ID |
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Subject |
Wed Apr 13 14:29:04 2022 |
Carsten, Rodolfo, Sarper, David, Pierre-Michel, Max, Sebastian | Runs | Afternoon - morning shift runs 13.+14.04. |
Changed the wavelength scan range from 321.62 - 321.10 nm to 321.12 - 320.60 nm after one scan.
Time | SIS-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ2 file nr | LMD-DAQ1 file nr | scan range(nm) | step width(nm) | dwell time(s) | particles counted | comments
14:28 | 1.9e9 | 209618 | 0254 | 7983 | 321.62 - 321.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 7950 |
15:35 | 1.7e9 | 209613 | 0255 | 7984 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 7100 | Wavelength range has changed starting from this scan
16:21 | 1.8e9 | 209612 | 0256 | 7985 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 6900 |
17:11 | 1.8e9 | 209619 | 0257 | 7986 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 7950 |
17:57 | 2.0e9 | 209618 | 0258-0259 | 7987 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 8900 |
18:48 | 2.1e9 | 209620 | 0260-0261 | 7988 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 9260 | After the scan was complete, we have realized that TCL 1064 computer is crashed.. fixed @ 20:05
20:07 | 2.1e9 | 209621 | 0262 | 7989 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 7800 |
20:56 | 2.0e9 | 209620 | 0263 | 7990 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 8190 | After closing file, we replaced the dye from the laser.
22:10 | 0 | 209620 | 0264 | 7991 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 0 | No beam due to failures in Unilac and SIS. NTCAP stopped 01:44, restarted 02:15
02:20 | 1.5e9 | 209620 | 0265 | 7992 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 0 | Electron cooler problem during scan, bad file.
02:52 | 1.4e9 | 209624 | 0266-0267 | 7993 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 3076 | --> CU mirror in all time !!!
03:44 | 1.6e9 | 209625 | 0268-0269 | 7994 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 5156 | --> CU mirror in all time !!!
04:35 | 1.7e9 | 209624 | 0270-0271 | 7995 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 3430 | --> CU mirror in all time !!!
05:27 | 1.6e9 | 209621 | 0272-0273 | 7996 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 3200 | --> CU mirror in all time !!!
06:17 | 1.6e9 | 209621 | 0274-0275 | 7997 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 3371 | low particle count since 22:00, see ID:225, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
07:24 | 1.5e9 | 209622 | 0276-0277 | 7998 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 3366 | --> CU mirror in all time !!!
08:33 | 1.6e9 | 209621 | 0278-0279 | 7999 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 2940 | ecooler jumped to 209615 during measurement, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
09:26 | 1.5e9 | 209618 | 0280 | 8000 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | | aborted, request of Carsten
09:46 | 1.6e9 | 209621 | 0283-285 | 8003 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 2950 | small ecooler current changes (300mA injection and 50mA @ measurement), fragments survive in schottky @ lower frequencies (see attached pic1 and pic2), it seems to be that the cooler does not work correctly in "phase 1" (pic 1), --> CU mirror in all time !!!
11:28 | 1.75e9 | 209624 | 0287 | 8005 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | ~1800 | ESR cooler back to 450mA (injection), 40mA (measurement), additional manual waiting time of 15s in machine 3 (after injection before ramping); ABORT laserscan on Carstens request after ~1 loop; Sergey arrived and we get some time for ion beam adjustements, --> CU mirror in all time !!!
12:23 | 1.5e9 | 209623 | 0289-0290 | 8007 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 8100 | Cu mirror is again automated and intensity in ESR is back up ; @12:42 increase of the width of the ion beam (pic3) @12:43 again normal width, intensity dropped significantly over time afterwards
13:09 | 1.55e9 | 209622 | 0291-292 | 8008 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 4852 | beam killed @ loop 2 scan nbr 253 (8 steps missed)
14:00 | 1e9 | 209622 | 0293-0294 | 8009 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 5509 |
14:48 | 9.5e8 | 209622 | 0295-0296 | 8010 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 5477 |
15:47 | 1e9 | 209622 | 0297-298 | 8011 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 6336 |
16:42 | 7e8 | 209619 | 0299 | 8012 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 2424 |
17:45 | 9.9e8 | 209620 | 0300 | 8013 | 321.12 - 320.60 | 0.002 | 5s | 5133 |
Attachment 1: coolerProblemsAndFragments.JPG
Attachment 2: fragments.JPG
Attachment 3: BroaderIonBeam.JPG
Attachment 4: againNormalWidth.JPG
Thu Apr 14 17:47:55 2022 |
Carsten, Rodolfo, Konstantin, Sarper | Runs | Afternoon shift runs 14.04 changing the wavelength scan range |
The new scan range is changed from 321.12 - 320.60 nm to 320.62 - 320.10 nm
Time | SIS-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ2 file nr | LMD-DAQ1 file nr | scan range(nm) | step width(nm) | dwell time(s) | particles counted | comments
18:36 | 9.5e8 | 209618 | 0301 | 8014 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6270 |
19:45 | 9.4e8 | 209615 | 0302 | 8015 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5400 |
20:44 | 8.4e8 | 209618 | 0303 | 8016 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 4210 |
21:37 | 8.9e8 | 209616 | 0304 | 8017 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 4550 |
Thu Apr 14 22:44:40 2022 |
Patrick, Simon, Danyal, Max | Runs | Runs night shift 14./15.04. |
Runs of the night shift. The wavelength range is 320.62 - 320.10 nm.
Time | SIS-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ2 file nr | LMD-DAQ1 file nr | scan range(nm) | step width(nm) | dwell time(s) | particles counted | comments
22:38 | 9.5e8 | 209621 | 0305 | 8018 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5000 | laser scan was started 1 min late
23:38 | 9.8e8 | 209622 | 0306 | 8019 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5550 |
00:32 | 1.0e9 | 209621 | 0307 | 8020 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 4000 | After ~4000 counted particles (second scan, 1:04 am) the e-cooler went off.
01:21 | 1.1e9 | 209622 | 0308 | 8021 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6700 |
02:12 | 1.2e9 | 209623 | 0309 | 8022 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6400 |
03:03 | 1.1e9 | 209624 | 0310 | 8023 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5500 |
03:55 | 1.3e9 | 209622 | 0311 | 8024 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 7700 |
04:47 | 1.2e9 | 209622 | 0312 | 8025 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5300 |
05:36 | 1.2e9 | 209620 | 0313 | 8026 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6666 |
06:25 | 1.2e9 | 209619 | 0314 | 8027 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6500 | change of shift crew (Danyal & Max)
07:16 | 1.2e9 | 209618 | 0315 | 8028 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5230 |
08:13 | 1.2e9 | 209620 | 0316 | 8029 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6600 |
09:04 | 1.1e9 | 209619 | 0317 | 8030 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6660 |
09:54 | 1.2e9 | 209619 | 0318 | 8031 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5950 |
10:49 | 1.1e9 | 209619 | 0319 | 8032 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 6580 |
11:38 | 1.1e9 | 209617 | 0320 | 8033 | 320.62 - 320.10 | 0.002 | 5s | 5380 |
Sat Apr 16 04:19:05 2022 |
Patrick, Simon, Alex, Sarper | Runs | Runs night + morning shifts 16.04. |
Runs of the night shift 16.04. after changing the wavelength range. The new range is 320.12 - 319.859 nm. The step size was decreased from 0.002 nm to 0.001 nm.
The goal was to have the same number of scans as before (261), however, the scan range in the labview program could not be set accordingly. We decided to go with 262 scans after the first run.
Time | SIS-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ2 file nr | LMD-DAQ1 file nr | scan range(nm) | step width(nm) | dwell time(s) | particles counted | comments
04:24 | 1.28e9 | 209616 | 0338 | 8051 | 320.12 - 319.86 | 0.001 | 5s | 6750 | This run had only 260 scans
05:18 | 1.20e9 | 209615 | 0339 | 8052 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 6300 | First run with 262 scans
06:09 | 1.36e9 | 209615 | 0340 | 8053 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 6910 | laser scan started 2 min late at 650 counts
07:03 | 1.24e9 | 209615 | 0341 | 8054 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 6330 |
07:59 | 1.23e9 | 209615 | 0342 | 8055 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 5712 |
08:51 | 1.1e9 | 209615 | 0343 | 8056 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 4380 |
09:44 | 1.28e9 | 209615 | 0344 | 8057 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 5135 |
10:39 | 1.25e9 | 209615 | 0345 | 8058 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 5860 |
11:30 | 1.2e9 | 209615 | 0346 | 8059 | 320.12 - 319.859 | 0.001 | 5s | 6500 |
12:22 | 1.23e9 | 209618 | 0347 | 8060 | 322.41 - 322.00 | 0.002 | 5s | 5200 | Laser wavelength scan range is changed to 322.41 - 322.00 nm and increment to 0.002 nm.
13:04 | 1.2e9 | 209616 | 0348 | 8061 | 322.41 - 322.00 | 0.002 | 5s | 4411 |
13:50 | 1.2e9 | 209616 | 0349-0351 | 8062-8063 | 322.41 - 322.00 | 0.002 | 5s | 10651 | last scan / 10 loops ~ 3 hours of scan -- Ecooler failed, realized at 16:05 we were on loop8, laser is turned off at 16:10
Mon Jul 26 17:15:47 2021 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Quanta Ray - Water leak |
On Thursday afternoon (22.07.2021) a water connector has broken and water has been spilled in the laser head. |
Attachment 1: QRAY_AnschlussGeplatzt.jpg
Mon Jul 26 17:58:52 2021 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Water Filters |
The water filters (deioninzing and particle) have been replaced. |
Attachment 1: QRAY_DeionizingFilter.jpg
Mon Aug 2 10:54:44 2021 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Quanta Ray - Water leak in the power supply |
After fixing the broken water connector in the laser head a new water leak appeared in the Quanta-Ray power supply.
We found the leak in the water pump flow line (arrow up). We took the water connectors appart, rebuilt the teflon seeling and put the water connectors back again.
Laser is back in operation. |
Attachment 1: QRAY_WaterPump.jpg
Thu Mar 3 13:50:45 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Dye cell cracket |
The "20 mm" dye cell used for the Oscillator and Pramplifier got damage. I supposed it was produced by the pump beam hitting on a very "old" dye solution (DCM / Ethanol, concentration 0,3 g/l). The solution in the dye reservoir was more 12 months old. |
Attachment 1: Cobra_Farbstoffzelle_08-02-2022.jpg
Thu Mar 3 17:34:42 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Pump Laser |
We have issues with our Pump Laser (Spectra Physics - Quanta Ray Pro). After the service made on mid Dezember (2021) the laser does not get started. After contacting the service many times, the technicians think it can be an issue with the flashlamps.
- Flashlamps installed technician on 15.12.2021: FAILED.
- Flashlamps installed by Rodolfo on 21.01.2022: FAILED.
- Flashlamps installed by Rodolfo on 08.02.2022: WORK, however
the power is dropping extremelly fast. The measured power on 08.02.2022 was 21.6 W. On 01.03.2022 we measured 17,8 W (for 2.7 Millon shots). The flashlamps should stand 30 Millon shots without losing too much power. |
Attachment 1: QRAY_Simmern.jpg
Thu Mar 3 21:39:21 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Dye solution, DCM in Ethanol and DMSO |
I have prepared a new dye solution of DCM in Ethanol and DMSO (1:1). The concentration of the "oscillator + preamplifier" is 0,3 g/l. The concentration of the "main amplifier" is 0,0375 g/l or "1/8" the concentration of the "oscillator".
Using 500 mJ pump energy (@ 532 nm) I get 120 mJ ouf of the dye laser (@ 640 nm). After the Frequency Conversion Unit I get 32 mJ (@ 320 nm).
Because the Biochemielabor will be not accessible during the first days of the Thorium beamtime, I have prepared enough reservoir for 7 days (assuming the laser system will run 24/7). |
Attachment 1: FarbstoffVorrat_Thorium.jpg
Thu Mar 24 16:59:35 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Photodiode signal SO |
Fast Photodiode signal at the "SO-Bogen" (South-east arc).
- Average made over 250 samples.
- The photodiode is placed after two HR (high reflexion) mirrors. |
Attachment 1: FastPD_SO_Signal_24-03-2022.jpg
Attachment 2: FastPD_SO_24-03-2022.jpg
Fri Mar 25 14:31:24 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Photodiode signal SO in the Messhütte |
Measured at the Panel "Messhütte - Laserhütte", BNC "Fast PD / SO".
- Average over 256 samples |
Attachment 1: PD_SO_Signal_MH_25-03-2022.PNG
Tue Mar 29 12:01:08 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Laser targets |
I have installed two targets* (size: 2 inches) to monitor the position of the laser beam.
- The internet cameras can be accessed from any browser, but only inside the GSI-Campus network. Benutzername: admin. Kennwort: 1234
- Target SO (UV-Laser IN). Internet camera: **
- Target NO (UV-Laser OUT). Internet camera:
- To move a specific target "in" or "out" the way just choose the target in the "target control box" and press the green bottom.
* The material of the target is Frosted Glass (Thorlabs: DG20-15ß00-H2-MD).
** The camera hang sometimes. |
Attachment 1: TargetIN_SO.png
Attachment 2: TargetOUT_NO.png
Attachment 3: TargetControlBox.jpg
Tue Mar 29 21:37:13 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Pump Laser |
The gold "reflectors and end plates" of our pump laser (Quanta-Ray PRO) have been exchanged by new ones.
- Output power after Oscillator and Amplifier (@ 1064 nm): 41 W.
- Output power after Second harmonic crystal (@ 532 nm): 18.2 W.
- Aditionally, we (Simon and I) have replaced the axial blowers in the power supply.
The picture shows the "old" gold reflectors. |
Attachment 1: QRay_GoldReflektoren_2010-2022.jpg
Sun Apr 3 13:05:08 2022 |
Carsten | Laser | Distance of Partilce detecotrs wr.t. to electron cooler |
As of Yuris post in the elog the positions (Info from H. Weick):
The postion of the particle counter behind the cooler is 21.6 m behind the middle of the cooler.
This correspond to 21.6m /108,4m = 1 / 5.02 of a full revolution (please check the present revolution frequency, i.e. for 2MHz, i.e. 500ns we have the signal approx 100ns after the ion is in the middle of the cooler).
If the detecot Nord would be used for bunch timing (only planned if detctor south is defect) the distance is half a ring + 21.4m, beind the center of the cooler, i.e. (54.2m+21.6m)/108.4m ~ 0.7 |
Sun Apr 3 18:41:11 2022 |
Konstantin and Rodolfo | Laser | Beam Position Stabilization |
We (Konstantin and I) have optimized the TEM "laser-beam position stabilization".
- I took some pictures (screenshots) about the current setting*.
- In order to be able to move the laser position faster we increase the P-Factor of both stages to 5 (maximum value).
- In "TriggerSignals_f_MRC_04-04-2022" the fast PD defines the origin (t = 0 s). |
Attachment 1: MRC_Konfiguration_MitMainAmp_03-04-2022.png
Attachment 2: MRC-ControllerSetting_03-04-2022.jpg
Attachment 3: FG_SettingsMRC_03-04-2022.jpg
Attachment 4: TriggerSignals_f_MRC_04-04-2022.PNG
Tue Apr 5 20:16:13 2022 |
Rodolfo | Laser | Discriminator for HF reference signal |
For the laser trigger we need to generate a few ns NIM-puls from the HF reference signal. Therefore we (Wilfried, Konstantin and me) have changed the constant fraction descriminator (CFD) to generate this kind of pulse.
- We are using now the module N843 from CAEN, see picture below. With this we could now produce ~20 ns long pulse.
- This signal is also used as STOP trigger for the VUPROMs |
Attachment 1: CFD_für_HFSignal.jpg
Attachment 2: Disc_HFSignal_05-04-2022.PNG
Tue Apr 5 20:58:53 2022 |
Wilfried | Laser | Trigger for Laser |
Electronic for the timing of the laser puls optimized. The problem with the broad photodiode histograms is solved.
The photo of the oscilloscope picture shows in magenta the pulses from the (discriminated RF)/2, in yellow the pulses that are generated to open the Q-Switch. The latter are generated by the coincidence of the 30-Hz trigger (2 microsec long) to
allow for the Q-Switch to be fired. Within this period are usually 2 pulses from the RF and both generate a 100 ns long coincidence puls. The first one of those creates a 50 microsec long window (light blue) that is send to the Q-switch. The length
and the delay of this pulse can be changed. While the length is kept fixed, the delay can be changed in order to shift the arrival time of the laser pulse at the electron cooler to coincide with the ion bunch.
The problem of the wide photodiode histograms and the background was caused by a too large pulsewidth of the discriminated RF. The magenta pulses were about 100 ns long. Any pulse that arrives within a timespan between 99 and 0 ns before the 30-Hz
trigger of the Q-switch "allowance" will trigger a laser pulse immediately at the start of this trigger and therefore a jitter of up to 100 ns can occur. Therefore it is important that the CFD pulses are as short as possible, we set them to 20 ns
and the width of the photodiode histogram was just 3 bins wide (at the foot maybe 5 bins).
I (Rodolfo) just added the picture with the cabling configuration. The colors of cables match together with the colors show in the oscilloscope. |
Attachment 1: TriggerForLaser_05-04-2022.PNG
Attachment 2: TriggerLaser_Cabling.jpg
Thu Apr 7 00:15:11 2022 |
Patrick | Laser | Laser timing adjusted |
We have adjusted the laser timing using PMT-middle. Bunching freq. is 3.90362 MHz.
PD NO: 7.79
PD SO: 43.37
mean: 25.08
PMT middle: 25.02
Delta = 0.6 bins * 3.3 ns = 0.2 ns
New injection:
PMT middle: 25.48 / 101.91
ParDet south: 74.31 / 151.31
ParDet south - PMT middle (furthest / closest distance) = 161.1 ns / 91.1 ns |
Attachment 1: 220407-Laser-ion-timing.png
Attachment 2: 220407-Laser-ion-timing-full-period.png
Attachment 3: 220407-ParDetSO_PMT-middle.png
Thu Apr 7 01:19:05 2022 |
Patrick | Laser | Laser scanning |
We did some laser scans. The wavemeter shows spikes during scans. This may be just while the frequency changes. See picture. |
Attachment 1: 2022-04-07_Wavemeter_during_scan.png
Attachment 2: 2022-04-07_Wavemeter_during_scan2.png
Attachment 3: 2022-04-07_Wavemeter_during_scan3.png
Attachment 4: 2022-04-07_Wavemeter_during_scan4.png