E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 15 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri Mar 20 19:37:43 2020, Jan, Calibration, Xray energies - rough 1. calibration ,  
-- E calibration seems to have changed! ---

This calibration is based on the source data taken before the experiment:

Xray1: E [keV] = ch*0.01582-1.963
Xray2: E [keV] = ch*0.01799-1.803
Xray3: E [keV] = ch*0.01941-2.618
Entry  Sun Apr 5 20:34:42 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, Xray energies - 1. calibration,  8x
30angle:  E[keV] = 0.0158507 *ch-2.07456
90angle:  E[keV] = 0.01950*ch-2.76
145angle: E[keV] = 0.017988  *ch-1.809

I could identify 2 peaks in the 241Am spectra and 4 peaks in the 133Ba. These peaks are fitted with a gaussian to get their position --> linear energy calibration for the combined (Am+Ba) data sets for each detector. The function I used: E(ch) [keV] = m*ch+b
Entry  Sat May 22 21:33:22 2021, Laszlo, Detectors, Xray detectors are filled at 90 and 35, 2021 
Entry  Sat Mar 21 01:25:07 2020, Laszlo, General, Vacuum while moving in the detector for fragment measurement,  DSSSD_moving_vacuum_change1.JPG
Stayed below E-10
Top after moving: 4.144E-11
Entry  Fri Mar 20 23:43:26 2020, Laszlo, General, Vacuum while moving in the detector at yesterday evening,  DSSSD_moving_vacuum_change.JPGIMG_20200320_021131.jpg
Vacuum before DSSSD movement: 1.5844E-11
Top value after movement: 3.64378E-11

This oscillating effect is due to magnets?
Entry  Sun Mar 22 12:01:44 2020, Esther, Ragan, General, Vacuum problem with SIS,  
There is some problem with the vacuum in SIS and thus data recording is stopped.
Entry  Thu May 20 18:13:55 2021, Laszlo, General, Vacuum change while Si movement, 2021 IMG_20210520_174632.jpg
The vacuum remained in the E-10 range after moving the dsssd. The oscillation in the vacuum.values are due to the 
magnets ramping up and down
Entry  Wed Oct 23 14:51:43 2019, Jan, Laszlo, DAQ, VME modules & main.cfg,  main.cfg
Here is the current list of VME modules in our DRASI daq including HW addresses:

Slot <module> [HW addr.]

1 <RIO4>
2 <Vulom4b> [0500]
3 <ENV3>
5 <scaler V830> [00E1]
7 <scaler V830> [00E2]
15 <TDC V775> [00C1]
17 <TDC V775> [00C2]
19 <MADC> [00A1]
21 <MADC> [00A2]

See also main.cfg attached
Entry  Thu Jun 24 09:43:01 2021, Jan Glorius, DAQ, Unpacker, 2021 
The unpacker used for the production runs of E127b is located at 

It is also aliased for litv-exp user as: E127_unpack

This is for the data structure as documented here:

As of now, this is compiled for ROOT v6-18-04 located here:
Entry  Wed Apr 28 09:12:47 2021, Jan, Yuri, Detectors, UI-diagram, 2021 UI_meas_curve.pdf
The UI-curve of the detector
10 0.11
20 0.13
30 0.15
40 0.17
50 0.19
60 0.21
70 0.22
80 0.23
90 0.25
100 0.27
110 0.29
120 0.31
130 0.33
140 0.35
150 0.37
Entry  Tue May 25 15:56:48 2021, Robert/Shahab, Accelerator, Trafo, 2021 
Trafo was set to 0
Entry  Thu May 20 18:11:24 2021, Laszlo, General, Touching the beam with Dsssd - current change, 2021 IMG_20210520_180857.jpg
Entry  Mon Jul 8 14:57:07 2019, Yuanming Xing, Detectors, The measurement of the tilting angle,  TiltingAngle.png
As shown in the figure, the detector is tilted by a certain angle which is about 45 degree. 
The tilted angle is defined as angle B.
We measured angle A using the vertical laser line (red) and papers with a straight line edge. So we can marked
the line denoted by the laser line when the paper is put on the holder.
In the beginning, the angle A is measured as 43.3±0.5 degree. So angle B= 46.7±0.5 degree
After the adjustment of the detector (to make it in the center of the chamber), the angle A is measured as
43.1±0.5 degree with another paper.  So angle B= 46.9±0.5 degree. 
Entry  Fri Oct 23 12:58:12 2020, Jan, Detectors, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 Si2_run001.jpgSi2_run002.jpg
This is the documentation of the source tests with the 2nd micron DSSSD of 2nd generation (label 3288-17, thickness 529um)

The detector is put into vacuum (~5e-6 mbar) in our test chamber. The source is positioned a few cm above (see fotos).
The Bayard-Alpert Sensor in the chamber has to be deactivated, otherwise the light emission will increase the noise on the DSSSD strongly and reduce its performance.

Additionally the current and voltage from the CAEN HV is monitored with the vulom scalers: ch.13(Icool) = current; ch.14(Ucool) = voltage. 

Source: mixes alpha [239Pu, 241Am, 244Cm]

File directory: lxg1275:/data.local3/test_data_2020/
QuickTest files: si2_test_mixed_source[X].root
lmd files:  Si2_run[XXX].lmd

DAQ Settings:
MADC gate   : 0 delay, 5000ns width
MSCF shaping: 2 us 
trlo config : e127.trlo (trigger=1/tpat=1 for Si, trigger=11 for vulom_scaler)

LMD runs:
Start: Fri 23.10.2020 16:19
Stop:  Mon 26.10.2020  8:36

File-Size: 20GB
Events:   ~53M
source roughly centered
CAEN HV scalers not connected

Start: Tue 27.10.2020 16:01
Stop:  Wed 28.10.2020 13:26

File-Size: 12GB
Events:   ~32M
source in one corner (x1, y1, see foto)
scalers should be connected now
current monitor range set to LOW
@start det_current=140nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=143nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Wed 28.10.2020 13:30
Stop:  Wed 28.10.2020 13:31

ramping of det. voltage for scaler/U-F-Converter test
source in one corner (see foto)
scalers should be connected now
current monitor range set to LOW
@start det_current=140nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 12:50
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 

source in one corner (x16, y16, see foto)
@start det_current=138nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 14:57
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 15:11

source in one corner (x1, y16, see foto)
@start det_current=144nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 15:24
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 

source in one corner (x1, y16, see foto)
Si_X & Si_Y cabling to MADC_0 and TDC_0 exchanged to get right order of channels/orientation
@start det_current=144nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V
    Reply  Fri Nov 20 15:53:37 2020, Jan, Analysis, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 quick_si_plots.ce127.hSi2_run001.ana.rootSi2_run002.ana.root
Here is the analysis of the test runs with the 2nd DSSD (gen2) using the quick_si_plots.c script attached.

All 32 Si channels are working with acceptable performance. 

In run001, there are some additional low energy peaks in nearly all x-strips, which I do not understand yet. They are around 3 MeV and are not visible in the y-strips. It doesn't look like an electronic problem, because there are at least 4 
peaks, so not a low amplitude copy of the 3 major alpha peaks between 5 - 5.8 MeV.

However, in run002, the peaks have mostly disappeared, only in x6,x7,x8,x9 is a broad structure at somewhat similar energy... maybe this has to do with the small incident angle of the alphas?

Another run to confirm and double check this would be nice.
Entry  Wed Jun 2 09:14:04 2021, Jan, General, Telegram Chat Export, 2021 E127_TelegramChat.pdfE127_TelegramChat_json.zip
Attached is the exported Telegram chat.
There is the simple PDF and the zip-file containing the chat in json-format as well as all media files.
Entry  Sun Mar 22 01:36:14 2020, Pierre-Michel, Analysis, Target overlap,  10x
Here are the data file for the rates of the recoil detector for different values of the target bump. The average rate over background is proportional to the target overlap. 

The MCP was operated at a voltage of 2500 V, where it sees mostly photons, so not really recoil ions.

Column "X" is time in seconds, Column "Content" is rate in Hz.
Entry  Fri Mar 20 22:51:36 2020, Laszlo, General, Target on signal change,  IMG_20200320_223918.jpgIMG_20200320_224306.jpgIMG_20200320_224614.jpg
From the previous settings:
  mashine number 11
  Event number 55
  Machine number 13
  Event number 55

The new settings for our daq:
  Machine number 12
  Event nr. 32
  Machine njmber 13
 Event number 55
Entry  Sat Mar 21 10:20:27 2020, Ragan, Alex, General, Target LN2,  
The LN2 Dewar on the ESR roof has been refilled.
Entry  Fri Mar 20 01:11:58 2020, Laszlo, General, Target - beam jntersection,  IMG_20200320_011008.jpg
We have managed to find the target position with the beam by looking at the xray spectra. The trick was that at 10mev we 
only have a low increase in the xray rates, so.we went for 400Mev/u where the rate change was dramatic (see in the 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b