E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 4 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Categorydown Subject
  234   Fri Apr 15 12:53:25 2022 Max, DanyalLaserchecked laser pulse energy after change in wavelength range
previous scan range:
the laser pulse energy @ 320.62 nm was ~11 mJ

new scan range:
the laser pulse energy @ 320.12 nm was ~11 mJ
the laser pulse energy @ 319.60 nm was ~10 mJ
  235   Fri Apr 15 20:43:18 2022 KonstantinLaserDye changed
Dye of the laser system has been changed. UV laser power increased from ~8 mJ to 11 mJ pulse energy.
  237   Wed Apr 20 10:09:50 2022 RodolfoLaserOptic with spots
The average energy produced by the laser along the beamtime was about 10 mJ/puls. After about two weeks of beamtime some of the optics, especially the optic placed just after the BBO crystall, got some spots, see pictures below. Here the diameter of the laser beam is about 6 mm.
Attachment 1: SHG_Compensator_mitFleck_19-04-2022.jpg
Attachment 2: UV_Umlenkspiegel_mitFleck_19-04-2022.jpg
  3   Wed Jul 28 13:31:22 2021 RodolfoGeneralAir filters
Filters (Hepa-) inside the flow boxes have been replaced.
Attachment 1: Flowbox_Filters.png
  Draft   Wed Sep 8 21:44:55 2021 RodolfoGeneralPreparation
Laser und Laserlabor
***FarbstofflaserElektronik wurde erneut.
  29   Wed Mar 23 15:38:15 2022 CarstenGeneralNot all lights in the ESR can be switched off
Three of the lights in the ESR cannot be switched off. It seems that these lights are now "emergency lights" (with battery?). We will need to find dark plastik foilor similar to cover those lights during our beam time
  63   Sat Apr 2 05:08:00 2022 KristianGeneralMorning shift
I see no updates in the log. Is the morning shift taking place?

For now I will stay at home and be on call. I can be at GSI in 20 min. Please let me know the status.

01575 8731537
  64   Sat Apr 2 10:22:21 2022 Rui-Jiu Chen, RaganGeneralBeam is in the ESR
Primary beam is in the ESR now. Markus and the team are tuning the ESR.
  106   Wed Apr 6 08:31:54 2022 Danyal & ReginaGeneralESR had some errors
Regina noticed that the ESR was "red" 

This means that there are some errors. 

She found: 
correction fields in the dipoles were off

GE01KP02 ... 05
GE01KP22 ... 24 

and some correction elements were off 


Regina would like to know since WHEN this is the case. 

In general, such errors affect the ion beam trajectory ! 

Regina will try to find out more details on how this may have shifted the orbit.
  131   Thu Apr 7 08:14:03 2022 Yuri & DanyalGeneral229Th89+ line in Schottky
GLOBAL calculations for the "content" of the Th line in the Schottky spectrum
(380 MeV/u exit energy, equilibrium charge state distribution)

Actinium 9.9%  - bare 

Thorium 42.4% - H-like

Protactinium 44.8% - He-like

Uranium 2.7% - Li-like 
  138   Thu Apr 7 14:04:36 2022 Paul IndelicatoGeneralno beam until 17:00
10:10  There is a problem with the UNILAC. 
The repair will take several hours. (4 hrs?) 

14:00  We just enquired about the status and when beam could be back. 
The current estimate is 17:00.

More work on laser aligment is required. 
Estimated time: 1 hour
  179   Sat Apr 9 05:00:11 2022 CarstenGeneralDraft Docs and cheat sheet
Please check the attached files,

and correct or enhance them.

Print out a copy
Attachment 1: e142_daq2_cabling.ods
Attachment 2: Documentation_for_beamtime_2022_.doc
  207   Mon Apr 11 10:31:07 2022 Kristian, Sebastian, Alexandre, Danyal, PaulGeneralnew laser wavelength scan range 322.41 - 322.00 nm
new wavelength scan range is 322.41 - 322.00 nm

at 10:31

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ1 file nr LMD-DAQ2 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
10:31 1.75e9 209617 0180 7915 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 2300 ABORT ... no laser ... beam stabilization was off
10:40 xxe9 209617 0181 7916 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s xxx ABORT ... laser did not start from 322.41 nm
10:42 xxe9 209615 0182 7917 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s xxx ABORT ... laser did not start from 322.41 nm
10:45 2.1e9 209616 0183 7918 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 9236 HV E-cooler fluctuates slowly over 3 V
11:22 1.7e9 209616 0184 7919 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s xxx
12:02 2.0e9 209616 0185 7920 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 9660
12:43 1.8e9 209618 0186 7921 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 6533 HV E-cooler jump to ~209700k for ~10 seconds and than back to 209618
13:24 2.0e9 209617 0187 7922 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 9500
14:05 2.0e9 209618 0188 7923 322.41 - 322.00 0.002 5s 9220
  214   Mon Apr 11 22:33:16 2022 CarstenGeneralBackup of data to the external RAID disks
  222   Tue Apr 12 21:56:54 2022 Volker, David, Pierre-Michel & Danyal, Alexandre, SebastianGeneralnew laser wavelength scan range 321.62 - 321.10 nm
New wavelength scan range is 321.62 - 321.10 nm. Before the new scan range (compare old scan range in Entry 215) was applied,
the cooler settings were slightly modified. Current was changed from 50 mA to 40 mA, correction voltage was changed from 3943 V to 3948 V. Additionally, the positions
of scraper NA was changed from -10 mm to -8 mm and scraper NI from +10 mm to +8 mm.

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
21:57 1.55e9 209621 0226-0227 7962 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7835
22:54 1.4e9 209612 0228 7963 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 3326 PMT south voltage reduced to 2400 V before run, Threshold now 80, Cooler Voltage changed to 209628 V at 23:19
23:45 2.0e9 209628 0229-0230 7964 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8560
00:34 1.7e9 209626 0231 7965 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7169
01:29 1.1e9 209624 0232 7966 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 6412
02:19 1.75e9 209626 0233 7967 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7590
03:06 1.6e9 209630 0234 7968 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 6329
03:58 1.7e9 209629 0235-0236 7969 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 7710
04:43 1.8e9 209629 0237 7970 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s Electron cooler went red @04:48
05:48 1.5e9 209623 0238 7971 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 9420
06:42 1.6e9 209616 0239 7972 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8250
07:32 1.7e9 209621 0240 7974 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8840 file 7943 was started accidentally too early and killed
08:22 1.85e9 209622 0241 7975 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s ABORTED: laser did not start scanning
08:33 1.90e9 209624 0242-243 7976 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 9955
09:23 1.7e9 209624 0244-0245 7977 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 9021 09:50 Ecooler 12V drop for a few seconds; 9:52 again 12V E-cooler drop
10:12 1.85e9 20962x 0246 7978 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8067
11:10 1.7e9 209615 0247-248 7979 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8905
11:59 1.94e9 209612 0249-0250 7980 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8203 drop in E-cooler voltage of 8V at about 12:16 (before there was a slow increase from .612 to .620)
12:48 2.0e9 209612 0251-0252 7981 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8018 E-cooler is not very stable (varies between .604 and .613) ; ~13:18 E-Cooler 18V jump to 209622V
13:36 1.7e9 209621 0253 7982 321.62 - 321.10 0.002 5s 8170
Attachment 1: Ecooler12VdropOn13_04_22_9_52am.png
Attachment 2: Ecooler18VEcoolerJumpOn13_04_22_13_18pm.png
  233   Fri Apr 15 12:42:18 2022 Max, Danyal, Carsten, Konstantin, Patrick, SimonGenerallaser wavelength range changed: 320.12 - 319.60 nm

Runs of the morning/afternoon/night shift. The wavelength range is now 320.12 - 319.60 nm.

TimeSIS-intensitycooler-HVLMD-DAQ2 file nr LMD-DAQ1 file nr scan range(nm)step width(nm)dwell time(s)particles countedcomments
12:51 1.2e9 209617 0321 8034 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5530 ERS Trafo 1.25e7 --> 1.2e9
13:43 1.2e9 209617 0322 8035 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6408 at 13:49 there was a short broadening of the ion beam in the Schottky spectrum
14:35 1.16e9 209618 0323 8036 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6585
15:30 1.08e9 209617 0324 8037 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5701
16:20 1.10e9 209617 0325 8038 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5470
17:11 1.11e9 209617 0326 8039 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5519
18:00 1.08e9 209616 0327 8040 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5402 Ecooler voltage suddenly jumped to 109619 around 18:30. Laser spot seems to drift slowly to an inner position (left on the screen). This might be due to an interplay between a decreasing laser power and the position sensitive detectors of the beam stabilization.
18:52 1.16e9 209620 0328 8041 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6948
20:39 1.13e9 209619 0329 8042 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6xxx Dye was changed before this run was started
20:32 1.20e9 209620 0330 8043 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6948
22:25 1.21e9 209619 0331 8044 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 7120 Night shift took over (Patrick, Simon)
23:15 1.26e9 209619 0332 8045 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 7080
00:06 1.25e9 209616 0333 8046 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6500
00:59 1.23e9 209616 0334 8047 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 5380
01:50 1.30e9 209616 0335 8048 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6750
02:41 1.38e9 209616 0336 8049 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 6970
03:32 1.37e9 209616 0337 8050 320.12 - 319.60 0.002 5s 7010
Attachment 1: VoltageJump1830.PNG
  84   Mon Mar 25 06:22:12 143 Ken UeberholzDetectorsXUV-Detector Rates
Count rates were measured for the XUV-
detector for a full circle:
Cathode: -5V, shields: 0V, main coil 8A, 
sec coil 2A, 
No beam - pos 0mm: ~10 Hz
Hot beam - pos 0mm: ~5 kHZ
Cool beam - pos 147mm: ~200Hz
Attachment 1: Screenshot_20220404-000343_Gallery.jpg
Attachment 2: Screenshot_20220404-000327_Gallery.jpg
Attachment 3: Screenshot_20220404-000411_Gallery.jpg
  8   Thu Oct 14 10:21:46 2021 RodolfoDetectorsDismounting Cu-Mirror
We have dismounted the parabolic Cu-Mirror at ESR on 13.10.2021 
Attachment 1: AusbauCuSpiegel_2021.jpg
  12   Thu Mar 3 17:21:26 2022 RodolfoDetectorsMgF2 Windows
New reentrance viewports made of MgF2 have been installed at the ESR "Optical Detection Region". In the middle the old window (also MgF2) was kept into place.
Attachment 1: ESR_Schaufenster_Spiegelkammer_10-02-2022.jpg
  17   Wed Mar 16 12:04:40 2022 KristianDetectorsHV cable to particle detector South
Checked HV cable to particle detector south. Label is HV2 Scraper. 

Connected to Messplatz III HV5
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b