E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028
  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 27 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Sun Mar 22 23:19:23 2020, Michael, General, ESR Vacuum readings,  ESR_Vakuum2020-03-22-2318.PNG
Entry  Mon May 31 10:08:42 2021, Jan, Sophia, Runs, E127b runsheet, 2021 e127b_runsheet.ods
Entry  Mon Mar 23 14:12:54 2020, Ragan, Runs, E127 experiment stops,  
close file : run104 (14:12:44)
E127 experiment finishes on a successful note )) Congratulations to the entire team !!
Entry  Tue May 19 16:48:15 2020, Laszlo, General, E127 beamtime overview,  E127_beamtime_overview.pngE127_beamtime_overview.pdf
Here is a representation how was the time management during E127. The time, what we could spend with measuring the 118Te(pg), was ~20% comparing to the
given 6days.
Entry  Fri Nov 15 10:46:12 2019, Laszlo, Detectors, Detector movement from HKR,  IMG_20191114_135600.jpg
To move the detector remotely from the HKR:
-go to a desktop of a HKR computer
-right click: "App Launcher PRO"
Entry  Sat Mar 21 06:02:22 2020, Tino, Oliver, General, Detector filling,  
Run stopped for detector fillings
Entry  Wed May 26 20:34:50 2021, Ragan, Thanassis, Detectors, Detector filling, 2021 
Jan is filling the detector after run0137.
Entry  Tue Mar 10 08:52:34 2020, Jan, Detectors, DSSSD positioning,  optimum_detector_position_2.jpg
To find a good Si position, we need to follow a procedure similar to this:

1. Si in max-in position
Entry  Sat May 22 16:28:10 2021, Laszlo, General, DSSSD movement, 2021 
The DSSSD is moved back to its measurement position(-25mm).
Entry  Fri Jun 5 14:06:15 2020, Laszlo, Detectors, DSSSD and SCRAPER position estimate for Xe and Te experiments, 2020 SP54120060514100.pdfDSSSD_new1.pdfIMG_20200321_025644.jpg
We don't know the exact absolute positions of the detector (+scraper) and the beam. However, what we have to know is only these two relative positions respect
to each other. To get this distance I use two methods:
1, combining the infos from the set position during the beamtime + the measured pg peak position on the detector. The pg peak position is defined only
Entry  Wed Nov 6 14:13:53 2019, Jan, Laszlo, Detectors, DSSSD - 1st movement - realignment,  
We moved the new detector installation for the first time slowly into the dipole chamber.
The alignement seems to be pefect, no distortion or vertical movement of the detector-arm was observed from the window flange.
Entry  Tue Feb 2 13:59:00 2021, Jan, Detectors, DSSD installation and alignment, 2021 
The DSSD has been exchanged and aligned in 
November 2020. After bakeout at 140°C 
(externally, 120°C at internal temp. Sensor) 
Entry  Tue Nov 24 15:35:49 2020, Jan, Calibration, DSSD X/Y channel mapping, 2021 
During the detector test [URL=https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E127/284]test measurements[/URL] with alpha source the allocation of the 16 X- and 16 Y-channels has
been checked.
Entry  Sat May 22 14:53:34 2021, Beatriz et al., General, DSSD Movement, 2021 
DSSSD moved to the most in position in order to try to scrape the beam with the scraper.
Entry  Fri Jun 7 15:57:41 2019, Jan, DAQ, DAQ with & without MDPP-16,  
The DAQ located in 

    Reply  Wed Oct 23 15:35:29 2019, Jan, DAQ, DAQ with & without MDPP-16,  
the DAQ located in
Entry  Fri Mar 20 04:29:45 2020, Jan, DAQ, DAQ settings for the first night,  e127.trlomain.cfgr3bfuser.cfgsetting.1584673412
Entry  Wed Mar 11 09:08:21 2020, Jan, DAQ, DAQ & controls - OVERVIEW,  
For all DAQ & slow control buissines the user 
is used with the password [SIZE=1]ViValasVegas1964[/SIZE]
Entry  Wed Apr 8 20:06:10 2020, Laszlo, Calibration, Counts in the K-REC peaks,  124Xe_wScraper_full_spectra_labels_thick.png124Xe_wScraper_90_backgnd.pngKREC-pics.zip
3 datasets were investigated:
-124Xe with Scraper    (2. Xray calibration parameters needed)
-124Xe without Scraper (2. Xray calibration parameters needed)
Entry  Wed May 26 19:08:17 2021, Ragan, Thanassis, General, Cooler down, 2021 
We stopped data taking as the electron cooler is down.
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