Thu Jun 6 08:16:36 2024, Danyal, Accelerator, scraper info by Robert Boywitt
attched is more info about the T-scrapers (E-cooler) by Robert Boywitt (Tel: 2067 or 3357) |
Thu Jun 13 10:42:02 2024, Danyal, General, Question
What is the ion beam lifetime, according to the DCCT and Schottky?
Can somebody measure it, please?
Yesterday we could not see a fast drop in the "main" beam.
Thu Jun 13 10:06:35 2024, Constantine, Peter, Lukas, Jonas, Dounia, Carsten, Accelerator, Suspected Beam Troubles (is it really 229-Thorium?)
From experience, the lifetime of the beam in the storage ring should be on the order of magnitude of hours, however, we observer beam lifetimes of the order
of 10ish minutes. This suggests either a beam loss mechanism, a totally wrong species or a combination of both.
Mon Jun 10 08:57:35 2024, Carsten/Konstantin, DAQ, Further Tests from Sunday 2024-06-09 - new voltages and tresholds for PMTs - testdata in files
Voltages and thresholds increased for PMT Middle and North (in order to account for the ADC measurement in DAQ2
[TABLE border="1"]
Sun Jun 9 10:08:24 2024, Carsten/Danyal, Detectors, Particle detectors - Recap of yesterdays work
[B]South (behind cooler) - "SA_SZ" - DD2...[/B]
We have put the particle detecotr North to the poistion behind the cooler (north) to replace the defective particle detector.
This detector is an old "Kozhuharov" style plastic szintillator that runs with a voltage of 1400-1500 V.
Sun Jun 9 10:20:38 2024, Carsten/Danyal, Detectors, Recap from yesterdays work with test beam (Detectors / beam /DAQ)
In the ESR we had thw whole day (saturday) a 400MeV/u bunched 238U92+ test beam (about 2 MHz). The RF signal is cabled as input to the DAQ (seperate post/entry).
Intensity is artificially reduced to a few 10^6 (with some tests alsodone at 10^5).
In all the tests the both particle detectors were moved in pus the empty pocket on the inside to mimick the background conditions during the run (aka no |
Wed Jun 5 19:22:43 2024, Carsten, Konstantin, Rodolfo, Detectors, PMT tests and preliminary thresholds
For all channels of the CAEN CFD the width of the logic signal is set to 255ns (maximum) to mitigate potential double pulses. For the very low count rates
of the experiment this is not problem.
Fri Jun 14 11:44:23 2024, Carsten Brandau, Accelerator, Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s
Cooling Time in SC7 increased from 9s to 12s |
Tue Jun 11 23:46:06 2024, Carsten )))), Accelerator, ID
The frequency of the primary beam 238U82+ at the injection:
Ucool = -360 V
Fri May 31 16:49:52 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Wiring DAQ 1
Started to Check the wiring.
Status as of 2024-05-31
Sat Jun 1 18:00:20 2024, Carsten, DAQ, ReadOut Trigger im Timer Scaler changed because of faulty signal from frequency generator
Old readout trigger (~200 Hz) in 1MHz Scaler showed two nearby peaks indicating a jitter of the readout frequency or same faulty output driver of the frequency
generator Metrix GX240 used to produce the readout frequency (see below).
Sat Jun 1 18:14:01 2024, Carsten, Analysis, DAQ and analysis directories
[U][B]DAQ1 (original):[/B][/U]
-user atplaser
-runs on lxg1297
Sat Jun 1 18:55:18 2024, Carsten, Analysis, Go4 Analysis Version for DAQ1 (atplaser)
Small enhancements and minor corrections / bug fixes are made to the original version of the online GO$ for DAQ1.
Assignment of channel names corrected, condition names adapted to present DAQ
Potential pitfalls are commented in the code.
Sat Jun 1 19:00:57 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Change of (offline) frequency for common stop (CS) of VUPROMs (and 2nd TDC) and scaling factor
Temporarily, for tests of the second DAQ I changed the frequency from the frequency generator and scaling factor that is used for the common stop signal
to a value that is close to the expected value in the experiment.
Reason: For the second TDC (CAEN 25ps) TDC the time between to CS events must be of the order of 45 us. The TDC can store events up to about 51,x us and |
Sat Jun 1 19:19:07 2024, Carsten, Detectors, Reminder: Check signals in scope and in DAQ of detectors with voltages switched off (vs. CFD threshold)
When the ion pumps and vacuum gauges are switched off the scaler data of
PMT_south, PMT_middle, PMT_north, PD_NO, PD_SO, PartDet North, PartDet South and (Channeltron) should be checked without voltages applied in dependence
on the CFD thresholds to determine the "cable noise level" at which thre are NO entries other than 0 in hte spectra (minimum background).
Sun Jun 2 00:01:46 2024, Carsten, DAQ, 25ps TDC CAEN V1290N DAQ2 lead to crash in DAQ2 due to a hardware issue
On the CAEN V1290N TDC the piggy board for the lower 8 channels is not fixed well to the motherboard.
That prevented to the whole DAQ2 to trigger correctly or even crash every once in a while. Long attempt sot find the error in hard and in software.
Wed Jun 5 14:17:36 2024, Carsten, Accelerator, Distance Cooler Detector
Calculation from Helmut Weick (copied from E142)
Distance e-cooler to particle detectors chamber:
“This is half of ESR plus distance target - detector. This even is on the web page”
Thu Jun 6 09:39:23 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Preliminary Channel Table (DAQ1 and DAQ2)
Thu Jun 6 19:42:20 2024, Carsten, Detectors, Exchange of amplifer channels / cables channels / HV voltage cables for PMT south
In order to check if the problem of regular burst of pulses on the PMT south is related to amplfier channels and or the HV cable, the cheannels of the amplifiers
in the ESR were changed. Likewise, a different HV cable is now used for the supply of the PS.
Thu Jun 6 19:47:01 2024, Carsten, DAQ, Exchange of Mesytec CFD/shaper - noise on signal lines from ESR magnets
Jan exchanged the Mesytec CFD/shper since it could not be "remote controlled" anymore. The new one has different shaping times and delays.
It is noted the threshold range is rather small.
With the new shaper only the x100 signals could meaningfully discriminated etc.