E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 25 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Fri Mar 20 22:51:36 2020, Laszlo, General, Target on signal change,  IMG_20200320_223918.jpgIMG_20200320_224306.jpgIMG_20200320_224614.jpg
From the previous settings:
  mashine number 11
  Event number 55
  Machine number 13
  Event number 55

The new settings for our daq:
  Machine number 12
  Event nr. 32
  Machine njmber 13
 Event number 55
Entry  Fri Mar 20 22:26:42 2020, Jan, Detectors, BaF2 deactivated,  
BaF2 detectors are deactivated nor for the following runs.
Entry  Fri Mar 20 19:37:43 2020, Jan, Calibration, Xray energies - rough 1. calibration ,  
-- E calibration seems to have changed! ---

This calibration is based on the source data taken before the experiment:

Xray1: E [keV] = ch*0.01582-1.963
Xray2: E [keV] = ch*0.01799-1.803
Xray3: E [keV] = ch*0.01941-2.618
Entry  Fri Mar 20 16:58:02 2020, Jan, DAQ, Xray2 & Xray3 cabling,  
We found that Xray2 and Xray3 the cabling is not consistent:

90 degree detector 
> E_Xray2 for energy
> t_Xray3 for times

145 degree detector
> E_Xray3 for energy
> t_Xray2 for timing

35 degree detector
> E_Xray1
> t_Xray1

We can run like this, but should be aware of it!
Entry  Fri Mar 20 16:54:53 2020, Jan, DAQ, BaF OFF downscaled red=32,  
I introduced a downscaling by a factor of 2^5=32 for the BaF2 during target OFF.
The reason is, that we get a lot reasonable x-ray counts (K-alpha, K-REC) outside target ON phase.
So i want to minimize our deadtime during target OFF, to be able to use the data efficiently if needed.
BaF2 is not really needed in target OFF.
Entry  Fri Mar 20 16:48:00 2020, Laszlo, General, flipped Si shaper output in x and y,  
Yesterday evening we have found out that the energy signals from the silicon are negative --> wrong polarity of the shapers was chosen while using the jumpers.
Cables coming from the preamp are switched now. --> in the recorded data the X and Y coordinates of the Si strip detector is the other way around!
Hopefully, the left and right side we can judge well...
Entry  Fri Mar 20 13:21:33 2020, Jan, Laszlo, Analysis, 124Xe data of first night,  90_deg.png35_deg.png145_deg.pngimage3063.pngimage4019.png
The unpacked data of all runs from the first night (46-50) is located at

By taking a very quick look at the Silicon xy position histo, one can identify (please not the number of counts) clusters of hits. The x=0 and x=1 strips sees the forward scattering Rutherford particles, which remained even after scraping at 3.5cm away from the beam. This idea is supported by the simulations. Backscattered Rutherford components cannot be identified simply because of their low count rate (the exact rate should be double check). The second cluster in the middle of the detector must be our pg peak. For x>=7 strip we see the pn channel. It overlaps with the pg peak both in the position and in the energy. The energy vs Xstrip histo is NOT gainmatched, yet. Hard to make statements, but so far it seem to support the conclusions based on the position histo. The energies seem to corrsepond to the simulation: forward Rutherford, pg at same level; pn is a bit below ( ~.8% energy separation of the centers). The separation in the enregy for the backscattered Rutherford should be in the range of 2%.
Entry  Fri Mar 20 11:00:25 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run050,  IMG_20200320_111413.jpg
Yuri and ESR team are optimising 
the deceleration in ESR.
DSSSD detector is taken out at 
10:55 am.

The HV for DSSD is switched off at 
11:10 am as the detector was out 
and the leak current was ~18 uA.
At 11:11 am, the file was closed.
File close: run050 stopped.

update by Laszlo: the increase of the leakage current is due to the fact that we have a vacuum measurement device next to the DSSSD when it is moved out. The phenomena is normal, the DSSSD is hit by electrons (or ions) coming from the vacuum measurement device. 
Entry  Fri Mar 20 10:28:31 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run050,  
Beam is back at 10:27 am.
Open file: runstart050

beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 10:27 , first file: run050_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 10:30

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:  2 Hz
Xray_90:   35 Hz
Xray_145:   27 Hz
BaF_OR:    2441 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  3.98 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.8e7
ESR particles after decel.:     1.3e7
Target ON density:              1.38e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 08:30:52 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run049,  
There is no beam due to water leakage in the transfer channel of SIS.

Stop file: run049 at 8:29 am
Entry  Fri Mar 20 08:01:40 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run049,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 07:31 , first file: run049_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 08:00

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:  2 Hz
Xray_90:   33 Hz
Xray_145:   29 Hz
BaF_OR:    2673 Hz

Si voltage:          60.01 V  
Si leakage current:  4.00 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.7e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5.1e6
Target ON density:              1.5e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 07:30:16 2020, Ragan, RuiJiu, Runs, run entry - run049,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 07:31 , first file: run049_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 07:30

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:  0 Hz
Xray_90:   35 Hz
Xray_145:   23 Hz
BaF_OR:    2483 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.02 uA

SIS particles before:           2.3e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.8e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5.8e6
Target ON density:              1.35e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 07:01:06 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run048,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 06:33 , first file: run048_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 07:00

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:  1 Hz
Xray_90:   39 Hz
Xray_145:   38 Hz
BaF_OR:    2498 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.03 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.8e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5.4e6
Target ON density:              1.57e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 06:34:40 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run048,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 06:33 , first file: run048_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 06:36

ON Rates
Si_X:      0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:   0 Hz
Xray_90:   39 Hz
Xray_145:   16 Hz
BaF_OR:    2590 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  4.0 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.8e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5.2e6
Target ON density:              1.55e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 06:00:26 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run047,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 05:30 , first file: run047_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 06:00

ON Rates
Si_X:      1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:   3 Hz
Xray_90:   33 Hz
Xray_145:   23 Hz
BaF_OR:    2512 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  3.94 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5.3e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5.8e6
Target ON density:              1.97e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 05:32:44 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run047,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 05:30 , first file: run047_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 05:30

ON Rates
Si_X:       0 Hz
Si_Y:       0 Hz
Xray_35:   2 Hz
Xray_90:   27 Hz
Xray_145:   20 Hz
BaF_OR:    2379 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  3.93 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5e7
ESR particles after decel.:     5e6
Target ON density:              1.97e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 05:03:03 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run046,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 04:31 , first file: run046_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 05:00

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:   3 Hz
Xray_90:   28 Hz
Xray_145:   24 Hz
BaF_OR:    2452 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  3.93 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5e7
ESR particles after decel.:     2e6
Target ON density:              1.8e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 04:32:22 2020, Shahab, Runs, run entry - run046,  
beam: 124Xe54+
energy: 10 MeV/u

purpose: data with TARGET ON

Detector position (Si): -25 mm

run start at 04:31 , first file: run046_0001.lmd
run stop  at xx:xx , last file:  run0xx_0xxx.lmd


time: 04:31:44

ON Rates
Si_X:       1 Hz
Si_Y:       1 Hz
Xray_35:   3 Hz
Xray_90:   33 Hz
Xray_145:   23 Hz
BaF_OR:    2463 Hz

Si voltage:          60.02 V  
Si leakage current:  3.93 uA

SIS particles before:           2e9
ESR particles at injection:     5e7
ESR particles after decel.:     2e6
Target ON density:              1.8e13

copy and repeat the above (below the line) every 30 minutes
Entry  Fri Mar 20 04:29:45 2020, Jan, DAQ, DAQ settings for the first night,  e127.trlomain.cfgr3bfuser.cfgsetting.1584673412
Entry  Fri Mar 20 01:36:48 2020, Laszlo, General, 124Xe primary beam at 10Mev TargetON,  
We didmt see any effect on the lifetime if the target is switched on. It is because we use only hydrogen target (but why 
is.it so?)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b