ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Year |
Fri May 28 14:40:03 2021 |
Jan | Runs | run0175 - BaF calib. 22Na | 2021 |
Fri May 28 15:15:06 2021 |
Jan | Analysis | 118Te(p,g) counts runs 135 to 174 | 2021 |
This is the summary of all Si data collected at 6 MeV/u until run174 before the Alvarez problem.
We have roughly 50-60 counts in the peak region.
This data corresponds roughly to 36hours of beam, which means ~1.5 to 2 counts/hour. |
Wed Jun 2 09:14:04 2021 |
Jan | General | Telegram Chat Export | 2021 |
Attached is the exported Telegram chat.
There is the simple PDF and the zip-file containing the chat in json-format as well as all media files. |
Thu Jul 8 13:39:34 2021 |
Jan | Calibration | Electron cooler parameters | 2021 |
Below are the results from the e-cooler voltage offset measurments done by Regina Hess et al. using the voltage divider (VD).
--7 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 4008.3 V
Measured at VD: 3913 V
Offset: -95.3 V
--6 MeV--
Sollwert GECEBG1E: 3460.5 V
Measured at VD: 3364 V
Offset: -96.5 V
Below are the cooler parameters from ParaModi for our production runs.
--7 MeV/u--
UE: 3842.7V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 4008.7V
BG1E dU: 120V
--6 MeV/u--
UE: 3290.833V
IE: 50mA
BG1E: 3460.4809V
BG1E dU: 120V
--energy calculation--
as described here
-- uncertainty --
for E108b we agreed on 10%
maybe further discussion is needed |
Thu Jul 8 14:07:19 2021 |
Jan | Calibration | beam energies | 2021 |
Table of ion energies calculated from cooler parameters
nominal energy | V_set | V_meas | I_set | E_ion | E_Error
6 MeV/u | 3460.5 V | 3364 V | 50 mA | 6.042 MeV/u | YY keV/u
7 MeV/u | 4008.3 V | 3913 V | 50 mA | 7.049 MeV/u | YY keV/u
Here is how the calculation works:
1. Find the voltage and current set values that were active during the measurement cycle.
2. These are only SetValues. For the current this is fine, but for the voltage you have to subtract an offset. This offset comes from the power supply and changes over time. It is measured regularly and the present offset you have to inquire with the ESR/cooler crew. For our beam time E127b in 2021 the offset is:
V_offset = -95 +/- ?? V (only for E127b)
The uncertainty has still to be discussed.
3. The space charge of the electron beam reduces the effective voltage seen by the electrons and thus reduces their energy. You have to calculate the space charge potential Phi_0 on the beam axis using the following formular:

using R_tube = 10cm and R_e-beam = 2,54 cm and all constants, you arrive at the ESR specific equation:

4. Now calculate effective Voltage and electron energy:
V_eff = V_set + V_offset + Phi_0
This time we measured the effective voltage for each energy, so we can actually use this values (V_meas) instead of V_set + V_offset.
E_e = e * V_eff
5. With E_e you can now calculate the ion energy by using the definition of the Lorentzfactor gamma:
gamma - 1 = E_kin/(m_0 * c^2)
In equilibrium, the left side of the equation is equal for both, electrons and ions in the cooler, leading to:
E_ion = E_el * M_ion/M_el
which gives the total energy of the ions.
In principle, this should be an iterative calculation, since the potential depends on beta and is then used to calulate beta or ion energy. But in practice a single iteration is precise enough, if beta was a good estimate. |
Wed Oct 13 15:09:04 2021 |
Jan | Collaboration | K-REC cross sections A. Surzhykov | 2021 |
Attached are the theory K-REC cross sections as calculated by Andrey Surzhykov (August 2021).
They are done for 118Te52+ on H2 at 7.049 and 6.042 MeV/u as well as for 124Xe54+ on H2 at 7.049 MeV/u.
first column - photon angle (deg), second column - cross section (barn/sr). The results are given already in the laboratory frame.
Comment of Andrey on uncertainty:
Important question about theoretical model and, hence, accuracy of calculations. I used slightly improved "impulse approximation" that takes into account momentum and energy distribution of target electron (in initial state). By playing with the models for the Compton profile of target electron, I estimate the accuracy of calculations as 1 %. To be fair, it is rather conservative estimate. I suspect that for large emission angle (around 90 deg) accuracy is even better. But let us stay with 1 %. |
Wed Oct 13 15:15:53 2021 |
Jan | DAQ | root-file header for analysis | 2021 |
Attached is the header file needed for root analysis. |
Thu May 13 17:38:13 2021 |
Jacobus Swartz | Calibration | Runlist for X-ray detector calibrations | 2021 |
Here is a run summary of all the calibration measurements performed so far on the three X-ray detectors. |
Mon May 24 05:20:36 2021 |
Helmut, Yuri, Faraz, Sergey | Accelerator | FRS setup | 2021 |
Logbook from start of FRS until 118Te injection |
Wed May 19 15:09:22 2021 |
Helmut Weick | General | FRS settings, LISE file | 2021 |
Here is a setting plan for FRS and corresponding LISE files.
2 LISE files still use the old FRS-ESR optics, one the new with S6 focus on slits.
But this does not make a big difference for the simulation, only dispersion S2-S6 is lower.
For realistic contaminants you must open the slits at S6 more(~ +/-10mm).
Added a list of fragments and expected frequencies after cooling at 400 MeV/u.
Only nuclides close to 118Te in m/q should be cooled. |
Thu May 27 13:48:18 2021 |
Helmut Weick | Accelerator | FRS wrong status display for one day | 2021 |
By checking the log files we realized that from yesterday 26.05. 13:44 - today 13:05 the FRS degrader was shown as out.
TS3ET7US should be at -420.0mm not at -580mm (=out). This 3.26mm Sci is used as a degrader and is essential.
After recognizing we set the drive controller back to remote and moved the degrader to -420mm (at 13:02)
The wrong values start on 26.05. at 13:44 and show variation until 16:11 until over night it was always shown as out.
It was tested today (~14h) that if you really move it out no beam is injected into ESR, but beam and even Te was observed in ESR last night.
The drive controller was in manual mode and it may not have given correct updates.
But it was also tested today that drives on the same crate get updates even in manual mode (at ~16h with TS1DG5_S and TS3ED7DS).
We also checked graylog. No drive command was issued yesterday in this time period, whereas the drive commands for testing today can be clearly seen.
Yesterday other drives in S4 area on the same controller were tested. This is most likely the reason for the manual mode. |
Sun Mar 22 14:23:50 2020 |
Esther, Ragan, Michael, Laszlo | Runs | run entry - run084, Uli working with gas jet target | |
Uli is still working with gas jet target.
open file : run084
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 14:25 , first file: run084_0001.lmd
run stop at , last file: run_0xxx.lmd
time: 14:25 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: Hz
Si_Y: Hz
Xray_35: Hz
Xray_90: Hz
Xray_145: Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.01 V
Si leakage current: 4.07 uA
SIS particles before: ~2.5e9
ESR current at injection: 11 uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: Uli is working on it
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 09:52:09 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | Runs | run entry - run079 | |
open file : run079
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 09:55 , first file: run079_0001.lmd
run stop at : , last file: run075_0xxx.lmd
time: 09:55 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: 0 Hz
Si_Y: 0 Hz
Xray_35: 5 Hz
Xray_90: 52 Hz
Xray_145: 19 Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.02 V
Si leakage current: 4.08 uA
SIS particles before: ~2.2e9
ESR current at injection: 6 uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: 2.5e13
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 10:05:37 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | General | run entry - run079 | |
The intensity of beam from SIS is less due to some issues with UNILAc. |
Sun Mar 22 10:22:27 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | Runs | run entry - run079 | |
open file : run079
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 09:55 , first file: run079_0001.lmd
run stop at : , last file: run075_0xxx.lmd
time: 10:25 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: 0 Hz
Si_Y: 0 Hz
Xray_35: 2 Hz
Xray_90: 59 Hz
Xray_145: 28 Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.01 V
Si leakage current: 4.07 uA
SIS particles before: ~3.0e9
ESR current at injection: 7 uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: 2.4e13
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 10:28:27 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | General | run entry - run079 | |
The problem at UNILAC seems to have solved itself. Intensity is returning to normal. |
Sun Mar 22 10:53:36 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | Runs | run entry - run080 | |
open file : run080
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 10:55 , first file: run080_0001.lmd
run stop at : , last file: run075_0xxx.lmd
time: 10:55 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: 0 Hz
Si_Y: 0 Hz
Xray_35: 3 Hz
Xray_90: 48 Hz
Xray_145: 17 Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.01 V
Si leakage current: 4.08 uA
SIS particles before: ~3.0e9
ESR current at injection: 10 uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: 2.4e13
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 11:28:02 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | Runs | run entry - run080 | |
open file : run080
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 10:55 , first file: run080_0001.lmd
run stop at 11:36: , last file: run075_0xxx.lmd
time: 11:30 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: 0 Hz
Si_Y: 0 Hz
Xray_35: 0 Hz
Xray_90: 33 Hz
Xray_145: 26 Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.01 V
Si leakage current: 4.06 uA
SIS particles before: ~3.0e9
ESR current at injection: 10 uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: 1.8e13
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 11:37:37 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | Runs | run entry - run081, Uli working with gas jet target | |
Uli is here to work with the gas jet target.
open file : run081
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u
purpose: data with TARGET ON and SCRAPER is back again--> We expect to cut the Rutherford for now on.
Detector position (Si): -24 mm
run start at 11:36 , first file: run081_0001.lmd
run stop at 12:01 , last file: run_0xxx.lmd
time: 11:36 pm.
ON Rates
Si_X: Hz
Si_Y: Hz
Xray_35: Hz
Xray_90: Hz
Xray_145: Hz
BaF_OR: Hz
Si voltage: 60.01 V
Si leakage current: 4.06 uA
SIS particles before: ~3.0e9
ESR current at injection: uA
ESR particles after decel.:
Target ON density: Uli is working on it
Base line for ESR current drops dpwn from 4 to -2 after restarting the ESR cycle
copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes |
Sun Mar 22 12:01:44 2020 |
Esther, Ragan | General | Vacuum problem with SIS | |
There is some problem with the vacuum in SIS and thus data recording is stopped. |