Wed Jun 26 11:59:12 2024, Ruijiu, Shahab, Carsten, Analysis, Prepare plots for Thomas's presentation 6x
(env_OnlineDataAnalysisSystem) litv-exp@lxbk0497:/lustre/astrum/experiment_data/2024-05_E018/OnlineDataAnalysisSystem/data/iq/IQ_2024-06-
The root file is at:
(env_OnlineDataAnalysisSystem) litv-exp@lxbk0497:/lustre/astrum/experiment_data/2024-05_E018/OnlineDataAnalysisSystem/data/iq/IQ_2024-06-
12_21-47-54$ root filtered_spectrum_670_750.root
The figure below shows the interface of the program "combine_injection". You can combine any tdms file with this program. To run this
program, you need to log in to the server /luster/astrum/, and activate the conda environment. Then type the command "combine_injection" at
the terminal. You will see the interface. |
Sat Jun 15 03:46:34 2024, Night shift, Accelerator, GSI down
All quadrupole and dipole magnets at SIS and ESR are out of order. Repairs can be expected earliest tomorrow evening. No shifts will take place before 6pm. Have a look at your mails for details. |
Fri Jun 14 14:44:51 2024, Afternoon shift, Runs, Afternoon shift
Pizza shift
the scan direction is from higher wavelength to lower wavelength, even though it is noted otherwise here in the software.
From hardware side, the laser can only scan in one direction: long wave length to short wave length, independent of what is written in the tables.
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
14.06.2024 12:45 | 38900 | 2e5 | 104411 | 72 | 89 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | starting with 50 accumulation
14.06.2024 13:13 | 41400 | 2e5 | 104411 | 73 | 90 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | there was a :10 crash during the injection, laser scan started normally.
14.06.2024 13:41 | 39500 | 2e5 | 104411 | 74 | 91 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 14:38 | 67750 | 2e5 | 104412 | 75 | 92 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | afternoon shift takes over. After short break from hkr to optimize beam, proceeding with 30 injections, particle number detector might not have been reset, check next run
14.06.2024 15:02 | 34500 | 2e5 | 104412 | 76 | 93 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 15:38 | 27500 | 1e5 | 104412 | 77 | 94 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 16:01 | 25300 | 1e5 | 104412 | 78 | 95 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 16:23 | 28700 | 1e5 | 104412 | 79 | 96 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | At around 550.2 nm the wavemeter is overexposed
14.06.2024 16:48 | xxx | xx | xx | 80 | 97 | xx | xx | xx | xx | empty file , no laser scan, work on laser, while trying to adjust the wavemeter, we tried to move the laser using medusa, at some point, this caused the cobra to go into error mode again, onlz a restart could solve it. As a consequence, we still do not know if the wavemeter coupling is optimal
14.06.2024 17:17 | 30000 | 1e5 | 104412 | 81 | 98 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
wavemeter coupling looks good now
14.06.2024 17:41 | 56900 | 1e5 | 104412 | 82 | 99 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | ratemeter was probably not reset
14.06.2024 18:04 | 8100 | 1e5 | 104412 | 83 | 100 | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | really bad injection (looked fine (?)), low ion count from SIS, they exchanged a cathode @UNILAC
14.06.2024 18:42 | 3200 | 3e4 | 104412 | 84 | 101&102(automatically opened new file without command after 1GB?) | 549.6 - 550.4 | 201 | 1s | 3 | problems with accelerator: after deacceleration the beam is gone. Scraper position has moved(?). The cooling water from GSI is too warm, so we had to shut down the laser. NTCAP restarted. And NTCAP restarted again @20:39 for test data for Shahan.
Fri Jun 14 13:14:29 2024, Konstantin, Bernhard, Peter, Lukas, General, DAQ crashes at :10
10 Minutes past a full hour (XX:10) the windows PCs (sometimes) loose connection.
This causes the labview server & the laser remote ctrl to crash.
- "sto ac" on first DAQ1
- restart labview server (medusa - run - make data available for mbs off/on)
- "sta ac" on first DAQ1
It can make sense to try to avoid laser scans in this time window if those crashes occur more regularly. |
Fri Jun 14 11:44:23 2024, Carsten Brandau, Accelerator, Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s
Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s |
Fri Jun 14 06:38:41 2024, Konstantin Mohr, Bernhard Maass, Peter Micke, Lukas Kau, Dounia Boudefla, Runs, Morning runs
Very successful shift, no crashes until 11:10
Previous night shift had problems with the pulse laser starting around 3am.
Something was loose at the FCU. Rodolfo was called in and was able to fix it.
the scan direction is from higher wavelength to lower wavelength, even though it is noted otherwise here and in the software.
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
14.06.2024 06:35 | 36500 | 7e5 | 104410 | 59 | 76 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 07:00 | 24600 | 8e5 | 104409 | 60 | 77 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 07:23 | 22900 | 8e5 | 104410 | 61 | 78 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 07:44 | 27000 | 8e5 | 104410 | 62 | 79 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 08:06 | 31000 | 7e5 | 104410 | 63 | 80 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 08:29 | 29500 | 8e5 | 104410 | 64 | 81 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 08:52 | 26800 | 8e5 | 104410 | 65 | 82 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 09:13 | 33500 | 8e5 | 104410 | 66 | 83 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 09:35 | 15700 | 8e5 | 104410 | 67 | 84 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | only 10 shots accumulation
14.06.2024 09:59 | 35000 | 8e5 | 104410 | 68 | 85 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | back to 30 shots accumulation
14.06.2024 10:24 | 33600 | 8e5 | 104410 | 69 | 86 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 10:48 | 35500 | 9e5 | 104410 | 70 | 87 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 11:09 | | 8e5 | 104410 | 71 | 88 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | data crash, labview disconnected
2024-06-14 (note added): Intensities from ESR trafo are not reliable at low internisties, offset can change substantially. Use trafo only with ion numbers sginificantly higher than 1e6. |
Thu Jun 13 22:08:07 2024, Dayshift, Accelerator, Problems with Accelerator?
It seems to be that there are some problems with the injections in the ESR.
The last 2 accumulation cycles showed that wheter only a small amount of ions are injected into the ESR or the injection is missing.
Photos of the last 2 accumulation cycles are attached.
We ask if there are some problems with the ESR or with the SIS18, because the particle number in the SIS18 is also decreasing... |
Thu Jun 13 18:48:26 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Shahab, Yuri, Analysis, The ion identification of 229Th is correct.
Harmonic: 124.0 , Bp: 7.796046 [Tm]
ion fre[Hz] yield [pps]
237U+92 243732740.7822311819 8.6164e+03
237Np+92 243732858.1891748905 1.9672e+02
224Ac+87 243759120.6575988531 1.7025e+03
229Pa+89 243784072.1343108118 2.5529e+03
229Th+89 243784111.0000000000 3.3883e+03
234Pa+91 243807737.9699291289 2.4721e+03
234Np+91 243807852.4158236086 1.7745e+01
The strongest line is 229Th+89/229Pa+89. The yield and frequency of 229Pa+89 and 229Th+89 are very close to each other. We needed to
install Al target to suppress Pa as much as possible. Al gives a better ratio of h-like to he-like than Be. Two peaks at left
side are 237U+92/237Np+92 and 224Ac+87. One peak at right side is
Note added 2024-06-14 (Carsten): a) We will not produce Np, this is an artifact of Lise, b) relative intensities are for injection only. Line intensities for 237U/224Ac/234Pa are substantially lower after cooling/HF/deceleration. |
Thu Jun 13 18:38:24 2024, Rodolfo Sanchez, Julian Palmes, Sebastian Klammes, Laser, Laser Dye change - new MRC settings - scraper checks of laser beam
We changed the dye at ~3pm.
After some fine adjustements of the laser we had to change the MRC settings, because the laser position changed.
Therefore we checked the position of the laser with the T-Scrapers with the settings from post 49 "First Scraper Scan".
New settings of MRC and screen pic is attached.
The position of the laser on the screen is now the 'same' as yesterday (see attachement). |
Thu Jun 13 18:23:46 2024, Julian, Laser, Restarting the laser controller
If the laser controller is locked up again, the little display will show an error message after an attempted medusa scan.
To restart it, follow these steps:
1.) Unlock the beam stabilization.
2.) shut down medusa and the wavemeter software
3.) Turn off the 2 laser stages
4.) Close the shutter of the pumping laser
5.) Turn off and on the power button of the pulsed laser inside of the black box of the pump laser insertion.
To start again go back through the list. |
Thu Jun 13 18:03:36 2024, Afternoon shift, Runs, Continuation: First scans
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
00:01 | | 3e5 | 104438 | 13 | 27-29 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 2s | 4 | 40 injections, there is still a fast decaying component, may be due to the higher electron current of 200 mA.
Going back to 100 mA in next run and also put a "loose" scraper on the inside.
ntcap 2024-06-12_21-47-54
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity | cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
00:50 | ? | 3e5 | 104438 | 14 | 28- | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 6 | 30 injections, e-cooler current at 100mA, scraper GE01GD2ID (north arc, inner scraper) now at position +30mm, medusa crashed when started, laser position was lost and retrieved by resetting the beam position stabilization
01:43 | 25700 | 3e5 | 104438 | 15 | 31-32 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 6 | e-cooler current 100mA, NA position -30 activated, NI +28, SA -28, DS3HG +10
02:32 | 21750 | 4e5 | 104417 | 16 | 33 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | reduced iterations due to short life time
02:54 | 29200 | 4e5 | 104417 | 17 | 34 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
03:16 | (?) | 4e5 | 104417 | 18 | 35 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
03:40 | 33700 | 5e5 | 104417 | 19 | 36 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:03 | 31600 | 5e5 | 104417 | 20 | 37 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:25 | 29200 | 4e5 | 104417 | 21 | 38 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
04:46 | 27500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 22 | 39 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:08 | 30400 | 4e5 | 104417 | 23 | 40 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:31 | 31300 | 4e5 | 104417 | 24 | 41 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
05:56 | 30000 | 3e5 | 104417 | 25 | 42 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
06:18 | 24500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 26 | 43 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Morning shift took over: Constantine, Peter, Lukas, Jonas, Dounia
06:43 | | | | 27 | 44 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed when starting the laser scan
06:57 | | 4e5 | 104417 | 28 | 45-46 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | DAQ1 started a bit later since we needed to restart and connect the file server again; after starting laser scan we noticed that the beam is gone on glass disk, reason was likely user error as medusa was set to send the laser to 500.9nm instead of 550.9nm
07:27 | 11800 | 4e5 | 104417 | 29 | 47 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
07:51 | 23500 | 4e5 | 104417 | 30 | 48 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:14 | 15000 | 5e5 | 104417 | 31 | 49 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:37 | 35300 | 5e5 | 104417 | 32 | 50 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
08:58 | 32800 | 5e5 | 104417 | 33 | 51 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 17:32 | 23 500 | 5e5 | 104412 | 35 | 52 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | First scan of afternoon shift. 30 Injections. Electron current was set to 30 mA. (Note added 2024.06.14 17:55 - Carsten: To what I remember electron current is 80mA) Dye was changed before this scan. Wavemeter overexposed on the second scan for 2-3 steps, not sure if during the stepping or actual measurement. In the middle of the third scan, medusa crashed.
13.06.2024 | xx | 5e5 | 104417 | 36 | 53 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 25 Injections 75Hz particle detector south, medusa crashed immediately, laser controller was locked up. Restarting the laser controller solved the issue.
13.06.2024 18:30 | 28 200 | 5e5 | 104412 | 37 | 54 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 25 Injections , DAQ1 no data collected (no start acquisition pressed)
13.06.2024 18:50 | 26 000 | 5e5 | 104412 | 38 | 55 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 23 of 25 Injections, two were empty injections from SIS
13.06.2024 19:13 | 31 600 | 5e5 | 104412 | 39 | 56 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 29 of 30 Injections, one was empty injections from SIS
13.06.2024 19:45 | 34 700 | 5e5 | 104411 | 40 | 57 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections
13.06.2024 20:07 | 33 300 | 6e5 | 104411 | 41 | 58 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections. Note: before and after run, the laser was exactly in the middle of the screen, but went to its proper position (slightly left of the middle) during the scan.
13.06.2024 20:36 | 29 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 42 | 59 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 30 of 30 Injections. Note: Before the run ad during the first scan, the laser was above the middle. In the third scan, it was back in its proper position.
13.06.2024 20:57 | 28 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 43 | 60 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 21:18 | 26 000 | 7e5 | 104411 | 44 | 61 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | 27 of 30 Injections
13.06.2024 21:40 | 18 000 | 6e5 | 104411 | 45 | 62 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | out of the first injections 4 were with low energy and 4 did not arrive at all, for the rest, pretty much every second injection is missing. Checking with HKR.
13.06.2024 22:02 | 24 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 46 | 63 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Same thing with injection.
13.06.2024 22:23 | 31 700 | 7e5 | 104411 | 47 | 64 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 22:46 | 30 900 | 7e5 | 104411 | 48 | 65 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 23:09 | 33 100 | 7e5 | 104411 | 49 | 66 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | Laser shifted to the left
13.06.2024 23:33 | 25 200 | 7e5 | 104411 | 50 | 67 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 |
13.06.2024 23:55 | 28 600 | 7e5 | 104411 | 51 | 68 | 550.1 - 550.9 | 201 | 1s | 3 | We moved the laser back to the original position using the MRC
14.06.2024 00:52 | 33 100 | 8e5 | 104410 | 52 | 69 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Widen scan range to account for the difference between wavelength vac. vs. wavelength air; Laser shifted to the left
14.06.2024 01:20 | 29 800 | 8e5 | 104410 | 53 | 70 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 01:44 | -- | 7e5 | 104410 | 54 | 71 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted; measurement interrupted; connection of MBS to Labview server crashed and MBS and go4 were restarted (DAQ1)
14.06.2024 02:03 | 34 700 | 8e5 | 104410 | 55 | 72 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 02:26 | 31 400 | 7e5 | 104411 | 56 | 73 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 |
14.06.2024 02:49 | -- | 7e5 | 104411 | 57 | 74 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted; measurement interrupted
14.06.2024 02:51 | -- | 7e5 | 104411 | 58 | 75 | 549.85 - 550.9 | 239 | 1s | 3 | Medusa crashed and was restarted;
The Medusa crash also crashed the Cobra Laser. We tried to restart it but afterwards the power of the Laser was more than one order of magnitude lower than before. It is not clear what caused the problem, Rodolfo is on his way to GSI now to fix the issue. |
Thu Jun 13 14:56:09 2024, Stefan Schippers, Accelerator, Estimated beam lifetime: About 150 s
Estimate of storage lifetime using my code 'hydrocal':
ion mass in u ...................................: 229
ion nuclear charge ..............................: 90
ion charge state ................................: 89
beam energy in MeV ..............................: 45501.1
beam energy in MeV/u ............................: 198.695
beam beta .......................................: 0.566309
beam rigidity in T m.............................: 5.4944
ring circumference in m .........................: 108.36
ring acceptance in mrad .........................: 2
ring temperature in °C ..........................: 25
ring vacuum pressure in mbar ....................: 3e-11
residual gas density in m^-3 ....................: 7.28767e+11
residual gas composition
Z %
1 93.43
6 2.23
7 0.75
8 3.29
18 0.3
cooler length in m ..............................: 2.5
electron current in A ...........................: 0.2
magnetic expansion factor .......................: 1
electron-beam diameter in mm ....................: 50.8
electron density in cm^-3 .......................: 3.62844e+06
cooler cathode temperature in meV ...............: 110
cooling energy in eV ............................: 109000
space_charge (0th iteration) in eV ..............: 44.3477
space_charge (1st iteration) in eV ..............: 44.341
transverse temperature in meV ...................: 110
longitudinal temperature in meV .................: 0.2
RR nmin .........................................: 1
RR lmin .........................................: 0
RR nele [no. electrons in subshell (nmin,lmin)] .: 1
RR nmax .........................................: 128
RR enhancement factor ...........................: 2.5
RR alpha in cm^3 s^-1 ...........................: 8.04602e-08
beam lifetime due to multiple scattering in s ...: 1.86e+06
beam lifetime due to single scattering in s .....: 7.51886e+07
beam lifetime due to charge capture in s ........: 3.5516e+06
beam lifetime due to stripping in s .............: 1e+99
beam lifetime due to recombination in cooler in s: 148.466
beam lifetime with electron cooling in s ........: 148.46
beam lifetime without electron cooling in s .....: 1.20121e+06
detector count rates for 1E6 stored ions and a residual gas pressure of 3e-11 mbar:
recombination detector from ecool (Hz) ....: 4575.41
recombination detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 0.0545666
total rate on recombination detector (Hz) ....: 4575.46
ionization detector from res.gas (Hz) ....: 1.93798e-94 |
Thu Jun 13 14:41:22 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Analysis, Lifetime of beam during June 13 9:00~11:00
Thu Jun 13 14:35:27 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Analysis, Lifetime of beam during June 13 7:00~9:00
Thu Jun 13 14:20:36 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Analysis, Lifetime of beam during June 13 4:30:7:00
Thu Jun 13 13:29:47 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Analysis, Lifetime of beam during June 12 22:00- June 13 0:00
Thu Jun 13 12:37:14 2024, Ruijiu Chen, David, Analysis, Lifetime of beam in center of mass is 193 s.
Thu Jun 13 12:05:31 2024, Konstantin, Peter, Jonas, Accelerator, RF-amplitude
To realize the shortest bunches possible, we check the bunch length as a function of two different bunching amplitudes. With the bucket fill set to 1.0 we observe the spectra compiled in attachment 1. The second attachment is recorded with a bucket fill 0f 0.2.
For an RF amplitude of 0.2 we do not observe bunches any more but a coasting beam. In the shottky spectrum we can resolve a shift of the signal and thereby adjust the electron cooler voltage to the bunching frequency to within 1 V.
U_e-cooler = -104410 V
I_e-cooler = 80 mA |
Thu Jun 13 10:42:02 2024, Danyal, General, Question
What is the ion beam lifetime, according to the DCCT and Schottky?
Can somebody measure it, please?
Yesterday we could not see a fast drop in the "main" beam.
Because the lifetime that is mentioned here is the one based on the particle detector and on the PMT countrate.
If what is seen now is "only" some fast decaying component inside the beam, we could simply wait for its decay and then continue with the real measurement. |
Thu Jun 13 10:32:29 2024, Konstantin, Accelerator, (Proper) Cooler settings
We change the acceleration voltage of the electron cooler and observe the platform high voltage and the count rate at the particle detector south.
Cooler current at 100mA.
set voltage | measured voltage | Schottky width |
-40 | | |
80 | | |
-40 | | |
100 | | |
120 | | |
-40 | | |
-60 | | |
-80 | | |
-100 | | |
-120 | | |
-38 | | |
-40 | | |
-42 | | |
-44 | | |
-46 | | |
-48 | | |
-40 | | |
-38 | | |
-36 | | |
-34 | |
with scraper driven in (first signal drop in attachment 2):
set voltage | measured voltage | Schottky width |
-40 | | |
-38 | | |
-36 | | |
-34 | | |
-32 | | |
-30 | | |
-20 | | 25kHz |
-10 | | 48kHz |
-0 | | 63kHz |
-40 | | |
-42 | | |
-44 | | |
-46 | | |
-56 | | 7kHz |
-66 | | 19kHz |
-76 | | 40kHz
5kHz Shottky width at proper cooling conditions.
Modified bunching HF in beam process 7 and 10 in Paramodi folder "Ring HF" to get coasting beam conditions.
Afterwards manipilated the electron current from 100mA to 200mA to 50mA in BP8. |