         G_FrictionCoef2 = 0.5  
           G_FactorCoef1 = 1.5  
           G_FactorCoef2 = 2.5  
               DepthHole = 40     
          EnergyCoef_CB0 = 0       
          EnergyCoef_CB1 = 27       
          EnergyCoef_CB2 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB0 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB1 = 18       
           SigmaCoef_CB2 = 0       
              D_MeanTemp = 13       
             DN_MeanTemp = 0       
             DZ_MeanTemp = 0       
               LN_median = 20       
             LN_variance = 20       
              LN2_median = 0       
            LN2_variance = 0       
               AA_factor = 1       
          ApplyLimitTemp = 0

                  tun_a0 = -0.61392
                  tun_a1 = 0.44559
                  tun_a2 = 0.12008
                 A_Bound = 300
               A_Pairing =   1

            Start target = Detector                              ; Detector & RF      
            Start of TOF = T1
            Stop  of TOF = M1
         dE-detector-1st = M1
         dE-detector-2nd = M1
            TKE-detector = M1
              X-detector = M1
              Y-detector = M1
                 Tilting = M1
                 Stopper = M2
                RO_Wedge = W1
          ConditionBlock = A0
          Plot threshold = 1e-10                pps              ; minimal value for plot scale
     Shift of TOF for RF = 0                    ns               ; for dE-TOF plot with RF
  Fraction of RF trigger = 1
            UseCondition = 0
         TKE_calibration = 1,1,0,MeV

              UserDiffCS = 0                                     ; Number of User Diff CS saved in this file
         AppendOverwrite = 1
          AttachedInside = 1
            ShowCSinPlot = 1
                    Chi2 = 1

        NP sec.reactions = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
     Secondary reactions = 0
         fiss_FilterUse0 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse1 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse2 = 1
... 3843 more lines ...
Attachment 3: The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf
The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf The_ion_identification_of_spectrum_recorded_on_2022_v2.pdf
  46   Wed Jun 12 01:51:51 2024 RuiJiu, DavidAnalysisID
The preliminary identification has been thoroughly checked using the RionID software. We have confirmed that the identification is accurate.

Attached can be found the simulation file with each of the expected ions, their revolutions frequencies in the 125th harmonic and expected yield from the LISE file attached.
Also attached are some figures from RionID that highlight the region of interest for the 124th and 125th harmonics. The center frequency of the 245 MHz resonator is closer to the 124th harmonic for 229Th+89 which is located at 244.769 MHz. 

If necessary, we can slightly shift the resonator curve to higher frequencies to fine-tune the signal-to-noise ratio for 229Th+89.
Attachment 1: E142_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp
Version 17.5.18

{============================= Main Part ======================================}
                    File = //wsl.localhost/Ubuntu-18.04/home/chenruijiu-ubuntu/experiment/ESR/2022_229Th/E142_TEline-ESR_229Th.lpp
                    Date = 12-06-2024
                    Time = 01:29:23
           Configuration = GSI/FRS-TA-ESR_2014.lcn
             Optionsfile = GSI_FRS_2021.lopt
                   Title = GSI FRS TA-ESR (2014)
          BlockStructure = DSDSMDASDDD
          NumberOfBlocks = 11

                   A,Z,Q = 238U 92+                              ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam
                  Energy = 555.9                MeV/u            
               Intensity = 1e+9                 pps              ; enA,pna,pps,kW
            RF frequency = 20                   MHz              
            Bunch length = 1                    ns               
         Settings on A,Z = 229Th                                 ; Mass ElementName Charge+ Beam

                      BX = 0.472                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the horisontal beam extent (x)
                      BT = 1.59                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the horisontal beam divergence(x')
                      BY = 0.245                (+/-)mm          ; one-half the vertical beam extent (y)
                      BF = 2.04                 (+/-)mrad        ; one-half the vertical beam divergence (y')
                      BL = 0                    (+/-)mm          
                      BD = 0.03                 (+/-)%           ; one-half of the momentum spread (dp/p)
                  ShiftX = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleX = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  ShiftY = 0                    mm               ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
                  AngleY = 0                    mrad             ; beam respect to the spectrometer axis
            Scheme Angle = 0                    degrees          
                  ShapeX = 1
                  ShapeT = 1
                  ShapeY = 1
                  ShapeF = 1
                  ShapeL = 1
                  ShapeD = 1
               OptBeam_X = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_T = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_Y = 1                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_F = 30                   (+/-)mrad        
               OptBeam_L = 0                    (+/-)mm          
               OptBeam_D = 1.5                  (+/-)%           

               NP simple = 64                                    ; Number of points in distribution
        NP charge states = 16                                    ; Number of points in distribution
                NP wedge = 128                                   ; Number of points in distribution
           Charge states = Yes                                   ; No  & Yes
           CutEdgeEffect = 1                                     ; 1-Yes. Default, 0-no - for extended configurations
       Prim.beam scatter = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
              Delta peak = 0                                     ; 0-without, 1-with
             BrhoMeanMax = 1                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean
            BrhoMeMaLeRi = 3                                     ; 0-Max, 1-Mean, 2-Left, 3-Right /for fission/
              CentralCut = 1                                     ; 0-no, 1-moderate, 2-strong

         Target contents = 0,4,1,9.012                           ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
        Target thickness = 1,1850,1.85,0,0,0                     ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Target fusion compound = 0
   Targ use for Q-states = 1
           Target Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 
       Degrader contents = 0,6,1,12.011                          ; Nomer,Z,Atoms,Mass
      Degrader thickness = 0,0,2.26,0,0,0                        ; State,Thickness,density,angle,SolidGas,..
  Degra use for Q-states = 1
         Degrader Defect = 0,0.1                                 ; [0] choice - % or micron at 0 degree,  [1]=value; 

                Reaction = 0                                     ; 0 - fragm, 1 - fusion-resid, 2 - fusion-fission
               CalcOther = 1                                     ; calculate other reactions
           V calculation = 5                                     ; 0 - constant, 1 - Borrel, 2 - Rami, 3-convolution, 4-two body reaction
             V_opt/Vbeam = 1                                     ; default 1
         Velocity_exceed = 1                                     ; 0 - without, 1-with - two-body recations velocity corrections
Binding Energy for Vf/Vp = 8                    MeV              ; Binding energy for Borrel's expression
    Shift for Vf/Vp calc = 0     
        Prefragment_Rami = 1
                  Sigma0 = 90                   MeV/c            ; default 90
                  SigmaD = 0                    MeV/c            ; default 200
                  SigmaM = 87                   MeV/c            ; default 87
               Asymmetry = 0                    %                ; default 0
          Method v-sigma = 0                                     ; 0 - Goldhaber, 1-Morrissey,2-Friedman,3-Convolution
               G_Surface = 0.95                 MeV/fm^2         
 Symmetry around half_Ab = 1
 Pfaff pickup correction = 0
     ChargeExchangePfaff = 0                                     ; 1 - exclude, 0-forget
            Sigma corr 0 = 0                                     ; Coulomb energy
            Sigma corr 1 = 0                                     ; Projectile mass
           Friedman mode = 2                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-Qgg+Surface
         Prefragment_Fri = 1
        Coulomb_Friedman = 1
                  K_Morr = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default; D.Morrissey coef.
               K_MorHalf = 8                    MeV/A            ; E/A=8MeV/A default at Afrag=Aproj/2; D.Morrissey coef.
                 AA_fast = 0
             AA_Modefast = 3
               MethodApf = 2                                     ; Prefragment search method: 0-N/Z direction, 1 -  W*EPAX, 2 -  W*CSgeom,
           ExcitationApf = 1                                     ; Excitation energy for APF search: 0 - dSurface, 1 - dA*Ex
            BarrierShape = 1                                     ; 0-classical, 1-quantum mech.
                 H_omega = 3                    MeV              ; default 3
           Probabilty_CN = 1                                     ; 0/1 use Prbabilty for CN formation
            UseVanishing = 1
              VanishMode = 0                                     ; 0-Sierk, 1-Cohen
           NuclPotential = 1                                     ; 0-Bass, 1-WS
                   WS_V0 = 105                  MeV              
                   WS_R0 = 1.12                 fm               
                    WS_a = 0.75                 fm               
          FusDiffuseness = 1    
              Width Coef = 1                                     ; default 1; for Leon's charge state distribution
          gZt Correction = 1                                     ; default 1;      Leon's C.S.D.
           PowerCoefLeon = 0.477                                 ; default 0.477; Leon's C.S.D.
           Cross section = File                                  ; Fit  & File
           Charge method = 3                                     ; charge calculations method  0-5
      EPAX Cross Section = 4                                     ; cross section calculations method 0-4
        SR Cross Section = 1                                     ; EPAX for SR  0-2
             Energy Loss = 4                                     ; energy loss calculation method 0-3
     Anglular straggling = 1
        AngStragInOptics = 0                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
         StragglingCoef1 = 0.217
         StragglingCoef2 = 1.12 
       Energy straggling = 1                                     ; 0-LISE, 1-ATIMA
       EnergyStragMethod = 1                                     ; 0-integrate, 1-table
        EnergyStragShape = 0                                     ; 0-Gauss, 1-Landau-Vavilov
          EquilThickness = 1                                     ; 0-Charge, 1-Global
              MassMethod = 0                                     ; 0-DB+calcul, 1 + just calcul
            MassDataBase = 0                                     ; 0-A&W, 1-User ME
            Mass formula = 2                                     ; 0-LDM, 1-Myerer, 2: 1+corrections
          MassExcessFile = AME2016.lme
      UseChargeForEnergy = 2                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes, 2-Auto
         EnergyValueAuto = 30                                    ; default value 30 MeV/u
         EquilibriumMode = 0                                     ; 0-Equil, 1-NonEquil
               UB_Global = 70                                    ; default 70 MeV/u
             MinZ_Global = 29                                    ; default Z>=29
        ChargeStateOptim = 1                                     ; 0-No, 1-Yes
         ZmQ_AfterReactn = 0                                     ; default 0 (full stripped)
             EPAX_p_Norm = 1
               EPAX_p_Un = 1.65
              EPAX_p_Up0 = 1.788
              EPAX_p_Up1 = 0.004721
              EPAX_p_Up2 = -1.303e-5
                EPAX_p_H = 1

         FisAngDistShape = 0                                     ; 0-isotropic; 1-anisotropic
     FisMomCutForAngDist = 2                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use just MatrixKinematics; 2-use for all; (default 2)
      OddEvenCorrections = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
 PostScissionEvaporation = 1                                     ; 0-dont use;  1-use
   DeexcitFunctionPoints = 0                                     ; 0- average deexcitation energy;  1- 3 points; 2 - manually
           FisEXmanually = 20                                    ; Excitation energy manually
           FisCSmanually = 1000                                  ; Cross section manually
            FisTXEmethod = 0                                     ; 0-from Edissipated, 1 from Q-value
                   Fis_f = 0.0035                                ; default 0.0045
              FisEXsigma = 5.5                  MeV              ; default 5.5
            FisCS_Global = 1e-12
               FisCS_TKE = 1e-8
                FisBeta1 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of light fragment
                FisBeta2 = 0.625                                 ; deformation of heavy fragment
                FisTKE_d = 2                    fm               ; d-param in Wilkins formula
              FisBetaFit = 1                                     ; 0-manual, 1-fit
                      N0 = 83                                    ; default 82
                     dU0 = -2.65                                 ; default -2.5
                      C0 = 0.7                                   ; default 1.4
                   cpol0 = 0.65                                  ; default 0.65
                  width0 = 0.63                                  ; default 0.63
                      N1 = 90                                    ; default 90
                     dU1 = -3.8                                  ; default -5.5
                      C1 = 0.15                                  ; default 0.16
                   cpol1 = 0.55                                  ; default 0.55
                  width1 = 0.97                                  ; default 0.97

                 FragInd = 1e-3
               FragTotal = 1e-5
                 BeamInd = 1e-12
               BeamTotal = 1e-15

        Convolution mode = 1                                     ; 0-Qgg, 1-Surface, 2-E* per Abraded nucleon
                 Sigma_0 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_1 = 91.5   
                 Sigma_2 = 160     
              CoefConv_0 = 3.344 
              CoefConv_1 = 3     
              CoefConv_2 = 1     
             ShiftConv_0 = 0.1581
             ShiftConv_1 = 0.1487
             ShiftConv_2 = -1     

          NP evaporation = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
               NPevapFis = 8                                     ; Number of points in distribution
              EvapMethod = 2
        StateDensityMode = 2                                     ; 0, 1+pairing, 2+shell
      EvapUnstableNuclei = 1                                     ; 0 - only stable,1 +unstable
              Tunnelling = 1
          AvoidUnboundCS = 1
       ProtectedChannels = 1
           R_Evaporation = 5.7                  fm               ; correction for the effective Coulomb barrier
         Mode_Apf_manual = 0                                     ; 1-manual, 0-auto
             Energy_in_T = 2                                     ; default 2
     EvaporationVelocity = 0                                     ; 0 - quality, 1 -fast
        DeltaOddEvenEvap = 12    
     DeltaOddEvenFission = 14    
   BreakupTemperature250 = 4.7   
   BreakupTemperature150 = 5.9   
   BreakupTemperature050 = 8     
      BreakupDiffuseness = 0.05  
      DissipationKramers = 0
 DissipationStepFunction = 1
         DissipationBeta = 1                                     ; default 2.0
                 mode_1n = 1
                 mode_2n = 0
                 mode_1p = 1
                 mode_2p = 0
                  mode_a = 1
                  mode_d = 0
                  mode_t = 0
                mode_3he = 0
                mode_fis = 1
             mode_brk_up = 1
              mode_gamma = 0

    FissionBarrierFactor = 1    
      FissionBarrierMode = 1                                     ; #0-4
      OddEvenCorrections = 1
        ShellCorrections = 1
             FB_InOutMax = 2                                     ; #0-2 - in/out/max
             ModeForUser = 1                                     ; #0-2
           NdeltaOddEven = 2.5  
           ZdeltaOddEven = 9    

           AbrasionModel = 0                                     ; 0-Geometrical, 1-Exponential
       GeomAA_Correction = 1                                     ; 0 - don't use,1 - use -default
          Thermalization = 0
          ThermaTimeCoef = 3e+0                                  ; 2.1e-22 MeV *s/e(t)
            AbraExpSlope = 0.363 
                Friction = 0                                     ; 0 - off,1 - on
          Ev_A_SigmaCoef = 9.6  
         G_FrictionCoef1 = 6.5  
         G_FrictionCoef2 = 0.5  
           G_FactorCoef1 = 1.5  
           G_FactorCoef2 = 2.5  
               DepthHole = 40     
          EnergyCoef_CB0 = 0       
          EnergyCoef_CB1 = 27       
          EnergyCoef_CB2 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB0 = 0       
           SigmaCoef_CB1 = 18       
           SigmaCoef_CB2 = 0       
              D_MeanTemp = 13       
             DN_MeanTemp = 0       
             DZ_MeanTemp = 0       
               LN_median = 20       
             LN_variance = 20       
              LN2_median = 0       
            LN2_variance = 0       
               AA_factor = 1       
          ApplyLimitTemp = 0

                  tun_a0 = -0.61392
                  tun_a1 = 0.44559
                  tun_a2 = 0.12008
                 A_Bound = 300
               A_Pairing =   1

            Start target = Detector                              ; Detector & RF      
            Start of TOF = T1
            Stop  of TOF = M1
         dE-detector-1st = M1
         dE-detector-2nd = M1
            TKE-detector = M1
              X-detector = M1
              Y-detector = M1
                 Tilting = M1
                 Stopper = M2
                RO_Wedge = W1
          ConditionBlock = A0
          Plot threshold = 1e-10                pps              ; minimal value for plot scale
     Shift of TOF for RF = 0                    ns               ; for dE-TOF plot with RF
  Fraction of RF trigger = 1
            UseCondition = 0
         TKE_calibration = 1,1,0,MeV

              UserDiffCS = 0                                     ; Number of User Diff CS saved in this file
         AppendOverwrite = 1
          AttachedInside = 1
            ShowCSinPlot = 1
                    Chi2 = 1

        NP sec.reactions = 32                                    ; Number of points in distribution
     Secondary reactions = 0
         fiss_FilterUse0 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse1 = 1
         fiss_FilterUse2 = 1
... 3039 more lines ...
Attachment 2: simulation_result.out
Harmonic: 125.0 , Bp: 8.127444 [Tm]
ion            fre[Hz]                       yield [pps]    
3H+1           239670251.9688324034          3.3521e-01     
6He+2          239775801.5309017301          5.1636e-03     
9Li+3          239783995.3937462866          9.1883e-06     
20N+7          242155775.4295874536          4.3650e-09     
17C+6          242529393.8580822051          3.6622e-07     
14B+5          243040911.0693762898          1.4759e-05     
25F+9          243455530.3849363029          6.4240e-09     
11Be+4         243834422.0438097119          1.4495e-03     
22O+8          243901036.6620686948          2.4566e-07     
33Mg+12        243913842.5549370050          2.4432e-09     
41P+15         244192912.3157660067          1.0319e-10     
30Na+11        244270838.2444214225          3.6800e-09     
19N+7          244452697.8967568576          9.7362e-06     
38Si+14        244496653.7150142491          2.2748e-09     
46Cl+17        244639660.5216502845          1.1322e-10     
27Ne+10        244707698.3813090026          1.5857e-07     
35Al+13        244842985.3171513677          3.4970e-08     
43S+16         244932573.7214088738          1.9969e-09     
51K+19         244992378.8160511255          1.2662e-10     
8Li+3          245132611.6258960366          3.2420e-02     
16C+6          245213217.5207377076          2.9574e-04     
24F+9          245237984.2355128527          4.7919e-06     
32Mg+12        245253544.6609925628          6.4686e-07     
40P+15         245261663.9765349030          2.5420e-08     
56Sc+21        245273191.1943555176          1.4022e-10     
48Ar+18        245273655.8404993713          1.4996e-09     
61V+23         245506404.7612176538          1.6696e-10     
53Ca+20        245543839.5849401057          1.5243e-09     
45Cl+17        245584057.1073505282          2.2083e-08     
37Si+14        245640815.8610377610          3.5125e-07     
148Ce+56       245654291.8674092591          1.0489e-10     
169Dy+64       245683282.2690905035          1.0953e-10     
66Mn+25        245703615.4946601391          2.1875e-10     
161Eu+61       245706223.5995323658          1.9892e-10     
153Pr+58       245729627.1316854954          1.4024e-10     
153Nd+58       245731343.3807173073          4.0708e-10     
29Na+11        245732335.9768996835          2.2357e-06     
174Er+66       245749964.5047013760          5.0052e-10     
145La+55       245759192.4092877507          2.0488e-10     
58Ti+22        245760608.3196310401          1.6166e-09     
166Gd+63       245774312.1428301930          1.5560e-10     
166Tb+63       245775261.6885749698          1.5896e-09     
137I+52        245789588.9712444842          1.2937e-10     
137Xe+52       245791587.8517613709          2.3357e-10     
158Pm+60       245801771.1031624377          4.6027e-10     
158Sm+60       245803540.7725729048          1.7777e-09     
179Tm+68       245811094.2567815781          2.0199e-10     
179Yb+68       245812304.5796480477          1.9778e-09     
129Sn+49       245823969.6186419725          1.6149e-10     
150Ce+57       245832422.4089392722          3.0941e-10     
150Pr+57       245833473.7266402543          8.5674e-10     
50K+19         245836177.9491200745          1.7048e-08     
171Dy+65       245839030.0387631655          9.5361e-10     
171Ho+65       245840233.6252370477          5.9039e-09     
121Ag+46       245858947.9156590998          2.0608e-10     
142Cs+54       245866455.5741630793          4.7428e-10     
142Ba+54       245868794.4096646607          1.0058e-09     
163Eu+62       245869241.0032756031          1.6859e-09     
184Lu+70       245869834.2323784232          6.6746e-10     
163Gd+62       245870586.3047789931          7.4407e-09     
184Hf+70       245871123.5680347383          7.9555e-09     
71Co+27        245872274.0417084098          3.1695e-10     
176Er+67       245900135.1616156399          3.2580e-09     
113Ru+43       245900263.2289376557          1.8581e-10     
21O+8          245900790.0209411681          1.0920e-04     
176Tm+67       245900851.3957600594          1.2060e-08     
155Nd+59       245902275.4276943803          1.1302e-09     
155Pm+59       245903641.6132263243          3.8665e-09     
134Te+51       245906628.1179781556          5.7236e-10     
134I+51        245907146.4530283511          8.2196e-10     
189Ta+72       245925610.6330904067          2.2008e-09     
189W+72        245926543.6983152926          3.6607e-08     
168Gd+64       245930901.6350908875          2.5167e-10     
168Tb+64       245932156.0096977353          5.9430e-09     
168Dy+64       245933718.1340717971          3.0383e-08     
147Ba+56       245936469.9011941850          1.3746e-10     
42S+16         245936975.6493109167          2.1207e-07     
147La+56       245938445.7267040312          1.8061e-09     
147Ce+56       245940091.7425227761          4.4415e-09     
126Cd+48       245943844.7042258382          1.1991e-10     
63Cr+24        245943914.6706997156          1.9954e-09     
126In+48       245945838.4930139482          6.7730e-10     
105Nb+40       245948024.9814899564          1.6014e-10     
84Ge+32        245949216.6743420064          1.2406e-10     
181Tm+69       245955741.4401826560          1.3586e-10     
181Yb+69       245957160.0341286659          5.2114e-09     
181Lu+69       245958097.2051125765          4.9734e-08     
160Pm+61       245965615.8675429821          2.3012e-10     
160Sm+61       245967691.7479745746          4.2591e-09     
160Eu+61       245968621.5413279831          1.6541e-08     
139I+53        245977857.5989045799          2.1331e-10     
194Re+74       245978288.7163266838          7.3504e-09     
139Xe+53       245980189.6146891117          1.9549e-09     
139Cs+53       245981837.1102785468          3.3447e-09     
118Rh+45       245987142.8593870103          1.8945e-10     
173Dy+66       245989880.0913896263          7.5576e-10     
118Pd+45       245991154.1764265597          7.3028e-10     
173Ho+66       245991351.8048415780          2.0660e-08     
173Er+66       245992484.5385951698          5.0798e-08     
241Np+92       245994664.3741236925          7.8175e-07     
97Rb+37        245999146.3158363700          1.3150e-10     
97Sr+37        246003817.3279718757          1.7326e-10     
152Ce+58       246004317.0435729921          4.7196e-10     
152Pr+58       246005741.6158710122          6.7541e-09     
152Nd+58       246007644.0847055316          1.9777e-08     
186Lu+71       246009694.5714841187          3.0346e-10     
186Hf+71       246011184.1814764440          1.5685e-08     
186Ta+71       246011727.3105107844          2.0350e-07     
186W+71        246012672.0552931726          2.1056e-09     
76Cu+29        246017072.8212775290          4.6356e-10     
233Np+89       246022878.3031935096          4.8887e-08     
76Zn+29        246023773.9403616190          1.4640e-10     
131Sn+50       246024412.3317776918          3.4699e-10     
131Sb+50       246026040.1456576586          2.1857e-09     
165Eu+63       246026912.2283307314          7.2803e-10     
199Os+76       246027660.7145140767          3.1257e-10     
165Gd+63       246028503.3251955211          1.5160e-08     
199Ir+76       246028608.7696721256          2.9303e-08     
165Tb+63       246029623.0892734528          6.6122e-08     
199Au+76       246029688.1063323021          1.5979e-08     
55Sc+21        246038355.0383960307          1.4395e-08     
110Mo+42       246039491.6102075279          2.3473e-10     
110Tc+42       246042153.4928328395          5.7224e-10     
178Er+68       246045623.4162961245          8.2367e-10     
178Tm+68       246046641.5892580152          2.8137e-08     
144Cs+55       246046679.7461791337          7.0639e-10     
178Yb+68       246048027.8010246456          2.1012e-07     
144Ba+55       246049340.1477999985          7.1458e-09     
144La+55       246050313.0317246318          1.4370e-08     
191Ta+73       246061000.9845485687          8.5274e-10     
191W+73        246062110.6197476089          5.3129e-08     
191Re+73       246062872.6536730230          9.1592e-07     
191Os+73       246063355.5694572926          8.7924e-09     
89Se+34        246065284.8520697355          2.3865e-10     
157Nd+60       246067296.9757218659          1.6251e-09     
157Pm+60       246068968.0376849473          2.5941e-08     
89Br+34        246069973.4378378689          1.8782e-10     
157Sm+60       246070233.1012482643          8.2687e-08     
123Ag+47       246070891.7557616830          5.2967e-10     
123Cd+47       246073763.9567580819          2.3112e-09     
204Pt+78       246075469.8428592980          1.0635e-09     
34Al+13        246075651.6405433714          4.1112e-06     
204Tl+78       246076986.1770102680          1.5677e-07     
170Tb+65       246083947.0328108966          2.2000e-09     
170Dy+65       246085807.6564753056          5.2015e-08     
170Ho+65       246086488.7099532783          2.6013e-07     
230U+88        246093390.3776371479          1.7674e-05     
136Te+52       246096193.4403468072          9.9511e-10     
183Yb+70       246097744.9367313683          2.2151e-09     
136I+52        246097892.4612630606          7.0005e-09     
102Y+39        246098568.4219974279          2.9074e-10     
183Lu+70       246098915.2629586458          9.0105e-08     
183Hf+70       246099804.7844087481          8.7590e-07     
136Xe+52       246100173.9555058479          9.6777e-09     
68Fe+26        246100640.9551618993          2.2899e-09     
102Zr+39       246103153.4100840688          4.7084e-10     
196Re+75       246109488.5368714035          2.8605e-09     
196Os+75       246110857.9290867746          2.1263e-07     
196Ir+75       246111139.6207565665          2.9602e-08     
149La+57       246111318.3880972862          2.2884e-09     
196Pt+75       246111876.0854112506          1.5364e-07     
149Ce+57       246113270.7148279846          2.5653e-08     
149Pr+57       246114597.6117236614          5.8910e-08     
209Hg+80       246119524.5794960856          1.4236e-09     
209Pb+80       246121490.9130486250          3.3530e-07     
115Ru+44       246125358.4749863148          6.9510e-10     
162Sm+62       246126316.0682031810          5.1966e-09     
162Eu+62       246127530.4580819607          8.8532e-08     
115Rh+44       246128533.7044043243          1.9920e-09     
162Gd+62       246129081.3091540337          3.1718e-07     
235Np+90       246132069.7591051161          2.4582e-08     
175Ho+67       246137732.4155893624          6.4264e-09     
175Er+67       246139116.5712515712          1.7978e-07     
175Tm+67       246140067.7870499194          1.0415e-06     
81Ga+31        246143206.6344251037          6.8737e-10     
188Hf+72       246147230.1488864124          9.4849e-09     
128In+49       246147782.6114187241          1.4385e-09     
188Ta+72       246147979.2468016744          3.2367e-07     
81Ge+31        246148005.7055623233          3.0617e-10     
188W+72        246149128.5962559879          3.6101e-06     
188Re+72       246149214.1438307464          1.4409e-07     
128Sn+49       246151002.4716881216          7.0187e-09     
201Ir+77       246155822.3632708192          2.1602e-08     
201Pt+77       246156707.9269162118          3.6348e-09     
201Au+77       246157317.7917582393          2.6592e-07     
201Hg+77       246157601.5698226690          1.3016e-06     
141Xe+54       246161580.7743076980          2.9136e-09     
214Po+82       246162485.6688391268          6.5858e-06     
141Cs+54       246163586.2120082676          2.2778e-08     
47Ar+18        246164142.0779291391          1.5679e-07     
141Ba+54       246165266.7372015119          3.6787e-08     
240Np+92       246168700.9967980683          1.2747e-03     
94Kr+36        246169176.3003613651          5.3350e-10     
154Pr+59       246171775.3703908026          7.3163e-09     
94Rb+36        246172620.4374441803          5.3982e-10     
154Nd+59       246174031.6005132198          9.1347e-08     
154Pm+59       246174825.3097881675          2.2980e-07     
167Gd+64       246181247.3129270077          1.5026e-08     
167Tb+64       246182629.2645509839          2.8975e-07     
167Dy+64       246183722.6946701407          1.1781e-06     
180Tm+69       246187972.0634676516          1.8465e-08     
107Nb+41       246188247.6533034742          7.5223e-10     
180Yb+69       246189614.7996959984          6.3239e-07     
180Lu+69       246190116.2491975725          4.6773e-06     
107Mo+41       246191945.6122976243          1.4768e-09     
193W+74        246193931.3766889274          3.0412e-08     
193Re+74       246194884.0010762215          1.2192e-06     
193Os+74       246195633.5704368353          1.3797e-06     
193Ir+74       246195900.7716496289          8.6006e-07     
206Au+79       246199130.3498765528          1.5193e-07     
206Hg+79       246200614.2457571924          1.4382e-07     
206Tl+79       246200916.0531659424          8.3149e-06     
206Pb+79       246201251.5480664372          4.7721e-07     
232Np+89       246202509.6337159872          1.2842e-02     
232U+89        246203035.8910184801          1.7836e-04     
60V+23         246203230.9177704453          1.3417e-08     
120Pd+46       246204729.5885226727          1.7577e-09     
120Ag+46       246206741.4303975403          5.8890e-09     
133Sb+51       246218680.1187011003          3.8910e-09     
133Te+51       246220039.9412202537          2.1212e-08     
133I+51        246221032.6434181929          2.2971e-08     
146Ba+56       246223184.5824928880          8.7148e-09     
146La+56       246224529.6221632957          7.7968e-08     
146Ce+56       246226503.1177085638          1.4249e-07     
159Pm+61       246228564.3257037997          2.1954e-08     
159Sm+61       246230166.4041326940          2.9716e-07     
159Eu+61       246231257.9505339861          8.5160e-07     
172Dy+66       246233001.6867102683          4.3091e-08     
172Ho+66       246233983.1941705048          9.4998e-07     
73Ni+28        246234054.2715154290          2.7170e-09     
172Er+66       246235296.6478701830          5.1012e-06     
185Lu+71       246235603.3407503366          4.7235e-08     
185Hf+71       246236671.4707616270          2.0522e-06     
185Ta+71       246237429.8896550238          1.8073e-05     
185W+71        246237913.8227005899          7.5458e-07     
198Os+76       246238637.0598940253          1.2727e-07     
198Ir+76       246239129.5783201158          9.0488e-06     
198Au+76       246240022.8160060942          5.7023e-06     
198Pt+76       246240093.1179068983          6.4311e-06     
211Pb+81       246240730.5420093834          1.1889e-06     
211Bi+81       246241038.3242658973          1.0139e-04     
211Po+81       246241162.6974804103          1.2398e-05     
86As+33        246251290.0621589720          1.1510e-09     
86Se+33        246257294.5444040298          6.9967e-10     
13B+5          246260689.8545811772          3.9465e-03     
99Sr+38        246261596.7413769662          1.1711e-09     
99Y+38         246265271.2322777212          1.4883e-09     
112Tc+43       246269179.0061691701          1.9881e-09     
112Ru+43       246273324.3570640981          4.5989e-09     
229U+88        246275026.9734590054          7.2069e-01     
229Pa+88       246275279.3945285082          8.5367e-03     
125Cd+48       246277090.9646333754          4.3442e-09     
216At+83       246278457.7024982572          1.9189e-05     
216Po+83       246278536.6224178374          1.8413e-05     
216Rn+83       246278874.7942112386          1.7419e-05     
125In+48       246279624.5328860581          1.7382e-08     
190Ta+73       246280382.1084632277          1.4705e-07     
138I+53        246280447.5984678268          1.0110e-08     
151Ce+58       246280447.8323729038          2.5304e-08     
203Pt+78       246280719.8643559813          8.8598e-07     
164Eu+63       246281198.2065404952          6.1087e-08     
177Er+68       246281235.8318948150          1.2524e-07     
203Au+78       246281535.7447126806          3.6273e-06     
190W+73        246281724.9342396557          6.1534e-06     
203Hg+78       246282020.8152376413          5.8503e-05     
190Re+73       246282026.4341853559          6.0737e-06     
151Pr+58       246282102.1534885168          2.5140e-07     
203Tl+78       246282131.7989132702          5.6443e-05     
177Tm+68       246282438.4461960793          3.1684e-06     
190Os+73       246282763.1021789014          3.9355e-06     
164Gd+63       246282970.3161608279          9.3397e-07     
138Xe+53       246283044.5697755218          6.2713e-08     
177Yb+68       246283315.1661352813          1.8909e-05     
151Nd+58       246283345.7177303731          5.2705e-07     
164Tb+63       246283640.3760402203          2.9271e-06     
138Cs+53       246283998.9526240826          7.8886e-08     
234Np+90       246309800.3120941818          7.2033e-01     
234U+90        246310141.6322141290          3.4254e-06     
221Fr+85       246314740.5424855649          2.0099e-04     
221Ra+85       246314807.0109623671          9.3896e-06     
26Ne+10        246316675.3817495406          4.5702e-05     
208Hg+80       246320236.2999916971          5.9586e-06     
208Tl+80       246321000.9234125316          3.2346e-05     
208Bi+80       246321476.5614083111          8.4954e-05     
208Pb+80       246322090.7885627747          7.6584e-04     
195Re+75       246323248.2893270254          5.6606e-07     
195Os+75       246324168.0354801416          3.1033e-05     
195Ir+75       246324683.5272786021          3.2712e-05     
195Pt+75       246324938.0276381969          2.0190e-05     
182Yb+70       246326944.6542226076          3.7136e-07     
182Lu+70       246327662.6007237136          1.0565e-05     
182Hf+70       246328726.6190940142          6.8860e-05     
169Tb+65       246330743.3314214647          1.6570e-07     
39P+15         246332103.4319776297          2.0823e-06     
169Dy+65       246332106.6422860324          2.8331e-06     
169Ho+65       246332965.1370150745          1.1696e-05     
156Nd+60       246334641.7158477902          7.1288e-08     
... 2076 more lines ...
Attachment 3: 229Th89_124h.png
Attachment 4: 229Th89_125h.png
  70   Thu Jun 13 18:38:24 2024 Rodolfo Sanchez, Julian Palmes, Sebastian KlammesLaserLaser Dye change - new MRC settings - scraper checks of laser beam
We changed the dye at ~3pm.

After some fine adjustements of the laser we had to change the MRC settings, because the laser position changed.
Therefore we checked the position of the laser with the T-Scrapers with the settings from post 49 "First Scraper Scan".

New settings of MRC and screen pic is attached.
The position of the laser on the screen is now the 'same' as yesterday (see attachement).
Attachment 1: MRC-settings-13-06-2024-after-dye-change-at-3pm.JPG
  3   Thu Apr 25 16:34:05 2024 RodolfoLaserEfficiency of Fluorescein27
The figure below shows the efficiency of Fluorescein27 vs. Wavelength. Each point was averaged over 500 laser shots.

Dye Laser: Sirah, Cobra Strech.
- Solvent: Ethanol + H2O.
- Concentration Oszillator: 0.4 g + 0,2 g/l NaOH.
- Concentration Main Amplifier: (1/8) Concentration Oscillator .

Pump Laser: InnoLas, SpitLight 1500-30
- Seeding energy: 550 mJ / Pulse.

Note. Dye was mixed on 28.04.2022
Attachment 1: Fluorescein27_Efficiency.png
  5   Wed May 29 09:49:30 2024 RodolfoLaserLaser-beam profile
Using a telescope (Plan-concave lens -500 mm and Plan-convex lens +1000 mm) after the pulsed-dye laser system we got the following laser-beam profile at the Electron-Cooler's position. Dye Laser @ 550 nm / 275 nm
Attachment 1: Laserstrahl-at-EKühler_2024-05-03_#014.jpg
Attachment 2: Laserstrahl-at-EKühler_2024-05-03_Photo.jpg
  15   Mon Jun 3 18:24:44 2024 RodolfoDetectorsPMT arrangement
The picture shows the actual configuration of the PMTs.

We are using a 4-Channel High-Voltage supply. The channels are labeled according to the PMTs names.

The suggested operation voltages are:

- PMT Nord (Type 9423, SN. 652): -2600 V
- PMT Mitte (Type 9423, SN. 653): -2500 V
- PMT Süd (Type 9422, SN. 1049): -1750 V
Attachment 1: PMT_Arrangement_2024-06-03.jpg
Attachment 2: HV-Powersupply_PMTs_Thorium2024.jpg
  16   Mon Jun 3 19:42:06 2024 RodolfoLaserLaser-beam through E-Cooler
UV-laser beam is now going through the Electron-Cooler.

Telescope settings:
- Plan concave lens -500 mm
- Plan convex lens + 1000 mm
- Distance between the both linses: 535 mm
- Position at Long Travel Stage: 60,0 mm
Attachment 1: LaserBeam-at-Screen_ESR-NO_08-06-2024.JPG
  17   Tue Jun 4 22:54:02 2024 RodolfoDetectorsPMT - Manufacture - Test Result Data
Attachment 1: PMT_9423B_SN652_ETEnterprises_UniGießen.pdf
Attachment 2: PMT_9423B_SN653_ETEnterprises_TUDA.pdf
PMT_9423B_SN653_ETEnterprises_TUDA.pdf PMT_9423B_SN653_ETEnterprises_TUDA.pdf PMT_9423B_SN653_ETEnterprises_TUDA.pdf
Attachment 3: PMT9422_SN1049_Datenblatt.pdf
PMT9422_SN1049_Datenblatt.pdf PMT9422_SN1049_Datenblatt.pdf PMT9422_SN1049_Datenblatt.pdf
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b