E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038 E0075
  Laser Cooling Experiment 2021, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue May 31 07:29:11 2022, Ken, Detectors, XUV-Detektor 
Rate was very low: ~ 100Hz
Adjusted Walk level and Threshold, new rate: 5kHz
Additionally, parameters of the detector were varied for optimization but were returned to default afterwards.
Entry  Mon May 17 21:43:56 2021, Danyal, General, The test beamtime was a success. 
Dear all,

The test beamtime is now over. 
We had 6 days of Li-like carbon in the ESR (122 MeV/u). 
Effectively, we could measure almost 5 days continuously.  

There were only a few interruptions, one of which was a longer power failure. 
The vacuum in the ESR was not optimal, which strongly reduced the lifetime of the stored ion beam (~30 s) 
and the electron cooler showed weird instabilities, which need to be clarified still. 

Still, we were able to cover all aspects of the program. 
Essentially everything we tried worked. 

Therefore, I conclude that it was a great success. 

Many thanks to all who have contributed to it! 
Special thanks to Sebastian and Benedikt - who worked really hard during the last months - for prepapring the laser system and the data acquisition system. 
Also special thanks to Volker and Ken for preparing the XUV detector system. 

We will start sorting/ordering & filtering the data soon and will invite for a meeting where we present the raw data so that we can discuss it. 
Then we will also discuss the next big step: data analysis. 
Of course it is our next objective (with high priority) to publish the analyzed data in foreseeable time. 

I hope to see you soon. 
Until then, take care and stay healthy,

Entry  Mon May 17 08:05:42 2021, Team, General, End of beamtime 
~ 8 a.m.
Entry  Sun May 16 22:11:49 2021, Team, General, Laser Polarisation values 
maximal transmission of PBSC (257/514 pbsc was used in combination with xlp12 detector and visual on a screen):

L/4 @ 276° & L/2 @ 348°                -->   p-polarized light

L/4 gleich auf 276° & L/2 auf ~19°     -->   s-polarized light
current position 22:15 p.m.

now we have some fun ! :D
Entry  Sun May 16 21:23:02 2021, Team, General, ESR OPEN -> preparation for Polarisation Tests 
Entry  Sun May 16 11:29:22 2021, Benedikt, General, Automated laser scans working 
The automated laser scans are working now.
We can now scan with the following functions: triangle, sawtooth, cosinus/sinus, arctan, min (linear scan, than stands still)

We are now testing these scan functions with coasting beams; ecooler 10 mA.
Entry  Sun May 16 07:18:56 2021, Night Shift Sebastian/Max/Noah, General, Preparation for automated laser scans 
We shut the laser system down to prepare automated laser scans
Entry  Sun May 16 07:03:07 2021, Team, General, Laser cooling with 166ps 
We saw some indications of laser cooling @ 166ps pulse length
Entry  Sun May 16 06:13:46 2021, Team, General, Switch to 166ps  
Entry  Sun May 16 05:24:00 2021, Team, General, Laser cooling with 285ps 
we also see laser cooling with 285ps pulse length
Entry  Sun May 16 05:09:27 2021, Team, General, Switch to 285ps 
pulse length -> 285ps

minimum 62mW inside ESR (depending on laser wavelength)
Entry  Sun May 16 05:09:04 2021, Team, General, Laser cooling with 482ps 
we see laser cooling with 482ps pulse length
Entry  Sun May 16 02:28:21 2021, Team, General, #Beam ON! 
Laser specs:
pulse length -> 482ps

~75mW UV Power inside ESR (depending on laser wavelength)
Entry  Sun May 16 02:22:19 2021, Sebastian, General, "Der Laser ist ok" 
Entry  Sun May 16 02:20:58 2021, Sebastian, General, "Der Laser ist (wieder) ok" 
Entry  Sun May 16 02:18:53 2021, Sebastian, General, UV Drop 
1:25 a.m. huge drop in UV laser power
-> small crystal bump with both y screws of bbo oven
Entry  Sat May 15 12:11:54 2021, Benedikt, General, Laser-bunch-timing 
Optimizing the laser bunch timing.
h = 7 (9.0389145 MHz)
Reprate is already set to same frequency.

Results: For h=7:
4 ns delay results in a maximum fluorescence rate in the XUV detector
25 ns delay shows the highest intensity in the Schottky spectrum while the laser operates at 1028.940 nm.
Entry  Sat May 15 11:26:44 2021, Benedikt, General, TEM parameters 
We changed the horizontal position of the laser beam a bit, so that we maximized the fluorescence signal on the XUV detector (coasting beam, scanning laser (0.03 Hz)).

Old parameters: OffsetM Ax 0.00; Bx 0.00; Ay -0.08; By -0.40
New parameters: OffsetM Ax 0.00; Bx 0.35; Ay -0.08; By -0.40
Entry  Sat May 15 11:06:31 2021, Benedikt, General, New Zoom link for the moment 

Meeting ID: 494 840 0422
Passcode:  215586
Entry  Sat May 15 09:57:24 2021, Dayshift, Runs, Currently on schedule  
Enhance fluorescence rate and perform 
laser bunch timing 

Right now: Performing several detector tests with scanning laser (triangle) between 1028.930 and 1028.950 nm. Eccoler current @ 10 mA
Entry  Sat May 15 09:50:31 2021, Team, Runs, Laser cooling of....  

We performed several scans:
Close to the bucket middle
Over the bucket
Over the bucket, jumped to the "red side" 
of the bucket and captured and cooled the 
beam again.

Laser settings:
7 times revolution frequency and 740ps 
pulses - - > 3.4 +/- 1.2 GHz

Still to do:
Switch to 240ps pulses - - > 5.8GHz 
+/-1.3 GHz

Switch to 117ps pulses - - > 11.0 +/- 0.8 GHz
BUT here we have less laser power (max. 50 mW right after BBO crystal, so maybe only 30 mW at the laser-ion overlap)
available. Maybe we are lucky and it is 
enough to cool also the ion beam. :) 
Entry  Sat May 15 09:23:52 2021, Sebastian, Accelerator, Ekühler 
Tab "Kühler Elektronenstrahl"
An Gerät schicken
Entry  Sat May 15 09:22:41 2021, Sebastian , Accelerator, Ekühler  IMG-20210515-WA0000.jpgB5FE1031-7FFD-44D3-92B0-75E0784718D9.jpeg
Settings für Ekühler an und aus in SC4 und 
Entry  Sat May 15 06:51:16 2021, Night Shift Sebastian/Max/Noah, General, Different Laserscantypes 
We use different scan types (manual scan) or constant laser wavelengths to check the effects of laser cooling in the Schottky diagrams (fluorescence can not be seen in the detector), for different bunching amplitudes and frequencies:
- Scan from 1028.950 -> 1028.940, stepsize 0.001 every 10 sec
- Scan from 1028.950 -> 1028.930, stepsize 0.001 every 5 sec
- Scan from 1028.950 -> 1028.940 -> 1029.950, stepsize 0.001 every 5 sec
- Scan from 1028.950 -> 1028.940, stepsize 0.0005 "as fast as possible" 
- constant wavelengths around 1028.940
- Scan to wavelengths < 1028.940 (heating) -> Jump to 1028.945 and fast scan back to 1028.940 (-> cooling)

The cooling effects of the laser can be observed well in the Schottky spectra :)
Entry  Sat May 15 03:39:16 2021, Team, General, actual revolution frequency 
frev = 1,2912735 MHz
Entry  Fri May 14 22:20:37 2021, Team, Accelerator, ESR Closed - BEAM #ON! 
Entry  Fri May 14 22:04:25 2021, Team, Accelerator, ESR OPEN ; NO BEAM -> Reset cooling device 
we had to open the ESR to reset a cooling device
Entry  Fri May 14 21:43:40 2021, Sebastian, General, "problems accelerator" 
There are cooling problems of some accelerator devices
short break, hopefully :)
Laser is switched of for some rest
Entry  Fri May 14 16:37:01 2021, Benedikt, General, Status update 
Right now, we have to adjust the ion beam a bit to overlap better with the laser beam.
We keep the laser wavelength at resonance with the ions and try to optimize the fluorescence signal on the XUV detector while moving the ion beam.
Entry  Fri May 14 11:01:33 2021, Benedikt, Calibration, Laser Beam adjusted 
The laser beam was adjusted in his position to overlap better with the ions.

Ion beam is destroyed at scraper position 1VO 6 mm and 2VO 4 mm; the laser beam looses half its power at 1VO 6mm and 2VO 4 mm.

EDIT: In the Schottky spectrum, we saw a stronger "cut" from the laser beam with slightly different settings in the TEM system. Later today, we could maybe finetune the ion-laser overlap while observing this "cut".
Entry  Fri May 14 09:40:04 2021, Nightshift, Runs, Ecooling vs laser wavelength shift, coasting beam, laser stronger than Ecooling IMG-20210514-WA0017.jpg
Last three pictures where taken after 
first laser ion beam overlap adjustments

It seems to be that the interactions are 
better. We also see the laser earlier and 
stronger in the schottky 
Entry  Fri May 14 09:38:43 2021, Nightshift, Runs, Coasting beam, ecooler on, scanning laser IMG-20210514-WA0019.jpg
Entry  Fri May 14 09:38:04 2021, Nightshift, Runs, Coasting beam, scanning laser, ecooler on IMG-20210514-WA0018.jpg
Entry  Fri May 14 09:35:20 2021, Nightshift, Runs, Coasting beam, scanning laser, ecooler on IMG-20210514-WA0018.jpg
Entry  Fri May 14 09:00:55 2021, Sebastian, General, UNILAC Problems 
~30 min downtime

Entry  Fri May 14 08:55:53 2021, Sebastian, General, ToDO 14.5 ...so far 
1.) ion lasser overlap and scraper test

2.) change bunching frequency to middle of ecooled coasting beam

3.) long time measurements see labbook HKR
3.1) try ecooler on/off ; bunch on / off ; laser fixed on / off ; laser scanning on / off ; try different bunching amplitudes (MAX :LEV 0.25V) ; try other h = 10, 7, etc...
3.2) Dont forget to plug in the schottky trigger -> maybe change acquisition and analysis time if needed

4.) XUV detector tests
4.1.) laser - bunch timing by checking xuv anode signal
Entry  Fri May 14 07:33:42 2021, Team #Night, General, ecooler central frequency shifted relative to bunch central frequency 
Entry  Fri May 14 07:20:18 2021, Team #Night, General, actual bunching frequency 
25,82556 MHz
h = 20
Entry  Fri May 14 06:35:55 2021, Team #Night, General, Adjustment of Laser 
we increased the height of the laser beam

TEM Settings
OffsM Ay -0,07
OffsM By -0,35

1VO scratches 6
2VO scratches 3-4
Entry  Fri May 14 06:34:45 2021, Team #Night, Analysis, DSG821 IP
Entry  Fri May 14 04:50:46 2021, Team #Night, General, Scraper Tests Ion / Laser Beam 
laser is 4-6mm below the ion beam.
It could be that the interaction between both beams came only from the interaction between the laser halo with the ion beam ?!
Entry  Fri May 14 01:34:44 2021, Team, General, strange XUV Anode signal Screenshot_(68).png
We see a strange behavior of the anode signal when we bunch the ion beam and electron cooler is on.

peak structure... ---> we play now with the bunching amplitude 

100mV ---> Peaks higher?

see attached file
Entry  Fri May 14 01:28:04 2021, Sebastian, General, "new" laser wavelength 
Minor changes in electron cooler voltage (~+13V, now 66903V measured by DMM) leads to that we had to shift the laser wavelength to:


to see an increase of the countrate of the XUV ANODE Signal.

electron cooler ON
electron cooler current (SET 120mA, HKR "measured" 102mA)
bunched beam, h=20
Entry  Thu May 13 23:42:37 2021, Ken Ueberholz, General, What was done Schottky1.jpegSchottky2.jpegSchottky3.jpegSchottky4.jpeg
In this shift a number of successful Schottky measurements were done:
With fixed laser wavelength, while varying the wavelength, with different bunching and more (see logfile 1 for more info: line 53 to at least 107).
The detector software sometimes files to change the current of the power supplies, if this happens a simple restart of the GUI fixes the problem.
Once in this shift the Mesytek in the laser lab turned itself (?) off and the background rate increased. Hopefully this was a single event.
Entry  Thu May 13 21:00:48 2021, Benedikt, General, New reprate of the UV laser 
The lasersystem now operates at a reparte of 9.038946 MHz. This is 7 times f_rev (see previous post).

In the future, the laser-bunch-timing can be adjusted.
Entry  Thu May 13 20:18:10 2021, Benedikt, General, New f_rev 
The ions were changed to a different speed today at 2 PM. The new revolution frequency is now 1.291278 MHz.
Entry  Thu May 13 18:34:54 2021, Ken Ueberholz, General, What happened scince shift change at 4pm 
Ion frequency shifts with laser, both manually and scanned, without bunches: successful
Bunching with 7 and 20 bunches: successful
Tried laser scans with bunches: unsuccessful
Manual laser scans with bunches: successful
Entry  Thu May 13 01:21:30 2021, Sebastian, General, Current schedule ... so far 
1.) check h=2,4,6,7,8,10 .... bunching frequencies with different amplitudes (signalgenerator), Ecooler ON, Laser OFF --> record schottky and "normal" DAQ

2.) Ecooler ON, Bunching ON, Laser ON (wavelength fixed and/or scanned)

2.1) Do we see the laser in the Schottky? (The laser has to be on the right side of the bunches and act as a barrier to damp the oscillation of the ions inside the buckets.) 
If not change laser wavelength until we see the laser in the schottky 

2.2) Do we see fluorescence in the XUV Detector signal? Weak fluorescence signal --> check laser-bunch timing by varying the lead delay until we see the highest fluorescence signal. 
If we see no fluorescence signal change laser wavelength until we see fluorescence from the xuv anode signal.

3.) Do we see that some sidebands vanish in the schottky? Does the lifetime of the ion beam increase?
3.1.) If not "play" with Laserparameters, scans, delays, etc...
    Reply  Thu May 13 03:35:25 2021, Lars, General, Status: Current schedule ... so far 
1.) so far: 
h = 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30
Amplitudes: (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250) mV

now we will try to use the laser-toy ;-)

> 1.) check h=2,4,6,7,8,10 .... bunching frequencies with different amplitudes (signalgenerator), Ecooler ON, Laser OFF --> record schottky and "normal" DAQ
> 2.) Ecooler ON, Bunching ON, Laser ON (wavelength fixed and/or scanned)
> 2.1) Do we see the laser in the Schottky? (The laser has to be on the right side of the bunches and act as a barrier to damp the oscillation of the ions inside the buckets.) 
> If not change laser wavelength until we see the laser in the schottky 
> 2.2) Do we see fluorescence in the XUV Detector signal? Weak fluorescence signal --> check laser-bunch timing by varying the lead delay until we see the highest fluorescence signal. 
> If we see no fluorescence signal change laser wavelength until we see fluorescence from the xuv anode signal.
> 3.) Do we see that some sidebands vanish in the schottky? Does the lifetime of the ion beam increase?
> 3.1.) If not "play" with Laserparameters, scans, delays, etc...
Entry  Thu May 13 02:45:29 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, ESR pressure 8x
Entry  Thu May 13 02:42:58 2021, Sebastian, General, Lasershutter ESR Entrance?! IMG_20210513_020027_resized_20210513_024049198.jpg
attached should be the name of the entrance laser shutter. just in case somebody will close it ;)
Entry  Thu May 13 01:55:15 2021, Sebastian, General, ESR amplifier reset / laser check IMG_20210513_014345_resized_20210513_015540959.jpgIMG_20210513_014353_resized_20210513_015541291.jpg
we had to go into the ESR because the amplifiers hooked up. both amplifiers were resetted!

we also checked why we didnt see the laser at the exit window.
Laser Shutter @ the exit is closed......................... E02VVLF2t needs to be opened!
Entry  Thu May 13 01:13:06 2021, Sebastian, General, Bunching frequencies 
relating to Danyals ID 25 post are the current bunching frequencies:

h=2      -->     2,5823668 MHz
h=4      -->     5,1647336 MHz
h=6      -->     7,7471004 MHz
h=7      -->     9,0382838 MHz
h=8      -->     10,3294672 MHz
h=10     -->     12,911834 MHz
h=12     -->     15,4942008 MHz
h=14     -->     18,0765676 MHz
h=16     -->     20,6589344 MHz
h=18     -->     23,2413012 MHz
h=20     -->     25,823668 MHz
h=30     -->     38,735502 MHz
Entry  Thu May 13 01:05:45 2021, Danyal, DAQ, more stability by bunching 
Because the C3+ part of the ion beam is properly bunched, it is no longer so sensitive to the drifts caused by the e-cooler. 
In the O4+ part of the ion beam these drifts can still be seen. 
Entry  Thu May 13 01:01:27 2021, Danyal, DAQ, bunched ion beam bunched_-_signal.jpgbunched_-_Schottky.jpgzoom_bunched_-_Schottky.jpg
Entry  Thu May 13 00:58:53 2021, Danyal, DAQ, unbunched ion beam not_bunched_-_signal.jpgnot_bunched_-_Schottky.jpg
Entry  Wed May 12 23:45:23 2021, Ken Ueberholz, General, Laser does not reach the exit window 
High rates on the detector at 50mm positions, laser does not seem to reach the exit window.
Entry  Wed May 12 23:36:18 2021, Ken Ueberholz, DAQ, VI change 
carbon main vi - kopie is now in operation

here, in keysight.vi the input settings for the new impedence for the multimeter are now hopefully correct --> THIS SHOULD BE CHECKED IF THE RING IS OPEN 
Entry  Wed May 12 22:57:41 2021, Sebastian, General, Laser Reprate 
laser reprate is seven times the revoolution frequency: 9.038283 MHz
pulse length: 735ps
Entry  Wed May 12 22:48:25 2021, Sebastian, General, DSG Control SCPI Commands 
Open Ultra Sigma
Press LAN
Press Search, after a while the whole rigol devices are shown. Press ok
Than you see the DSG821 ( as online
right click -> open SCPI Command Terminal

*IDN?                 check for remote control
:FREQ 1.291MHz        set the RF Frequency to 1.291MHz
:FREQ?                return current frequency
:LEV 0.2V             set the amplitude to 200mV
:LEV?                 return current amplitude
:OUTP ON / OFF        set RF output ON or OFF
:OUTP?                returns 0 if output is OFF, returns 1 if output is ON

after some time there is an automatic logout of the scpi command panel. Close the panel and reopen the SCPI Command Terminal again to reconnect to DSG821 Signalgenerator. 
If this does not work, close the whole ultra sigma program, also in the taskbar (right click -> exit) and execute Ultra Sigma Program again
Entry  Wed May 12 22:35:33 2021, Danyal, General, frev and fb 
Schottky frequency (189th harmonic) = 244.033662 MHz

revolution frequency  frev = 1.2911834 MHz

bunching frequency h=2  --> fb = 2.582367 MHz
bunching frequency h=10  --> fb = 12.911834 MHz
Entry  Wed May 12 22:28:55 2021, Ken Ueberholz, General, Bunching succesfull 
Bunching with 2 and 10 bunches succesfull
Entry  Wed May 12 19:48:24 2021, Sebastian, General, DSG821 Network IMG_20210512_195329_resized_20210512_075346417.jpg
To implement the bunch Signal Generator (DSG821 inside ESR) you have to:

1. unplug the Ethernet cable
2. under System / io config set the ip address
3. set Sub mask
4. set DNS
5. very important: than press Apply!
6. plug in Ethernet cable
7. than a message like "successfully connected to network" should show up
8. you can crosscheck the Settings by pressing the "eye symbol"
Entry  Wed May 12 18:59:15 2021, Ken Ueberholz, General, Power is back 
Power is back and most things are running again
Entry  Wed May 12 15:36:04 2021, Danyal, Accelerator, general power failure in ESR! (everything is off) 
The power in the ESR is off. 
(also on the gas-target area on top of ESR)
Electrical engineers are trying to find and fix the problem. 
Entry  Wed May 12 13:11:58 2021, Danyal, Accelerator, short break between 13:30 and 15:30 
There will be a short break (2 hours) this afternoon. Between 13:30 and 15:30. 
The so-calles "super lense" in the UNILAC needs to be cleaned (rinsed). 
After that operation should continue as usual. 
Entry  Wed May 12 10:15:47 2021, Volker Hannen, DAQ, Unplugged TDC inputs for MCP front and back 
To reduce the load on the VUPROM TDC, we unplugged the TDC inputs for the front and back signals of the MCP of the XUV detector.
The Anode signal is still plugged in and should be sufficient for the analysis.
Entry  Wed May 12 10:14:18 2021, Lars, Accelerator, E-Cooler 
M.Steck et al. discussed about the E-Cooler and found a possible issue. They asked for enterance to the ESR. Since nobody else was in the HKR and anyway nothing was running because of some other issues, I told, the experiment would not be disturbed and they could enter and do things. (Sth. like putting some repeller electrodes onto hand and other magical things).
It should take about 10 Minutes and might be already finished by now.
Entry  Wed May 12 09:59:08 2021, Benedikt, General, Rigol DSG821 signal generator settings CF7701F6-86BE-406C-8FAD-F3161463181C.jpeg
Entry  Wed May 12 09:09:15 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, Fluorescence 1029967nm.png
fluorescence with detector in parking position
fixed laser wavelength
electron cooling ON, 
BUT we saw strange drifts in the Schottky spectra. It seems to be that these drifts come from the electron cooler! are the drift tubes grounded?

the drifts shift the ion beam over the transition which result in an increase of the XUV anode signal
Entry  Wed May 12 09:05:48 2021, Keysight Settings, DAQ,  
Entry  Wed May 12 09:04:48 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, Keysight AUtoCal IMG_20210510_143940_resized_20210512_090353546.jpg
Entry  Wed May 12 08:42:49 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, Laser scans / coastig beam / no ecooler Screenshot_(156).png
Attached you'll see a first laser scan of ~100GHz in the UV.
Entry  Wed May 12 08:41:36 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, Laser stability 
During night shift the laser was very stable! Only minor fluctuations occured in the UV
Entry  Wed May 12 08:32:04 2021, Sebastian, Analysis, fluorescence & energetic overlap Screenshot_(154).png
During the night shift we saw several rises of the fluorescence (see another entry) and also energetic overlap in coasting beam modus.
Here the laser wavelength was stabilized @ 1028,967nm and electron cooler was switched off because of some fluctuations which we saw in the schottky.
Left part of the schottky picture shows the c3+ beam, the right part is the o4+ contamination.
Entry  Wed May 12 02:34:29 2021, Danyal, General, instabilities in ion frequency fluctuations.jpg
The ion beam moves around, pretty arbitrary. See picture. 
ESR crew believes that it is not due to fluctuations in the HV of the E-Cooler. 
    Reply  Wed May 12 08:10:17 2021, Lars, General, instabilities in ion frequency 
looks like the E-Cooler is responsible for this. If one turns off the electron current, the beam stays stable. 
M.Steck is informed.

> The ion beam moves around, pretty arbitrary. See picture. 
> ESR crew believes that it is not due to fluctuations in the HV of the E-Cooler. 
Entry  Wed May 12 02:16:25 2021, Danyal, Lars, Accelerator, Ion beam position 
Laser Position with scrapers verified. 
1HA: impossible to scratch laser beam, still there at -1.0 mm
2HA: +3mm --> half the laser power on detector; +4.5mm --> gone

2VO: interlock, impossible to move (beam diagnostics is informed and will check)
1VO: +0.2mm --> half laser power, +1.2: laser gone (-1.0mm: also gone)

Ion beam adapted to measured laser beam, Target bump position: -22mm (was -18mm before)
Ion beam position verified with scrapers:
1HA: -1.0mm --> still there
2HA: +4.0mm --> beam gone
Target bump angle: unchanged (+1.2 mrad)
Entry  Tue May 11 20:14:43 2021, Danyal, General, bad ESR vacuum 
I just heard that the ESR vacuum is quite bad. 
There was a small vacuum problem a while ago, it was sealed, but apparently the pressure is not as low as usual.

Markus Steck said that the beam lifetime is only 15 - 20 seconds !!! 

This will seriously complicate some of our test experiments :( 
Entry  Tue May 11 18:29:35 2021, Danyal, General, first ions in the ESR first_ions_are_injected.jpg
Entry  Tue May 11 16:33:31 2021, Ken Ueberholz, Detectors, Detector control manual Manual.pdf
Attached to this elog entry is a short manual for the xuv-detector control. If anything is missing or not understandable I can change anything.
Entry  Tue May 11 16:07:59 2021, Sebastian, DAQ, DAQ Manual DAQ_Manual.pdf
Attached you'll find a short manual for operating the whole DAQ system
Entry  Tue May 11 15:49:30 2021, Danyal, General, setting up ESR 
The operators are still busy extracting the beam from the SIS18 towards the ESR and injecting it into the ESR. 
Entry  Mon May 10 07:58:13 2021, Danyal, General, Telephone numbers and Zoom link 
Telephone numbers:

ESR laser lab: +49 (0)6159 71 - 2882
ESR measurement hut: +49 (0)6159 71 - 2880
HKR (main control room): +49 (0)6159 71 - 2317 or 2245

here is the zoom information:


Meeting-ID: 218 399 7317
Passwort: 481607
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b