Thu Jun 6 19:51:11 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, ESR crew left after persisting problems with ESR magnets
No beam today.--. |
Fri Jun 7 09:15:31 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Updated Channel List
Sat Jun 8 12:02:20 2024, Carsten, Detectors, Test Particle Detectors - Det South not working
With the test beam from ESR I started to have a look at the PartDets.:
North outside: Works properly with a voltage of 1450 V
South outside (behind cooler) : no signal.
Sat Jun 8 12:45:05 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Temporary change of RF signal
The setting was 1.540974 MHz and division factor 68 (for a 200 MeV/u) beam, and the signal was taken from a signal generator.
I now switch to the "real" RF signal from the accelerator (~400MeV/u), that is 1.9693 MHz and the factor is set to 88.
This should be set back for laser tests or adjusted when we have the real decellerated beam. |
Sat Jun 8 13:11:52 2024, Carsten, General, Put the go4login in atplaser .bashrc
Put the go4login in atplaser .bashrc in order to avoid that one always has to go to the go4 directory to set the environment variable.
go4login64 is now executed automaticlally and the environments are now set every time you open a (bash) shell.
A fixed version 6.3 is used. The login file might be changed back after the beamtime. |
Mon Jun 10 09:17:38 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Updated Channel List
Tue Jun 11 22:59:06 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Identification / NTCAP started
ESR is set-up in most parts.We are trying to identify our 229Th89+. It is more cumbersome then exspected because of the thick target an d the according
energy loss, the pattern has changed compared to the last beamtime.
Wed Jun 12 09:17:43 2024, Carsten, , Tests of background with ionization pumps on (from monday)
On monday the ionization pumps were switch on to test the background, and if it is possible to run with the pumps switched on.
Results and comments, see below:
Wed Jun 12 09:43:57 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Stopped NTCAP at 9:43
Setup at ESR is carried on - stopped the long-time NTCAP run from overnight, |
Wed Jun 12 22:48:55 2024, Carsten, , Beam Halo
The seamingly short live time reported in [URL=]entry 53[/URL] is due to a halo from a different isotope (?). It can be
scraped away from the outside. The 229Th89+ primary beam can be scaped away from the inside and the halo stays. There is some spacial headroom between
the two components.
Thu Jun 13 02:05:04 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Short Lifetime at 100 mA
Lifetime still is short |
Wed Jun 12 18:48:43 2024, Afternoon shift, Runs, First laser scans
[TABLE border="1"]
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity| cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
Thu Jun 13 18:03:36 2024, Afternoon shift, Runs, Continuation: First scans
[TABLE border="1"]
Time | Part. Det. Int | ESR-intensity| cooler-HV | LMD-DAQ1 Files | LMD-DAQ2 Files | scan range(nm) | number of positions | dwell time(s) | n loops | comments
Fri Jun 14 14:44:51 2024, Afternoon shift, Runs, Afternoon shift
Pizza shift
[B]the scan direction is from higher wavelength to lower wavelength, even though it is noted otherwise here in the software.