E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 4 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject
  177   Sat Apr 9 04:01:35 2022 Carsten 2nd DAQ
Switched the CAEN TDC back on and changed the threshoolds for the ADC to:

unsigned short caen_V785AH_threshold_mod0 [32] =
{0x0100 , 0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0002 , 0x0003 , 0x0002 , 0x0004 , 0x0002 ,
0x0004 , 0x0003 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 ,
0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 , 0x0100 };
  176   Sat Apr 9 03:57:10 2022 CarstenAcceleratorNew Cooler voltage after the crash of the cooler
After the restart of the cooler the Ohmlabs divider showed a voltage 16V lower than before. This could also be seen as a slight shift in the Schottky lines w.r.t to the bunching frequency and the marker. Corrected
the voltages at injection to DeltaU +3963V and in Sc 5/7 to + 3943V. Now perfect match with the old Schottky frequency.

Note: During the crash we found out that the device GECEKD2D did not show proper values. GECEKD2D is responsible for clearing the cooler of slow trapped ions ("clearing electrode").
Hence, the 16V may be due to partial filling of the space charge potential of te elctron beam.
  175   Sat Apr 9 03:46:31 2022 CarstenAcceleratorSlits in TE line
Changed GTEDSAH Rechts to 10mm
  174   Sat Apr 9 03:27:47 2022 PatrickDAQLaser scanning
DAQ1: lxg1927:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/
DAQ2: lxg0155:/data.local2/E142/
LMD file name DAQ1:229Thor
LMD file name DAQ2:229Th

Shottky marker pos: 243.973MHz

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ1LMD-DAQ2scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)comments
xx:xxx.xe9209xxx00xx78xx32x.x - 32x.x0.01xsketch for filling the table
04:131.4e920961400937831323.2 - 321.20.014First laser scan this night shift
04:461.3e920961600947832323.2 - 321.20.014
05:171.0e920961700957833323.2 - 321.20.014The laser left the screen between the two loops
05:541.5e920961900977835323.2 - 321.20.014go4 on DAQ2 does not show any events. mbs does not write to file although it is OPEN and the acq is RUNNING
Attachment 1: does_not_write_data_to_file.png
  173   Sat Apr 9 02:55:38 2022 CarstenAcceleratorKühlerausfall und Gründe dazu
Wir hatten heute Abend eine Kühlerausfall, der uns mehrere Stunden beschäftigt hat, weil gem. Anzeige in Device Control kein Netzteil mit „rot“ angezeigt/ausgefallen war (siehe unten).
Nach Rufbereitschaft Serge, dann Regina sowie Controls konnte zunächst gefunden werden, dass das Netzteil einer Clearingelektrode (GECEKD2D) keinen korrekten Wert hat. Problem mittels Operateur (Christoph ?) und Rufbereitschaft Contrls gelöst.
Kühler ist trotzdem jedes Mal ausgefallen, wenn man versucht hat, auch nur den geringsten Strom zu ziehen (mit Hilfe Telefonunterstüzung Regina).
Rufbereitschaft Jon.

Mit ihm haben wir dann herausgefunden, dass im Device-Control, bei Auswahl „Kühler“ UND wenn das Fenster nicht vollständig maximiert ist, die letzten drei Netzteile (ECEBG8T, ECEBG3D, ECEBG4D) nicht angezeigt werden und man auch den Scrollbalken nicht dorthin bewegen kann (ergo: nicht vorhanden sind…). Ist das Fenster von DC maximiert, tauche die Geräte wieder auf und ACH WUNDER ECEBG8T (Kollektor) ist rot, lässt sich einfach wieder zuschalten und auch der Rest wieder anschalten. Ein Fehler, den ich leicht hätte selber beheben können, wenn er denn nur angezeigt worden wäre.

Soll heißen: Man weiß zwar, das irgendwo ein Fehler ist, kriegt aber in diesem Modus das Gerät gar nicht angezeigt…
  172   Fri Apr 8 23:56:07 2022 PatrickDAQDAQ improvement
As requested in ID:146 and ID:147, the laserscan tab was improved:
  • The laserscan tab shows each observable plotted against the predefined wavelength setpoints now.

  • The Kobra set wavelength shows the actual setpoints now and not measured wavelengths.

Note: The bins of the laserscan histograms are defined in TLdaAnlProc.cxx, lines 140-142.
At the moment, the histograms are set up for scans in the range 320 - 325 nm and step sizes of 0.01 nm.
If the step size changes or scans that exceed this range are required, these parameters should be adjusted.
Remember to add or subtract half of the step size to your min. and max. wavelength to prevent binning artifacts.
Then of course, also only scan wavelengths which are multiples of your step size.
  171   Fri Apr 8 22:26:44 2022 PatrickDAQSpike in all detectors
In the previous shift, there was a spike in all detectors in the same scan step. Apparently, this was NOT a resonance since in the next step it appeared again but at a different wavelength.
The current hypothesis is, that this is a disruption signal from one of the machines.
  170   Fri Apr 8 17:57:45 2022 KonstantinDAQLaser scanning

TimeSIS-intensity cooler-HV LMD-DAQ1 (R4L-68) LMD-DAQ2 (R4L-41) scan range (nm) step width(nm)dwell time(s) comments
17:28 1.1e9 - 0083 7822 322.3-321.3 0.01 4 Wrong scan range
17:48 1.4e9 209618 0084 7823 322.3-321.3 0.01 4 Wrong scan range
18:10 1.6e9 - 0085 7824 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 acquisition on r4l-68 crashed
18:13 2e9 - 0086 - 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 acquisition on r4l-41 crashed
18:29 1.9e9 209618 0087 7826 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 An artifact is observed at about 644nm <-> 322nm fundamental wavelength
20:17 2e9 209609 0089 7827 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 Cu-mirror and XUV detector are not driven at the moment. It is unclear for how long this was the case. Optimization of the accelerator settings were done before.
21:12 1.6e9 - 0089 7828 323.2-321.2 0.01 4 Laser got wrong pulse widths during this scan and also during the last one.

At about 20:00 the slits were adjusted to the h=1 settings:

NI: 5mm
NA: -3mm
SA: -10mm (also the voltage for the Scitnilator in this pocket was increased to 1500V)
SA_Scraper: +14mm
Attachment 1: Artifacts_in_PMT_MiddleAndNorth.png
  169   Fri Apr 8 17:44:25 2022 KonstantinCalibrationFinal Timing
We measured the timing for the laser bunch synchronization. A summary is given below.

detector time till common stop [bins] time till common stop [ns]
PD North 28 93.33
PD South 63 210
Particle Detector South 14 46.67
Particle Detector North 94 313.33
PMT middle 119 396.67

Using all numbers, the difference between the center of the photodiodes and PMT middle is
given by 245ns, which corresponds to the half revolution period of 256 ns. Difference between the
center of both photodiodes and particle detector south is given by 105 ns.
The delay for the laser trigger is now set correctly.
  168   Fri Apr 8 15:45:24 2022 YL Spectrum manipulation 5
See attached
Attachment 1: IMG_3027.JPG
  167   Fri Apr 8 15:42:20 2022 YuriAcceleratorSlits in the TE line
At around 15:00, The slits in the TE line were changed to :
TE4DS5HL -12 mm -> -20 mm
TE5DSAH 0 mm -> +15 mm
  166   Fri Apr 8 15:39:36 2022 allRunsfirst data after timing set up
started taking data again

started at 15:40  

file names 
229Th7821 DAQ 1  607 MB
229Th0082 DAQ 2  820 MB 

stopped at 16:25 

The laser was not really properly scanned. 
This was mainly a test run to see if everything was working. 
  165   Fri Apr 8 14:46:02 2022 Danyal & Sebastian & Volker & KenDetectorshigh dark countrate Cu PMT solved
The problem - "discovered" by Volker and Ken - of the high dark countrate of the Cu PMT has been solved. 

(when the Cu mirror was moved in, the dark countrate was very high ... also without ion beam) 

I asked Graziano Savino to check the vacuum gauges along the target side of the ESR (west side). 
The gauges at the laser window sections (which we do not use here!) - NW and SW - were still on. 
Volker remembered that, in the past, for the lowest dark countrate at the Cu PMT --> ALL GAUGES MUST BE SWITCHED OFF. 
Graziano turned them off and Sebastian and I checked the Cu PMT rate in DAQ1. 

Attached you can clearly see the difference: from 7500 cps to 400 cps. 

When the Cu mirror is retracted the dark countrate is 200 cps.  


PS The slow increase in one plot is due to the fact that Graziano switched on the light in the ESR. 
Attachment 1: IMG_20220408_082804.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20220408_083031.jpg
  164   Fri Apr 8 14:43:50 2022 WilfriedDAQlaser timing - Q-switch start
below are my notes concerning laser timing / Q-switch start
Attachment 1: IMG_20220408_143753_resized_20220408_023840170.jpg
  163   Fri Apr 8 14:14:28 2022 KristianDAQDelay of bunch RF
The bunch HF is now fed through a delay to shift the stop trigger relative to the PMT signal. The delay generator is placed directly after the CFG and before splitting the signal for the two DAQs. The relative timing of both DAQs was not changed.
  162   Fri Apr 8 14:12:57 2022 morning shiftDAQtiming for h=1
The timing for h=1 has been set up 

The time window is now twice as large as before! 
This means that we see the same ion bunch twice. 

(150 bins = 1 turn in the ESR) 

The PMT signal is exactly in between two cycles + the extra flight time (3 bins = 10 ns) from target to PMT north. 
Attachment 1: 2022-04-08_timing_h1_final.png
  161   Fri Apr 8 12:04:13 2022 RaganRunsNTCAP started
NTCAP is started for the data taking.

Carrier Frequency: 242.02 M
IQ Rate (S/s): 10 M
Reference level (dBm): -30

Attachment 1: IMG_0947.jpg
  160   Fri Apr 8 11:16:57 2022 KristianLaserWavemeter
We changed the fiber to the wavemeter. The third fiber worked best and we could operate the WM at low exposure times, i.e., below the laser repetition rate. We used the neutral density filter to adapt the laser power that only one laser pulse is measured by the WM each time (Exposure time =34ms)

This way, there are no frequency jumps. The jitter is slighly different at each wavelength which was ~5GHz peak to peak.

We optimized the fiber coupler and slightly optimized the jitter to <4GHz.
Attachment 1: Wavemeter.PNG
Attachment 2: Wavemeter2.PNG
  159   Fri Apr 8 11:02:04 2022 DW, YL, RSS, SL Change h=2 to h=1
After changing to h=1
The frequency manipulation #5: f=242.021487MHz (124th harmonic) [no bunching]
Manipulation #7: f=242.021812 MHz [with bunching]
  158   Fri Apr 8 10:44:55 2022 Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, SergeyRunsNTCAP stopped
NTCAP is stopped. Sergey will now set an ion bunch instead of two in the ESR.

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b