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ID Date Authordown Category Subject Text Attachments
  186   Thu Jul 1 23:46:17 2021 IrisGeneralLess beam after gas bottle change?Looks like there is a bit less beam now in
the ring. I just looked at one spectra from
before the gas bottle change and after...
  187   Thu Jul 1 23:54:43 2021 IrisGeneralLess beam after gas bottle change?No, everything okay! Must have had a very
good earlier run to compare.
  188   Fri Jul 2 00:08:22 2021 IK, KanikaDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  197   Fri Jul 2 04:58:39 2021 IK, KanikaDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  184   Thu Jul 1 23:07:47 2021 IK, KKRunssource
The change of the source happens now
  185   Thu Jul 1 23:38:55 2021 IK, KKRunsChange of gas bottleThe gas bottle has been changed and the beam
is back.
  191   Fri Jul 2 01:39:51 2021 IK, KKRunsdrop of intensity
We see a drop in beam intensity from 7E9
to 2E8 between 01:30 and 01:43
  192   Fri Jul 2 01:43:56 2021 IK, KKDAQNTCAP statusThe latest recorded tdms files:
  194   Fri Jul 2 03:10:03 2021 IK, KKRunsdrop of intensityWe see that intensity stabalized at 9E8 which
is smaller then before. 
We neticed this at 2:50, keep observing.
  195   Fri Jul 2 03:19:49 2021 IK, KKRunsdrop of intensity
And the intensity is back again to 5E9 at
  205   Fri Jul 2 11:44:25 2021 Helmut, YuriAcceleratormove scrapers to see effect on unknown linesWe close the arc inside and straight section
inside scrapers to narrow and cut the 70Se
  110   Sun May 9 18:50:23 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratorchanged to 70Se18:45  changed SIS, ESR setting for 70Se without
predrilling blind change.
E-SIS =  446.55 MeV/u, is centerd as before
  114   Sun May 9 21:29:26 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratortarget TE3UF shiftWe see a very strong line at the left end
of spectrum, stronger than all other lines.
When we shift the target TE3UF_H from -35mm
  115   Sun May 9 22:31:23 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratorchange to 72Gewe change back to 72Ge
just change SIS-energy       E = 441.0 MeV/u
beamline energy after target E = 392.9 MeV/u
  116   Sun May 9 23:24:49 2021 Helmut, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratorscraper optmisation for 72GeWe tried the scrapers a bit, because right
of peak some background appeared.
  86   Sun May 9 01:49:25 2021 Helmut, Sergey, YuriAcceleratorchange to 52Mn
It was done in steps:
isochronous 52Mn should come at Brho = 6.28239
  138   Tue Jun 29 20:13:58 2021 Helmut, Sergey, YuriAcceleratorchange to predrilling an 72GeAfter optimisation of sextupoles we found
a scraper position which makes a narrow peak
and keeps 20% of the injected beam.
  80   Sat May 8 21:08:13 2021 Helmut, Sergey, Shahab, Wolfram, YuriAcceleratoroptimisation of sextuplesThe optimisation of sextuples is finished.
Record a few files.
  85   Sun May 9 01:19:47 2021 Helmut, SergeyAcceleratorscraper optmisation for 72GeTo improve the isochronicity still in the
72Ge setting sextupoles and scrapers wer
varies successfully.
  2   Wed Apr 28 09:36:39 2021 Helmut WeickSimulationsLISE file for fragments from TE3UF into ESRUncooled beam on target at TE3UF with dispersion
and slit in TE beamlne and realistic injection
into ESR.
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