ID |
Date |
Author |
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Subject |
Text |
Wed Jun 30 14:48:54 2021 |
Oliver | General | Data taking - and not... | We just started data taking. But a few minutes
later the main experiment needed to do some
adjustements to the beam. This interrupts |
Thu May 6 21:36:04 2021 |
Regina + Markus + Yuri | Accelerator | Cooler Curve | Final cooler curve, Isochronous 78Kr |
Fri May 7 01:49:03 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between different reference level | This is a comparison of I_Raw/Q_Raw between
different reference level. The range of NTCAP
ADC is only 2^15 bit. So signals (I_Raw and |
Sun May 9 20:34:47 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | Analysis | Comparison of frequency spectrum between 72Ge and other isotope | This some preliminary analysis results by
using NTCAP data. The IQ rate of NTCAP
is 20 MSamples/seconds. I analyzed data files |
6x |
Sun May 9 17:39:21 2021 |
Guy | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 7th 19h vs 8th 21h | Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I analysed
11 ms time slices separated by 25 ms to see
the evolution of the potential isomer across |
Mon May 10 07:13:20 2021 |
Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.) | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 5-6am on 410 MHz | Same as before for 5-6 am.
Peak still there, maybe a bit less than before.
9x |
Mon May 10 05:25:29 2021 |
Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.) | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz | Same as before, but for 410 MHz detectors.
Peaks visible in the 3rd-5th slice.
8x |
Mon May 10 06:22:15 2021 |
Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.) | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 410 MHz | Same as before but for 4-5am on 410 MHz detector.
Peak visible.
9x |
Mon May 10 04:08:13 2021 |
Iris (Chris C., Jeff C.) | Analysis | Comparison between 72Ge: 10th 1-2am on 245 MHz | > Following Xiangcheng Chen's analysis, I
analysed 11 ms time slices separated by 25
ms to see the evolution of the potential |
Sat Jul 3 06:48:38 2021 |
The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris) | Analysis | Closer potential isomer tracks | After looking through >800 shots from Jul
2nd 21h to Jul 3rd 05h, we couldn't find
a single example of a "smoking gun" isomer |
Sat Jul 3 07:35:31 2021 |
The remote Canadian eager beaver (Iris) | Analysis | Closer potential isomer tracks | Here's a list of the spectra to look at for
the potential isomer, taken btw 21:00 on
July 2nd and 6:30 on July 3rd. Two examples |
Thu Jul 1 18:01:52 2021 |
Andrew Nic Shahab | DAQ | Change triggers to 10% | Change the triggers to 10%. Last files with
410MhZ 2021-.
Mon May 10 00:00:49 2021 |
Ragan, Rui-Jiu | DAQ | Change reference level to -70dBm | Start a new run. The data of new run is in
Mon May 10 00:08:26 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Change reference level to -60dBm | Start a new run. The data of new run is in
Sat May 8 03:05:42 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Change reference level to -60dBm | Start a new run. The data of new run is in
Thu May 6 23:06:18 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Change reference level to -50dBm | Beam is secondary beam now. The intensity
is lower. Change reference level to -50dBm.
Carrier frequency:245MHz
Sat May 8 03:08:57 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Change reference level to -50dBm | Start a new run. The data of new run is in
Sat May 8 19:51:46 2021 |
Ragan, Rui-Jiu | DAQ | Change reference level to -50dBm | Start a new run. The data of new run is in
Fri May 7 01:44:24 2021 |
Rui-Jiu Chen | DAQ | Change reference level to -40dBm | Reference Level: -40 dBm.
Start taking data.
Fri May 7 01:47:36 2021 |
Ragan, Rui-Jiu | DAQ | Change reference level to -30dBm | Reference Level: -30 dBm.
Start taking data.