E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  Nuclear hyperfine mixing in 229Th89+, Page 7 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Categorydown Subject
  34   Thu Mar 24 17:10:33 2022 CarstenDAQDAQ / MBS VUPROM TDC buffer errors
VUPROM TDC buffer errors potentially due to long TDC common Stop gate (>1ms from div 200).
Signal piped through coinc. unit gicv es shorter sginal (~200ns). This signal used as common stop seems to have cured the TDC buffer errors..
  41   Thu Mar 31 13:28:17 2022 Jan GloriusDAQDAQ-2 cabling docu
newest version V2 - valid since Mo 04.April 2022
  43   Thu Mar 31 17:56:32 2022 KonstantinDAQPhotodiode test signal
We used a signal generator to provide a 4MHz dummy-RF signal. This was divided by a factor of 2 for laser-"bunch" synchronization and by a factor of 200 for to provide the stop-tigger attached to the DAQ. With this Dummy-RF we were able to measure the relative arrival times of the laser at the photodiodes located in the laser towers. Note that the signal of the southern photodiode arrives first. This is because the scale of the time axis is given in (10/3ns)-bins since the last common-stop.
  44   Thu Mar 31 20:07:47 2022 ShahabDAQSchottky Display in AP Messhütte (or anywhere else)
UPDATE: 16.05.2022

Please use ATPPC029 instead of ATPPC019 for the 245 MHz Schottky
Alternatively you can use ATPPC030 for viewing the 410 Schottky

we let this setting go for a while, in case of problems we go back to the settings below.




Schottky can be displayed using GSI's standard remote desktop connection from any standard GSI computer that is connected or registered with GSI's
cable network.

On windows choose --> remote desktop connection
On Linux choose --> KRDC or from command line prompt you cab also use XFREERDP)
On Apple choose --> Microsoft Remote Desktop

  • then connect using experiment account using RDP protocol:

    enter password

    on desktop there is an icon called "SignalVu Schottky"

    On the menu --> Instrument --> Connect --> USB device

    245 MHz resonator: RSA607A::B021694
    410 MHz resonator: RSA607A::B021705

    by default you can use the 245 MHz resonator.

    default setting is set to 244 MHz and span 20 MHz, if there is a beam in ESR you will see it.

    have fun!

  • https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-remote-desktop/id1295203466?mt=12

    if you like to use xfreerdp, here is the syntax:

    xfreerdp -g 2560x1420 -u atplaser atppc019.campus.gsi.de
  •   45   Thu Mar 31 22:19:14 2022 KristianDAQHow To Start MBS
    (MBS server should be running at the LXG1297 machine. If not you will get an error message. Then start the server - last command in console)
    Just enter the following commands in the console of any PC
    ssh atplaser@r4l-41
    cd mbsrun/th22
    connect rfio lxg1297 -disk
    open file lxg1297:/data.local2/BeamTimeTh22/229Thor -auto -rfio
    sta ac
    To stop MBS enter the following commands
    sto ac
    close file
    disconnect rfio
      49   Fri Apr 1 01:57:12 2022 KristianDAQTiming
    with bunched primary beam (bunching frequency 1.94070 MHz) we have strong PMT (mid) and particle detector signal. Time between both detectors was measured (in 3.3ns bins)
    Particle Det ;  PMT (rising edge)
    305 ; 256
    227 ; 179
    150 ; 102
    73 ; 24
    PD and PMT signal is second plot. Laser timing was not adjusted jet since it will change with Th beam. 
      51   Fri Apr 1 11:00:41 2022 Rui-Jiu ChenDAQStart NTCAP
    Start taking data with NTCAP.
    Carrier Frequency: 245MHz
    IQ rate:5 MSamples/s
    Reference level -0 dBm.
    RF - Attenuation:40 dB
    IF attenuation: 19.9288 dB
    Date Files:
    Masterpath: p:\E142\iq\IQ_2022-03-30_09-39-26
    Free space: o diver: 34.9TB.  p driver: 34.8TB.
      52   Fri Apr 1 11:19:57 2022 Rui-Jiu ChenDAQS.M.A.R.T check on NTCAP
    S.M.A.R.T. check has been done on NTCAP on March 28th. All 12 hard disk drivers  are normal.
      79   Sun Apr 3 12:35:17 2022 MaxDAQGo 4 manual
    How to start go4?:
    - go to console
    - change directory to '/u/atplaser/go4/th22' by typing 'cd /u/atplaser/go4/th22' in the command prompt
    - [OPTIONAL]: If go4 has not been started from this shell before type '. go4login64.sh'
    - go4 &
    - click on Launch analysis (see picture go4_1)
    - click OK on the first pop-up window
    - to get current data stream: enter event source: "MBS STREAM SERVER" and name: "r4l-41" (see picture go4_2), Click Submit+Start
    - to analyze old data: select old .lmd file
    - click on icon with three green arrows (see picture go4_3)
    - click on Analysis -> Histograms -> Step2_Anl. Relevant data can be found under: "Trending" or "TDC"
    if ESR bunch frequency has changed:
    - open /u/atplaser/go4/th22/TLdaAnlProc.cxx in Geany (if not already opened)
    - in line 490 change variable periodInBins to current frequency (frequency in e6 between /)
    - close go4 and go to console
    - make clean
    - make all
    - reopen go4 again
      85   Mon Apr 4 00:19:16 2022 Ken UeberholzDAQFirstTests
    New measurement:
    Start: About 00:12
    Stop: About 00:43
    LMDfile: 229ThFirstTest7775.lmd-229ThFirstTest7776.lmd
    First tries to see the bunched ions with full test experiment circle and detectors.
    Bunching visible in xuv-anode, sa_sz, PMT-south, PMT-north.
    Bunches seem to be very wide, possible wrong revolution frequency set in the DAQ.
    PD NO doesn't see the laser, screen prop. still in front of the window.
    7e8 ions in the SIS
    Standard XUV-settings

    Several DAQ crashes and errors Confused

    New measurement:
    Start: About 02:00
    Stop: About 02:30
    LMDfile: 229ThFirstTest7780.lmd
    Same test with new freq: 3.90415MHZ and without screen.
    Nice Bunches in particle detector. Broad bunches in detectors.
    Errors in DAQ
    PD not working correctly or laser wrongly setup.
    4.3e8 ions in the SIS
    Standard XUV-settings
      87   Mon Apr 4 15:27:31 2022 SebastianDAQPMT over wavelength histogram
    Kristian and I tried to create a "PMT over wavelength" histogram under step2Anl/LabView.
    Unfortunately, the code ist still in progress and does not work yet.
    The current code can be found in the TldaAnlProc.cxx
      88   Mon Apr 4 15:32:38 2022 Kristiand & SebastianDAQGo4 Backup Code
    Due to some code changes (PMT over wavelength historgram) Kristian and I backuped a working Go4 code in the current go4 folder on the atplaser linux account. 
    It can be found in the subfolder "working go4 code 4.4.2020"
    Nevertheless, the "normal" Go4 code in the th22 folder still works.
      89   Mon Apr 4 16:26:04 2022 CarstenDAQBackup Harddisk /External Disk
    Since we cannot write on lustre, as a temproal solution two RAID 1 (mirror) USB hard disks  with cpacity 6 TB each are installed.
    The disk on the lxg1297 the disk can be accessd at /meida/sdd2
    an on the lxg0155 at /media/sdc2
    Regular backups should be written to these disks but NOT during data taking.
    If we run out of local disk space /data.localx on the machines they could also be used as target for mbs.
    Pleae check regularly if there is enough spance on the local disks.
      90   Mon Apr 4 17:26:48 2022 Jan GloriusDAQMSCF shaper settings
    attached are the current shaper settings.
    list of currently connected channels:
    ch2: mid x1
    ch4: Cu  x1
    ch6: mid x2
    ch8: Cu  x2
    ch9: XUV x1
    ch10:XUV x2
      91   Mon Apr 4 19:05:57 2022 CarstenDAQCooler Frequency Signals Ion current not connected until now
    Up to now the signals for 
    Ion Current
    Cooler elctron current
    Cooler voltage (frequency)
    were not connected to the DAQs et al.
    Cables in the "rded corner", i.e. where their original soruce is were not connected !!!
      92   Tue Apr 5 08:00:50 2022 Kristian & SebastianDAQMBS Channellist (so far)
    MBS Channellist (time 5.4.2022)
    0 Anode
    1 Front
    2 Back
    3 PMT Süd
    4 PMT Mitte
    5 PMT Nord
    6 PMT Cu
    7 Par Det Süd
    8 Par Det Nord
    9 1kHz from clock generator ???
    10 empty
    11 empty
    12 delayed common stop ???
    13 PD NO
    14 PD SO
    15 Q-Switch
    16 DC Trafo
    17 Injection
    18 U-Ecool
    19 I-Ecool
    20 P-Gun
    21 P-Coll
    22 Divided RF
    23 1 Mhz Clock
    24 empty
    25 empty
    26 empty 
    27 dye out (1MHz)
    28 empty
    29 detector in (1MHz)
    30 Laser step complete
    31 Laser scan complete
      95   Tue Apr 5 11:14:52 2022 Sebastian, Kristian, Pierre-MichelDAQPMT over wavelength histogram v2
    Today we finalized the PMT over wavelength histogram in:
    Currently the histogram shows the PMT middle signal on the y axis.
    Remark: Tomorrow we create this kind of histogram for all PMTs.
      96   Tue Apr 5 12:17:12 2022 Ragan, Rui-JiuDAQInstructions to start and stop NTCAP
    Attached are the instructions to start and stop data taking using the NTCAP.
      98   Tue Apr 5 13:28:06 2022 KristianDAQSpikes in PMT signal
    Occasionally, we noticed a spike in the PMT signal. No ions in the ring and at PMT Cu was not even supplied with HV. Has to be some electronic pickup
      99   Tue Apr 5 14:51:51 2022 KristianDAQdark counts
    We shielded the PMTs, i.e., the N2 tube, which improved the Cu PMT background rate.
    Without beam and ESR lights off:
    PMT Mitte: 4 Hz
    PMT Nord: 1 Hz
    PMT Cu: 240 Hz
    ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b