ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Text |
Thu May 6 21:45:30 2021 |
Helmut | Detectors | beam position on TE5 grids | The two grids do not work very well, one x
position is opposite to the other.
But at least a guidance for the future, this |
Sat May 8 16:08:58 2021 |
Helmut Weick | Accelerator | beam position of Kr before ESR | Checked beam positions in beamline before
they all look the same as before, with direct |
Wed Jun 30 01:38:20 2021 |
Shahab | Runs | beam is back from Linac but not in the ESR | |
Fri May 7 20:34:27 2021 |
Kanika, Michael, Shahab | Runs | back to 15 sec recording | now we are going back to 15 sec operation.
Cave M (bio) operation is over |
Thu Jul 1 14:47:15 2021 |
Yury, Helmut | Accelerator | added high Brho scrapers | So far only scrapers for low Brho were used:
GE01DS_HI = -58mm (arc from inside) and
GEEXDS2HA = -11.2 (straight from outside)
Mon May 10 01:34:37 2021 |
Chris C | General | Zoom screenshot | How things look currently in Zoom-world. |
Sat May 8 07:34:08 2021 |
Akash, Nic, Jelena, Zsolt | General | Zoom has its own mind | Zoom kicked us all out... we managed to get
back in...screen sharing is back on. |
Fri May 7 19:56:10 2021 |
Kanika, Michael, Shahab | Runs | ZOOM session restart | restart zoom session |
Sun May 9 06:15:09 2021 |
Iris, Chris G., Jacobus, Michele | Runs | Triplet: zoom in | Zoom into the triplet: the satellite peaks
on the right are clearly visible.
This is just one file but one *might* see |
Fri May 7 08:55:33 2021 |
Ragan, Andrew, Yuri | General | Trigger changed | Trigger for both the spectrum analyzers is
changed from 50% to 1% by Yuri.
For this, the ESR pattern was stopped at |
Fri May 7 07:52:12 2021 |
Ragan, Andrew | General | To change trigger position | Xiangcheng suggested to change the trigger
position in order to start the file with
the injection. Nothing is changed at the |
Thu May 6 14:30:23 2021 |
W. Korten | General | Target thickness | Thickness of the Carbon target in the TE line
has been measured by centering the primary
78Kr beam in the ESR:
Thu May 6 13:26:56 2021 |
Helmut Weick | Detectors | TE5 profile grids do not work | There are several issues.
1. The stepper motor drive does not react |
Sat Jul 3 01:28:08 2021 |
The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy and Iris) | Analysis | Summed spectra 410 MHz from 21:00-23:59 (70Se) | Here's a picture with all injections with
an ion in the spectrum (empty ones were removed-
list below). The time slices are 0-0.5-1-1.5-2s, |
Sat Jul 3 03:41:48 2021 |
The remote Canadian eager beavers (Guy & Iris) | Analysis | Summed Spectra Summary | To summarise the method of bulk summing the
spectra, I've created frequency vs time spectra
by using the script to stack |
Fri Jul 2 06:33:48 2021 |
The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy) | Analysis | Summary of spectra 4:00-6:00 (410 MHz) | Same as before for 4-5h and 5-6h.
No isomer, I think :-( (Sorry, Wolfram!)
Fri Jul 2 01:34:03 2021 |
The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy) | Analysis | Summary of spectra 22:00-23:00 | The last hour before the gas bottle change
is summarized here.
The first pic shows the 410 MHz spectra taken |
Fri Jul 2 06:52:11 2021 |
The remote Canadian eager beavers (Iris and Guy) | Analysis | Summary of spectra 0:00-6:00 (410 MHz) | Same as before but for 0-6h, 25ms time slices
starting at 1.04s.
Fri Jul 2 04:27:38 2021 |
The remote Canadian beavers (Iris and Guy) | Analysis | Summary of spectra 0:00-4:00 (410 MHz) | Same as before for 0-4h on July 2nd.
> Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd
Fri Jul 2 02:03:36 2021 |
The remote Canadian beavers (Iris, Guy) | Analysis | Summary of spectra 0:00-1:00 | Same as before, for 0-1h on July 2nd