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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, Page 9 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Text Attachments
  164   Mon Apr 6 05:43:50 2020 Ragan, Laszlo, NikosRunsOne and a half hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm)beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1.5 hr
  165   Mon Apr 6 08:37:02 2020 Ragan, Shahab, Pierre-MichelRuns10 hour measurement (S2: 0/35 mm and S6: -20/7 mm)beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping , Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 10 hr
  166   Mon Apr 6 09:34:58 2020 ShahabRunsPictures from one and a half hour measurementcheers!  wideband_rec_001.PNG 
  167   Mon Apr 6 14:17:54 2020 Yuri, ShahabRunsFRS valvesWe saw reduction in ESR beam life. It turned
out that FRS has opened valves and venting
caused us reduction of the quality of vacuum
  168   Mon Apr 6 14:57:04 2020 ShahabRunscooler downcooler component GECEBG2T again had to be
  169   Mon Apr 6 20:03:50 2020 RaganGeneralExperiment finished ))E121 experiment is finished with the last
10 hours measurement at 19:47 ))
Many thanks to everyone for there significant
  170   Thu Apr 9 11:16:35 2020 RaganGeneralMeasurements done in the experiment   storage11.pdfstorage12.pdfstorage13.pdf 
  171   Thu Apr 9 11:47:28 2020 ruijiu backup data2020.4.8  12:00Started copying 
2020.4.9    11:52 Copied 6.3TB 
  172   Fri Apr 17 18:27:34 2020 ruijiuAnalysisbackup data1.connect USB harddisk  to computer lxg1254
and  copy data to sever.
  173   Mon Apr 20 11:17:18 2020 RaganGeneralLogbook   logbook.pdfcombined_FRS.pdfcombined_data.pdf 
  174   Wed Aug 5 17:19:16 2020 Rui-Jiu ChenAnalysisData structure   DataStructure.pdf 
  175   Thu Oct 1 22:20:03 2020 JanDAQfinal unpacker configWe identified an issue with randomly missing
adc channels in all lmd-files before run
  176   Mon Nov 2 16:45:55 2020 JanDAQf_user & mbslogAttached is the f_user.c and the mbslog.l
The readout function is for the following
  177   Thu Nov 5 15:13:43 2020 JanAnalysisroot script exampleAttached is an example root script/macro that
shows how to use scripts for analysis.
  178   Thu Nov 19 09:14:40 2020 JanDetectorsremote MSCF settings for CsISiPHOSAttached is a list of all set values for the
5 MSCF shaper modules.
This was done prior to run0251, which served
  180   Tue Dec 8 15:47:07 2020 JanDetectorsmanual preamp & shaper settings for CsISiPhosattached is a document showing fotos of all
involved amplifiers in the chain to document
the manual settings active during the experiment.
  181   Tue Dec 15 09:25:41 2020 JanDAQSiCsIPhos signal/amplitude reconstruction   amps.pdf 
  182   Mon Mar 29 16:31:09 2021 Pierre-MichelDAQcross section(1.393*^-8 + 3.18*^-13 + 4.707*^-8)/4.707*^-8
= 1.29595
  183   Sun May 30 12:09:00 2021 RaganGeneralNTCAPAttached is the info given by Carsten.
The instructions to operate NTCAP are given
on https://wiki.gsi.de/ESR_EXP/ManualOfNTCAP
  184   Wed Aug 25 15:13:41 2021 JanDAQSC13 clock frequencyThe frequency of the clock used as reference
in scaler channel 13 has been measured precisely.
In contrast to what was expected (1.5MHz
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b