Thu Mar 24 16:59:35 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Photodiode signal SO
Fast Photodiode signal at the "SO-Bogen" (South-east arc).
- Average made over 250 samples.
Fri Mar 25 14:31:24 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Photodiode signal SO in the Messhütte
Measured at the Panel "Messhütte - Laserhütte", BNC "Fast PD / SO".
- Average over 256 samples |
Tue Mar 29 12:01:08 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Laser targets
I have installed two targets* (size: 2 inches) to monitor the position of the laser beam.
- The internet cameras can be accessed from any browser, but only inside the GSI-Campus network. Benutzername: admin. Kennwort: 1234
Tue Mar 29 21:37:13 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Pump Laser
The gold "reflectors and end plates" of our pump laser (Quanta-Ray PRO) have been exchanged by new ones.
- Output power after Oscillator and Amplifier (@ 1064 nm): 41 W.
Wed Mar 30 09:27:15 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Issue? Scrapers at E-Cooler
Carsten* forwarded me an E-Mail from Markus yesterday. "Betreff: Scraper im ESR Elektronenkühler"
- Markus has tried to get moving the scrapers at E-Cooler last week. But he got some issues.
Fri Apr 1 15:27:00 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, Nitrogen for UV-PMTs
There was a question concerning the nitrogen we use to rinse the "Solar Blind PMTs".
- I have checked the nitrogen flow rate this afternoon (14:00) and it was a level of 0.2 LPM.
Fri Apr 1 15:52:23 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, UV PMT South
The "Solar Blind PMT" labeled as "PMT South" has been installed by Simon and Max in the gas target chamber on a CaF Viewport. The PMT is pointing directly
to the center chamber.
Sun Apr 3 11:01:57 2022, Rodolfo, Accelerator, Scrapers @ E-Cooler
We the mid- and night shift (Wilfried, Simon, Patrick, Ken and me) we not able to manipulate the scrapers in the E-Cooler.
- Carsten contacted Markus concerning this issue.
Tue Apr 5 20:16:13 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Discriminator for HF reference signal
For the laser trigger we need to generate a few ns NIM-puls from the HF reference signal. Therefore we (Wilfried, Konstantin and me) have changed the constant
fraction descriminator (CFD) to generate this kind of pulse.
Wed Apr 6 14:52:29 2022, Rodolfo, Runs, Scraping the ion beam
We are T-scraping the ion beam. |
Sat Apr 9 16:55:19 2022, Rodolfo, Laser,
16:15 I have changed the dye (of both oscillator and amplifier).
16:27 I have increased the pump energy (@ 532 nm) from 476 mJ to 507 mJ.
Sat Apr 9 19:09:57 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Optimization - Resonator of dye laser
I have tuned a bit the resonator of the dye laser.
The total output energy after the main amplifier is 86 mJ (@ 645,6 nm)
Sun Apr 10 15:29:53 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Status - Laser system
We have checked the laser system.
- The pump laser has ~ 23Mio shots. The total output energy has dropped to about 475 mJ. Maybe it is time to install new fresh flashlamps. In case the |
Mon Apr 11 18:57:18 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, New flashlamps
We (Sarper, Konstantin and me) have changed the old flashlamps (with ~ 26 Mio. shots) by new "fresh" ones. We have also exchange the dye. Here are some
parameters of the laser we measured with the new flashlamps and dye*:
Tue Apr 12 14:52:19 2022, Rodolfo, Detectors, PMT Nord, Middle. Datasheets
Attached are the datasheets for the solar-blind PMTs.
- PMT Nord. Type 9423. SN: 650
Tue Apr 12 15:05:56 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Laser status
We have checked the laser power at 14:15 *
- Pump energy after Q-Ray @ 532nm: 559 mJ.
Wed Apr 20 10:09:50 2022, Rodolfo, Laser, Optic with spots
The average energy produced by the laser along the beamtime was about 10 mJ/puls. After about two weeks of beamtime some of the optics, especially the optic
placed just after the BBO crystall, got some spots, see pictures below. Here the diameter of the laser beam is about 6 mm. |
Mon Apr 4 09:10:44 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Rui-Jiu, Runs, Measurement
NTCAP is taking data with the beam with a stop at manipulation 5 (taking all the fragments).
Fri Apr 8 10:44:55 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Sergey, Runs, NTCAP stopped
NTCAP is stopped. Sergey will now set an ion bunch instead of two in the ESR.
Thu Apr 7 09:58:55 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Accelerator, Kicker problem solved
The kicker problem is solved and the beam is back in the ESR. |