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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 23 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:44:16 2020, Pierre-Michel, Detectors, Recoil detector,  Recoil.pdf
We turn on Recoil detector, to use it as a monitor for target overlap.

MCP front -2500 V for highest signal rate. 
(Used to be -2250 V during previous beam time.)

DAQ triggered with 1 kHz clock in 2nd trigger input.
(2nd trigger used to be x-rays in previous beam time.)

The picture shows the increase of the Recoil rate when increasing the voltage from 2250 V to 2500 V in steps of 50 V. The last shot was taken without beam, so just target on.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:37:53 2020, Laszlo, , MCP can monitor target,  
now with the MCP we can see clearly the effect of the target :) (scintillation?)
so we want to scan through the target thickness with the beam and choose the best position afterwards.

We are making 3shoots for each bumb position (we change the bumb to make the intersection between beam and target) starting at ~14:

the data will be saved at the lxg1299 data.local2/hillenbrand/Laszlo folder
Entry  Sat Mar 21 13:24:10 2020, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run063,  
open file : run063

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON, we had to stop becasue Ulli was noticing some strange effects with the target density. He needs now time to optimize that.

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 15:04 , first file: run063_0001.lmd
run stop  at 15:04:21 , last file:  run063_0xxx.lmd


time: 15:04 pm.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   25 Hz
Xray_145:  30 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.10 uA

SIS particles before:           ~2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.52e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:42:21 2020, Ragan, General, Entry to ESR for MCP detector,  
Pierre Michel and Laszlo go inside the ESR for switching on the MCP detector so that the photons from the gas jet and secondary beam interaction can be seen.

Close file: run061
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:32:00 2020, Laszlo, General, Estimated target thickness,  
Target thickness must be like 5mm (was measured with a moving thin wire)
The beam thickness is small because of the low intensity
Maybe we hit the target a bit offset --> less rate?

We might have the option to increase the target 1magnitude more, but this might not help because we can kill the beam 
with this.

I have the impression we just simply have less number of stored ions like 10^4 or evem less...

Yury: "we are unsure about the settings and desperately seek for any means of additional diagnostics"
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:30:30 2020, Ragan, Runs, run entry - run061,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 12:00 , first file: run061_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 12:30 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:    1 Hz
Xray_90:   23 Hz
Xray_145:  16 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.12 uA

SIS particles before:           2.5e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.03e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.76e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:06:50 2020, Laszlo, General, run61 - SCRAPER moved out,  
we want to see any change on the Silicon count rate, because we will have now also Rutherford scattering. 
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:02:57 2020, Ragan, Laszlo, General, run entry - run061,  
12:02 pm - scapper is taken out completely 
open file : runstart061
Entry  Sat Mar 21 12:00:27 2020, Ragan, Alex, Runs, run entry - run060,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 11:30 , first file: run060_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run060_0xxx.lmd


time: 12:00 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:    4 Hz
Xray_90:   28 Hz
Xray_145:  77 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.04 uA

SIS particles before:           3.1e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.08e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.74e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:32:46 2020, Ragan, Alex, Runs, run entry - run060,  
Open file: runstart060

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 11:30 , first file: run060_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 11:30 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:    4 Hz
Xray_90:   30 Hz
Xray_145:  21 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.04 uA

SIS particles before:           3.1e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.08e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.54e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:30:04 2020, Laszlo, General, MWPC movement,  MWPC_movement.png
now we try to move the capture detector (MWPC in the 1. dipol before our Si setup) inside the ring while the DAQ was ON

we tried to move it as close as possible to the beam

On the picture below you can see that we had some increased current while moving the MWPC --> scattering from the beam while scraping it
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:25:47 2020, Laszlo, , possible misalignement between target and fragment beam,  Te_measurement_after_first_night.png
after 9hours of measurement we see only 19 counts on our targetON silicon detector histo. this low count rate can indicate two scenarios:
-we have a mismatch between the beam and the target (not much if any overlap)
-mabye the very low intersity of the beam (we cannot really monitor this, there are only estimates...)

Which tells us that we dont intersect with the target, that on the Xray spectras we dont see any peaks at 90 and 145 angles. There are two peaks in 35 angle, but they are maybe only from Pb conversion 75keV, etc...
Entry  Sat Mar 21 11:04:47 2020, Ragan, Alex, Laszlo, Runs, run entry - run059,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 10:30 , first file: run059_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 11:07 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:    2-3 Hz
Xray_90:   29 Hz
Xray_145:  17 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.04 uA

SIS particles before:           2.5e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.3e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.34e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 10:28:23 2020, Ragan, Alex, Runs, run entry - run059,  
Open file: runstart059

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 10:30 , first file: run059_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 10:30 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   0 Hz
Xray_90:   40 Hz
Xray_145:  15 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.00 uA

SIS particles before:           3.2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.3e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.59e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 10:20:27 2020, Ragan, Alex, General, Target LN2,  
The LN2 Dewar on the ESR roof has been refilled.
Entry  Sat Mar 21 10:00:19 2020, Ragan, Alex, Runs, run entry - run058,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 09:30 , first file: run058_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 10:00 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   1 Hz
Xray_90:   32 Hz
Xray_145:  19 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.03 uA

SIS particles before:           3.2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.1e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.716e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 09:30:32 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Alex, Runs, run entry - run058,  
Open file: runstart058

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 9:00 , first file: run058_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 9:30 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   0 Hz
Xray_90:   49 Hz
Xray_145:  19 Hz
BaF_OR:     Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.03 uA

SIS particles before:           3e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.1e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.56e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 09:00:29 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run057,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 08:30 , first file: run057_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 9:00 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   0 Hz
Xray_90:   46 Hz
Xray_145:  35 Hz
BaF_OR:    15Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.03 uA

SIS particles before:           3.4e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.3e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.5e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 08:31:27 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run057,  
Open file: runstart057

beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 8:30 , first file: run057_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 8:30 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   12 Hz
Xray_90:   83 Hz
Xray_145:  70 Hz
BaF_OR:    - Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.04 uA

SIS particles before:           3.2e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.3e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.53e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Sat Mar 21 08:01:03 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run056,  
beam: 118Te52+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -24 mm

run start at 07:30 , first file: run056_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 8:00 am.

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:      0 Hz
Xray_35:   0 Hz
Xray_90:   38 Hz
Xray_145:  23 Hz
BaF_OR:    - Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.02 uA

SIS particles before:           3.3e9
ESR particles at injection:     estimated ~1.02e6
ESR particles after decel.:     
Target ON density:              1.7e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b