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Entry  Fri Oct 23 12:58:12 2020, Jan, Detectors, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 Si2_run001.jpgSi2_run002.jpg
This is the documentation of the source tests with the 2nd micron DSSSD of 2nd generation (label 3288-17, thickness 529um)

The detector is put into vacuum (~5e-6 mbar) in our test chamber. The source is positioned a few cm above (see fotos).
The Bayard-Alpert Sensor in the chamber has to be deactivated, otherwise the light emission will increase the noise on the DSSSD strongly and reduce its performance.

Additionally the current and voltage from the CAEN HV is monitored with the vulom scalers: ch.13(Icool) = current; ch.14(Ucool) = voltage. 

Source: mixes alpha [239Pu, 241Am, 244Cm]

File directory: lxg1275:/data.local3/test_data_2020/
QuickTest files: si2_test_mixed_source[X].root
lmd files:  Si2_run[XXX].lmd

DAQ Settings:
MADC gate   : 0 delay, 5000ns width
MSCF shaping: 2 us 
trlo config : e127.trlo (trigger=1/tpat=1 for Si, trigger=11 for vulom_scaler)

LMD runs:
Start: Fri 23.10.2020 16:19
Stop:  Mon 26.10.2020  8:36

File-Size: 20GB
Events:   ~53M
source roughly centered
CAEN HV scalers not connected

Start: Tue 27.10.2020 16:01
Stop:  Wed 28.10.2020 13:26

File-Size: 12GB
Events:   ~32M
source in one corner (x1, y1, see foto)
scalers should be connected now
current monitor range set to LOW
@start det_current=140nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=143nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Wed 28.10.2020 13:30
Stop:  Wed 28.10.2020 13:31

ramping of det. voltage for scaler/U-F-Converter test
source in one corner (see foto)
scalers should be connected now
current monitor range set to LOW
@start det_current=140nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 12:50
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 

source in one corner (x16, y16, see foto)
@start det_current=138nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 14:57
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 15:11

source in one corner (x1, y16, see foto)
@start det_current=144nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V

Start: Tue 24.11.2020 15:24
Stop:  Tue 24.11.2020 

source in one corner (x1, y16, see foto)
Si_X & Si_Y cabling to MADC_0 and TDC_0 exchanged to get right order of channels/orientation
@start det_current=144nA det_voltage=90V
@end det_current=nA det_voltage=90V
    Reply  Fri Nov 20 15:53:37 2020, Jan, Analysis, Test of 2nd DSSSD (gen2), 2021 quick_si_plots.ce127.hSi2_run001.ana.rootSi2_run002.ana.root
Here is the analysis of the test runs with the 2nd DSSD (gen2) using the quick_si_plots.c script attached.

All 32 Si channels are working with acceptable performance. 

In run001, there are some additional low energy peaks in nearly all x-strips, which I do not understand yet. They are around 3 MeV and are not visible in the y-strips. It doesn't look like an electronic problem, because there are at least 4 
peaks, so not a low amplitude copy of the 3 major alpha peaks between 5 - 5.8 MeV.

However, in run002, the peaks have mostly disappeared, only in x6,x7,x8,x9 is a broad structure at somewhat similar energy... maybe this has to do with the small incident angle of the alphas?

Another run to confirm and double check this would be nice.
Entry  Tue Nov 24 15:35:49 2020, Jan, Calibration, DSSD X/Y channel mapping, 2021 
During the detector test test measurements with alpha source the allocation of the 16 X- and 16 Y-channels has been checked.

For the following final allocation, it is always assumed that the (horizontal) y-strips are placed to face the beam directly, while the (vertical) x-strips are on the backside.

Now, all cables from the preamp to the ADC/TDCs are either labeled BLACK (= X-strips, pos. signals) or labeled RED (= Y-strips, neg. signals). These red or black connections should be kept consistently in order to ensure a well known orientation of the DSSD during the experiment. The test run Si2_run006.lmd was taken with this final assignment and serves as reference.

BLACK LABEL > X1 to X16 > pos. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 0-15 > 50 Ohm resistor at preamps HV-input
RED LABEL > Y1 to Y16 > neg. MSCF > ADC/TDC ch 16-31 > neg. bias voltage at preamps HV-input

Additionally, the RED label indicates the section on the preamp to which negative bias voltage should be applied.
Entry  Tue Feb 2 13:59:00 2021, Jan, Detectors, DSSD installation and alignment, 2021 
The DSSD has been exchanged and aligned in 
November 2020. After bakeout at 140°C 
(externally, 120°C at internal temp. Sensor) 
for more than a week, the vacuum in the setup 
is roughly 4.5e-10 mbar.

After the bakeout the detector had to be 
realigned, it was lower by 1-2 mm. Using the 
line laser the realignment was done by 
touching only the screws on the far part of 
the base of the flange. These screws have been 
thightend by about a 1/4 turn after releasing 
the headless positioning screw accordingly.
Entry  Wed Mar 31 13:52:04 2021, Jan, Detectors, BaF Na22 Testing, 2021 
On 30. and 31.03.2021 we did some testing with the 6 BaF detectors.

Trigger & threshold:
With a threshold at ~250 keV, each detector has an trigger rate of about 0.5kHz due to internal activity.

Energy spectra
All detectors showed the Na22 lines (511 + 1275 keV) and also the lines from internal activity.
The energy resolution was on the order of 8.5 - 11 keV, depending on the detector.

Time spectra
Raw TDC spectra showed self-stop peak.
TDC diff spectra (between detectors) show one main (sharp) correlation peak about 8ns = 30ch*0.293ns/ch off the zero. 
At very low intensity a time structure around this peak is visible in a region of 120ns around the main peak. This is not understood, the energy spectra look similar for all these time regions (above/on/below the main peak).
Additionally, the coincidence E-specta between detector 1 and 2 (gating on the main time peak), nicely showed only the 511 keV line from Na22 and some gras.

Overnight test run:
Det. 1, 2, 3, 4 with the Na22 source


Gain matched HV settings: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E127/289

Issues to solve:
- 2 missing HV channels
- Go4 Analysis not stable
- trigger not on Baf but on Si
Entry  Wed Mar 31 13:57:27 2021, Jan, Detectors, BaF HV settings, 2021 
The setting below is a start value for final gain matching with a full ADC range of 12MeV:

Det.Nr. ADC/TDC ch HV MSCF Gain
1 20 2400V 6
2 21 1780V 6
3 22 2350V 6
4 23 2130V 6
5 24 2050V 6
6 25 1780V 6
Entry  Wed Apr 14 09:42:50 2021, Jan, Detectors, BaF HV gain matching, 2021 BaF_Na22_gain_match_v1.pngbaf_gain_match_v1.dat
The preliminary gain matching settings for a full ADC range of ~12MeV:

Det.Nr. ADC/TDC ch HV I comment
1 20 2400V 390uA CAEN HV ch0
2 21 1763V 287uA CAEN HV ch1
3 22 2340V 380uA CAEN HV ch2
4 23 2175V 354uA CAEN HV ch3
5 24 2017.5V ? emetron HV
6 25 1780V ? not yet biased

Attached is a 22Na-spectrum taken with detectors 1 - 5.
The used MSCF settings are also attached.

Detector 6 does not yet have a HV channel available.
Entry  Thu Apr 22 10:56:20 2021, Jan, Detectors, target-chamber det. distances, 2021 E127_xray_distances.jpg
This is the lookup table for the distance of each x-ray detector to the target.
See attached foto for explanation.

It is the same values as in 2020: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E127/36

Detector A (dA) [mm] B (dB) [mm] C (dC) [mm] calculate result [mm]
35° 136.0 (1.0) 20.0 (0.2) 450.0 (0.5) C + B - A 334.0 (?)
90° 76.0 (0.5) 20.0 (0.2) 447.0/2 = 223.5 (1.0) C + B - A 167.5 (?)
145° 165.0 (1.0) 20.0 (0.2) 450.0 (0.5) C + B - A 305.0 (?)

Errors are estimated after measurement, final errorbars have to be double checked!
Entry  Wed Apr 28 09:12:47 2021, Jan, Yuri, Detectors, UI-diagram, 2021 UI_meas_curve.pdf
The UI-curve of the detector
10 0.11
20 0.13
30 0.15
40 0.17
50 0.19
60 0.21
70 0.22
80 0.23
90 0.25
100 0.27
110 0.29
120 0.31
130 0.33
140 0.35
150 0.37
Entry  Thu Apr 29 20:32:52 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, calibration sources, 2021 
We use the following list of sources for calibration of the Xray detectors:

- 210Pb [40.1 kBq (4%), 01.10.2020 12:00 UTC] SpecSheet

- 241Am_low [40.5 kBq (3%), 01.10.2020 12:00 UTC] SpecSheet

- 241Am_high [389 kBq (3%), 01.10.2020 12:00 UTC] SpecSheet

- 133Ba_low [40.8 kBq (3%), 01.10.2020 12:00 UTC] SpecSheet

- 133Ba_high [404 kBq (3%), 01.10.2020 12:00 UTC] SpecSheet
Entry  Thu Apr 29 20:34:09 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0003 - Xray90 calib Pb210 d=167.5mm, 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 20:39:54 - 29.04.2021
Stop time:  08:43:58 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0003.lmd
avrg. rate: 70Hz
dead-time:  1%

Rate spikes every ~2-3 sec. Need to be checked!
Entry  Fri Apr 30 09:27:27 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0004 - Xray90 calib Pb210 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 9:26:58 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  9:33:22 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0004.lmd
avrg. rate: 50Hz
dead-time:  1%

Still rate peaks, further investigations.
Entry  Fri Apr 30 09:57:57 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0005 - Xray90 calib Pb210 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 9:58:00 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  10:01:09 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0005.lmd
avrg. rate: 50Hz
dead-time:  1%

Still rate peaks, probably the ESR kicker or some other external influence. 
So we have double triggers occasionally. This might slightly affect deadtime determination.
Entry  Fri Apr 30 10:55:34 2021, Jan Glorius, DAQ, Xray multi-triggers - blocking gate, 2021 
From the CFD of Xray1 (90deg) we get multiple trigger signals every ~5sec for unknown reasons. 
No hint from the preamp signals.

The solution now is to have an extended blocking gate active in the trlo-config of node 2.
There is now a trigger_stretch of 2500ns for all Xray triggers:

trig_stretch(1)  = 2500ns;
trig_stretch(2)  = 2500ns;
trig_stretch(3)  = 2500ns;

This prevents the multiple triggers to reach the lmu (before_dt scalers)
However, this will also lead to a very small loss of good signal triggers that overlay within 2.5 us.

This has to be taken into account for deadtime determination.
Entry  Fri Apr 30 11:04:31 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0006 - Xray90 calib Pb210 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 11:04:03 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  11:53:59 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0006.lmd
avrg. rate: 50Hz
dead-time:  1%

Now with blocking gate to get rid of multiple triggers.
Dead time determination using: adt/bdt

Threshold at ~20keV

Last seconds of run may not be usable: DAQ node2 has been deactivated shortly by mistake.
Entry  Fri Apr 30 13:07:23 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0008 - Xray90 calib Pb210 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 210Pb
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:08:35 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  13:49:56 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0008.lmd
avrg. rate: 60Hz
dead-time:  1%

Now with blocking gate to get rid of multiple triggers.
Dead time determination using: adt/bdt

Threshold at ~10keV

We have some external noise on the signal. 
Entry  Fri Apr 30 13:10:44 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0007 - crap, 2021 
crap run
Entry  Fri Apr 30 13:56:59 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0009 - Xray90 calib Am241 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 241Am_high
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 13:56:33 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  14:28:53 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0009.lmd
avrg. rate: 600Hz
dead-time:  4%

Now with blocking gate to get rid of multiple triggers.
Dead time determination using: adt/bdt

Threshold at ~10keV

We have some external noise on the signal. 
Entry  Fri Apr 30 14:35:11 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0010 - Xray90 calib Ba133 d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 133Ba_high
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 14:34:51 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  14:45:42 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0010.lmd
avrg. rate: 2600 Hz
dead-time:  16%

Now with blocking gate to get rid of multiple triggers.
Dead time determination using: adt/bdt

Threshold at ~10keV

We have some external noise on the signal. 
Entry  Fri Apr 30 14:48:01 2021, Jan Glorius, Calibration, run0011 - Xray90 calib Ba133_low d=167.5mm , 2021 
Efficiency calibration in the lab

Detector: GEM1800 - 90 deg
Source: 133Ba_low
Distance: 167.5mm
Start time: 14:47:40 - 30.04.2021
Stop time:  15:50:12 - 30.04.2021

file name: e127b_run0011.lmd
avrg. rate: 310 Hz
dead-time:  3%

Now with blocking gate to get rid of multiple triggers.
Dead time determination using: adt/bdt

Threshold at ~10keV

We have some external noise on the signal. 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b