Thu Apr 7 10:10:31 2022, Ragan, Yuri, Danyal, Accelerator, Problem in UNILAC
The power supply of the UNILAC magnet is broken. The repair will take up to 6-7 hours. |
Tue Apr 5 12:17:12 2022, Ragan, Rui-Jiu, DAQ, Instructions to start and stop NTCAP
Attached are the instructions to start and stop data taking using the NTCAP. |
Fri Apr 8 09:13:38 2022, Ragan, Danyal, Accelerator, No beam
Cathode is being changed at the ion source. So no beam for the moment.
Sergey has been contacted to change from two ion bunches to a single ion bunch in the ESR. |
Fri Apr 8 06:53:29 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP data taking
NTCAP is taking data since 07.04.2022 23:53:47
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
Fri Apr 8 09:32:32 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP stopped
Since there is no beam, NTCAP is stopped.
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
Fri Apr 8 09:39:04 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP started
Carrier Frequency: 242.2 M
IQ Rate (S/s): 10 M
Reference level (dBm): -30
Fri Apr 8 12:04:13 2022, Ragan, Runs, NTCAP started
NTCAP is started for the data taking.
Carrier Frequency: 242.02 M
Tue Apr 12 14:11:52 2022, Ragan, Detectors, Sideband in Schottky
> Sometimes we see a broad sideband at lesser Schottky frequencies to the high-intensity thorium beam.
> Pic 1 shows the relative broad sideband on the left.
Thu Apr 7 05:44:40 2022, Pierre-Michel, Ragan, DAQ, NTCAP settings
Carrier Frequency: 244M
IQ Rate: 10M
reference Level: -30
Mon Apr 11 14:45:11 2022, Paul, Konstantin, Sarper, David, Runs, Afternoon shift runs 11.04
We continue scan the new wavelength scan range is 322.41 - 322.00 nm
Thu Apr 7 14:04:36 2022, Paul Indelicato, General, no beam until 17:00
10:10 There is a problem with the UNILAC.
The repair will take several hours. (4 hrs?)
Sun Apr 10 22:47:05 2022, Patrick, Volker, Prannay, Danyal, Alexandre, Sebastian, Kristian, Runs, Runs night shift 10.04 + morning shift 11.04
These are the measurement runs of the night shift (10/11.04.).
Wavelength range is still 322.81 - 322.40 nm.
Thu Apr 14 22:44:40 2022, Patrick, Simon, Danyal, Max, Runs, Runs night shift 14./15.04.
Runs of the night shift. The wavelength range is 320.62 - 320.10 nm.
[TABLE border="1"]
Sat Apr 16 04:19:05 2022, Patrick, Simon, Alex, Sarper, Runs, Runs night + morning shifts 16.04.
Runs of the night shift 16.04. after changing the wavelength range. The new range is 320.12 - 319.859 nm. The step size was decreased from 0.002 nm to 0.001
The goal was to have the same number of scans as before (261), however, the scan range in the labview program could not be set accordingly. We decided |
Fri Apr 1 23:12:37 2022, Patrick, Detectors, Scraper positions "only primary beam"
Scraper positions where there is only primary beam for detector tests. Use only one outer and one inner scraper at the same time.
[B]Move detectors out before new beam![/B]
Wed Apr 6 22:29:55 2022, Patrick, Accelerator, ECooler voltages
ECooler voltages:
Thu Apr 7 00:15:11 2022, Patrick, Laser, Laser timing adjusted
We have adjusted the laser timing using PMT-middle. Bunching freq. is 3.90362 MHz.
PD NO: 7.79
Thu Apr 7 01:19:05 2022, Patrick, Laser, Laser scanning
We did some laser scans. The wavemeter shows spikes during scans. This may be just while the frequency changes. See picture. |
Thu Apr 7 03:06:15 2022, Patrick, DAQ, DAQ file sizes
The file sizes of DAQ1 (229Thor) and DAQ2 (229Th, "Carstens DAQ") are different.
During 20min of laser scanning DAQ1 saves 4 files while DAQ2 saves 2 files which was 3.3 GB and 2 GB, respecively.
[B]The file sizes of DAQ2 should always be greater than those of DAQ1, because of extra ADC data![/B]
Thu Apr 7 03:44:21 2022, Patrick, DAQ, Measurement procedure
[U][B]Measurement procedure[/B][/U]