Fri Apr 15 12:53:25 2022, Max, Danyal, Laser, checked laser pulse energy after change in wavelength range
previous scan range:
the laser pulse energy @ 320.62 nm was ~11 mJ
Sun Apr 3 12:35:17 2022, Max, DAQ, Go 4 manual
How to start go4?:
- go to console
Sat Apr 2 18:28:47 2022, Markus/Bernd, Accelerator, SIS setting complete for fragments in ESR: 2022-04-02_18-09-10_SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2 # Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-02T18:09:36.402593+02:00[Europe/Berlin] # Context: SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1 # Columns: PARAMETERNAME,VALUE,UNIT,BEAMPROCESSPURPOSE
Sat Apr 2 16:10:22 2022, Markus, Bernd, Accelerator, SIS setting complete, U90+ mit Be target: 2022-04-02_16-04-00_SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1.txt
# Version: 1.2
# Comment: ParamModi Export at 2022-04-02T16:04:10.778077+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
# Context: SIS18_FAST_E142_20220325_110213.C1
Mon Apr 4 15:32:38 2022, Kristiand & Sebastian, DAQ, Go4 Backup Code
Due to some code changes (PMT over wavelength historgram) Kristian and I backuped a working Go4 code in the current go4 folder on the atplaser linux account.
It can be found in the subfolder "working go4 code 4.4.2020"
Mon Apr 11 10:31:07 2022, Kristian, Sebastian, Alexandre, Danyal, Paul, General, new laser wavelength scan range 322.41 - 322.00 nm
new wavelength scan range is 322.41 - 322.00 nm
at 10:31
Sat Apr 9 14:15:44 2022, Kristian, Max, Konstantin, DAQ, Change in LV code
We changed the LV code so that the Cobra Set Wavelength is permanently sent. Before it was only sent once at the beginning of each laser step. This, however,
lead to too much data for the LV->MBS server.
This was fixed by inserting a 250 ms wait in LV (in Krypton data VI). Basically, all LV values are now updated every 250 ms, which works fine with MBS |
Sun Apr 10 06:34:49 2022, Kristian, Max, DAQ, Wavemeter Readout
Problem solved. Ignore this entry
Sun Apr 10 08:53:26 2022, Kristian, Max, Laser, Timing verified
timing is still good.
we checked the relative timing between laser and ions. the time difference between photodiodes, PMTs and particle detectors is still the same as original |
Sun Apr 10 11:11:18 2022, Kristian, Max, Laser, additional WM readout
since the WM readout still does not work reliably, I started a python script at atppc023 that saves timestamp and wavemeter frequency. in folder wavemeter
at the desktop.
Sun Apr 10 13:17:53 2022, Kristian, Max, DAQ, Wavemeter readout
We changed the Labview code in order to reduce the amount of data that was overfilling the WM data queue. We removed the temperature and intensity values
and added an additional 250ms wait.
Sun Apr 10 06:39:16 2022, Kristian, Marek, Max, Runs, runs morning shift 10.04.
These are the measurement runs of the morning shift (10.04.).
Tue Apr 5 08:00:50 2022, Kristian & Sebastian, DAQ, MBS Channellist (so far)
MBS Channellist (time 5.4.2022)
0 Anode
Wed Mar 16 08:31:52 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Check cables and timing
Konstantin and I generated a signal in the Messhütte and sent it to the ESR.
There, we used a 44m BNC cable that was sufficently long to reach all detectors.
Our signal was connected instead of the PMT/PD. Hence, it was a roundtrip measurement.
Wed Mar 16 12:04:40 2022, Kristian, Detectors, HV cable to particle detector South
Checked HV cable to particle detector south. Label is HV2 Scraper.
Connected to Messplatz III HV5 |
Thu Mar 17 17:56:33 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV dividers
PTB HV dividers arrived. Divider ratios are:
PT120: 12003,341
Thu Mar 31 22:19:14 2022, Kristian, DAQ, How To Start MBS
(MBS server should be running at the LXG1297 machine. If not you will get an error message. Then start the server - last command in console)
Just enter the following commands in the console of any PC
Thu Mar 31 22:41:35 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV divider
We noticed a difference in the electron cooler high voltage:
The set voltage is ~205 kV, the Ohmlabs divider measures 207 kV and the PTB200 shows a value of ~212 kV. The latter is doing some crazy jumps of up to |
Fri Apr 1 01:57:12 2022, Kristian, DAQ, Timing
with bunched primary beam (bunching frequency 1.94070 MHz) we have strong PMT (mid) and particle detector signal. Time between both detectors was measured
(in 3.3ns bins)
Fri Apr 1 18:19:58 2022, Kristian, Calibration, HV divider
We checked the strange behavior of the HV dividers again. The Ohmlabs and the PTB divider are in good agreement at 120 kV and 150 kV. There, both dividers
deviated by 0.35% from the value on the HKR multimeter. Ohmlabs divider yields higher voltage.