ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Fri Jun 28 10:05:05 2019 |
Jan | DAQ | running DRASI for (p,g) |
We now have a drasi DAQ running for our (p,g) experiments.
The RIO we have it installed right now is: r4l-58
It shall be used with the user <litv-exp>
The DAQ-controle shall be done from lxg1275 inside a SCREEN SESSION named "daq"
tab 0 >> drasi
tab 1 >> logger
tab 2 >> rate
tab 3 >> stream server
tab 4 >> file writing (optional)
To check and control running daq:
login on lxg1275
> ssh litv-exp@lxg1275
enter screen session
> screen -x daq
go to tab 0
> ctrl-a 0
should be quite, no errors showing, no terminal outputs
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./ (for det. triggered daq)
> ./ (for internal pulser trigger)
> ctrl-c (for killing daq)
go to tab 1
> ctrl-a 1
should be quite, no errors showing, no terminal outputs
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./
go to tab 2
> ctrl-a 2
rates should update each second
"incr" should be event rate per sec
"send" column should be reasonable value if data is written
full restart proceedure
> ssh r4l-58
> cd esrdaq_2018/r4l-58
> ./
go to tab 3
> ctrl-a 3
empty stream should be running
number of processed events should keep increasing
you should see the number of clients connected
full restart proceedure (on lxg1275)
> empty stream://r4l-58 --server=stream:6002
can be done by litv-exp from any lgx-machine
> e127_unpack --stream=lxg1275 --ntuple=RAW,/data.local1/e127/pre_data/file.root
> e127_unpack --stream=lxg1275 --output=/data.local1/e127/pre_data/test.lmd
COMMENT: better use a transport server for reliable data writing: |
Fri Jun 28 10:07:01 2019 |
Jan | DAQ | ucesb: transport & stream servers |
> for writing lmd files
the transport servers provided by ucesb are made for reliable data writing. This means the will not miss any
data processed by the daq, but the data taking of the daq will be limited by the writing speed.
> for online/quick check
the stream is able to neglect events which the client cannot process fast enough. So events/data will be missing
if writing is slower than data taking. This is good for online monitors etc. |
Fri Jun 28 10:39:06 2019 |
Jan | DAQ | vulom config and readout |
with the DRASI environment one can interact with the vulom |
Tue Oct 29 10:40:57 2019 |
Jan | SlowControl | Caen HV DT1419ET Downloads |
Attached are all downloads available for the DT1419ET from CAEN on 29.10.19. |
Attachment 1:
Attachment 2: Linux_driver_NDT14XX_N14XXET_N568E_Read_me.txt
--- CAEN SpA - Computing Systems Division ---
CAEN DT55xxE - DT/R/N14xxET - NDT14xx - N1570 - N568E Linux 32/64bit USB Linux Driver Information
System Required
- Linux OS
- CAEN USB Card:
- NIM High Voltage Power Supplies:
> N1419ET - 4 Channel 500 V/200 µA NIM HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> N1470ET - 4 Channel 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) NIM HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> N1471ET - 4 Channel 5.5 kV/300 µA NIM HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> N1471HET - 4 Channel 5.5 kV/20 µA NIM HV Power Supply High Accuracy Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> N1570 - 2 Channel 15 kV/1 mA (10 W) NIM HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
- NIM/Desktop High Voltage Power Supplies:
> NDT1419 - 4 Channel 500 V/200 µA NIM/Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> NDT1470 - 4 Channel 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) NIM/Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> NDT1471 - 4 Channel 5.5 kV/300 µA NIM/Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> NDT1471H - 4 Channel 5.5 kV/20 µA NIM/Desktop HV Power Supply High Accuracy Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
- Rack-mount High Voltage Power Supplies
> R1419ET - 8/4 Ch Reversible 500 V/200 µA 19'' HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> R1470ET - 8/4 Ch Reversible 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) Desktop 19'' Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> R1471ET - 8/4 Ch Reversible 5.5 kV/300 µA Desktop 19'' Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> R1471HET - 8/4 Ch Reversible 5.5 kV/20 µA 19'' HV Power Supply High Accuracy Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
- Desktop High Voltage Power Supplies
> DT1419ET - 4 Ch Reversible 500 V/200 µA Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> DT1470ET - 4 Ch Reversible 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> DT1471ET - 4 Ch Reversible 5.5 kV/300 µA Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> DT1471HET - 4 Ch Reversible 5.5 kV/20 µA Desktop HV Power Supply High Accuracy Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen)
> DT5519E - 4 Channel 500 V/3 mA Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet)
> DT5521E - 4 Channel 6 kV/300 µA Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet)
> DT5521HE - 4 Channel 6 kV/20 µA Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet)
> DT5533E - 4 Channel 4 kV/3 mA (4 W) Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet)
> DT5534E - 4 Channel 6 kV/1 mA (4 W) Desktop HV Power Supply Module (USB/Ethernet)
- NIM Spectroscopy Amplifiers
> N568E/N568ELC 16 Channel Programmable Spectroscopy Amplifier
CAEN Modules listed above are conform to USB Communication Device Class Abstract Control Model
(= USB CDC ACM) that is supported by Linux kernel since version 2.6.x
If recognized by Linux OS, CAEN Module is assigned to serial port with name /dev/ttyACM[x], where [x] is device number;
for example 1st module connected is /dev/ttyACM0, 2nd module is /dev/ttyACM1 etc. See more details with the dmesg command.
In some Linux distributions the module is not recognized and it has to be added manually with the command:
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x21e1 product= [id]
The product id can be found running the command dmesg after connecting the module.
Once added the module, to get the serial port name (e.g. ttyUSB0), use dmesg command.
How to get support
For software support
- visit the page
- or send mail to:
Attachment 3: R14xx_rev10.pdf
Attachment 4: HV_Wrapper_REV16.pdf
Attachment 5: CAENHVWrapper-5.82(1).tar.gz
Attachment 6: CAENHVWrapperSetup-5.82(1).exe
Attachment 7: UM2463_GECO2020_REV10.pdf
Attachment 8:
Attachment 9: CAENGECO2020-1.9.1-build20190708.tgz
Attachment 10: PSM_LVDRIVERS_rev0.pdf
Attachment 11:
Attachment 12:
Attachment 13: CAENNDT_ioc-1.0(1).tar.gz
Attachment 14: DT1419ET.105
... 19656 more lines ...
Tue Oct 29 16:50:12 2019 |
Jan | SlowControl | RasPi backups |
Using this commands i made an image of an sd card of the epics_pi_v0:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip > /home/litv-exp/slow_control/sd_card_backups/epics_pi_v0.gz
To make clones of the sd card use the command:
sudo gzip -dc /home/litv-exp/slow_control/sd_card_backups/epics_pi_v0.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/mmcblk0
This was done on astrum1 laptop (ATPNBG004). |
Mon Nov 4 09:14:10 2019 |
Jan | DAQ | changing VME hardware of the DAQ (drasi) |
Here is a brief description of how to change the VME hardware of an exisiting DAQ system to a new configuration.
Our DAQ folders are located in /lynx/Lynx/esr/usr/litv-exp/
The current DAQ running on a specific rio4 is always located in a subfolder named as the hostname of the rio4, e.g. r4l-58.
If you want to change the DAQ on this rio you have to change the config in this folder. Be aware, that the folder name HAS TO BE THE HOSTNAME, no exeptions are allowed! Because of this the r4l-XX folders are usually softlinks to further folders, that contain different versions of the DAQ.
In practice this means:
1. copy the current folder (e.g. r4l-58_dev) to a new one (e.g. r4l-58_new) and make sure that the link (r4l-58) is set to your new folder (ln -s /../r4l-58_new /../r4l-58)
2. change the hardware of your VME crate and check all VME addresses
3. edit main.cfg in your new DAQ folder, see the example attached here
- always have a BARRIER between the modules
- make sure you get the VME addresses right (MesyTec, CAEN board specialties)
- the order of the modules in this file from top to bottom is important for the next step!
4. edit your script and all connected scripts and config-files (, vulom.trlo..., a dedicated entry for vulom-configuration will follow)
- check if DAQ in running, when triggers are provided
5. set up a new unpacker
-go to the unpacker directory /u/litv-exp/unpacker/unpackexps/ and copy the old unpacker to a new directory:
-> cp -r old_up new_up
-rename the main .spec file:
-> cd new_up
-> mv old_up.spec new_up.spec
-open the Makefile with editor, search and replace "old_up" by "new_up", try compiling:
-> make clean
-> make -j
6. configure the data structure of the unpacker
-make sure you have all the module spec-files that you need included in "new_up.spec", check nurdlib or Hans Törnqvist/Basti Löher in case you do not have it
-edit the "main_user_esr.spec" to include all your modules (see example attached)
-the (geom=0x1) field of each module has to be numbered according to the module order in the main.cfg above, starting from 0x1, some modules require additional things (crate=0)
-edit the "det_mapping.hh" to assign names and types for each channel (example attached)
-recompile and check upacker with running data stream from the daq:
-> make -j
-> ./new_up --stream=r4l-58 --debug (will print only error events) |
Attachment 1: main.cfg
GSI_VULOM(0x05000000) {
trlo2_master = true
MESYTEC_MADC32(0x00500000) {
# nim_busy = gate0
# range = 10 V
# resolution=8
# hires=true
CAEN_V775 (0x00A00000) {
common_start = false
time_range = 1200 ns
suppress_invalid = true
suppress_over_range = true
CAEN_V830 (0x00E00000) {
resolution = 32
MESYTEC_MDPP16SCP (0x00200000) {
auto_pedestals = false
# index 0: ADC resolution -> 0: 16 bit ... 4: 12 bit
# index 1: TDC resolution -> 0: 24 ps ... 5: 781 ps
resolution = (0, 0)
blt_mode = noblt
# true = first single hit.
# false = all hits within window.
only_first_hit = false
# Monitor settings (outputs are NIM2 and NIM3)
# Switch monitor on(1) or off(0)
monitor_on = 1
# Select monitor channel [0..15]
monitor_channel = 0
# Select monitor waveform
# 0: preamp + trigger out
# 1: energy shaped signal + timing filter signal
# 2: energy shaped signal x 32 + reconstructed baseline
# 3: baseline restored signal + timing filter signal
monitor_wave = 0
# NIM input options
# NIM 0: 0 = Off, 1 = Cbus, 4 = Busy out (full), 8 = data thr, 9 = event thr
# NIM 1: always trigger output
# NIM 2: 0 = Off, 1 = Trigger 1 In, 2 = Reset In
# NIM 3: 0,1 = Off, 2 = Sync In (need to set ts_source to external)
# NIM 4: 0 = Off, 1 = Trigger 0 In
nim = (1 {5})
# ECL input options
# ECL 0: 0 = Off, 4 = Busy Out, 8 = data threshold, 9 = event threshold
# ECL 1: 0 = Off, 1 = Reset In
# + 0 = Terminated, + 16 = Unterminated
# ECL 2: 0 = Off, 1 = Sync In, 2 = Trigger 1 In
# + 0 = Terminated, + 16 = Unterminated
# ECL 3: 0 = Off, 1 = Trigger 0 In
# + 0 = Terminated, + 16 = Unterminated
ecl = (0 {4})
# Window ranges:
# time_after_trigger: [-25.56 us .. +25.56 us]
# width: [0 .. 25.56 us]
time_after_trigger = -25ns
width = 1us
Attachment 2: main_user_esr.spec
/////// *********
// created by Christoph Langer
// on 05/11/2016
////// *********
esr = LAND_STD_VME();
select several
madc[0] = VME_MESY_MADC32(geom=0x1);
madc[1] = VME_MESY_MADC32(geom=0x2);
tdc[0] = VME_CAEN_V775(geom=0x3, crate=0);
tdc[1] = VME_CAEN_V775(geom=0x4, crate=0);
scaler[0] = VME_CAEN_V830(geom=0x5);
scaler[1] = VME_CAEN_V830(geom=0x6);
// mdpp[0] = VME_MESYTEC_MDPP16(geom=0x4);
tpatword = TRIDI_TPAT_WORD();
tridiscaler = TRLOII_LMU_SCALERS(id = 0xc7);
Attachment 3: det_mapping.hh
SIGNAL( ADC_1, esr.madc[0].data[0],
ADC_32, esr.madc[0].data[31], DATA32);
SIGNAL( ADC_33, esr.madc[1].data[0],
ADC_64, esr.madc[1].data[31], DATA32);
SIGNAL( TDC_1, esr.tdc[0].data[0],
TDC_32, esr.tdc[0].data[31], DATA12);
SIGNAL( TDC_33, esr.tdc[1].data[0],
TDC_64, esr.tdc[1].data[31], DATA12);
SIGNAL( SC_1, esr.scaler[0].data[0],
SC_32, esr.scaler[0].data[31],DATA32);
SIGNAL( SC_33, esr.scaler[1].data[0],
SC_64, esr.scaler[1].data[31],DATA32);
//SIGNAL(MDPP_E1, esr.mdpp[0].data[0],
// MDPP_E16, esr.mdpp[0].data[15],DATA16_OVERFLOW);
//SIGNAL(MDPP_T1, esr.mdpp[0].data[16],
// MDPP_T16, esr.mdpp[0].data[31],DATA16_OVERFLOW);
//SIGNAL(MDPP_TRIG_1, esr.mdpp[0].data[32],
// MDPP_TRIG_2, esr.mdpp[0].data[33],DATA16_OVERFLOW);
Mon Nov 11 15:13:35 2019 |
Jan | Electronics | PicoScope via VNC |
The PicoScope is currently connected by USB to the astrum1 laptop (, IP:
The PicoScope Software is installed and can be run on this machine.
A VNC server can be used to allow remote usage of the PicoScope.
Start a VNC server:
> ssh
> vncserver :1
> exit
Access the VNC server by a local VNCviewer (tigerVNC):
> vncviewer |
Wed Jun 17 16:16:50 2020 |
Jan | Electronics | NDT6800 - CAEN det. emulator |
The control software (win10) ist linked here: |
Attachment 1: UM3074_DigitalDetectorEmulator_rev3.pdf
Attachment 2: DDE_Firmware_Upgrade_Addendum.pdf
Attachment 3: DT5800D_MAJOR_FROM_1.8_TO_2_3.NIU
Attachment 4: DT5800D_2_5.NIU
Tue Oct 27 16:05:45 2020 |
Jan | DAQ | vulom4ctrl usage |
To use the ctrl binary for the vulom4 you need to find the binary in you trloii directory on the RIO4.
For 2020/21 E127 this is at
An example for this DAQ is:
trlo_ctrl --addr=5 --mux-src-scalers (this shows the scaler rates for all vulom I/O)
The complete usage:
--addr=HEX Module address (HEX=dummy for dummy).
--clear-setup Set all setup to 0 (muxes to wired 0).
--print-config[=debug] Show configuration.
--trig-status[=n] Print trigger status. (every n s.)
Dump all MUX source scalers, or per requested NAMEs.
Show currently active pattern (ptn, : or *).
Difference or (rate). Every n s (default 1).
Limit to #i displays. Reset scalers.
--config=FILE Load command file (to memory only).
--call=SECTION Execute SECTION from loaded configuration.
--cmd="EXPR" Execute EXPR as an command.
--show[=setup,dest,src] Show available setup parameters, etc.
--tracer[=single] Soft-scope for TRIG LMU inputs.
Multi-hit timer-latch (stop with Ctrl+C).
--rec-mlatch=A,B,[diff] Multi-hit timer-latch #A,#B,... record to stdout.
--serial-stamp-rate Test serial receiver rate. (Avoid with running DAQ).
--debug[=N] Debugging of tracer and sampler.
--addrtest Run VME test; address readback.
--ramtest Run VME test; RAM block write/read.
--rawread:ADDROFF Read from VULOM at given VME offset.
--rawwrite:ADDROFF=VALUE Write to VULOM at given VME offset. |
Fri Dec 11 10:44:45 2020 |
Jan | misc | screen config and specialties |
A brief summary of handy features of screen useful, e.g., for daq operation.
1. invoke screen with a prepared config file
This will automatically set up a prepared environmentscreen -S session-name -c config_file an example config_file is attached: ".screen_e127"
it includes key-bindings, several prepared tabs and a bunch of commands for each tab and was used in 2020 for e127 experiment.
2. send external commands into a specific tab of a specific screen sessionscreen -S e127 -p 0 -X stuff "^C"
screen -S e127 -p 0 -X stuff "sleep 2;./^M"
screen -S e127 -p 4 -X stuff "sleep 10; empty stream://r4l-58 --server=stream:6002^M" With this the remote control of screen by a GUI or so is possible.
This injects ctrl-c:stuff "^C"
And each command has to submitted with the concluding <RETURN>: stuff "top^M"
3. enable passwordless ssh inside a screen
When you invoke screen as a child of ssh-agent and you have encrypted ssh-keys set, you need to type the passphrase only once before opening the screen. Any internal ssh then won't need password. exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent xterm -g 100x20 -e "ssh-add; screen -S session-name -c config_file" & Here you start an xterm that will be killed as soon as the screen terminates. Only inside this xterm your ssh-agent has the keys. ssh-add will only find keys in default location ~/.ssh/ but you could also specify a certain key. |
Attachment 1: .screen_e127
# this is a nice caption including tab names
caption always "%{= kw}%-w%{= gW}%n %t%{-}%+w %-= storage rings rule! - %Y-%m-%d %C:%s"
# don't display the copyright page
startup_message off
# autodetach session on hangup instead of terminating screen
autodetach on
# increase scrollback buffer size
defscrollback 10000
# navigating regions with Ctrl-arrows
bindkey "^[[1;5D" focus left
bindkey "^[[1;5C" focus right
bindkey "^[[1;5A" focus up
bindkey "^[[1;5B" focus down
# switch windows with F3 (prev) and F4 (next)
bindkey "^[OR" prev
bindkey "^[OS" next
# create windows
chdir /lynx/Lynx/esr/usr/litv-exp
screen -t DRASI #0
screen -t LOG #1
screen -t RATE #2
screen -t TRLO #3
chdir $E127_DATADIR
screen -t STREAM #4
screen -t FILE #5
chdir /u/litv-exp/e127/UDP/build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_4.9.2_debug
screen -t UDP #6
screen -t udp #7
screen -t sync #8
# start logger
select 1
stuff "ssh r4l-58^M"
stuff "cd 2020_e127/r4l-58/^M"
stuff "./^M"
# start daq rate monitor
select 2
stuff "ssh r4l-58^M"
stuff "cd 2020_e127/r4l-58/^M"
stuff "./^M"
stuff "^M"
# start drasi
select 0
stuff "ssh r4l-58^M"
stuff "cd 2020_e127/r4l-58/^M"
stuff "sleep 1; ./^M"
# start trlo edit
select 3
stuff "ssh r4l-58^M"
stuff "cd 2020_e127/r4l-58/^M"
# start stream server
select 4
stuff "sleep 10; empty stream://r4l-58:6002 --server=stream:6002^M"
select 5
#stuff "sleep 5; empty trans://r4l-58:6000 --server=trans:6000^M"
# start UDP repeater
select 6
stuff "./udp_repeater^M"
# start UDP reader
select 7
stuff "E127_rates^M"
select 8
stuff "ssh lxg0188^M"
stuff "cd /data.local2/E127_lmd^M"
select 2
Wed Jan 27 15:57:26 2021 |
Jan | misc | Ausleih-Liste |
item | date out | person | return date | comment
HiPace80 + Controller (CRYRING) | 27.01.2021 | M.Lestinsky | |
UHV Angle Valve DN100 (CRYRING) | 27.01.2021 | M.Lestinsky | |
NexTorr Controller (NucAR lab) | 27.01.2021 | M.Lestinsky | |
Agilent Starcell Controller (CRYRING) | 27.01.2021 | UHV/H.Rittelmayer | 03.01.2021 | back at CRYRING location
Fri Feb 5 14:58:21 2021 |
Jan | DAQ | UDP rates |
short summary of how to adapt the UDP reader source code.
With the current code only one daq node can be read/printed at a time.
Use different implementations of udp_reader to get access to the LMU_SCALERS from different daq nodes.
Only one generic instance of udp_repeater is needed for this.
In udp_reader.c there are the following important parameters:
- DAQ_node alias for ip-addresses [around line 65]:#define R4L_58 ADDR(10, 99, 2, 39) add new alias for new daq node
- names of channels:c_lmu_label[] this is a list for all 16 ECL_INs (left column) and 16 TPATs (right column)
- layout of terminal output:draw_header() show_lmu() show_lmu_line() |
Tue Apr 27 14:57:58 2021 |
Jan | SlowControl | ser2net |
ser2net can be used to forward /dev/ttyUSBx or /dev/ttySx to a tcp port.
One can then use telnet for connecting.
The config has to be done in /etc/ser2net.conf
This is an example:
3333:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB1:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT
Here ttyUSB1 with the named options is forwarded to telnet port 3333 on the local machine.
You then need to start "/sbin/ser2net"
You can stop it by "sudo service ser2net stop"
This is realized on atpnuc006 now. |
Mon Jul 26 12:53:29 2021 |
Jan | DAQ | How to flash a vulom |
The vulom can be flashed via VME-bus from the RIO by using the binaries located here:
There are subdirectories for several platforms, like
RIO4_Linux_2.6.33 (this is for our linux-RIOs)
IFC will follow soon...
The binaries needed for flashing are the following:
eraseflash <add> <slot>
progflash <add> <slot> <bitfile>
veriflash <add> <slot> <bitfile>
restart <add> <slot>
When invoked in the above order, things should work.
For 2.6.33 there are ALIASes:
The bitfiles for vulom4b are located here:
/nfs/groups/daq/usr/kurz/gsi_vme/flash/vulom/bitfiles/ |
Thu Jan 26 16:34:43 2023 |
Jan | Detectors | DSSD W1 3305-09 - UI diagram |
Attached is the UI diagram of the new double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD). [Micron W1, ID: 3305-9]
It was taken during the internship of Emily Voigt and Rebanna Klawitter.
- DSSD in dark test chamber
- under atmosphere pressure
- no alpha source or similar
The current is roughly linear with voltage up to values of about 110-120V. After this point the current increases more slowly, kind of a plateau.
The comparison to an older measurement [] with another, identical DSSD is not fully understood. No plateau seems to reached in the range up to 150V. The currents are also significanlty higher.
Save operation is possible up to 100V.
Voltages above 100V should only be used in case of ion damage and related performance losses. |
Attachment 1: Si_U_I_curve.txt
Attachment 2: Praktikum_U_I.pdf
Attachment 3:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jan 26 14:36:33 2023
@author: macbook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'bmh')
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 5)
Datei = open('Si_U_I_curve.txt')
inhalt =
zeilen = inhalt.split('\n')
tabelle = []
for zeile in range(len(zeilen)):
spalten = zeilen[zeile].split(';')
tabelle[zeile][0:] = [float(zahl) for zahl in tabelle [zeile][0:]]
y1 = [zeile[1]/1000 for zeile in tabelle]
y2 = [zeile[2]/1000 for zeile in tabelle]
y_alt = [0.11, 0.13, 0.15, 0.17, 0.19, 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.25, 0.27, 0.29, 0.31, 0.33, 0.35, 0.37]
x = [zeile[0] for zeile in tabelle]
plt.plot(x,y1, label='26.01.2023, 3305-9')
plt.plot(x,y2, label = "26.01.2023, 3305-9" )
plt.plot(x,y_alt, label = "28.04.2021, 3305-11")
plt.xlabel("U [V]")
plt.ylabel("I [$\mu$ A]")
plt.legend(loc= "upper left")
plt.savefig('Praktikum_U_I.pdf', dpi=500)
Attachment 4: W1_3305-9_U_I_diagram.txt
U[V] I[nA] I[nA]
10 63.5 64.0
20 74.5 75.0
30 81.0 82.0
40 85.0 88.0
50 93.5 94.0
60 103.0 103.5
70 111.5 112.0
80 120.0 120.5
90 128.0 128.0
100 135.5 135.5
110 141.5 141.5
120 146.0 146.0
130 149.0 148.5
140 151.0 151.0
150 153.5 153.5
Attachment 5: UI_diagram_W1_3305-9_2022.png
Fri Jan 27 09:24:35 2023 |
Jan Glorius, Rebanna Klawitter, Emily Voigt | Detectors | DSSD-Alpha-Quellen-Messung |
Detektor: Micron DSSD W1 ID: 3305-9
Start: 26.01.2023, 15.20
Stopp: 27.01.2023, 09.16
triple Alpha-Quelle
U_si = -100V
Daten: Lxg1275:/data.local2/2023_dssd_test/messung001.lmd |
Fri Jan 27 10:18:16 2023 |
Jan Glorius, Rebanna Klawitter, Emily Voigt | Detectors | DSSD-Performance-Test |
Detector: W1 3305-09
- on vacuum (p=5e-5mbar)
- dark chamber
- triple alpha source
Daten: Lxg1275:/data.local2/2023_dssd_test/messung001.lmd
The resolution (sigma) is consistently below 0.5% for all strips.
dE/E = sigma/mean (root analysis)
strip dE/E
y1 0.0040
y2 0.0043
y3 0.0037
y4 0.0034
y5 0.0037
y6 0.0035
y7 0.0044
y8 0.0034
y9 0.0037
y10 0.0035
y11 0.0037
y12 0.0033
y13 0.0038
y14 0.0036
y15 0.0046
y16 0.0035
x1 0.0050
x2 0.0041
x3 0.0042
x4 0.0045
x5 0.0042
x6 0.0036
x7 0.0041
x8 0.0041
x9 0.0039
x10 0.0040
x11 0.0038
x12 0.0035
x13 0.0043
x14 0.0038
x15 0.0044
x16 0.0036 |
Attachment 1: alphaE1.pdf
Attachment 2: alphaE2.pdf
Attachment 3: alphaE_x_vs_Y.pdf
Attachment 4: alphaE_x_vs_Y_lin.pdf
Attachment 5: alphaE_x_vs_Y_log.pdf
Attachment 6: alphaE_x_vs_Y_log_full.pdf
Fri Jan 27 13:40:36 2023 |
Jan | Detectors | DSSD W1 3305-11 - UI diagram |
Attached is the UI diagram of the new double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD). [Micron W1, ID: 3305-11]
- DSSD in dark test chamber
- under atmosphere pressure
- no alpha source or similar
The current plateau extends up to about 80V. Beyond this point the current increases more rapidly with voltage.
Operation between 70-80V is optimal.
Depletion voltage is 40V according to Micron. |
Attachment 1: W1_3305-11_U_I_diagram.txt
U[V] I[nA] I[nA]
5 58 58
10 66 66
20 75 76
30 82 82
40 89 91
50 101 103
60 113 113
70 128 125
80 162 140
90 243 207
100 382 335
110 555 502
120 750 683
130 955 885
Attachment 2: UI_diagram_W1_3305-11_2022.png
Tue Apr 18 10:52:37 2023 |
Jan | Electronics | Manual Collection - VME Modules |
Attachment 1: CAEN_V775.pdf
Attachment 2: CAEN_V785.pdf
Attachment 3: CAEN_V820V830.pdf
Attachment 4: MesyTec_MVLC.pdf
Attachment 5: MesyTec_MDPP-16_QDC.pdf
Attachment 6: MesyTec_MDPP-16_SCP-RCP.pdf
Attachment 7: MesyTec_MTDC-32.pdf
Attachment 8: MesyTec_MADC-32.pdf
Tue Apr 18 10:58:26 2023 |
Jan | Electronics | Manual Collection - NIM & others |
Attachment 1: MesyTec_MSCF16-F-V.pdf
Attachment 2: MesyTec_MHV-4.pdf
Attachment 3: MesyTec_MPR-1.pdf
Attachment 4: MesyTec_MPR-16-L.pdf
Attachment 5: MesyTec_MSI-8.pdf
Attachment 6: MesyTec_MHL-32.pdf
Attachment 7: CAEN_R1419_rev19.pdf
Attachment 8: CAEN_NDT6800_rev3-1.pdf
Attachment 9: PicoScope3000DSeriesUsersGuideEN.pdf
Attachment 10: PICOSCOPE_4000.en-7.pdf