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  Bound beta decay experiment on Tl-205, Page 6 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Text Attachments
  104   Mon Mar 30 23:30:35 2020 JanAnalysisrun251 - Si-pad performance & statusAttached are plots for Si-pad 2 with hits
from ionization of 206Pb81+ at the target.
The plots are representative for all Si-pads,
  105   Tue Mar 31 00:47:18 2020 YuriRunsS2 slits 0/+35 mm, target bump +13 mmRun start: 0276.lmd   
  106   Tue Mar 31 15:30:43 2020 ruijiuAnalysisThe beam position on DSSD with different conditions on on the dEE spectrumI analyzed the first measurement with 206Pb81+
beam, run 250-267. 
  107   Tue Mar 31 20:32:05 2020 RaganGeneral203Tl80+ 200Hg79+ 205Tl81+Below in the schottky spectrum, on left is
203Tl80+ contamination, in middel is 200Hg79+
contamination and on right most is 205Tl81+.
  108   Tue Mar 31 20:50:05 2020 RaganGeneral200Hg79+ 205Tl81+203Tl80+ impurity is removed by moving scrapper
inside ESR.
Only 220Hg79+ is left now
  109   Tue Mar 31 21:07:05 2020 RaganGeneralSeparation of 203Tl80+ and 200Hg79+ using scrapper in ESRIt can be seen in the video how 203Tl80+ (on
extreme left) and then 200Hg79+ (in middle
originally) is separted from 205Tl81+ by
  110   Tue Mar 31 23:31:41 2020 ShahabRunsalpha_p calibrationVc = 212849.9349
Ic = 0.2
  111   Wed Apr 1 01:02:24 2020 ruijiuDetectorsthe detector cable is disconnected.    
  112   Wed Apr 1 01:05:36 2020 ruijiuDetectorsdetector position fixed at 60 mmThe detector cable was disconnected . We entered
and reconnected the cable.
  113   Thu Apr 2 02:36:48 2020 RaganGeneralStochastic cooling and orbit problemOn 1 April by 5 pm, we could stop the stochastic
cooling after the stacking process and also
change the orbit of the Tl beam to centre.
  114   Thu Apr 2 02:38:32 2020 Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Esther, OliverRunsFirst measurement with zero storage timebeam: 205Tl81+ (with no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: zero
  115   Thu Apr 2 02:46:57 2020 Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, Esther, OliverRunsMeasurement with 2 hrs storage time

  116   Thu Apr 2 05:00:44 2020 Ragan, Esther, OliverRunsSecond measurement with 2 hrs storage timeElectron cooler was off here. Thus, this measurement
is not what we needed.
(in the picture below, it can be seen that
  117   Thu Apr 2 06:25:13 2020 RaganRunsTemplatebeam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: ___ hrs
  118   Thu Apr 2 07:01:32 2020 Ragan, Esther, OliverRunsMeasurement with 4 hrs storage timebeam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 4 hrs
  119   Thu Apr 2 09:21:19 2020 RuijiuRuns2nd measurement with 2 hrs storage time (repeat)Because the electron cooler was not switched
on during beam accumulation in the previous
measurement, we repeat this measurement again.
  120   Thu Apr 2 12:52:25 2020 ruijiuGeneralsetup FRS with 2 g/cm2 degrader.Yuri sets up FRS with 2 g/cm2 degrader (previous
one is 1 g/cm2). The ESR is not changed.
The contamination should be less now.
  121   Thu Apr 2 15:24:15 2020 RaganGeneralHow to know whether electron cooling is workingFor Alle and Kuehler the bottom left status
should look like as shown in pictures below.
  122   Thu Apr 2 21:03:40 2020 Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, NikosRunsZero hour measurement (S2:-10/35 mm)beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping, Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: zero hrs
  123   Thu Apr 2 21:10:57 2020 Ragan, Yuri, Sergey, NikosRunsOne hour measurement (S2:-10/35 mm)beam: 205Tl81+ (no scraping, Al ~1g/cm2)
energy: 400 MeV/u
storage time: 1 hrs
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