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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Category Subject Text Attachments
  4   Tue May 4 17:54:08 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsupdated LISE fileThis file really has the optics like used
in the last ESR experiments.
Now the transmission is also a little bit
  5   Tue May 4 18:25:31 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscutting of primary beamThe slits at TE4 and TE5 can be used to cut
away the unwanted 78Kr beam (see pictures).
We do not want activation of the beamline.
  6   Tue May 4 21:49:04 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationscut Brho by scrapersThe dispersion from the production target
into the ESR is not matched.
This is not good for momentum acceptance,
  8   Thu May 6 00:32:57 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsGICOSY file for TE beamline and ESRThis file has several options:
start in SIS, at TE3UF target or inside ESR,
choose with GOTO LABEL (G L)after start system
  9   Thu May 6 13:26:56 2021 Helmut WeickDetectorsTE5 profile grids do not workThere are several issues.

1. The stepper motor drive does not react
  10   Thu May 6 14:28:32 2021 Helmut WeickCalibrationBe target thickness calibration -> 1839 mg/cm^2Injection was optimized before with Cu-40
mg/cm^2 stripper.
This reduces energy of 78Kr from 370 MeV/u
  21   Fri May 7 01:07:27 2021 Helmut WeickAnalysismaybe frequency IDWe think we see the frequency range of A/q=2.25
at 243.1 MHz.
This would correspond to L=108.2m and E=386.4
  27   Fri May 7 03:44:55 2021 Helmut WeickAcceleratorscraper optimisationOpened TE4 slits again to +/-10mm.

Then we tried different scrapers:
  64   Sat May 8 01:33:25 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsfrequency list for 70Se settingEXCEL table with all possible fragments injected
into ESR.
The path length in ESR, gamma_t and harmonic
  65   Sat May 8 01:43:23 2021 Helmut WeickAccelerator70Se settingIf gamma_t = 1.3955 Tm stays, we will need
Brho = 6.21902 Tm for 70Se.
The corresponding ESR Brho setting will be
  76   Sat May 8 16:08:58 2021 Helmut WeickAcceleratorbeam position of Kr before ESRChecked beam positions in beamline before
they all look the same as before, with direct
  134   Thu Jun 24 22:05:11 2021 Helmut WeickAcceleratorLISE files for 72Ge, 70Se, 52Mn settingsThis is just a Brho selection by the ESR based
on SIS-energy used, 
energy-loss in target with calibrated thickness
  18   Thu May 6 21:45:30 2021 HelmutDetectorsbeam position on TE5 gridsThe two grids do not work very well, one x
position is opposite to the other.
But at least a guidance for the future, this
  19   Thu May 6 22:05:30 2021 HelmutAcceleratorBeamline and ESR data sets for 72Ge settingparammodi exports, E-SIS = 441.0 MeV/u with
Be-1840 mg/cm² target in, isoc. ESR, at least
we see fragments
  118   Sun May 9 23:32:24 2021 HelmutAcceleratorparammodi savesHere are parammodi saves for TE-line and ESR
for all four fragment settings:
For the first run of 72Ge (7.May) I do not
  198   Fri Jul 2 05:08:16 2021 Guy Leckenby (Canadian beaver team)Analysise143_analyser.py Summing ScriptI've written two scripts that others might
find useful for the on-line analysis. 
  1. The first is a simple bash script that
  34   Fri May 7 07:02:33 2021 Guy LeckenbyAnalysisOnline Monitoring PlotsIn compliment to Liliana's plots, this is
the summed spectra I calculated from 0338
to 0507.
  108   Sun May 9 17:39:21 2021 GuyAnalysisComparison between 72Ge: 7th 19h vs 8th 21hFollowing Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed
11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see
the evolution of the potential isomer across
  207   Fri Jul 2 12:42:54 2021 GregorAnalysisSpectra 6:00-12:000.1s time slices for 245MHz and 410MHz, with
e143_analyzer.py script
  234   Sat Jul 3 08:12:22 2021 Dima, YuriGeneralBeam stopWe stopped the beam at 08:10

The latest recorded tdms files:
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b