E121 E127 E132 E125 E143 laser_cooling_2021 E142 Ê128 E146 E0052 E0018 E0028 E0038
  nuclear two-photon decay, Page 3 of 12  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thu Jul 1 21:35:15 2021, Shahab, DAQ, increase factor 4 in power for 410  
Entry  Fri May 7 18:08:35 2021, Kanika, Sergey, Yuri, Wolfram, Michael, Shahab, Runs, going back to the original energy 
Entry  Mon May 10 06:35:58 2021, Kanika, Alex, Shahab, Runs, going back to shot by shot recording with 410 detector 
Entry  Sat May 8 01:33:25 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, frequency list for 70Se setting freq-lines-70Se.JPGfrag-freq-list.xlsx
Entry  Fri Apr 23 13:47:55 2021, Jan Glorius, Collaboration, experiment proposal ESR_Two-Photon_proposal_final.pdf
Entry  Fri Jul 2 05:08:16 2021, Guy Leckenby (Canadian beaver team), Analysis, e143_analyser.py Summing Script e143_sum_ana.bashe143_comparison.C410MHz-07.01.22h-sum_20ms.png
Entry  Fri Jul 2 12:18:35 2021, Pavlos, Alexandre, Accelerator, e-cooling 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 01:39:51 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:10:03 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Fri Jul 2 03:19:49 2021, IK, KK, Runs, drop of intensity 
Entry  Wed Jun 30 15:21:44 2021, Shahab, Runs, data synch on WWW server 
Entry  Tue May 4 18:25:31 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, cutting of primary beam TE4-slits.JPGTE5-slits.JPG
Entry  Tue May 4 21:49:04 2021, Helmut Weick, Simulations, cut Brho by scrapers dispersion-oscillaction.JPG
Entry  Tue Jun 29 10:32:10 2021, Sergey, Helmut, Accelerator, cooler curves for tuning of isochronicity isoc_curves.JPGiso_curves_june_2021_1.xlsx
Entry  Sun May 9 18:50:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, changed to 70Se 
Entry  Tue Jun 29 20:13:58 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Yuri, Accelerator, change to predrilling an 72Ge 
Entry  Sun May 9 22:31:23 2021, Helmut, Wolfram, Yuri, Accelerator, change to 72Ge 
Entry  Sun May 9 01:49:25 2021, Helmut, Sergey, Yuri, Accelerator, change to 52Mn 
Entry  Fri May 7 18:43:13 2021, Kanika, Michael, Shahab, Runs, cave M experiment needs more spills rep.jpg
Entry  Fri May 7 22:00:36 2021, Chris, Accelerator, brief beam loss 
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