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  proton-capture on 118Te, Page 28 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Subject Year Text Attachments
  32   Tue Feb 11 13:20:01 2020 JanDetectorsBaF2 - HV settings with these HV values the 6 channels are roughly
gain matched, such that the 7.83 MeV Po-decay
is around channel 5000.
  31   Thu Jan 23 16:35:47 2020 LaszloDAQcable documentation    cable_documentation_e127.pdfcable_documentation_e127.ods 
  30   Thu Dec 5 10:57:57 2019 Jan, LaszloDetectorssetting up the DSSD with beam This is a brief how-to about getting the DSSSD
set up with stored beam and target in the
  29   Fri Nov 15 10:46:12 2019 LaszloDetectorsDetector movement from HKR To move the detector remotely from the HKR:
-go to a desktop of a HKR computer
-right click: "App Launcher PRO"
  28   Wed Nov 6 14:13:53 2019 Jan, LaszloDetectorsDSSSD - 1st movement - realignment We moved the new detector installation for
the first time slowly into the dipole chamber.
The alignement seems to be pefect, no distortion
  27   Fri Oct 25 16:34:51 2019 JanRunsprerun007 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun007

start: Fr 25.10.19 - 16:35 
  26   Wed Oct 23 15:35:29 2019 JanDAQDAQ with & without MDPP-16 the DAQ located in
  25   Wed Oct 23 14:51:43 2019 Jan, LaszloDAQVME modules & main.cfg Here is the current list of VME modules in
our DRASI daq including HW addresses:
  24   Wed Oct 23 11:40:29 2019 JanRunsprerun005 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun005

start: 23.10.19 - 11:40 
  23   Wed Sep 25 13:58:24 2019 LaszloGeneralGamow window energies for 118Te(p,g) # Z   A   Iso Re Rc   T9 upper width mxpos
 52 118 te118 pg 20  0.5  1.39  0.58  1.06
  22   Wed Sep 25 13:03:46 2019 LaszloAnalysissimulations on 118Te+p I have made some simulations at 8AMeV, 7AMeV
and 4AMeV energies for the main 118Te + p
reaction channels. For the
  21   Thu Aug 29 10:02:22 2019 JanDetectorsbakeout at ESR setup The bakeout for our detector setup has started
on the evening of 27.08.2019 
We have a temperature sensor in the vacuum
  20   Fri Aug 9 13:43:15 2019 LaszloSimulationspn channel simulations for 111Sn(p,g)112Sb experiment The p,n channel opening for 111Sn beam is
at 5.8895 MeV/u beam energy. Therefore, when
choosing 6MeV/u, 7MeV/u,
  Draft   Fri Aug 9 13:14:09 2019 Laszlo pn channel simulations for 111Sn(p,g)112Sb experiment The p,n channel opening for the 111Sn+p reaction
is at 5.8895 MeV/u beam energy. Therefore,
when choosing as 6MeV/u, 7MeV/u, 8MeV/u beam
  18   Tue Jul 23 10:46:29 2019 LaszloAnalysis124Xe pg peak fit using mixed cascade simulation This entry is the continuation of the cascade
effects on the pg peak shape entry:
  17   Tue Jul 9 15:26:59 2019 Yuanming XingSimulationsSimulated Rutherford scattering distribution on detector Simulated Rutherford scattering distribution
on detector
  16   Mon Jul 8 14:57:07 2019 Yuanming XingDetectorsThe measurement of the tilting angle As shown in the figure, the detector is tilted
by a certain angle which is about 45 degree.
  Draft   Fri Jun 28 14:06:28 2019 JanGeneralCAD of (p,g) setup     
  14   Tue Jun 25 21:19:50 2019 LaszloSimulationsMOCADI input parameters initial BEAM input parameters for MOCADI are
based on:
- https://web-docs.gsi.de/~weick/mocadi/download/esr-exl-test.in
  13   Tue Jun 11 10:13:56 2019 JanRunsprerun003 - MixedAlpha save point: lxg1275:/datalocal1/e127/predata/prerun004
~10min run
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